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Fonterra Gives Assurances While Acknowledging Contamination Threat


Fonterra Acknowledges Criminal Threat

Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited acknowledges the announcement by the New Zealand Police and the New Zealand Government about an investigation into a criminal threat relating to the Government’s use of Sodium monofluoroacetate (1080) poison as pest control to protect the country’s native flora and fauna.


The Government said today that there was no health risk to consumers.  It has assessed the likelihood of the threat being carried out as ‘extremely low’. For further information please go to:


Fonterra Chief Executive Theo Spierings said the criminal threat targeted New Zealand and the entire dairy industry.


“We can fully assure our customers and consumers that all of our milk and products are safe and of high quality, and our supply chain continues to be secure and world-class. We are playing our part in helping the Government manage the criminal threat, as is the rest of the dairy industry.


“We have taken immediate and decisive steps to give our customers and consumers added confidence – including increased testing and security measures.”


·         Fonterra has worked with the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) to establish a validated testing regime that is being used by the dairy industry for both raw milk and dairy products targeted by the threat, he said.


·         In mid-January, Fonterra began its own testing regime to provide its customers with further assurances as to the safety of its products. Fonterra is testing all raw milk that it processes – testing every tanker.


·         Fonterra is testing all paediatric products and nutritional base powders that it manufactures as well as all paediatric products and nutritional base powders manufactured after 1 September 2014.


·         The testing methods that Fonterra uses are validated and have been approved by the MPI. The laboratories undertaking the testing are accredited to ISO 17025 and are MPI recognised dairy laboratories.


Reserve Bank again has to clean up National’s housing mess – Labour

MIL OSI – Source: Labour Party – Press Release/Statement Headline: Reserve Bank again has to clean up National’s housing mess Yet again the Reserve Bank has been forced to clean up National’s housing mess with the Government clearly incapable of solving the home affordability crisis, says Grant Robertson. “The Reserve Bank’s plan to effectively restrict lending on investment properties has real merit if it helps level the playing field for first home buyers. “But the Reserve Bank should not be sent in to clean up the mess the Government has left behind. Graeme Wheeler is the Reserve Bank Governor, not the Housing Minister. Nick Smith is missing in action. “National needs to learn its lessons from the crippling effect LVRs have had on first home buyers and the regions. Bill English didn’t even ask about the impact of LVRs on first home buyers before he gave the Reserve Bank the green light to push ahead. “The first question on his lips should be: ‘will this make it easier for first home buyers?’ Only then should he give it the thumbs up,” says Grant Robertson. –]]>

MPI supporting Police with infant formula contamination threat response

MIL OSI – Source: Ministry for Primary Industries – Press Release/Statement: Headline: MPI supporting Police with infant formula contamination threat response

Date: 10 Mar 2015 Media contact: MPI Media team Telephone: 029 894 0328 Email:
The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) is working closely with Police to respond to a criminal threat to contaminate infant and other formula in an apparent protest over the use of 1080 in pest control. MPI Deputy Director-General Scott Gallacher says the Government’s first priority is protecting the health and wellbeing of consumers. “We are confident that New Zealand infant and other formula is just as safe today as it was before this threat was made. People should keep using it as they always have,” Mr Gallacher said. “People should feel equally confident about using imported infant formula which has to meet New Zealand’s strict food safety requirements and is equally secure in the retail chain. “The ability for anybody to deliberately contaminate infant and other formula during manufacturing is extremely low. Regardless, we encourage people to be vigilant when buying infant and other formula. Our advice is always to check packaging for signs of tampering. We are reinforcing that advice as a result of this blackmail threat. “New Zealand’s food safety model is among the best in the world. New Zealand manufacturers maintain high levels of security as a normal routine. Security and vigilance has been significantly increased since this threat was received.” Since the threat was made, the Ministry for Primary Industries – with the support of multiple government agencies, manufacturers and retailers – has put additional measures in place to further protect infant formula products, including:
  • strengthened security measures in retail stores
  • enhanced milk and milk product testing, including a new 1080 testing programme
  • increased vigilance by all relevant players in the supply chain
  • extra physical security at manufacturing premises
  • an audit programme to confirm dairy processing facilities continue to maintain the highest level of security and vigilance.
“The combined MPI and industry testing programmes confirm there is no 1080 in infant and other formula. We have tested just over 40,000 raw milk and product samples and we have had no 1080 detections,” he says. “This criminal threat is designed to cause fear in order to generate a political outcome. It is using food as a vehicle but should not undermine confidence in our world-class food safety system or in any manufacturer. “This type of threat does occur from time to time internationally.  We are fortunate that this is the first such threat in New Zealand, and that New Zealand has one of the world’s strongest and most secure food safety systems,” he says. People with any relevant information should contact Police immediately on 0800 723 665 or Information can also be provided anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 11. Visit for more advice on how to check packaging for signs of tampering, and for information about government’s response to the threat.
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Regionally rare yellow-crowned kakariki on the increase

MIL OSI – Source: Greater Wellington Regional Council – Press Release/Statement Headline: Regionally rare yellow-crowned kakariki on the increase

Regionally rare yellow-crowned kakariki on the increase

A flurry of yellow-crowned kakariki (parakeet) sightings across the region is ‘extremely pleasing’, says Greater Wellington Regional Council Environmental Scientist Nikki McArthur.  The population growth is being attributed to the results of extensive predator control along with unusually heavy flowering and fruiting of native trees over the past year. The yellow-crowned kakariki (Cyanoramphus auriceps) is native to New Zealand and is found in most large native forests on the mainland – but is listed as ‘regionally rare’ in the greater Wellington region.  The reverse is true for the red-crowned kakariki, they are the more common of the two species in the Wellington region, but are largely restricted to pest-free off-shore islands in other parts of the country. “We were delighted to receive reports of yellow-crowned kakariki spotted by a local bird enthusiast in the Porirua Scenic Reserve recently. To my knowledge this is the first time this species has been recorded in the reserve,” says McArthur.   “We know that their red-crowned relatives have been present for a number of years. “It is the latest in an impressive list of natural re-colonisations that have occurred in the Porirua Scenic Reserve over the last decade.  The 200ha reserve is the largest native forest remnant in the Porirua Basin. It supports a wide range of insects, nectar and seed producing trees which provide food for many bird species.  Bellbird and whiteheads are now also seen in good numbers.” Possum control began in the reserve in 1996, from 2001 rats and stoats were also targetted. GWRC is working in partnership with Porirua City Council, as part of GWRC’s Key Native Ecosystem programme, to protect the biodiversity values of the reserve and surrounding forest on private land. GWRC officers believe the yellow-crowned kakariki have made landfall in Porirua from predator-free Mana Island, a stronghold for the species.  The sighting is the latest in a series of observations of this elusive bird in new and unexpected locations.  Yellow crowned kakariki have also been spotted in the East Harbour Regional Park for the first time in 30 years and a pair reported in the foothills of the Tararua Ranges, near Masterton. “We think these kakariki species have had a bumper breeding season at key sites such as Kapiti, Mana and Matiu/Somes Islands and possibly some mainland sites such as Zealandia, Porirua Scenic Reserve and East Harbour Regional Park too. I think this might be resulting in an unusually large number of juvenile kakariki exploring new sites at the moment.” Kakariki are one of New Zealand’s more mobile birds capable of dispersing many kilometres.  They can be seen in native forests and reserves but will also visit back gardens and will feed on both natives and exotic plant species, even grazing for seeds on unmown lawns. “It’s really exciting to see the results of our biosecurity and biodiversity work paying off with populations of these species looking stronger.  These new colonisations are really interesting and we’d like to know more about how kakariki distribution is changing in the region.” GWRC is keen to hear of both yellow and red-crowned kakariki sightings.  Details of the location, date and number of birds sighted should be forwarded to  These observations will contribute to an increasingly detailed picture of kakariki distribution in the Wellington region and inform decisions about conservation activities in the future. ENDS Contact: Media phone: 021 914 266 or email

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Government Taking A Threat To Contaminate Baby Food Seriously

Headline: Criminal threat being taken seriously

The Government is taking a criminal threat to contaminate food products very seriously, and is reassuring parents that our infant and other formulas are safe and that extra testing and security measures have been implemented as a further safeguard.

The New Zealand Police and the Ministry of Primary Industries announced today they have been working with a range of agencies to assess and respond to a threat to contaminate infant and other milk formula products in an apparent protest over the use of 1080 pest control.

“We would like to reassure New Zealanders that every step possible has and is being taken to respond to this threat and ensure the ongoing safety of our food products,” says Primary Industries Minister Nathan Guy, Trade Minister Tim Groser, and Food Safety Minister Jo Goodhew.

“While the police have advised the risk is low, we are taking this very seriously. Since the threat was received last November, the Police have been actively investigating, while the Ministry of Primary Industries and other government agencies have been working closely with industry players across the supply chain to insure that all New Zealanders can have the upmost confidence in these products,” says Mr Guy.

“Every resource has been made available and we have treated this as a top priority. Ministers have taken expert advice on how to respond to a threat of this type and made considered decisions.

“The Government’s first priority is the safety of our food for consumers, both here and overseas. We are highly confident our products are safe and new increased dairy product testing gives even greater assurance.

“It’s hugely disappointing that someone would try to damage New Zealand’s strong reputation for top quality products and processes.”

Mr Groser says New Zealand officials have informed authorities in our major markets about this criminal threat and our measures in response.

Mrs Goodhew says New Zealand has a world class food safety system which has been further reinforced by recent improvements.

“We now have a comprehensive new 1080 testing regime for dairy products that gives us a high degree of confidence. MPI has also analysed the supply chain in detail and worked with manufacturers to put in place additional security measures,” she says.

“This new testing is on top of our normal thorough testing, auditing and verification system. It is extremely unlikely that anybody could deliberately contaminate formula during manufacturing, and there is no evidence of this ever having occurred.

“In addition, we have worked with retailers to address any risk to food products at the retail end of the chain.

“The advice to consumers is not to consume any food product that appears to be have been tampered with, and report it to the Ministry for Primary Industries immediately.

“Any signs of tampering are easy to spot. Detailed information on how to check products and further information is available at”

If parents or caregivers have any concerns they can contact Plunketline 0800 933 922 or Healthline 0800 611 116.  

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MP’s Pay Reform A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing – Taxpayer’s Union


Source: Taxpayers Union – Press Release/Statement:


10 MARCH 2015

Politicians are trying to pull the wool over New Zealand taxpayers in relation to MP pay reform, says the New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union. Figures show that had the proposed policy changes been in place since National came into office, MPs’ pay rises would have averaged 3.1% rather than the 1.7% that occurred. Taxpayers’ Union Spokesman, Ben Craven, says:

“John Key said he wanted to put a cap on MP pay inflation. In fact, the new model would have resulted in pay increases nearly twice the size of what MPs received in the last six years.”

“MPs’ pay shouldn’t be reformed late at night under Parliamentary urgency. We are calling on the Government to allow a Select Committee process and public input. In the meantime, a taxpayers’ representative should be appointed to the Remuneration Authority so this year’s 5.4% pay hike is not repeated.”



Ben Craven
022 079 2788


The New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union is an independent activist group, dedicated to being the voice for Kiwi taxpayers in the corridors of power. It’s here to fight government waste and make sure New Zealanders get value for money from their tax dollar.

