Newsletter: New Zealand Politics Daily – May 07 2018 – Today’s content
Editor’s Note: Here below is a list of the main issues currently under discussion in New Zealand and links to media coverage.
[caption id="attachment_297" align="aligncenter" width="640"] The Beehive and Parliament Buildings.[/caption]
Below are the links to the items online. The full text of these items are contained in the PDF file (click to download).
Government spending and budget
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): Forget the gossip; Labour’s first Budget will set the tone for Jacinda Ardern’s Government
John Armstrong (Herald): Government’s broken promises won’t necessarily lead to dip in polls
Chris Trotter: Rainy Day Ministers
Stacey Kirk (Stuff): The pre-budget dance has the MPs spinning like tops
Herald: Grant Robertson ready for Budget day spotlight
Liam Dann (Herald): New Zealand is balancing a mortgage debt time bomb. Will it blow?
The Spinoff: From ambitious to zero budget: an A-Z guide for Budget 2018
Jason Walls (Interest): NZ First is making a clear pitch to rural Kiwi voters and has a $3b war chest to help plead its case
Nadine Higgins (Stuff): Let’s put primary healthcare before free university classes for rich kids
Don Franks (Redline):Jacinda and the Elephant
Shane Cowlishaw (Newsroom): PM Peters: what should we expect?
Teuila Fuatai (Newsroom): Government’s smoke and mirrors for Māori
Audrey Young (Herald): Winston Peters ploughs ahead with bill to fix non-existent problem
Lucy Bennett (Herald): Parliament’s orator Shane Jones: ‘I wanted to be like Cicero … then I realised he was executed’
Fran O’Sullivan (Herald):Jones’ new SOE job spurs unease
Bill Ralston (Listener): What Jacinda needs to do when Winston takes over
Petrol industry pricing and transport
Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): Even as the story unwinds, petrol industry continues with the same tune
Dominion Post Editorial: Petrol industry’s lucrative sunset smells like a plea for regulation
Gordon Campbell (Werewolf): On petrol pricing and the midwives march
1News:Kiwis possibly paying ‘over the odds’ for fuel in parts of NZ – Energy Minister
Todd Niall (RNZ): Being taken for a ride on the 125X
Jami-Lee Ross (Herald): Fuel tax imposes unnecessary burden on Aucklanders
Ben Leahy, Carla Penman and Nikki Preston (Herald): Paramedics are counting the horror of New Zealand’s rising road toll
1News: Road safety activist calls for tougher rental standards
Environment, primary industries and energy
1News: Environment Minister admits some dairy farmers may have to reduce cow numbers under tough new waterway pollution rules
1News: Environment Minister warns regulation on its way for farmers denying dairy farming causes pollution of rivers
Jamie Morton (Herald): New Govt water plan would curb intensification
Stuff: NZ has too many cows, says minister
Guy Trafford (Interest): The hits the new Government keeps making on farming have the look of scaremongering
1News: ‘There’s no analysis’: Bridges lashes plan to reduce NZ’s dairy cows as ‘an assault on regions’
Gerard Hutching (RNZ): Plan to reduce farm pollution ‘assault on the regions’, says Simon Bridges
No Right Turn: Too many cows
Guy Trafford (Interest): Farmers should resist writing blank cheques for MPI to eradicate MPB until the Government can justify this
Brittany Pickett (Stuff): Climate change minister faces Southland farmers
Jenée Tibshraeny (Interest): Energy and Resources Minister Megan Woods talks up NZ’s comparative advantage producing renewable energy
ODT Editorial: Smelter future strengthened
Jamie Morton (Herald): Shake-up needed in grass-roots war on pests, says Predator Free NZ
Jo Lines-MacKenzie (Stuff): National Portrait: Pete Bethune’s long road from oil explorer to enviro campaigner
Rachel Rose (Herald):Global climate change campaigner’s message to be heard in Whanganui
Dominic Harris and Chris Hutching (Stuff): Water expert sacked from city council contract after raising concerns over public health
Steve Liddle (The Spinoff): Now is the time to spend real money on solving our water quality woes
Caitlin Moorby and Leith Huffadine (Stuff): China has stopped taking our recycling and waste. Here’s where it’s ending up
Chloe Winter (Stuff): Countdown chooses 10 supermarkets to go plastic bag free, rest to follow
Herald: First 10 Countdown stores to phase out plastic bags by 21 May
Stuff: Te Mata Peak track could stay after winery says removing it is not so simple
Martin van Beynen (Stuff): Murray Cleverley’s funding letter says a lot about how Government should not work
Nicholas Jones (Herald): Exclusive: Cancer care held back by ‘internal politics’ as surgeons demand urgent changes
Nicholas Jones (Herald): Exclusive: Auckland DHB surgeons demand change as big gaps in cancer care found
Simon Wilson (Herald): Is ‘ignorance is bliss’ the official cancer policy?
