A View from Afar: Selwyn Manning and Paul Buchanan will present this week’s podcast, A View from Afar, LIVE at midday Thursday and will...

Selwyn Manning and Paul Buchanan present this week’s podcast, A View from Afar, where they analyse: Revelations that the People's Republic of China has further developed missile silos in its north-west desert. How does this fit with proliferation of nuclear silos in the west? How do great powers enforce their nuclear deterrence dogma and strategy in 2021 compared to when the first Cold War was chilling the world's expectations of longevity?

Selwyn Manning and Paul Buchanan present this week’s podcast, A View from Afar, where they analyse: How United States President Joe Biden has confirmed that US troops will be withdrawn from Afghanistan before the 20th anniversary of the 9-11 attacks. A View from Afar: Selwyn Manning and Paul Buchanan present this week’s podcast, A View from Afar, where they analyse: How United States President...

A View from Afar: Selwyn Manning and Paul Buchanan present this week’s podcast, A View from Afar, where they analyse how leaders of the G7, NATO and EU juxtapositioned behind the United States to form a consensus-pact immediately prior to the Biden-Putin Summit.

Selwyn Manning and Paul Buchanan present this week’s podcast, A View from Afar, where they analyse New Zealand's national security strategy. How does NZ best position itself as a progressive independent Pacific Island state? Also, Peru voters go left. What does this mean for Peru, and neoliberalism, as Peru faces a pandemic where Covid-19 has raged causing the highest recorded death rates in the world. A View from Afar: Selwyn Manning and Paul Buchanan present this week’s podcast, A View from Afar, where they will analyse New Zealand's national security...

A View from Afar: Selwyn Manning and Paul Buchanan present this week’s podcast, where they analyse the Australia-China-New Zealand relationship. Has this reached a tipping-point? Also, Israel. How stable will this cobbled together coalition of anti-Netanyahu parties be? A View from Afar: Selwyn Manning and Paul Buchanan present this week’s podcast, where they analyse the Australia-China-New Zealand relationship. Has this reached a tipping-point?...

A View from Afar: In this week’s podcast Selwyn Manning and Paul Buchanan discuss: The latest information on the Israel/Palestine conflict and consider; is the ceasefire likely to hold? What are the underlying causes of the most recent hostilities?

Live Postponed - New Time-Date To Be Announced A View from Afar: In this week’s podcast Selwyn Manning and Paul Buchanan discuss: The latest information on the...

Evening Report. The MIL Network's podcast A View from Afar was Nominated as a Top  Defence Security Podcast by Threat.Technology - a London-based cyber security...

Selwyn Manning and Paul Buchanan debate: How recently New Zealand Government confirmed its intention to be defined as an independent Pacific Island state, where its foreign policy should be considered against the collective values that its peoples share, and its diplomacy (if you consider human rights issues) will now be expressed multilaterally with likeminded countries. But how does this work in practice?

This week, New Zealand's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nanaia Mahuta, anchored New Zealand within the Asia Pacific region as an independent Pacific Island state, with independence being the foundation of how it will engage with the outside world, and with multilateralism being the thread that knits this foreign policy together. How is this rekindled statement of independence being received by global and regional powers?

In this week’s podcast Selwyn Manning and Paul Buchanan debate: Why regional powers including Russia, Israel, Iran are willing to provoke flash-points that risk triggering a wider war. Why are these states risking regional conflict that could trigger a wider global war? A View from Afar: Midday Thursday (NZST, Wednesday 7pm US EDST) – Join this LIVE recording of this week's podcast where Selwyn Manning and Paul...

Selwyn Manning and Paul Buchanan debate: how in the last two weeks, China and the United States have been advancing distinct and separate defence alliances – positioning that is akin to the old Cold War. So what makes the last two weeks different from the last four years? A View from Afar – Selwyn Manning and Paul Buchanan debate: how in the last two weeks, China and the United States have been...

A View from Afar - Selwyn Manning and Paul Buchanan debate political symbolism and discuss: How governments use symbolism to accentuate intent and identity. Some of it is fact, and some of it is fiction, some of it is designed to divert attention and deceive. In this episode Buchanan and Manning show you how to sift through the wheat from the chaff.

Paul G. Buchanan and Selwyn Manning debate: Whether the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service has accepted its failure to identify and detect terrorist planning activity in the lead up to the tragedy that occurred in Christchurch against Muslim people on March 15, 2019.

Paul Buchanan and host Selwyn Manning discuss this week’s revelations by Paula Penfold and the Stuff Circuit team that a New Zealand tech company (with New Zealand Government investment) has been in business with iFlytec – a Chinese company alleged to be involved with surveillance of China’s oppressed Uyghur people. ALSO, we discuss Myanmar and the disturbing reality that Myanmar's military has overthrown once again the democratically elected government.

A View from Afar: Paul Buchanan and host Selwyn Manning discuss whether the Five Eyes spy agencies are adequately monitoring white supremacist activity, and, what can be done. Plus Ollie Neas joins the panel to discuss whether the New Zealand Government is aware of what Rocket Lab is sending into space?