The Taxpayers’ Union operates a 24 hour media line for comment on taxpayer issues. Representatives are available on (04) 282 0302.

High resolution images and logos are available on request or online at


Te Pūnaha seminar – The need to complement R&D with market innovations


Source: New Zealand Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment MBIE – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Te Pūnaha seminar – The need to complement R&D with market innovations

08 Apr 2015
@ Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, 15 Stout St, Wellington

In the international race to innovate our way to growth and wellbeing, the fact that New Zealand lags behind the OECD average in R&D investments has reinforced the argument that firms and government must invest more heavily in R&D. This view assumes investments in R&D will lead to technology and product innovations that in turn generate economic growth for firms and nations alike. Minds differ on whether governments can pick winners in the R&D race, but few policymakers or businesses question that this is at least the right race to run.

Unfortunately, the path from R&D expenditure to GDP growth is not a straight one, and there are many crucially important intermediating factors that are conveniently left out of the public debate. In fact, New Zealand is among the top countries in the world when it comes to filing patents: third or fourth, depending on whether you compare the number of patents to the country’s GDP or population size. So even with moderate R&D expenditure, New Zealand is punching above its weight in inventing things. What happens after that – turning these inventions into international commercial success stories – is the problem.

The idea that investing in R&D and product innovation generates immediate value originates from a time very different to today – when there was a shortage of everything and the business networks were relatively simple. Now, fast-forwarding some 200-300 years to the current day, and you see a very different reality. There still are unmet customer needs, but the complexity of business networks has increased exponentially. And herein lays the problem.

Customers buy those products that create value to them, and generally this value creation is completely dependent on the market ecosystem in which these products are being used. Let’s for instance consider cars as an example: how much value would a car create to its owner if there were no tyres, petrol stations, service shops, roads, insurances or even traffic laws? All these elements of the car ecosystem did not magically materialize overnight, but entrepreneurs, governments and even activists came together to build them over several decades.

In our research we have focused on investigating this phenomenon: how innovative companies create new market ecosystems around their inventions – or leave out the technological innovation altogether and focus on improving their market ecosystems. In the seminar we also open the floor for a discussion on how public policies could support this crucial piece of the GDP growth puzzle better in the future.

Suvi Nenonen

[image] Suvi Nenonen.Suvi Nenonen is Associate Professor at University of Auckland Business School and Associate Professor at Hanken School of Economics in Finland. Her research interests are in markets, market shaping strategies, business model innovation and customer asset management. Prior to entering academics, she has had 10+ years of experience as a strategy consultant to major European companies in several industries such as financial services, manufacturing, healthcare, construction, utility, telecommunications, fast-moving consumer goods industries, and non-profit organisations. Her research has been published in journals such as European Journal of Marketing, British Journal of Management, Industrial Marketing Management, Marketing Theory, and Management Decision.

Kaj Storbacka

[image] Kaj Storbacka.Kaj Storbacka is Professor, Markets and Strategy at the University of Auckland Business School’s Graduate School of Management. He has previously been a Professor at the Nyenrode Business Universiteit and at Hanken School of Economics in Finland. His main research focuses on market and business model innovation, market shaping strategies and solution business transformation. Dr Storbacka has made a career out of working on the borderline between academic and applied research within marketing and strategic management. He has 30 years of background as a strategy consultant to European and global companies – in finance, media, travel, retail, utility, manufacturing and telecommunications. His academic research has been published in journals such as Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, European Journal of Marketing and Market Theory.

Suvi and Kaj are currently conducting a three-year research project for the Royal Society of New Zealand, funded by the Marsden Grant, titled ‘Is New Zealand betting on the wrong horse in the international innovation race? The importance of market innovations for small open economies’.

Their managerial book on the same topic, “Designing Markets: Are you Market Driven or Market Driving” was awarded as the best business book in Finland in 2010.


NIWA’s research receives international recognition


Source: NIWA – National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: NIWA’s research receives international recognition

World-class climate and ozone research by scientists at NIWA’s Lauder Atmospheric Research Station has been recognised by meteorology’s leading organisation in Geneva, making Lauder the fourth upper-air site in the world to be certified by the global climate-data network.

Information collected by the weekly launch of the Lauder station’s radiosonde weather and ozone balloon soundings, together with associated ground-based measurements, will receive official Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) Reference Upper Air Network (GRUAN) certification at the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) Congress in Geneva in June. This is a significant international endorsement of the capabilities of Lauder Station as a world-class upper-air measurement site.

Stable, standardised, and well-calibrated atmospheric observations are crucial to documenting climate and climate change. The standard network of upper-air meteorological observations, and also weather satellites, provide relatively good coverage but high-quality observations are needed against which these standard observations can be calibrated. This is the purpose of GRUAN.

For this reason, Lauder is paired with the Invercargill radiosonde site operated by the MetService, which produces twice-daily soundings of the atmosphere.

NIWA’s Lauder Station, near Alexandra in Central Otago, is well-known in the global atmospheric science community for its climate research and joins a select group of research stations with GRUAN-certified measurement programmes – Spitsbergen in Norway, Lindenberg in Germany, Boulder, Colorado, in the US. Sodankyla in Finland was recently certified as the fifth. Presently Lauder is the only such-certified site in the Southern Hemisphere.

Lauder’s certification will be presented to New Zealand’s Permanent Representative to the WMO, Peter Lennox, CEO of MetService, reflecting the expected close collaboration between NIWA and MetService in managing and operating the GRUAN site at Lauder.

Ahead of WMO Congress, an event will be held at Lauder Station on Tuesday 10 March attended by NIWA and MetService executive, scientists and invited media.

For more information please contact:

Richard Querel
NIWA Atmospheric Scientist
+64 3 440 0400                        

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Auckland Council States Nothing Can Be Done For Titirangi kauri trees


Source: Auckland Council – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Media statement on Titirangi kauri trees

Auckland Council acknowledges decisions such as the one involving the kauri tree in Titirangi can be challenging says Chief Operating Officer Dean Kimpton.

The council has granted two separate resource consents for construction of two houses on adjoining sites in Paturoa Rd which means the removal of some trees.

Like all such applications, this one was assessed under the Resource Management Act and the District Plan.

“We consulted with the local board and iwi and the final decision to grant the application was made by independent commissioners and we are very aware of the challenging aspects of the decision,” says Mr Kimpton.

“The council followed due process by considering the effects of the tree removal, the ecological value of the sites and the effects of the development itself. An ecologist, arborists, and other experts were involved.”

As part of the process, a range of alternatives was considered and the decision is a balance between minimising the environmental effects with the developer’s expectation he could build on his own property. 

The developers have elected to build close to the road which minimises the number of trees that needs to be removed because there will be no long driveways.

“Auckland Council understands people’s desire to protect our natural environment however the zoning on these two sites recognises the right to build while taking the environment into consideration,” says Mr Kimpton. 

“Auckland Council has no mandate to revoke the consent and so for this tree nothing can be done.

“However we would strongly urge any person or community group with any concerns about another particular tree or group of trees to check out the Auckland Council website to see if it is ‘scheduled’. 

If it is scheduled, the tree is protected and cannot be removed. 

If it isn’t scheduled, any member of the public or group can nominate that it be scheduled and go through the robust scheduling process.”


National Statement – 59th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women


Source: New Zealand Government – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: National Statement – 59th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women

Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.

I am honoured to present the New Zealand Government’s national statement to the Commission on the Status of Women.

To start, I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge civil society for its contributions to the preparation for this important meeting. In particular, I would like to thank the non-governmental organisations from New Zealand and the Pacific for their contributions to the national and regional preparations.

I reaffirm New Zealand’s strong commitment to the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, the Vienna Declaration and Programme for Action, the International Conference on Population and Development, UN Security Council resolution 1325 and subsequent resolutions relating to the women, peace and security agenda.

These commitments have underpinned the positive progress we have made towards gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.

I believe we have many opportunities to make even more of a difference.

As the Secretary General has noted, we are still very far from the vision set in the Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action.

The international normative framework has supported good progress across many areas, but this progress has been too slow and uneven.

New challenges have emerged and have compounded existing difficulties experienced by many Member States. Conflict is, in many instances, limiting and sometimes reversing progress, and the violation of the human rights of women and girls remains a too common occurrence.

I am heartened to see so many senior figures from around the globe who have gathered here this week, and I believe this demonstrates that there continues to be a strong commitment to collectively tackle these challenges and remaining gaps.

This show of commitment is particularly important as we give shape to the post-2015 development agenda.

Addressing gender equality, the empowerment of women and the human rights of women and girls in the post-2015 development agenda is essential and necessary to achieving other goals, be that poverty eradication, reduction of inequalities or inclusive economic growth.

2015 marks the thirtieth anniversary of New Zealand’s Ministry for Women. Thirty years on from its establishment in 1984, I am proud that the Ministry maintains a critical role in advising the Government, developing policy, and working with organisations to improve lives for New Zealand women.

Women play an important role in the political, social and economic fabric of New Zealand. Our first-hand experience tells us that empowering women and girls, and achieving gender equality, is critical to the development of a peaceful, secure and prosperous nation.

We also know that investing in women and girls pays off – there is a flow-on effect for families, communities, the workplace and the wider economy.

As a professional woman who is also proud to be a mother, I am grateful to those New Zealand women who worked hard to pave the way so that I am able to participate as an equal in the governance of New Zealand.

That said, as the Minister for Women, I am also conscious that some challenges for New Zealand women remain.  In this regard, I want to make sure women have equal opportunities, equal expectations and are of equal value.

In order to do this, my government is focused on these priority areas:

  • Supporting women in the workplace and growing women’s participation in the New Zealand economy, particularly through participation in education and training, as well as encouraging employment in non-traditional roles. We will continue to work to reduce the gender pay gap and address unconscious gender bias.
  • Growing and developing our future pool of women leaders, by inspiring them to aim high in their careers and take the next step up from where they are now in the workplace.
  • Supporting families, through promoting family-friendly and flexible workplaces.
  • Preventing violence against women through the primary prevention of violence, and keeping women safe from harm and preventing the first instance of abuse. In addition, we will work across-government to support victims, reduce reoffending and address causes of violence.

The next two years are particularly important for New Zealand as we serve on the UN Security Council. It is an important opportunity for us to contribute to the Council’s efforts to address the gendered impacts of conflict and the role of women in conflict prevention, protection and sustainable peace.

The agenda set out in Beijing is more valid than ever as the realisation of its vision is still a prerequisite for achieving international development, peace and security.

For New Zealand’s part, you can be assured that we remain committed, both at the national and international levels, to turning the vision of Beijing Declaration and Platform for action into reality on the ground. 

I look forward to the remainder of the proceedings this week as we work collectively to identify gaps and challenges, share best practices and innovation, and exchange ideas about how we can achieve gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls worldwide.

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Bill to amend leaky homes assistance package


Source: New Zealand Government – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Bill to amend leaky homes assistance package

The Government is proposing changes to the Financial Assistance Package available under the Weathertight Homes Resolution Services Act to provide clarity of eligibility that will help more owners of leaky homes access assistance, Building and Housing Minister Dr Nick Smith announced today.