Herald Editorial: Another troubling problem in the health system
RNZ: Auckland’s Pasifika children at higher risk of diabetes
ODT Editorial: Hospital rebuild: major milestone
Hamish McNeilly (Stuff): Popular tourist attraction Cadbury World closing to make way for $1.4 billion Dunedin Hospital
Cecile Meier (Stuff): Christchurch’s Hillmorton Hospital ‘inadequate’, unsafe and leaky
Phil Pennington (RNZ): Middlemore maternity services threatened by seismic risk
Natalie Akoorie (Herald): Millions to be saved through email, phone, video GP consults under Health Care Home model
Eleanor Ainge Roy (The Guardian): Jacinda Ardern pledges shelter for all homeless people within four weeks
Tim Murphy (Newsroom): Govt officials told to try a little kindness
John Minto (Daily Blog): Come on Phil Twyford – the government can do better than this!
Greg Presland (The Standard): Everyone applauds Labour’s homelessness plan … except National
Isaac Davison (Herald): Govt appeals to public to identify rentals, marae and land which can be used for homeless
Mānia Clarke (Maori TV): Te Puea marae want slice of $100 million homelessness fund
Alice Wilkins (Newshub): Govt announces $100m plan to combat homelessness
RNZ: Homelessness pledge makes problem ‘manageable’ – advocate
Zane Small (Newshub): Housing crisis? Leave the market alone – Mark Richardson
Rowan Quinn (RNZ): Govt’s use of motels ‘morally irresponsible’ – housing advocate
Brittany Keogh (Herald): Housing and poverty biggest concerns for Kiwis — survey
Oliver Lewis (Stuff):‘Housing crisis’ hits refugees as Government looks to boost bed capacity
Stuff: Minister rules out ’empty homes tax’ to battle homelessness
Imram Ali (Northern Advocate): Housing NZ accused of arrogance about potential state housing site
Susan Edmunds (Stuff): Caution urged on rent rise warning
Susan Edmunds (Stuff): Landlords say proposed change to tenant liability rules unfair
Dominion Post Editorial: It’s time for action from building owners and council
Herald: Government’s challenge to turn high hopes of education summit into tangible change
John Gerritsen (RNZ): Emphasise Māori knowledge, students tell summit
Simon Collins (Herald): Sir Lockwood Smith appointed ‘guardian’ of wide-ranging education review
RNZ: Govt moves to address dwindling teacher numbers
Simon Collins (Herald): Education Minister Chris Hipkins promises to reduce paperwork for teachers and principals
Lucy Bennett (Herald): Education Minister: $1.1billion more than expected needed for new classrooms and schools
Adele Redmond (Stuff): Education minister claims $215m hole in schools rebuild budget, says schools ‘shouldn’t notice a difference’
RNZ: ‘Can’t allow another generation to slip through the educational cracks’
Teresa Cowie (RNZ): Education funding gap ‘no surprise’ – National
Philip Matthews (Press): Bullying remains our national shame
Zoe Hunter (Bay of Plenty Times): Why do more Māori kids end up in alternative education?
