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MIL OSI – Source: New Zealand Post – New Zealand Post launches bank account for emergency flood appeal Donations can be made online or at any Kiwibank and PostShop branch throughout New Zealand.  Collection boxes will also be stationed in every store and 100% of donations made to the appeal will help those affected through providing recovery assistance. As emergency response partner, New Zealand Post helps fund the New Zealand Red Cross disaster welfare support trucks, two of the five of which have been dispatched to Whanganui and one to Hokitika. The trucks each hold welfare centre set-up equipment including stretchers, mattresses and blankets for 140 people, basic food and toiletries for volunteers for a couple of days, medical supplies, a defibrillator, hygiene, lighting and telecommunication sets. The trucks also provide room for emergency personnel to perform mass casualty triage and pre-hospital emergency care if needed. The Kiwibank account details are: NEW ZEALAND RED CROSS INC 38-9010-0620343-02 New Zealand Post Community Sponsorship Manager Charles Ropitini said this was just the second time New Zealand Post had activated its Emergency Response Partnership with Red Cross, formed after the Christchurch Earthquakes. “It’s clear it’ll take some time for these communities to recover from the floods.  We’re encouraging all New Zealanders to send their help through making a donation to New Zealand Red Cross online or at any of our Kiwibank and PostShop branches nationwide.” Locations of all Kiwibank and PostShop branches can be found on our Locator. One of the NZ Post-sponsored Disaster Welfare and Support trucks in Hokitika with Red Cross volunteers over the weekend (20-21 June) helping locals affected by flooding.   –]]>



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