“The first change is extending the definition of the ‘built’ date to align with last year’s Osborne v. Auckland City Council decision by the Supreme Court. The High Court and Court of Appeal had previously ruled that the ‘built’ date was the date of the last building inspection, but the Supreme Court determined it was when the code compliance certificate was issued, a date which in some cases is many months, and sometimes years later. This affects who is eligible for assistance, given the 10-year limitation on claims. The Bill will enable about 70 homeowners previously deemed ineligible to be able to pursue their claim without the expense of individually taking each case through the courts,” Dr Smith says.

“The second change relates to the expiry of the Financial Assistance Package, which is due to occur on 23 July 2016. It is possible that by this date, some claims may still not have reached the ‘notice to proceed’ stage, which is the critical point of the claim process. The Bill will mean homeowners who are actively progressing claims in the system as of 23 July 2016 will be able to continue to do so, rather than have the expiry date arbitrarily prevent a claim from proceeding where good progress is being made.

“The third change is aimed at removing any doubt about the validity of the eligibility criteria for access to the Financial Assistance Package. Two of the criteria – 1B and 1C – are presently located in the Gazette notice by regulation, which the High Court has raised concerns about. The Bill consequently moves them into the Act to provide a greater deal of legal certainty so that their validity cannot be questioned. Previous decisions made on the basis of these two criteria will be validated.

“These changes provide sensible refinements to the Act. The Bill will have its first reading today and then be referred to select committee for the public to make submissions,” Dr Smith concluded.

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Peters Continues His Force For The North Bus Tour


Source: New Zealand First – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Force For The North Bus Tour Schedule – Tuesday 10 March

New Zealand First Leader and Northland candidate Rt Hon Winston Peters will visit the Kauri Saleyards, between Hikurangi and Whangarei, at 10.45am.

The Force for the North bus tour will be in Whakapara,  Helena Bay, Oakura Bay and Whangaruru in the afternoon.

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PhD captures secret to cricket’s success


Source: Massey University – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: PhD captures secret to cricket’s success

At least 10 players in the current Black Caps squad came through the cricket development programmes and competitions implemented by Alec Astle while Cricket New Zealand’s national development manager.

Alec Astle with his Bert Sutcliffe Medal
for outstanding services to cricket.

With all eyes currently on the Black Caps and their bid for World Cup glory, it is easy to forget how  important grassroots participation is to the ongoing sustainability of any sport.

No one knows this better than Alec Astle, who has just completed his PhD thesis on how New Zealand Cricket revitalised its sport in the face of declining player levels in the late 1990s. The organisation’s player census figures show that player numbers grew from 75,479 when its development programme launched in 2000 to 112,000 players by 2012.

Mr Astle was New Zealand Cricket’s national development manager for 10 years and he embarked on his doctorate to capture everything he had learned about sport development in the process.

“There’s very little academic literature on sport development globally or academic training for practitioners working in community sport,” Mr Astle says.

“Training to grow and develop a sport so that it attracts and retains more participants at all levels is just not available in New Zealand.”

As a former teacher, deputy principal and cricket coach at Palmerston North Boys’ High School for 24 years, Mr Astle was determined to produce an academic study of sport development to fill the gap. He hopes to get parts of his thesis published in academic journals and to also produce an accessible textbook for sports administrators.

“Most sports practitioners are just too busy to undertake a project like this; I’m hoping my research will help other sporting organisations to revitalise, strengthen and grow their community-based foundations.”

Mr Astle says that in the past the national bodies of many sports focused on the development of elite athletes and teams, while their sports at a community level were predominantly run by volunteers.

“This traditional approach came under pressure from a range of societal changes, including different patterns of work, which meant people weren’t able to volunteer as much anymore. There was no national system of support for people who loved the sport purely for its own sake. It was more about preparing representative players and not lifelong participation for the majority of players at all levels.”

While he was New Zealand Cricket’s national development manager, Mr Astle developed a plan, programme and various pathways for players and coaches to cater for both competitive and social players in clubs and schools.

“Sports need programmes that aren’t intimidating if they want to capture parents and young players. Cricket began to provide support for parents to coach and kids to play, growing their skills over time.”

He says that while the efforts of enthusiastic volunteers are irreplacable, they need support and resources, especially if programmes are to maintain their quality across the country.

“My study shows that successful sport development requires a clear vision and leadership that takes a holistic view of the sport. You need a national plan that creates pathways for all players to develop and enjoy their sport and those pathways need to be surrounded by similarly aligned pathways for coaches, officials and adminstrators.

“Organisations also need to have a long-term commitment – there’s no point in one-off initiatives that run out of steam because of a lack of perseverance or resources.”

Mr Astle says the sport is capitalising on the Black Caps current success at the World Cup, in part, because of the years of development work by New Zealand Cricket over the past 15 years – programmes he helped to develop and implement.

“More than half of the current Black Caps and White Ferns teams have come through cricket development programmes and competitions,” he says.

“A good sport development plan widens and deepens the base of players in a supportive environment that makes the sport fun for everyone, especially at the entry level. Programmes need to be relevant and appealing if they are to attract, nurture and retain players.”

The 2015 Cricket World Cup has come at the perfect time for the sport in New Zealand. Player participation rates are high and the intense interest in the event provides a massive opportunity to attract more players to the game, Mr Astle says.

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AA welcomes progress on Waikato Expressway


Source: AA – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: AA welcomes progress on Waikato Expressway

The AA welcomes today’s announcement that work on the final three sections of the Waikato Expressway will begin this year.

Funding has been approved for the Hamilton and Longswamp sections of the Expressway, while a consortium has been appointed to deliver the Huntly section. That means that all seven sections will either be completed, under construction, or will have gone out to the market by the end of 2015.

AA spokesman Barney Irvine said it was great to see the project reach the home straight.

“We’ve already seen the benefits of the work carried out so far,” he said. “Once the whole project is finished, it will be a game-changer for economic growth, safety, and travel times in this part of the country.”

Mr Irvine said the project was the result of strong collaboration between a range of stakeholders in the wider Waikato region.

“Everyone’s on board, because they understand just how important this project is,” he said.

Mr Irvine added that the AA was delighted with the steady progress of the roll-out of the Government’s wider Roads of National Significance (RoNS) programme, which includes the Waikato Expressway and six other roading projects.


Fast food workers of the world unite


Source: Unite Union New Zealand – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Fast food workers of the world unite

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International Women’s Day: Global standards needed to stop violence against women


Source: Unite Union New Zealand – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: International Women’s Day: Global standards needed to stop violence against women


Attacks against women’s dignity and safety at work and in society are widespread and growing, and few governments or employers are willing to take adequate measures to stop it. It is therefore urgent that unions actively support the call by the United Nations’ Special Rapporteur on violence against women for a universal legally binding instrument at the United Nations level.

On International women’s Day 2015 IUF affiliates in the Asia/Pacific region mobilized under the banner ‘Women for Peace’ in response to the resurgent militarism in the region and a militarization of politics that threatens democracy and further undermines the position of women and the fight for equality.

How many more reports and evidence are needed to show the links between precarious forms of employment and sexual harassment at work before the fundamental right to a safe workplace is respected? How many more studies are needed to document the extent of suffering and the losses to society generated by gender-based violence? How many more reports on violence against women and girls in armed conflicts are needed to persuade governments of their responsibility to protect women and children from those atrocities?

Read the full article here

Colombian sugarcane workers win permanent jobs following brutal attack on strikers

The IUF-affiliated SINTRAINAGO has won direct, permanent contracts for cane cutters at the Risaralda mill in western Colombia’s Cauca Valley. The breakthrough agreement was signed on March 5 following a brutal attack on strikers by state anti-riot forces and company guards.


Read more about this historic agreement iuf
Rampe du Pont-Rouge, 8, CH-1213, Petit-Lancy (Switzerland)

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Retail card spending up


Source: Statistics New Zealand – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Retail card spending up

Retail spending using electronic cards was up $160 million (3.8 percent) to $4.4 billion in February 2015 compared with February 2014, Statistics New Zealand said today.

In actual terms, card spending rose in all retail industries except for fuel.

When adjusted for seasonal effects, retail spending was up 1.0 percent in February 2015 compared with January 2015. This rise follows small falls in each of the previous three months.

“After removing seasonal effects, spending rose in five of the six retail industries,” business indicators manager Neil Kelly said. “Hospitality and durables had the largest rises, while fuel rose for the first time in three months.” 

Core retail spending (which excludes the vehicle-related industries) rose 1.2 percent in February 2015, following a 1.0 percent rise in January 2015.

The total value of electronic card spending, including the two non-retail industries (services and other non-retail), rose 0.4 percent. This rise follows a 0.1 percent rise in January 2015.

Trends for the total, retail, and core retail series have generally been rising since these series began in October 2002, although the total and retail series have eased in recent months.

This data is not adjusted for price changes and is available only at the national level.


For media enquiries contact: Neil Kelly, Christchurch 03 964 8700,

Authorised by Liz MacPherson, Government Statistician, 10 March 2015

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Safer children’s workforce guidelines launched


Source: New Zealand Government – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Safer children’s workforce guidelines launched

Social Development Minister Anne Tolley today launched two new guidelines for agencies and organisations working with children as part of the Government’s Children’s Action Plan. 

The Guidelines; Safer Recruitment, Safer Children and Safer Organisations, Safer Children advise on how employers of the children’s workforce can consistently recruit safe people to work with children, and how to develop good child protection policies that enable their workers to better identify and respond to the needs vulnerable children.

Mrs Tolley launched the guidelines in Hamilton with local leaders, community groups and those setting up the new Hamilton Children’s Team.

“Every child has the right to be safe from abuse and neglect and these guidelines will help us build a stronger culture of child protection across New Zealand where the safety and security of children is paramount.

“By far the majority of our children’s workforce is safe and conscientious but we know predators target opportunities to be around children – these guidelines provide practical steps to help organisations to manage against that risk,” said Mrs Tolley.

The Vulnerable Children Act 2014 requires state sector agencies who work with children, and the organisations they fund to have child protection policies in place and will phase in a requirement for all paid children’s workers to be safety checked in a consistent way.

Mrs Tolley paid tribute to Child Matters for co-producing the safety checking guidelines Safer Recruitment, Safer Children.

“The Children’s Action Plan is about government and communities working together to better support vulnerable children.  These guidelines are an example of that innovative partnership.”

“The Hamilton Children’s Team will be the country’s first large urban team following the establishment of Children’s Teams in Rotorua, Whangarei, Horowhenua/Ōtaki and Marlborough.

“When it is fully up and running, the Hamilton Children’s Team will be the first big team of frontline practitioners supporting around 1,400 vulnerable children and their families,” Mrs Tolley said.

“Hamilton is renowned for its strong community sector and as a result is well placed to test new initiatives being developed as part of the Children’s Action Plan. 

The region will trial the Vulnerable Kids Information System (Viki) under an Approved Information Sharing Agreement as well as a new Hub triage process to better coordinate services and information for at risk children.

“Today’s launch marks exciting progress in a new children protection system for the country that will prioritise the needs of our most vulnerable children helping ensure they get the right services at the right time to be happy, healthy and safe,” said Mrs Tolley.

