LIVE: Evening Report’s A View from Afar with Paul Buchanan – The Christchurch Mass Murders and White Extremists

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Ref. You can download New Zealand High Court, Justice Cameron Mander’s ruling here.

In this episode of Evening Report’s A View from Afar programme we are joined by political scientist Paul Buchanan to discuss:

1) The Christchurch attacks of March 15, 2019… The sentencing hearings, how the voice of the victims has been heard.

2) But what of security intelligence errors that failed to identify the killer, Brenton Tarrant, prior to the attacks… and how did they fail to notice his comprehensive planning, surveillance, and online threats?

3) We will also discuss; How white extremism as a global threat; How they use social media, leaderless resistance tactics.

4) And what of solutions, what can be done so terrible acts of mass murder cannot happen again in New Zealand?

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