Jennifer Eder (Stuff): New classrooms put to the test, with mixed results
Zizi Sparks (The Daily Post): Tamati Coffey calls for meeting on Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology
Leonie Hayden (The Spinoff): Otago’s Māori students are raising their voices
Political donations
Charlie Gates and Hannah Martin (Stuff): Dine-and-dosh: ‘Stunningly naive’ date with controversial donor Donghua Liu
Jonathan Milne (Stuff): MPs who value integrity must tighten the rules on secret donations
Laura Walters (Stuff): The National Party was donated three times more money than Labour last year – but Labour won
Greg Presland (The Standard): The election year party donations returns
Kirsty Wynn (Herald): National receives more party donations than Labour
Newshub: National Party wins political donations race
Richard Harman (Politik): National walks out on Mallard
Barry Soper (Newstalk ZB): Seven Maori seats are obsolete
Te Aniwa Hurihanganui (RNZ): Drop in Māori electoral roll numbers
David Farrar: Members’ bills getting interesting
Northcote by-election
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): Strange things happen in by-elections – why Northcote can’t be ignored
Richard Harman (Politik): Over the bridge – and stuck in the traffic
Felicity Reid (Stuff): National’s Dan Bidois vows to hold Auckland Council accountable if elected
Herald: National’s Northcote candidate Dan Bidois launches byelection campaign
Herald: ACT names ‘maverick’ Stephen Berry as Northcote byelection candidate
Clarke Gayford and political ethics
Danyl Mclauchlan (The Spinoff): Seven ways of looking at the Clarke Gayford rumours
Liam Hehir (Pundit): Rules of engagement: think of the children
Steve Braunias (Herald): The secret diary of the Clarke Gayford rumour
Heather du Plessis-Allan (Herald): Clarke Gayford denial had to happen
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Where did the false Clarke Gayford rumours come from?
Oscar Kightley (Stuff): Stay strong Clarke, these underhand tactics truly suck
Pete George:A record of some rumourmongering
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): The false equivalence of comparing Left wing dirty politics with Right wing dirty politics
Pete George: Kiwiblog still has problems
Economy, banking and business
Duncan Garner: We’re being ripped off and rorted at our own expense
Andrew Gunn (Stuff): Who will love you more? The big banks, BP or Facebook?
Mike O’Donnell (Stuff): New Zealand consumers’ trust in business is shaky
Tamsyn Parker (Herald): Ombudsman acts to step up bank vigilance
Claire Matthews (RNZ): Banking enquiry would appease doubting customers
RNZ: Regulators put NZ banks put on notice
Susan Edmunds (Stuff): Financial advisers will be forced to put customer interests first: experts
Susan Edmunds (Stuff): Banks told: Front up with evidence
Rod Oram: NZ not ready for the rise of the AI machine
Michael Reddell: Debt: dodgy analysis from the IMF
Michael Reddell: Misconduct
Michael Reddell: Split the Reserve Bank in two
Mary Holm (Herald): The ‘unfair’ loophole in KiwiSaver
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff): Amazon’s arrival in NZ will be speeded-up by GST change
Herald: Shadow economy leaving NZ taxman $1 billion out of pocket
Anuja Nadkarni (Stuff): Cadbury’s move on ethical trade ‘a terrible step back’
Inequality and poverty
Janine Starks (Stuff): Winter Energy Payment now looks a lot less enticing
Joel Ineson (Stuff): More working poor seeking charity in Christchurch as food bank recipient numbers grow nationwide
Tina Law (Stuff): Is Shirley Christchurch’s forgotten suburb?
Tess Nichol (Herald): Restaurant feeding the needy serves up shoes in fundraising effort
Jared Savage (Herald): Police Minister Stuart Nash announces ban on Comanchero gang patch in public buildings
Debrin Foxcroft (Stuff): Top Auckland police officer delves into the recesses of the dark web
Newshub:Govt could back Bill to take firearms from gangs
RNZ: Govt on target to get 1800 new police on streets
1News: Lawyer facing investigation for questioning judge’s domestic violence ruling unapologetic
Herald Editorial: NZ needs to make progress on reducing sexual assaults
Laura Cunningham (Newshub): Warnings law may be too weak on revenge porn
Migration and refugees
RNZ: Tanker smuggling migrants ‘never would have made it to NZ’
Herald: New Zealand thanks Malaysia for stopping tanker headed here with illegal immigrants
AP (Guardian): Malaysian police stop boat carrying 131 Sri Lankans to Australia and New Zealand
Sophie Bateman (Newshub): ‘Personal vendetta’ behind claims illegal migrants stealing work – sex worker
Lincoln Tan (Herald): Immigration New Zealand pulls sex worker from skilled employment list checker
RNZ: Tanker smuggling migrants intercepted on way to New Zealand
Herald: Tanker crammed with illegal migrants bound for New Zealand intercepted
Rebecca Stevenson (The Spinoff): Who is reclusive Kiwi billionaire Christopher Chandler? And is he a Russian spy?