For more information on the Children’s Action Plan and guidelines:

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Health Warning – toxic algae found in Ashley River/ Rakahuri at SH1 Bridge


Source: Environment Canterbury Regional Council – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Health Warning – toxic algae found in Ashley River/ Rakahuri at SH1 Bridge

The Community and Public Health division of the Canterbury District Health board has issued a health warning after the potentially toxic blue-green algae cyanobacteria Lyngbya and Phormidium was found in the Ashley River/ Rakahuri at the State Highway One (SH1) Bridge.

People and animals, particularly dogs, should avoid the Ashley River/ Rakahuri at the SH1 Bridge until the health warning has been lifted. 

Dr Alistair Humphrey, Canterbury Medical Officer of Health, says the algae look like dark brown to black mats and can produce toxins harmful to people and animals.

“Exposure may cause skin rashes, nausea, stomach cramps, tingling and numbness around the mouth and fingertips,” Dr Humphrey says.

“If you experience any of these symptoms, visit your doctor immediately, also let your doctor know if you’ve had contact with dark brown/black algal mats or water in this area.”

Dr Humphrey says reticulated town water supplies are currently safe but no one should drink the water from the river at any time.

“Even after boiling the water from the river, it does not remove the toxin therefore should not be consumed,” he says.

Animals showing signs of illness after coming into contact with algal mats should be taken to a vet immediately.

People should remain out of the waterways until the warnings have been lifted.

Environment Canterbury is monitoring the sites and the public will be advised of any changes in water quality.

Facts about cyanobacteria:

  • Appears as dark brown/black mats attached to rocks along the riverbed
  • The algae occur naturally but can increase rapidly during warmer months
  • It often has a strong musty smell and algal toxin concentrations can vary over short periods with changing environmental conditions
  • Although high river levels will remove the algal bloom, detached mats can accumulate along the shore and increase the risk of exposure to toxins
  • If a health warning is in place avoid contact with the water
  • Although district or city councils may place warning signs, these may not be seen at the numerous river access points, hence the need for people/ dog-walkers to treat every low-flowing river cautiously.

For further information visit River warnings for toxic algae or contact Community and Public Health on (03) 364 1777.


German educators take to the streets demanding better work conditions


Source: Global Unions – Press Releases/Statement:

Headline: German educators take to the streets demanding better work conditions

09 March 2015

Education International’s delegation to the 59th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women marched alongside thousands of activists through New York Sunday for gender equality and the rights of women and girls.


09 March 2015

The Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft, together with other public sector unions, is organising strikes across Germany in pursuit of a salary increase and a collective agreement for the 200,000 teachers employed in public schools.


06 March 2015

In February, Education International organized national conversations on the issues affecting teacher effectiveness in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Senegal, part of a programme aimed at boosting teacher unions’ promotion of quality education.


06 March 2015

2015 is an auspicious year for International Women’s Day celebrations: we mark the 20th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the most advanced document on women’s rights and empowerment ever signed by world leaders.


See a list of all the news

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USA: Young Adult And Teen Suicide Rates Nearly Double In Rural Areas Compared To Urban Areas


Source: US Rural Assistance Center – Health and Human Services News 3 – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Young Adult And Teen Suicide Rates Nearly Double In Rural Areas Compared To Urban Areas

In the past, rural teens have been more likely to kill themselves as compared to their urban counterparts. Is the same true today, now that technology has woven us together more tightly? Sadly and surprisingly yes: Between the years 1996 and 2010, a new study finds, the rates of suicide among teens and young-adults ranged twice as high in country settings compared to city areas. In fact, the suicide rate in rural areas is nearly double that in cities… and rising.

Constantly, we are told that technology has made us more connected — certainly the Internet has improved our ability to access knowledge and culture, and so today we more easily bridge the potential differences between countries, continents, languages, and cultures. In fact, anyone with a computer and an Internet connection can view a class in biology at UC Berkeley or learn about ancient Greek culture at Yale. For those of a more artistic bent, movies can be made (and promoted) with a simple smartphone while an endless number of instructional YouTube videos exist for those wishing to learn how to draw, paint, or throw pottery. There would seem to be no reason anyone would feel hopeless — ever.

Sadly, this is not the case, as researchers from The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center discovered.

“We were not surprised by the higher rates in rural areas,” Dr. Cynthia Fontanella, clinical assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral health and lead author of the study, told Medical Daily in an email. “What was surprising is that the gap/disparity is widening over time. As for the advances in technology, although more technology is available, the ‘playing field’ is not necessarily level due to differences in the culture surrounding rural life.” By this she meant country folk more than city folk may be influenced by the stigma surrounding mental health and a perceived need to be self reliant. “This is much slower to change than the technology,” Fontanella commented.

An analysis of data derived from the National Center for Health Statistics found, for people between the ages of 10 and 24 in the United States, “suicide was the third leading cause of death in 2010 behind only unintentional injuries and homicide,” stated the authors of the newly published research. From 1996 through 2010, 66,595 young people between age 10 and 24 died by suicide. Probing these numbers, the researchers discovered the rural versus urban suicide rate among males was nearly 20 and 10 for every 100,000, respectively, and for females, slightly more than 4 and 2 for every 100,000, respectively. A little more than half (51.1 percent) of all suicides involved a gun, while a third (33.9 percent) died by hanging; disproportionately, more rural youths killed themselves in these two ways.

Dramatically, suicide rates were found to be four times higher for young men than young women.

The researchers attribute the differences in self-destruction rates as due to rural people having less access to mental health services, more access to lethal means (guns), greater isolation, and the social/economic trends working against them — between 1990 and 2010, for instance, “nonmetropolitan counties lost population through out-migration and decreased birth rates,” noted the authors in their study. No jobs during the recession compelled many to move to cities, with those left behind feeling increasingly isolated. About 90 percent of those who commit suicide suffer from a major psychiatric problem such as depression or bipolar disorder, the researchers say, while substance abuse, which increases impulsivity and messes with mood, factors into many other deaths.

The researchers suggest school-based interventions as well as telemental health — using technology to provide counseling services, say — could help identify those at risk and provide better monitoring.

“Access to mental health care in rural areas is a key issue; many rural counties do not have even one psychiatrist, psychologist or social worker serving the region,” Fontanella told Medical Daily. “This lack of access can compound the severity of illness. People living in rural areas have to travel longer distances to see health care practitioners and wait longer for appointments, so by the time they receive care they may have developed more serious conditions.”

Source: Fontanella C, Hiance-Steelesmith DL, Phillips GS, et al. Widening Rural-Urban Disparities in Youth Suicides, United States, 1996-2010. JAMA Pediatrics. 2015.


NASA Holds Teleconference on Hubble Observations of Jupiter’s Largest Moon


Source: NASA – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: NASA Holds Teleconference on Hubble Observations of Jupiter’s Largest Moon

NASA Holds Teleconference on Hubble Observations of Jupiter’s Largest Moon | NASA


NASA will host a teleconference at 11 a.m. EDT on Thursday, March 12, to discuss Hubble Space Telescope’s observations of Ganymede, Jupiter’s largest moon. These results will help scientists in the search for habitable worlds beyond Earth.

Participants in the teleconference will be:

  • Jim Green, director of Planetary Science, NASA Headquarters, Washington
  • Joachim Saur, professor for geophysics, University of Cologne, Germany
  • Jennifer Wiseman, Hubble senior project scientist, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland
  • Heidi Hammel, executive vice president, Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Washington 

To participate by phone, reporters must contact Felicia Chou at 202-358-0257 or and provide their media affiliation no later than noon Wednesday.

Audio of the teleconference will be streamed live on NASA’s website at:

For information about NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, visit:

For information about our solar system, including Jupiter and Ganymede, visit:  


This image of Ganymede, one of Jupiter’s moons and the largest moon in our solar system was taken by NASA’s Galileo spacecraft.

Page Last Updated: March 9th, 2015
Page Editor: Sarah Ramsey


The Latest Washington Report on the Hemisphere is out

MIL OSI Analysis –

Source: Council on Hemispheric Affairs – Analysis-Reportage:

Headline: The Latest Washington Report on the Hemisphere is out

In the latest issue, you will find the following analyses:


1-“2016 Río Olympics: Impending Doom?” by Research Associate Erica Illingworth

2- “The Battle for Quinoa: The Bittersweet Reality of Globalization” by Research Associate Timothy Keen

3-“Fear Penetrating Guatemalan Education System” by Research Associate Cameron McKibben

4-“On Abortion Law in Latin America” by Research Associate Chen Jiang

5-“2015: The Year Bolivians Protested Over The Simpsons” by Senior Research Fellow Alejandro Sanchez

Country Briefs:

1-“The Bahamas and Anti Haitian Immigration” by Research Associate Melanie Diaz

2-“Uruguay, and Guantanamo Prisoners” by Research Associate Timothy Keen

More information about the Washington Report on the Hemisphere:

For over 35 years, the Council on Hemispheric Affairs, led by its long-time director and a former professor, Larry Birns, has striven to produce the most in-depth analysis of a full range of inter-American issues. All of its findings are regularly incorporated into its highly regarded 30-year-old biweekly publication, the Washington Report on the Hemisphere.

The Council on Hemispheric Affairs’ biweekly publication, the Washington Report on the Hemisphere (WRH) is widely considered to be one of the most respected and reliable publications of its kind. Circulating since 1980, the WRH has a far-reaching audience consisting of academics, regional analysts, and editorial page editors, corporate vice presidents for Latin American operations, senior financial officers, respected journalists and diplomats throughout the globe.

You can subscribe to the Washington Report on the Hemisphere on the following link:

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Murder, Espionage, and Debt in Argentina

MIL OSI Analysis –

Source: Council on Hemispheric Affairs – Analysis-Reportage:

Headline: Murder, Espionage, and Debt in Argentina

By: James A. Baer, Senior Research Fellow at the Council on Hemispheric Affairs

President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner asked Argentina’s congress to restructure completely the nation’s intelligence service and on February 26 both houses passed the bill, authorizing the country’s new Federal Intelligence Agency. This comes after weeks of speculation, suspicion and protests over the unexplained and unsolved death of federal prosecutor, Alberto Nisman, who was about to testify against the president, accusing her and foreign minister, Héctor Timerman, of covering up their dealings with the Iranian government regarding the 1994 bombing of the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina (AMIA), Argentina’s principal Jewish community center in downtown Buenos Aires that left 85 dead and hundreds injured. It was the most serious case of terrorism in Argentina’s history, and raised concerns about safety among the country’s nearly 250,000 Jewish residents. Nisman’s 300 page indictment charged that Kirchner’s creation in 2013 of a Truth Commission to investigate the AMIA bombing was an attempt to end the investigation so that the government could obtain badly-needed Iranian oil. So far, there is no proof of such collusion and Kirchner’s administration vehemently responded that there was no cover-up and no attempt to derail the investigation. Federal judges Ariel Lijo and Daniel Rafecas refused to proceed with the indictment. On March 4 a federal prosecutor now heading the investigation of cover-up appealed that decision. On March 6 the Argentine government took out a full-page “legal notice” in the Washington Post to explain its position. Nevertheless, there is more than a little confusion about Nisman’s death as well as anger and frustration that the government cannot resolve the mystery.

