Newsletter: New Zealand Politics Daily – May 09 2018 – Today’s content
Editor’s Note: Here below is a list of the main issues currently under discussion in New Zealand and links to media coverage.
[caption id="attachment_297" align="aligncenter" width="640"] The Beehive and Parliament Buildings.[/caption]
Below are the links to the items online. The full text of these items are contained in the PDF file (click to download).
Foreign affairs and aid, budget
Richard Harman (Politik): Winston gets his first big win
Claire Trevett (Herald): Budget 2018: Foreign Minister Winston Peters secures $900 million for more diplomats, aid
Stacey Kirk (Stuff): Budget 2018: ‘Pacific reset’ will increase foreign affairs funding to $1b over four years
Craig McCulloch (RNZ): $714m to be pumped into govt’s ‘Pacific reset’ plan
RNZ: Pacific to receive bulk of bolstered NZ aid budget
Arun Soma (Herald): Just how much do our Pacific neighbours need humanitarian aid from Kiwi taxpayers?
Lisa Martin (AAP): Australia cuts foreign aid in budget as New Zealand delivers major boost
RNZ: Australia boosts aid to Pacific
Interest: Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Peters unveils $900 million funding increase to help ‘rebuild our place in the world’
Barry Soper (Newstalk ZB):Winston Peters announces pre-budget spending
Stacey Kirk (Stuff): More money for aid in the Pacific when Winston Peters unveils foreign affairs budget
RNZ: Govt finances $900m better than forecast
Isaac Davison and Michael Neilson (Herald): Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern: Donald Trump’s withdrawal from Iran nuclear deal a step backwards
Primary industries and environment
Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): Hold your heifers: For all of David Parker’s problems, he has a point
Herald Editorial: David Parker’s waterway plan needs more clarity
Gerald Piddock (Stuff): Agriculture Minister rules out cap on dairy cattle numbers
Isaac Davison (Herald): Climate Change Minister James Shaw goes deep into farming country
Heather Chalmers (Stuff): Canterbury cow numbers lift to buck national trend
David Williams (Newsroom): Controversial land sale scrapped
Laura Dooney (RNZ): Moves made to reduce runoff already – farmers
Gerald Piddock (Stuff): Budget day the benchmark for judging Government’s C+ performance in regions
Tracy Neal (RNZ): Researchers reject claims of spreading oyster disease
Jane Matthews (Stuff): Opposition climate change spokesperson talks on Taranaki’s oil and gas sector
Nicki Harper (Herald): Watch Video: Craggy Range report on Te Mata track disappoints Mana whenua
Marty Sharpe and Jessica Long (Stuff): Serving alcohol at school fundraisers may breach the rights of children, DHB says
Shannon Haunui-Thompson (RNZ): Rheumatic fever sufferers allegedly called ‘coconuts’ in hospital
RNZ: Racism and rough handling of Pasifika patients uncovered
Dave Macpherson (Daily Blog): The Mental Health Inquiry – get involved
Katarina Williams (Herald): Violence ‘leading cause’ of facial fractures, Wellington study finds
Lucy Bennett (Herald): ‘Whole lot’ of priorities for Middlemore, says new chairman Mark Gosche
RNZ: New DHB head gets first look at hospital building issues
Jenna Lynch (Newshub): Government warned not to rush Dunedin hospital build
Mike Houlahan (ODT): Business case to Cabinet next year
Kristin Edge (Northern Advocate): Asbestos debris and residue discovered in storeroom at Whangarei Hospital
Matthew Rosenberg (Auckland Now): ‘Babies are moved like pieces of the chessboard’ at North Shore unit: New mum
Stacey Kirk (Stuff): Govt to withdraw support for National’s bill requiring newborns to be registered with GPs
Anna Loren (Stuff): Elderly patient left lying in urine-soaked bed at Auckland retirement facility
Hinerangi Rhind-Wiri (Spinoff): Where is the support for Māori midwives?
Rachel Thomas (Stuff): Hospitals ‘on notice’ as anaesthetists and surgeons complain of burnout
Surveillance law
Laura Walters (Stuff): Botched legislation left spies without some powers for six months
Anna Bracwell-Worrall (Newshub): Former Minister forced into defence mode over gap in spy law
Sam Sachdeva (Newsroom): Officials to blame for spy law blunder – Finlayson
Jane Patterson (RNZ): Former spy minister aware of surveillance gap
No Right Turn: There’s a lesson here
Poverty, inequality and welfare
Thomas Manch (Stuff): Government’s child poverty bill will leave children poor, experts warn
Ian Hyslop (Newsroom): The ‘sturdy beggar’ back to haunt us
Chris Bramwell (RNZ): Govt announces $76m boost for family violence services
Muriel Newman (NZCPR): Labour’s Disastrous Track Record of Welfare Reform
Richard Harman (Politik): How Griffin and Curran parted
Lucy Bennett (Herald): Broadcasting Minister Clare Curran releases information on RNZ saga
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Clare Curran releases voicemail from Richard Griffin
Tim Murphy (Newsroom): Media firms touch, pause, engage
Jo Moir (Stuff): A bill to entrench the Māori seats won’t get NZ First or National support
Jane Clifton (Listener):Is Judith Collins politically immortal?