Local government
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Wellington’s mayors want a piece of new transport funding – and are open to using new taxes to get it
John Anthony (Stuff): Councils eye regional fuel tax to help pay for roads, amenities
1News: Watch: ‘Double standard’ – Marama Davidson questions Government over ‘discriminatory’ Maori ward polls
Evan Harding (Stuff): ICC boss tightens rules with media
Kīngitanga , Māori issues and ethnicity debates
John Boynton (RNZ): Māori King ‘determined’ to ensure future of Kīngitanga
1News: Watch: Thousands turn out to support Kingitanga movement on 160th anniversary
Jo Lines-MacKenzie (Stuff): The Māori King participates in 160th Kiingitanga commemorations
Catherine Delahunty (The Spinoff): The Ministry of Pākehā Affairs – the time has come
Joel Maxwell (Stuff): You’re a loser, Don Brash, but I love you anyway
Cameron Smith (Herald): Māori business leaders celebrated at awards night
RNZ: Children in low-income areas speak better Māori
Damien Venuto (Herald): Words matter: why the ‘white way’ isn’t the right way anymore
Bayley Moor (Stuff): Locals worried at international resort plans for Waitangi’s historic Treaty Grounds
RNZ: New Waitangi hotel could be built near Treaty grounds
Dale Husband (E-Tangata): Anand Satyanand: ‘Through truth comes joy’
Gender and sexual politics
Joel Kulasingham (Herald): Corporate benevolence or cynical brand promotion? How the All Blacks became woke
Grant Miller (Stuff): Folau firestorm shows society shift
Alison Mau (Stuff):Is it ever OK to laugh at sexism? We may have the answer
Megan Nicol Reed (Stuff): Am I a fake feminist?
1News: Inside Parliament: ‘It drives me insane’ – Jacinda Ardern’s pregnancy shouldn’t overshadow the business of politics
1News: Transgender downhill mountain biker faces scrutiny after gender switch outed prematurely
Natalie Akoorie (Herald): Facebook deletes Helen Corry’s page for nudity in La Femme music video
Stuff: Too rude? Kiwi singer Helen Corry banned from Facebook over feminist music video
Newshub: Kiwi singer’s deleted Facebook page could cost her NZ On Air funding
1News: Kiwi singer Helen Corry banned from Facebook over her music video that protests against sexual harassment
Shamubeel Eaqub (Stuff): The puzzle of a low paid but highly employed workforce
Amanda Cropp (Stuff): Freebie labour and the story of Robinwood Farm
Newshub: Teachers marching for pay equity
Astrid Austin (Hawkes Bay Today): Hawke’s Bay educators join national movement for pay equity
1News: Large crowds push for pay equity for women in education
Kirsty Johnston (Herald): More workers allege bullying at Housing New Zealand after suspected suicide
Jared Savage (Herald): Immigration Minister downplays KiwiBuild visas for illegal migrants but has post-Budget proposal for construction industry
Emma Hatton (RNZ): Transmission Gully too big for local workforce – immigration lawyer
Martin van Beynen (Stuff): The public intellectual and afternoon television
Max Christoffersen (Stuff): The Times, it is a-changin’
RNZ: Newspaper arts coverage dramatically cut
Britt Mann (Stuff): Joel MacManus is the Critic – Te Arohi magazine editor reviving student media
Damien Grant (Stuff): I’m sorry, but good-looking people just aren’t worth my time
Alex Braae (The Spinoff): A global broadcasting giant has slipped into NZ. Should Sky be worried?
Hillary Clinton NZ speaking engagement
Herald: Jacinda Ardern and Hillary Clinton meet in Auckland
Stuff: Hillary Clinton meets with Jacinda Ardern in Auckland
Claire Trevett (Herald): No Crown limos but tight security likely for NZ visit by former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
Dileepa Fonseka (Auckland Now): Secret Service and NZ police face unexciting job protecting Clinton from ‘lone maniac’
Laine Moger (Auckland Now): Hillary Clinton a Kiwi woman’s role model too
Laura Walters (Stuff): NZ won’t leave Iraq high and dry – Defence Minister Ron Mark
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): Below the beltway
Eric Crampton (Idealog): What Keeps me up At Night: the New Zealand Initative’s Eric Crampton
David Slack (Stuff): There’s no problem too small for Uncle Dave
Eugene Bingham (Stuff): He’s paid taxes for 60 years but is being denied full pension as his partner is Russian
Alice Snedden (Stuff):Why we should make marijuana legal
Sam Price (World socialist website): Decision not to prosecute over New Zealand building collapse ignored crucial evidence
Stuff: Former National MP Katherine O’Regan dies]]>
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