President Kirchner’s reaction to Nisman’s death has been inconsistent. At first she publically stated that she believed Nisman committed suicide. Then, a few days later, she announced that she believed he was murdered in a plot against her. Meanwhile, the investigation of Nisman’s death has not produced a definitive explanation and conspiracy theories still abound. Protest marches and demonstrations ensued with angry Argentines banging pots and holding up signs saying, “I am Nisman.”

The issue underlying the recent chaos and confusion is the widespread mistrust of the Argentine government over the still unresolved bombings of the AMIA and the Israeli embassy in 1992 that killed 29 and injured 250. Many Argentines do not trust their president to proceed with transparency in the investigation, just as they did not trust her earlier economic policies, in which she threatened to jail any economist who reported correct inflation figures. On the other hand, many Argentines do agree with their president about the so-called “Vulture Funds” that threatened to undo a carefully negotiated debt restructuring plan. Recently the hedge funds agreed to negotiate with the Argentine government, but the ongoing conflict has depressed the economy and created uncertainty. Kirchner has less than one year left in her term and cannot be re-elected for a third consecutive term. She has become the objectification of all that is wrong in Argentina at present.

The national intelligence service is a case in point. President Juan D. Perón created the agency in 1946 in order to bring the state and military intelligence agencies under one organization to handle both internal and external intelligence-gathering bodies. Originally called Coordinación de Informaciones de Estado, Coordination of State Information (CIDE), its name was changed to Secretaría de Informaciones de Estado, Secretariat of State Information (SIDE) in 1956 after the Liberating Revolution staged by the military to oust Perón. During the period of military rule (1976-1983) and the “Dirty War” in which Argentina’s military government murdered members of the opposition as well as thousands of union leaders and students, SIDE was responsible for identifying those deemed to be enemies of the regime. Renamed Secretaría de Inteligencia de Estado in 1976 by General Ongania, the agency focused more on rooting out subversives within Argentina than on international issues. “Operación Condor” was a cooperative effort between Argentina’s SIDE and the intelligence services in Brazil and Chile, which were also under military dictatorships at the time. Its focus was identifying enemies of these Southern Cone military regimes and returning them for prosecution. After the end of Argentina’s military regime in 1983 the agency continued to operate, but with a greater focus on national security rather than internal issues. In 2001 the agency was reorganized with a number of agents removed and others suspected of perpetrating human rights abuses. In 2003 Nestor Kirchner ordered a crackdown on illegal wiretaps undertaken by the agency.

Despite the attempts at reform, Argentina’s intelligence agency has struggled to gain respect and support from the country’s citizens. The inability of the agency to apprehend the perpetrators of the 1992 bombing of the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires and the 1994 community center bombing angered many Argentines. Twelve Argentines were accused of assisting the suicide bomber in the AMIA attack, but acquitted. Carlos Menem, president of Argentina at the time, was accused in 2012 of destroying evidence that might have incriminated him. He was later found guilty of arms smuggling, but had immunity as a sitting senator and has appealed the case to the country’s Supreme Court. Nisman brought evidence to show that the Iranian-supported Hezbollah carried out the bombings, and identified a 21-year-old, Lebanese citizen Ibrahim Hussein Berro as the suicide bomber. Nevertheless, no arrests have been made. President Kirchner blamed rogue agents within the agency for providing information to Nisman about her involvement in a cover-up to discredit her administration politically, and asked congress to dissolve the intelligence agency.

The new Federal Intelligence Agency provides Kirchner with the opportunity to purge the organization of those she mistrusts or who are inept. But a new name for the intelligence service will do little to restore trust in her sinking administration. Despite Kirchner’s claim to the legacy of Perón and the Peronist (Justicialist) Party, it is unclear whether or not she will have any influence in the upcoming presidential elections scheduled for October 25, 2015. Many Argentines just want her gone.

The demonstrations, the accusations, the economic chaos, the suicide or murder of Nisman and the ineptitude of the intelligence agency in tracking down those responsible for Argentina’s worst case of terrorism are all related to Argentines’ feelings of anger and frustration over Kirchner’s administration and a desire for new leadership to replace her.

By: James A. Baer, Senior Research Fellow at the Council on Hemispheric Affairs

Please accept this article as a free contribution from COHA, but if re-posting, please afford authorial and institutional attribution. Exclusive rights can be negotiated. For additional news and analysis on Latin America, please go to: and Rights Action.

Featured Image: Administración Nacional de la Seguridad Social, “PRO.CRE.AR. 1 Año – 13.06.2013,” Flickr Creative Commons, Retrieved from:

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UNFPA Launches Comprehensive Guide on Reporting on Gender-Based Violence


Source: United Nations Population Fund – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: UNFPA Launches Comprehensive Guide on Reporting on Gender-Based Violence

AMMAN, 9 March 2015–UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, has launched a handbook for journalists called, “Reporting on Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in the Syria Crisis”. The handbook draws from real-life scenarios to highlight violations of human rights and international humanitarian law affecting women in conflicts.  It provides guidance to journalists on how to cover these violations, including by giving some cultural and psychological background that they may wish to consider during difficult exchanges with survivors of gender-based violence. It was developed in collaboration with a select group of journalists and experts in the area of gender-based violence, with the support of the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID).

The handbook is the first comprehensive collection of practical recommendations for journalists reporting on gender-based violence in the context of Syria crisis, but can also apply to other conflicts.  It builds on internationally recognized ethical principles and gives an overview of techniques that can help respect the safety, confidentiality and dignity of survivors and their families and communities. It includes technical terms, ethical questions and practical concerns associated with covering gender-based violence.

The handbook is available to view and download here:…


Hatra destruction ‘war crime,’ says UN chief in wake of ISIL destruction of heritage site


Source: United Nations 2 – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Hatra destruction ‘war crime,’ says UN chief in wake of ISIL destruction of heritage site

7 March 2015 – and bulldozing of the ancient Assyrian city of Nimrud and the Director General of the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation also stated her outrage at the latest attack.

“The destruction of Hatra marks a turning point in the appalling strategy of cultural cleansing underway in Iraq,” said Irina Bokova in a statement released jointly with the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) Director General, Abdulaziz Othman Altwaijri.

“With this latest act of barbarism against Hatra, Daesh [ISIL] shows the contempt in which it holds the history and heritage of Arab people, which had been rightly recognized as a World Heritage site,” the statement said.

Hatra, a large fortified city under the influence of the Parthian Empire, withstood invasions by the Romans in 116CE and 198CE thanks to its high, thick walls reinforced by towers. The remains of the city, especially the temples where Hellenistic and Roman architecture blend with Eastern decorative features, attest to the greatness of its civilization.

The statement said this latest direct attack on the history of Islamic Arab cities confirms the role of destruction of heritage in the propaganda of extremists groups.

It also drew attention to the cultural toll paid during the conflict, noting that, in addition to the tragic loss of human life and the humanitarian crisis, persecution of cultural and religious minorities, as well as the targeting of cultural heritage for intentional destruction have been practised, with the aim of erasing the history of the country and thus undermining the peaceful coexistence of diverse communities.

“UNESCO and ISESCO are fully mobilized to respond to this emergency and stand ready to assist the Iraqi authorities in any possible way,” said Mrs Bokova and Mr. Altwaijri.


Asian diversity welcome in Auckland

Headline: Asian diversity welcome in Auckland

Minister for Ethnic Communities Peseta Sam Lotu-Iiga has welcomed a new report which details the overwhelmingly positive influence Auckland’s increasing Asian population is having on the city.

The “Asian Auckland: The Multiple Meanings of Diversity” report by the Asia New Zealand Foundation has revealed the increasing diversity of Auckland’s Asian communities.

The report calls Auckland one of the world’s “super-diverse” cities, a name Mr Lotu-Iiga says ushers in an exciting new era for the city.

“As Minister for Ethnic Communities, and as the MP for the ethnically diverse electorate for Maungakiekie, I welcome this report which underlines the positive influences and the diverse contribution these Asian populations have.

“From the fine food, colourful festivals and the arts, our Asian communities are a welcome addition to our cultural landscape. They bring colour, culture and diversity to our city.

Our government is committed to ensuring New Zealand’s ethnic diversity is embraced, supported and celebrated,” Mr Lotu-Iiga says.

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$1B go-ahead for Waikato Expressway

Headline: $1B go-ahead for Waikato Expressway

The approval of over a billion dollars in spending on a major trade route through the Waikato shows the Government’s commitment to unlocking New Zealand’s potential for economic growth Transport Minister, Simon Bridges says.

Work on the remaining three sections of the Waikato Expressway is set to get underway this year, following approval by the NZ Transport Agency Board to spend $1.08 billion on the construction of the Hamilton and Longswamp sections.

Once complete, the expressway will extend 102km from the intersection of State Highway 1 and 2 at the base of the Bombay hills in the north, to just south of Cambridge. The continuous, divided four-lane highway will reduce the length of State Highway 1 by 6km.

Mr Bridges says the approval means that all seven sections of the expressway will be built, under construction or out to tender by the end of 2015, thanks to total Government investment of around $2 billion.

“The Waikato Expressway is one of seven Roads of National Significance (RoNS) identified by the Government as key to supporting the economy and business growth. 

“The expressway is a vital piece of infrastructure that will become the key strategic transport corridor for the Waikato region, connecting Auckland to the agricultural, tourism and business centres in the wider Waikato and Bay of Plenty hinterland.

“This improved connectivity will increase capacity while reducing travel times, fuel and vehicle operating costs, and will dramatically reduce the number and severity of accidents”, he says.

For more information see:

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Missing Whanganui man located


Source: New Zealand Police – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Missing Whanganui man located


Missing Whanganui man John Sklenars has now been located safe and well.

He was located in the Marybank area at approximately 7:30pm last night (9 March, 2015).

A member of the public contacted police after they had seen Mr Sklenars in the area. With darkness closing in, a helicopter was launched to complete an aerial search and Mr Sklenars was located and assisted by ground units.

Constable Keith Thomson, officer in charge of the search says: “We want to thank the community and those vigilant members of the public who helped us locate Mr Sklenars. We also want to sincerely thank his family for the significant time and effort they put into helping locate him.”



“No singular Asian migrant” – new report on Auckland’s diverse Asian communities


Source: Asia New Zealand Foundation – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: “No singular Asian migrant” – new report on Auckland’s diverse Asian communities

10 March 2015

A new report from the Asia New Zealand Foundation reveals the increasing diversity of Auckland’s Asian communities.

“Asian Auckland: The multiple meanings of diversity” details the history and trends of Asian migration to Auckland, especially since 2006. It was commissioned by the Asia New Zealand Foundation as part of a series of reports drawing on 2013 Census data.

Author Wardlow Friesen, senior lecturer in geography at the University of Auckland, says immigration policy changes since the 1990s have resulted in more migrants entering New Zealand as international students or on work visas. This has created more diverse Asian populations in terms of age, sex, education and skills and has led to an increase in Filipino and Indian migrants in particular. The median age of Auckland’s Asian population is lower than that of the total population.

“At any one time the Asian population comprises a complex mix of New Zealand born, overseas born, citizens, permanent residents, temporary workers, students and tourists – all arriving for a variety of reasons and bringing with them a diverse range of demographic characteristics, skills and expectations,” Dr Friesen says in the report.

“This complexity is most apparent in Auckland, where migrant settlement patterns illustrate other aspects of increasing diversification and show there is no singular ‘Asian migrant’.”