Gordon Campbell: On National’s latest attempts at relevance
Tova O’Brien (Newshub): ACT’s future looks shaky as Simon Bridges noncommittal about Epsom deal
Martyn Bradbury: Real reason why National are considering cutting ACT off
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Winston Peters tells ministers touting compulsory te reo to get ‘on the same page’
Herald: Winston Peters hits out at MPs following slip-up on wording around compulsory te reo
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Nanaia Mahuta: compulsory Te Reo in schools ‘not if but when’
1News: Compulsory Te Reo Maori in schools ‘only a matter of time’ – MP Nanaia Mahuta
Adele Redmond (Stuff): Sticks and Stones: Bullying’s cost to society reaches beyond schools into workplaces, courthouses and the mental health system
ODT Editorial: Labour’s grand education plans
Simon Collins (Herald): Second family complains about accident at Palmerston North’s Little Monkeys Preschool
Dominion Post Editorial: We can’t afford to ignore teachers’ claim for better pay
1News: Pay teachers on ‘merit’: ACT’s David Seymour would increase teacher salaries funding by $1 billion, pay the best more and attract the brightest minds
Simon Collins (Herald): Foreign doctoral student numbers leap with $50m subsidy
Tiana Mihaere (Critic): Why Otago University Needs A Marae
RNZ: ‘People will choose to go hungry rather than work in a packhouse’
Maori TV: More youth in Opōtiki to be employed
Jamie Wall (RNZ): Ferns’ pay parity deal took its toll before being struck
RNZ: ‘Focus is on us’ – NZ Football CEO
Michael Burgess (Herald): New Zealand Football announce parity for Football Ferns and All Whites
RNZ: Pay parity deal for Football Ferns and All Whites
Alex Braae (Spinoff): Equal pay for women (soccer players): The Football Ferns score pay parity
Herald: Widower Keith Falconer sparks Government intervention after being denied paid parental leave
Herald: Widowed father initially denied paid parental leave welcomes Government payment
Cate Broughton (Stuff): Canterbury father Keith Falconer exposes ‘wackiness’ of paid parental leave law
World Made in NZ controversy and fashion industry ethics
Hamish Fletcher (Herald): Comment: Why ‘NZ-made’ saga is so damaging for World
Damien Venuto (Herald): Is it time to ditch ‘made in New Zealand’ for ‘designed in New Zealand’?
RNZ: World customers could take clothing back – Consumer NZ
Aimee Shaw (Herald): Three more ComCom complaints lodged against World following World ‘Made in NZ’ report
Aimee Shaw (Herald): Commerce Commission receives five complaints following World report
1News: Commerce Commission to assess six complaints about WORLD t-shirt labelling before deciding whether to investigate
Southland Times Editorial: Labels can be so hurtful . . .
Michael Daly (Stuff): How Christian aid group Tearfund made itself the arbiter of fashion industry ethics
Migration and refugees
Laura Walters and Stacey Kirk (Stuff): Jacinda Ardern walking a tightrope on asylum seekers
Newshub: Jacinda Ardern responds to Australia’s people smuggling allegations
Newshub: ‘No evidence’ people smugglers targeting New Zealand – Golriz Ghahraman
Emma Hatton (RNZ): Filipinos ‘chasing a false dream’ in NZ after broadcast
Debrin Foxcroft (Stuff): One in six Māori now living in Australia, research shows
John Boynton (RNZ): High living costs drive Kiwis back across the ditch
Local government
Phil Pennington (RNZ): Building systems WOFs: Council checks fall far short
Matt Shand (Stuff): Bella Vista homeowners sour, but hopeful, after meeting investigator
Don Brash (Stuff): Joel Maxwell’s on the wrong side of history
Grant Bradley (Herald): Tourism New Zealand to change tack with its 100% Pure campaign
Grant Bradley (Herald): The big five million: Surge in visitors to New Zealand forecast into next decade
Oliver Lewis (Stuff): Akaroa residents call for action amidst ‘explosion’ in freedom camping
Todd Niall (RNZ): Troubled waters: Govt’s America’s Cup negotiations dissected
Farah Hancock (Newsroom): Auckland’s $58m congestion charging plan
Dene Mackenzie (ODT):Rising fuel prices may be hurting spending
Paul Mitchell (Stuff): BP reaches out to Palmerston North family in voucher dispute
RNZ: Electric vehicle owners await response to battery concerns
Hillary Clinton NZ speaking engagement
Ben Doherty and Eleanor Ainge Roy (Guardian): Hillary Clinton says China’s foreign power grab ‘a new global battle’
Patrick Gower (Newshub): How Russia and China could hurt New Zealand
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): New Zealand is part of the answer to China’s rise, says Hillary Clinton
Talisa Kupenga (Maori TV): Heed foreign influence warnings – Peters
Patrick Gower (Newshub): Hillary Clinton’s greatest hits
Charlotte Graham-McLay (Spinoff): But where was the roar? Watching the Hillary Clinton show in Auckland
Adam Jacobson (Auckland Now): ‘Morally irresponsible’ of govt to subsidise hotels
Tristram Clayton (Herald): Rental home offer rejected by Housing NZ because it was built before 2000
Madison Reidy (Stuff): Government asks to buy developers’ plans to contribute to KiwiBuild target
Stuff: Would you move to the West Coast to save $16,000?
Herald: New survey reveals housing, poverty and healthcare most concern New Zealanders
RNZ: Kiwis’ privacy concerns on the rise
Susan Edmunds (Stuff): Bank profits race ahead of rest of NZ’s earnings
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff): Government re-advertises for CTO after $400k job failed to attract right candidate
Ged Cann (Stuff): Most Kiwis don’t know New Zealand has its own space agency – but they should
RNZ: Dunedin arts enthusiasts determined to keep theatre alive
Herald: Former Far North Māori trust executive admits stealing almost $1m for personal gain
Stuff: Woman pleads guilty to defrauding Far North Māori trust of nearly $1 million
Jo Lines-MacKenzie (Stuff): Waikato Rodeo Association cleared after injury to horse]]>
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