At the time of the 2013 Census, more than one in five (21 percent) Asian people living in Auckland were New Zealand-born. Dr Friesen says significant numbers of Asian Aucklanders, notably Chinese and Indian, are not migrants but New Zealand-born and have characteristics, identities and expectations different from migrant populations.

Asia New Zealand Foundation director, research Dr Andrew Butcher says Auckland has become known as one of world’s super-diverse cities. “This report shows that this diversity is true not only of Auckland but of the city’s Asian population itself.

“New Zealand’s Asian population is expected to increase in upcoming decades, and two-thirds of this population is expected to live in Auckland. While new migrants are often the focus of

attention, a significant proportion of future growth in the Asian population will come from people born in New Zealand.”

The report provides insights into Asian “ethnoscapes” in the city – which include tangible elements like people, shops and houses, as well as less tangible aspects like language and religious affiliation. It notes that the diversification of food outlets, festivals and Asian diasporic art forms are generally positively received by New Zealanders of all ethnicities.

It examines the settlement patterns of Asian immigrants around Auckland, providing case studies for particular neighbourhoods including Dannemora and Botany Downs; Glenfield and Northcote; and Sandringham. It also examines the influence of Asian communities on Auckland’s food culture, cultural festivals, the media and the arts.

Dr Friesen is the author of a previous Asia New Zealand Foundation report on Auckland, based on the results of the 2006 Census. In an audio interview accompanying the report, he says one of the biggest changes he has noticed is a shift in focus from permanent residency in 2006 to larger numbers of work permit migrants and students in 2013.

Asia New Zealand Foundation is a non-profit, non-partisan organisation dedicated to building New Zealand’s links with Asia through a range of programmes, including business, culture, education, media, research and a leadership network.

The report is available here.


Rebecca Palmer
Asia New Zealand Foundation media adviser
04 470 8701

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Women’s rights then and now – are we falling behind?


Source: Auckland University of Technology (AUT) – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Women’s rights then and now – are we falling behind?

09 Mar, 2015

New Zealand was the first country to give women the vote and we have always regarded ourselves as a leader in giving equal rights to women. To mark International Women’s Day, AUT’s Professor Marilyn Waring recently spoke at Parliament, comparing women rights in the 1970s to now and asking whether we are falling behind.
This is an edited version of the speech by Professor Marilyn Waring

Sunday 8th March was International Women’s Day. Forty years ago on March 24 1975 I became the candidate for the safe National seat of Raglan.

Media made much of my being a feminist and in 1975 that could be fairly complicated. The word feminist usually came with adjectives attached: liberal, socialist, Marxist, Leninist, Trotskyist, lesbian, separatist, radical.  I didn’t wear any of those labels, being content to agree with suffragist Rebecca West who said, ‘People call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat’.

Following the 1975 election Whetu Tirakatene Sullivan, Mary Batchelor, Colleen Dewe and myself were four of 87 MPs in Parliament. Soon after the election Colleen Dewe advised me she wasn’t a feminist and hadn’t ever suffered discrimination. Colleen was an accountant. ‘Have you ever gone to the Annual Conference of the Accountants in New Zealand?’ I asked. Well yes she had. ‘And were you always able to attend the dinner held at that conference?’ I continued. She smiled. They were men-only dinners. I don’t believe Colleen ever said she wasn’t a feminist again.

We had a male Cabinet of 19, one of whom was the spokesman on women’s issues, and five male parliamentary under-secretaries. All heads of government departments were men. Thirty-one men and eight women members of the Parliamentary Press Gallery fed their views from central government to 37 major metropolitan and provincial daily newspapers, all edited by men. The law courts were presided over by 23 male judges and only three of the 26 major city councils by women mayors.

The Select Committee on Women’s Rights established in 1973 reported in 1975. There were some very big silences: no health Terms of Reference because that would mean dealing with all the things that distinguish women from men; pre and post natal issues, lactation issues, fertility, but mostly they did not want to deal with women’s reproductive freedom. Not much has changed.

No provision was made for in-camera submissions, and nothing in the report made to the House was on violence against women.

Yes some of the items in the Select Committee report on The Role of Women in Society did get attention. When a married woman applied in her own name to purchase land offered for disposal by the Crown, she was required to supply a male guarantor, unless the purchase was a cash sale.

Grounds for divorce contained in the Matrimonial Proceedings Act 1963 included the option for a man to present a divorce petition against his wife for the habitual neglect of domestic duties. The latest data sets available to the Committee came from the 1971 Census.

There were the International Conventions which New Zealand had ratified and refused to denounce until the five yearly opportunity came to do this. Work restrictions were contained in the Factories Act 1946 in accordance with Convention No. 89, the International Labour Organisation Night Work (Women) (Revised) 1948. I remember comments from Margaret Wilson on the prohibition on women in night work, to the effect that if you were a nurse or a prostitute it was fine, it was just all the other work that was the problem. The prohibition had been introduced in 1919, as part of a package to ensure male preference for all work following World War 1.

The Public Service Regulations of 1964 gave direction to the State Services Commission in determining expenses on transfer to make specific rules regarding persons who were not breadwinners. The relevant ruling allowed for the department to meet the cost of “the employee and his family” on transfer within the service but “transfer expenses for married female employees should be referred to the commission with details of circumstances, number and ages of children, previous and proposed occupation of husband”. It was as a result of this rule that I first met Jools Joslin, one of the most important figures in the battle for marriage equality in New Zealand. Jools was a constituent teaching near Huntly, who as a single mother was denied transfer expenses when shifting to another teaching position. She got her expenses.

Women needed a male guarantor to open an account, negotiate an overdraft, or to raise mortgage finance or credit in their own names.

The report to the House stated,  ‘Most aspects of discrimination continue to be the subject of inaction (for 1975 read 2014), and the committee accepts without reservation, the need for an accelerated effort to remove all impediments to the equal participation of women in society. Two generations later, I’m still waiting for that exciting day.

In 1975 less than 5% of all apprentices in the private sector were women, and the overwhelming portion of those were hairdressers.  In 2010, the latest statistics I could find, modern apprenticeships were totally dominated by Pakeha males. It’s not surprising as every time I hear a Government Minister speak of the Canterbury rebuild it is the ‘young men’ who will find work there. Some of the same people who think it is a problem to force women into veils find easier ways to make women invisible; last week every pronoun used by the Prime Minister in terms of the New Zealanders he wishes to send to Iraq was male.

The Committee noted the use of sex to sell plant and machinery (TV coverage of events such as Big Boys Toys show nothing has changed there either) and the reference to irrelevant details of personal appearance about women who reach the news for achievements in business or political fields.

The committee recognised that there were ‘special needs’ associated with women at home. The report read, ‘We were particularly concerned at the evidence of social injustice towards full-time homemakers, for which there can be no justification other than customary practice, and which reflects detrimentally on the status of all women’. A great number of submissions stressed the relatively low economic and social value placed on a housewife’s services compared with services performed by other sections of the community.

Forty years later we have the market related outcomes of this social injustice having to be remedied by the Courts – the case for sleepover shifts at IHS homes; the Employment Court and Court of Appeal decisions in the equal pay case for rest home workers, because of the high percentage of female employees; the Employment Court Decision regarding the deliberate servitude in which 35,000 women workers in New Zealand have been systematically exploited by being paid subsidies; and the breathtaking case of the 24/7 carers who are immediate family whose human rights case was won in the Equal Opportunities Tribunal, in the High Court, in the Court of Appeal – and then the National Government decided to ignore court rulings, to take away the right to recompense and to legislate the ouster condition preventing challenges to the law, which continues the discrimination. Well, so much for the boast of believing in ‘equal opportunity and equal citizenship’ on the National Party website. But this was not surprising in a Government where a Minister could advise his agency that he did not want to read any assessment of human rights in his Cabinet Briefing papers.

Can we think of any equivalent treatment of something men did for centuries unpaid? Yes, it was called slavery. But exploiting women is apparently just fine. The 2009-2010 time-use survey found 63% of men’s work was paid, and 65% of women’s work unpaid. Women spent four hours 20 minutes every day on unpaid work, and men spent two hours and 32 minutes a day on unpaid work. The fact is the entire market economy would grind to a halt if women didn’t do the majority of unpaid work.

Recognition of this hits hard at the claim that only market work is of value, and of course redistribution of investments from government on this basis would undermine the cushy ride boys have given boys for decades.

Internationally – and based on evidence – Oxfam has called the on-going gap in paid employment rates, the vast difference on an annual basis in hours in unpaid work, the failure to address pay equity, the failure to address equal pay, the continuing gender occupational segregation, the failure to follow best practice in paid parental leave’- a fundamental entrenched form of inequality’.

With respect to the silences of the terms of reference of the 1975 select Committee report there remain outrages. It was January 28, 1988 – 26 years ago – when the Supreme Court of Canada struck down Canada’s abortion law as unconstitutional. The law was found to violate Section 7 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms because it infringes upon a woman’s right to “life, liberty and security of person.” Chief Justice Brian Dickson wrote, “Forcing a woman, by threat of criminal sanction, to carry a fetus to term unless she meets certain criteria unrelated to her own priorities and aspirations, is a profound interference with a woman’s body and thus a violation of her security of the person.” Canada became one of a small number of countries without a law restricting abortion. Abortion is now treated like any other medical procedure and is governed by provincial and medical regulations. Check out the language of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Every word there is in New Zealand legislation. It remains an indictment of the cowardice of successive New Zealand parliaments and an extraordinary lack of leadership that we still have the vile outcomes of my years in parliament on the statute books. While it may be taken into account, rape is not an automatic ground for abortion. This is a reflection of a Neanderthal patriarchy.

The other major 1975 silence was violence against women. Violence against women clearly demands sustained, resourced, dedicated, urgent and ongoing action from the government. As the Covenant for the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) coalition of New Zealand NGOs submitted, women are frustrated and exhausted by delays, prevarication, reports and other processes that are not implemented and lack of funding to address a systemic and continuing violation of human rights of women. What are they afraid of – that men who assault women won’t then pay to come to the Cabinet Club fundraisers?

It’s time for a new Select Committee Inquiry. Maybe it could spark patriarchal interest if every issue was subject to a market-based opportunity cost assessment – just what does male violence cost the economy each year? Inequality is expensive; social injustice is not a saving, we have to pay for in the long run. The Commission on the Status of Women moving to a two year as opposed to an annual event;  it’s apparently too much of a burden on nation states to have to assess the situation regarding female human rights annually.

Forty years of feminist activism and there are issues with no progress at all;  violence against women, the recognition of unpaid work (where we are going backwards),  numbers of women in parliament, numbers of women appointed to government boards and commissions  and a systemic failure to provide leadership on all human rights issues. It’s an interesting day when I can conclude, from evidence, that there were greater and more female human rights legislative changes and changes in resourcing under Muldoon than there have ever been under Key. Two generations later a parliament still dominated by white middle-class, middle-aged men needs to hear the truths of the ongoing exploitation of and discrimination against the women of New Zealand.

So on International Women’s Day in 2015 I have a message for the Prime Minister: Get some guts and join the right side – but this time in your own back yard. I bet you can’t.


Seasprites Formally Handed over to Defence Force


Source: New Zealand Defence Force – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Seasprites Formally Handed over to Defence Force


One of the new Seasprite SH-2G(I) helicopters from Kaman Aerospace, handed over to the NZ Defence Force in a ceremony at Royal RNZAF Base Auckland in March 2015

One of the new Seasprite SH-2G(I) helicopters from Kaman Aerospace, handed over to the New Zealand Defence Force in a ceremony at RNZAF Base Auckland on Friday 6 March 2015.

6 March 2015

The New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) officially accepted ownership of the new Seasprite SH-2G(I) helicopters from Kaman Aerospace in a ceremony at Royal New Zealand Air Force Base Auckland this morning.

There are three new Seasprites at Base Auckland and the remaining five will be delivered by September. The new SH-2G(I) replaces the SH-2G model that is presently being used.

Chief of Navy, Rear Admiral Jack Steer said the handover marked a significant milestone for the Defence Force’s maritime aviation capability.

“The Seasprites perform a vital function for the Navy, and enhance the roles of our ships at sea, by undertaking a range of tasks including maritime surveillance, search and rescue, counter-terrorism and utility lift. We’ve operated Seasprites since the 1990s and they have proven to be a great capability for us.

“We deployed a Seasprite on HMNZS TE MANA to the Gulf of Aden in 2014 in support of the multi-national Combined Task Force undertaking anti-piracy activities in the region. The Seasprite flew over 120 hours and was used for surveillance and reconnaissance adding substantial value to the operation. We currently have a Seasprite embarked on HMNZS TE KAHA who is on operational deployment until May and the helicopter is an integral part of this mission,” said Rear Admiral Steer.

Operation of the Seasprites is a joint effort between the Navy and Air Force. Seasprites are flown by Navy personnel and maintained by Air Force engineers and technicians who form No.6 Squadron at Whenuapai.

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Evening Report episode 1 – Nicky Hager Interview on the Snowden Revelations

Evening Report episode 1 (March 9, 2015): launches tonight with an extended one-on-one interview with investigative journalist Nicky Hager on the Snowden Revelations. We invite you to participate and debate the issues raised in this interview, and trust the discussion will empower discussions on other mediums. Thanks for stopping by. BACKGROUNDER TO THE DEBATE: As you will all no doubt be aware, a team of investigative journalists began last week to reveal how the New Zealand Government has been spying on a massive scale on a host of Pacific nations. The spying has been a part of the United States-led Five Eyes alliance that includes the U.S., Canada, Britain, Australia and New Zealand. The investigation is a collaborative effort between the New Zealand Herald, investigative journalist Nicky Hager, the Sunday Star Times, and the U.S. news site The Intercept. The reports are based on a cache of official documents released by US whistleblower Edward Snowden – and are being referred to as the Snowden Revelations. The documents reveal New Zealand has been intercepting all communications taking place in the South/West Pacific and parts of Melanesia. Since 2009, New Zealand’s signals surveillance spy agency the GCSB, or Government a communications Security Bureau, has been operating a Full-Take collection protocol, the technology provided by the United States. Once New Zealand’s spy agency acquires the communications, the data is transferred to the United States’ National Security Agency – the NSA. The information is then able to be accessed by US, British, Canadian, Australian, and New Zealand intelligence analysts. The data acquired goes further than just meta-data, but includes all email correspondence, all telephone and cellphone calls, all texts or SMS, all social media comments and chats. Specifically, the information feeds into the NSA’s X-Keyscore system and provides the five Eyes spies with analytics on everything communicated within the targeted Pacific nations including: Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu, Nauru, New Caledonia, Solomon Islands, and French Polynesia. It is understood that while all communications taking place within the countries is acquired, the operation also targets prime ministers, government officials, opinion shapers, and non government organisations. Meanwhile New Zealand’s Prime Minister John Key said yesterday (Thursday): “Some of the information was incorrect, some of the information was out of date, some of the assumptions made were just plain wrong.” –]]>

Analysis & Video Debate Backbone of Evening Report

Evening Report editor, Selwyn Manning. Evening Report editor, Selwyn Manning.[/caption] Editor’s Note: Welcome to Evening Report! I have launched tonight under a ‘Independent Interactive Debate’ brand. And as you can see, launches with an extended one-on-one interview with investigative journalist Nicky Hager on the Snowden Revelations. Here, you will find this e-media site as less tribal than a blog. Know, it is independent at its core. And, it is driven by public interest fourth estate journalism principles. is owned by Multimedia Investments Ltd ( a company that I established in the early 2000s. And I have decided to be the foundation editor of this project. I don’t normally write about myself. But it is important to provide a little detail here:

      I have 22 years experience as a journalist, and have specialised in investigative journalism, politics, foreign affairs, intelligence and security analysis and reportage. I hold MCS (Hons.) and BCS (Hons.) degrees. I spent about 18 months as a press secretary/political advisor to the Labour-led New Zealand Government 1999-2001.
I am a regular commentator on radio in New Zealand, Australia, and abroad, and have delivered to the public reportage and analysis via all expressions of media including: television, internet, newspapers and magazines. The decision to create was made because I believe New Zealanders are interested in following big issues and deserve a place to go where extensive-robust debate is encouraged irrespective of a person’s politics or beliefs. Like many, I’ve become tired of the infighting on some of the progressive blogs, and I believe a wider audience should have an independently positioned outlet that is less interested in attack lines and more interested in extending debate on big issues. So as you will see, is more analysis, and fourth-estate-based debate, as opposed to a polarising blog site. As editor, I’m looking for well-researched, well argued submissions, from journalists and writers who wish to expand on current affairs reportage. But I’m also inviting submissions from people, irrespective of their background or community, who have something to contribute to the New Zealand debate. That’s my invitation to you, the audience. EveningReport is designed with realtime interactivity in mind. Along with published articles, columns, and analysis it will webcast video debate and interviews on-site in realtime and on-demand. Public and audience interaction is also key to EveningReport’s brand. The ‘You Live‘ platform (which will go live by around Thursday) is a first for a New Zealand current affairs site. The ‘You Live‘ section provides a live text, live audio, and live video platform for you, the audience to debate issues in real time. also, you can still use the comment function at the foot of articles just as is the norm on mainstream media sites and blogs.’s editorial policy is simple: It is founded on public interest advocacy of humanitarianism, environmentalism, progressive economics, sustainable business practice, and security. Its agenda is also simple: If a decision has a positive impact on a community/region/sector then the issue will get a positive run. If the impact is contrary to progress then the causes will be identified, the effect examined, solutions explored, and decision-makers challenged to put it right. Do feel free to tell us what you think of via this feedback form. Thanks for stopping by. Details:
      Site name –
      Date Launched – 8pm March 9, 2015
      First Interview – With Nicky Hager on the Snowden Revelations.
      Editor – Selwyn Manning
    eMail –

Change to MPs remuneration setting process

Headline: Change to MPs remuneration setting process

Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety Michael Woodhouse today announced Cabinet’s decision to change the process for how the Remuneration Authority reviews MPs pay.

“Today Cabinet agreed that the average annual percentage change in public sector pay, as measured by Statistics New Zealand’s Quarterly Employment Survey (QES), will from now on determine MPs’ pay rises,” Mr Woodhouse says.

“Using the QES public sector index means that MPs pay will increase in line with average public sector salary movements.

“The law change is expected to be passed under urgency with the changes coming into force later this week and backdated to 1 July 2014. This means MPs’ overall pay rise for the year starting 1 July 2014 will be 1.5 per cent, rather than the 3.56 per cent announced by the Remuneration Authority.

“Previously the Authority had to take into account factors such as relativity to comparable positions, and the requirements of the job. With this change, the Authority will just need to annually apply the average QES index for the June year to the MPs’ total remuneration package.”

The Remuneration Authority will continue to have the ability to change the mix of cash and non-cash items in MPs’ overall pay.

This indexing of MPs’ salaries to the QES will be done at the same time every year, following publication of the June Quarterly Employment Survey.

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Paul Buchanan on democratic intelligence oversight

By Dr Paul G. Buchanan REVELATIONS ABOUT MASS SURVEILLANCE gathering by the US and its primary allies serve the useful purpose of highlighting the need for, and proper role of, intelligence oversight in democracies. This essay provides a conceptual overview of some of the ideal types of democratic intelligence oversight. [caption id="attachment_770" align="aligncenter" width="512"]NSA Worldwide SIGINT Platform 2013. Photo: NSA via Wikimeida Commons. NSA Worldwide SIGINT Platform 2013. Photo: NSA via Wikimeida Commons.[/caption] Variations may exist in how these ideal types are implemented in practice, but the underlying rationale and conformation of intelligence oversight mechanisms remains the same regardless of the specific type of democracy in question. The fundamental difference between authoritarian intelligence operations and those conducted by democracies is that the former serve the regime while the latter serve society. Intelligence agencies in democracies answer to the government of the day but are not subjects of it. They are commonweal organizations: much like fire services, they are responsible to government in the first instance but serve society as a whole, without discriminating amongst its constituent parts either in service provision or in accountability. Under authoritarian regimes intelligence agencies overlap internal and external espionage functions and answer only to centralized executive authority. In democracies intelligence agencies separate internal and external espionage functions and are held accountable by a systems of checks and balances between the three branches of government even if their leadership is directly overseen by, or is a part of, the executive branch or government of the day. The reason democratic intelligence oversight is ideally split amongst the three branches of government is to avoid concentration of power in intelligence collection and to promote transparency and accountability amongst those who hold the critical responsibilities of safeguarding the nation’s secrets, thwarting the espionage of others, and collecting sensitive information about events, people, places and processes vital to the national interest. Intelligence oversight in a democracy is part of a larger principle known as horizontal and vertical accountability. Democracies are characterized by two dimensions of accountability, as are their component parts. Vertical accountability refers to the accountability of incumbents of national and local decision-making positions to the public at large. This can occur via elections, recalls, referenda, judicial review and other mechanisms by which those who govern are held to account by those they ostensibly serve. Citizens hold decision-makers in State agencies, particularly highly intrusive State agencies such as intelligence services and the Police, accountable through elected government. Agents of these agencies may be appointed or bureaucratically promoted, but they still serve the public interest under the scrutiny of elected public officers (even if indirectly, since senior judicial appointments often are subject to legislative approval). Horizontal accountability refers to the accountability of public institutions to each other. This lies at the core of the notion of separation of powers, whereby the actions of one branch can be reviewed and held to account by others. This most often means that the actions of the executive branch, which operates as the management agent of the State, is subjected to review by other State branches operating independently of each other. In practice this is done by the judiciary and legislature, and in the case of intelligence oversight, by specialized agencies working for them. These branches also have their own vertical accountability mechanisms, be it legislative elections or judicial recall procedures. The importance of independent specialized intelligence oversight agencies operated by the judiciary and legislature cannot be over-stated. These agencies require personnel with the technical skills and security clearances to expertly assess intelligence operations. Given that the scope of intelligence gathering has expanded exponentially in the digital age, this means that specialized intelligence courts, review boards and legislative committees require professionals with working knowledge of or career experience in all three types of intelligence collection: signals, technical and human. That in turns requires professional familiarity with technical aspects of intelligence tradecraft such as radio, phone, cyber, cable and satellite telemetric communications (Signals), infrared, imagery, acoustic, geospatial and seismic monitoring (Technical), and anthropological, cultural, demographic, economic, historical, political, psychological and social factors (Human). Only with such expertise can intelligence oversight agencies realistically assess the operations of and resist cooptation by the intelligence agencies they are charged with monitoring. Intelligence oversight bodies must act independently of the executive branch and have powers of compulsion under oath when seeking information from intelligence officials. That means dedicated funding as agencies of the legislature and/or judiciary. Otherwise, intelligence oversight is placed at the interface between politics and operational matters in a chain of responsibility, which reduces institutional autonomy and freedom of action. [caption id="attachment_769" align="aligncenter" width="575"]US intelligence oversight mechanisms. Source: Federation of American Scientists ( US intelligence oversight mechanisms. Source: Federation of American Scientists ([/caption] Whether they ultimately answer to the courts and/or legislature, democratic intelligence oversight agencies are nonpartisan and apolitical. They serve as permanent autonomous agencies of the judiciary and legislative branch. Their oversight is operational as opposed to formulative. They do not make the rules governing intelligence agencies (something that is a matter for the legislature subject to judicial confirmation). Rather, they ensure that the rules are adhered to in the course of intelligence operations, something that reaffirms and reinforces adherence to the law by the agencies being overseen. An alternative to the separation of powers concept with regard to intelligence oversight is to appoint an independent review/oversight board with permanent staff and all of the powers mentioned above. The board can be nominated by the executive but is ratified by consensus in the legislature subject to judicial review and security vetting of nominees. For democratic intelligence oversight to be effective it must be prospective as well as retrospective. Prospective oversight refers to before-the-fact review of proposed intelligence collection efforts in pursuit of issuing surveillance warrants (particularly on domestic soil). Retrospective oversight refers to after-the-fact review of operational conduct in pursuit of determining the legality of intelligence operations at home and abroad. Taken together the two forms of oversight promote before and after accountability on the part of intelligence officials. The link between the prospective and retrospective aspects of intelligence oversight is made by weekly (classified) briefings by intelligence agency officials to oversight panels. The panels are made up of senior officials working on judicial and legislative intelligence oversight committees or intelligence review boards. With regard to the oversight role of the executive branch, which can often be the first point of contact when it comes to review intelligence operations, the responsibility for issuing intelligence warrants ideally rests outside the office of the prime minister or president. Normally that would be the province of the Attorney or Solicitor General acting on the prospective advice of external oversight agencies when considering requests by intelligence agencies. It is important to separate executive oversight from the partisan logics and political expediency that constitutes the daily ebb and flow of democratic governance. That allows objective review of surveillance warrants that are not beholden to electoral, opportunistic or other non-commonweal logics. That is why someone other than the Prime Minister or President must be the lead point of executive branch oversight, and why s/he must answerable to the legislature or judiciary on contentious or disputable issues involving intelligence operations. Appointing oversight bodies within the executive branch who depend on the intelligence community or the chief executive for resources is a fig leaf rather than a legitimate and effective oversight and accountability mechanism. If they are to fulfill their oversight roles they need institutional independence from the political leadership temporarily residing in the executive branch. At its core, intelligence oversight systems depend on intelligence officials who act honestly and in adherence to the secrecy oaths and legal obligations incumbent upon them. That can be achieved by rigorous security vetting and regular monitoring of individuals with sensitive security clearances. The costs of doing so are justified by the benefits of keeping state secrets uncompromised. There needs to be institutional means through which intelligence officers can address complaints and concerns about operations that they believe may be in violation of the legal charter governing intelligence operations (much like military justice systems dealing with illegal orders). With procedures and mechanisms for in-house review of intelligence operations, the job of external oversight becomes easier. Should those avenues not exist, then external intelligence oversight agencies must offer legal guarantees to whistleblowers that inspire confidence that complaints and concerns will be seriously considered and individual privacy and security protected. Otherwise the temptation will exist for potential whistleblowers to go outside the institutional framework and leak information to external actors. Absent strong permanent oversight, the tendency will remain for intelligence agencies to “push the envelope” of their institutional charter. It is natural (some might say required) of them to do so, as their commitment to service in defense of the national interest compel them to explore all means of advancing that goal absent legal prohibitions against specific operations or collection efforts. Besides preventing abuses or arbitrary exercises of power, independent and autonomous intelligence oversight is a democratic hedge against that compulsion. In sum, democratic intelligence oversight is a complex process involving mutual checks and balances among multiple specialized and dedicated agencies. The system may appear cumbersome but it is the only real guarantee against the “iron law of tyranny” that creeps into executive decision-making on security matters where and when they do not exist. [caption id="attachment_673" align="alignleft" width="300"]See for more Asia-Pacific analysis. See for more Asia-Pacific analysis.[/caption] The bottom line is captured by a phrase from Ronald Reagan:  “Trust, but verify.” His focus may have been on the Soviet Union but the principle he espoused is as true for intelligence oversight in democracies as it is for foreign relations in general.Reference: US intelligence community. A condensed version of this essay was published on May 5, 2014 by the Lowy Institute “The Interpreter” blog. – This analysis was forst published on –]]>

From a Coconet Spy Tempest to TPPA Secrecy

By David Robie – Café Pacific. [caption id="attachment_909" align="alignright" width="300"]The "TPPA - no way" rally at the weekend in Auckland - one of more than a score of New Zealand cities hosting protests against the controversial proposed free trade agreement. Photo: David Robie. The “TPPA – no way” rally at the weekend in Auckland – one of more than a score of New Zealand cities hosting protests against the controversial proposed free trade agreement. Photo: David Robie.[/caption] PACIFIC commentator Barbara Dreaver called last week’s spying on the Pacific neighbours controversy a storm in a teacup. Or perhaps something more of a coconet tempest. Security affairs specialist Paul Buchanan was more concerned about getting French military backs up in response. We had enough of that three decades ago this year with a certain scandalous maritime bombing. State terrorism in fact. And Britain, the US and Australia – three of the Five Eyes club members along with New Zealand and Canada – remained so meek over that outrage. Fairfax Pacific reporter Michael Field pointed out that with a bit more methodical spying, New Zealand would be better informed about the region instead of being caught by surprise with both the Sitiveni Rabuka and George Speight coups in 1987 and 2000 and other events. Reliable intelligence is critical for New Zealand’s political and military responsibility to the region – “what are they expected to do for useful intelligence, Google it?” An editorial in The New Zealand Herald, which reported the Snowden paper expose along with The Intercept, chimed in the comment about the Pacific spying that “at least we know about it”. “Many New Zealanders will not feel scandalised by the Herald’s revelations about their country’s spying in the Pacific. They will be more inclined to applaud the activities of the Government Communications Security Bureau and its involvement in the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing alliance. “There is, after all, yet to be conclusive evidence that what has been done, and is being done, is against the law. Spying, even on friends, is far from novel.” Principled reaction The Greens had the most principled reaction, calling for a public inquiry and condemning the treatment of New Zealanders from the Cook Islands and Niuean as “second-class citizens”. If the revelations failed to get many New Zealanders riled, another issue has been gradually raising the anger level, climbing another notch over the weekend. All over the country, thousands of New Zealanders took to the streets in peaceful protests over the John Key government’s arrogant betrayal of democracy and secrecy over the proposed “sell out” of policy to global corporates in the planned Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement (TPPA). At the Auckland rally, it was a creative and innovative stunt to wheel out a Trojan horse representing the TPPA and what it would do to sabotage the New Zealand – and Pacific – way of life. The Trojan horse was dragged along by the powerful US-based transnational corporations “pulling the strings” behind the scenes. The TPP aims to create a regional free trade block involving 12 Asia Pacific countries: Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, United States and Vietnam. However, as Auckland University law professor Jane Kelsey, one of the key speakers at the rally, points out, time is running out for the TPPA in spite of the Key government’s optimism. Unless a fast tracked document and a “blessing” by the International Trade Commission make it before Congress by August, the TPPA is bound to lose momentum. President Barack Obama is hardly likely to want to push ahead with such a controversial issue if he won’t even take credit it for it as part of his presidential legacy. As Dr Kelsey says about the current status of negotiations: “One major obstacle to the political endgame is the reassertion of core democratic principles, evidenced by two recent developments”:

  • While the John Key government and Trade Minister Tim Groser still believe they can get away with “signing a deal of this magnitude while keeping it secret”, the European Union Ombudsman has shown how secrecy can be stripped away in Europe over the parallel Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TIPP) negotiations.
  • A constitutional challenge to the TPP in Japan in protest over the potential agreement “usurping their Parliament’s supreme law-making authority”.
Perhaps one of the more poignant comments all week was by a Pacific Scoop reader responding to the week of a military “training” commitment to Iraq, the spying drama and TPPA, who said:
“John Key has no right to assume that the general populace of NZers are in support of his actions when he has not followed a democratic process to check this out.“ I say no to deployment of troops. Violence begets violence. The most striking proof of that is that what we see in the Mid-East is a result of Americas bombing raids in so many countries in the East.“John Key, stop smoothing up to the Americans and their bombings.”
Storm in a teacup Thousands protest in NZ cities against Pacific-wide free trade. [Editor’s Note: You can read more of Dr David Robie’s writings on Café Pacific.] –]]>

Canterbury Police and WorkSafe NZ investigations into fatal farming incident ongoing

Headline: Canterbury Police and WorkSafe NZ investigations into fatal farming incident ongoing

Monday, 9 March 2015 – 5:31pm

Canterbury Police are now able to name the victim of the fatal farming incident at a rural property in Purau which occurred shortly after 12 noon on Friday (6 March 2015).  He was 34 year old Christopher James Corlett from Taranaki.

The death has been referred to the Coroner who will determine the cause of death.  His family are extremely upset and are being supported by Canterbury Police and his employer.

Witnesses report that the fertiliser truck he was driving was seen travelling backwards down a moderate slope before continuing down a steeper incline, coming to an abrupt stop in a gully.  Canterbury Police, Diamond Harbour Volunteer Fire Brigade and Westpac Helicopter attended the incident but the driver was confirmed as deceased at the scene.

Canterbury Police and WorkSafe New Zealand investigations into the cause of the incident are continuing. 

A family spokesperson says “We are all in shock and struggling to come to terms with the fact that Chris is not coming home.  He was a loving father of two, husband, son, brother and friend.  We understand that the public are interested in the events which took Chris from us but ask they understand why we ask for privacy while we come to terms with our tragic loss.  Our family will hold a private funeral where his friends and family can come together to celebrate his life and ask that the media do not attend or speak to his mourners.  We would like to thank Canterbury Police and emergency services for their help, support and professionalism and our friends for their unwavering support. “

Canterbury Police will not be making any further comment regarding this incident and ongoing investigation.


Issued by:  Lisa-Marie Brooks, District Communications Manager, Canterbury Police District.  Mobile:  021 942 404


Murder accused located


Source: New Zealand Police – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Murder accused located

National News

Murder accused 17 year-old Beauen Wallace-Loretz, who has been breaching his electronic bail conditions since Thursday night (March 5), was located in the Auckland region at about 4.20pm today. He is in Police custody and will appear in the Auckland High Court tomorrow for a bail hearing.


Issued by Noreen Hegarty

Auckland City District Communications Manager



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