Newsletter: New Zealand Politics Daily – July 12 2018
Editor’s Note: Here below is a list of the main issues currently under discussion in New Zealand and links to media coverage.
[caption id="attachment_297" align="aligncenter" width="640"] The Beehive and Parliament Buildings.[/caption]
Nurses’ strike
Gordon Campbell: On the nurses strike
RNZ: Nurses strike begins: What you need to know
Katarina Williams (Stuff): Negotiations between DHBs, nurses will resume after strike
1News: Nurses on strike nationwide after rejecting latest District Health Board pay offer
Stuff: Nurses begin strike action across the country
Herald: Nurses to strike nationwide from 7am after rejecting latest pay offer
Herald: Nurses strike from 7am today after last-minute negotiations fail
Newshub: Nurses still on hand for emergencies during strike
Emma Russell (Herald): Woman instructed to drive two hours to care for her ill mum while nurses strike
Stuff: Nurses moving forward with July 12 strike action after 11th-hour negotiations fail
Herald: Nurses’ strike going ahead tomorrow after last-minute negotiations fail
Alex Baird (Newshub): Nurses’ strike to go ahead after negotiations fail
Katarina Williams (Stuff): Nurses to forge ahead with planned 24-hour strike
RNZ: DHBs await final recommendations on nurses pay dispute
Zane Small (Newshub): Finance Minister Grant Robertson rules out using surplus to increase nurses’ offer
Katarina Williams (Stuff): It’s inconceivable the nurses’ strike will be called off, says doctors’ union
Oliver Lewis (Stuff): Christchurch nurses prepare for nationwide strike on either side of the picket
Erin Kennedy (Stuff): Why we’re going on strike: a Wellington nurse’s viewpoint
Bill Ralston (Stuff): Radio New Zealand will lose out thanks to the threeway split of broadcasting funding
Thomas Coughlan (Newsroom): RNZ funding back to square one
Richard Harman (Politik): Minister to review future of TVNZ
Brent Edwards (NBR): Extra money will make a difference to programmes by Xmas, says RNZ CEO
Duncan Greive (Spinoff): Behold, a new era in public media – but how much has really changed?
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): Clare Curran & NZ on Air – feeding the echo chambers
Lucy Bennett (Herald): Broadcasting Minister Clare Curran still keen on television channel for RNZ
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff): RNZ misses out on public broadcasting fund windfall – but still pockets $4.5m
Leah Te Whata (Māori TV): $6 million allocated for under-served audiences, Māori
Lucy Bennett (Herald): Broadcasting Minister Clare Curran reveals who gets what in Budget funding
RNZ: RNZ gets $4.5m extra funding this year
Newshub: RNZ and NZ On Air to split $15 million from Government for boosted content
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff): Warnings to Government ahead of media funding decision
Audrey Young (Herald): Winston Peters dismisses rebuke by China, saying NZ is a sovereign nation
Anna Bracewell-Worrall (Newshub): Winston Peters stands by defence paper following ‘stern’ reaction from China
Chris Trotter: The Costa Rican Solution
Point of Order: NZ’s foreign policy has a new hue – but China sees red
Guyon Espiner (RNZ): New Defence purchase deserves close scrutiny
Point of Order: More goodies for Defence to be aired before Christmas
Pete George: Golriz Ghahraman cops more criticism for inaccurate claims
Kirsty Lawrence (Stuff): Mayors back No 5 Squadron’s move to Ōhakea
Andre Chumko (Stuff): Digital memorial to reconnect whānau to stories of Māori war vets
Sophie Bateman and Ben Irwin (Newshub): Renters United announces plan to fix renting in New Zealand
Kate Nicol-Williams (RNZ): Rent advocacy group launch plan to ‘fix renting’ in NZ
RNZ: Renters group pushes for tougher laws for landlords
Stuff: Renters United’s blueprint for change explained
CPAG: The time for tame reforms of tenancy laws is over
Stuff: Blueprint for ‘fair deal’ for renters is recipe for two-tier housing market
Rob Stock (Stuff): Landlords group hits back at Renters United’s claims
Julie Iles (Stuff): Threat of blacklist reportedly stopping tenants from using Tenancy Tribunal
1News: $142 million to be spent on helping insulate homes for low-income Kiwis – ‘Too many homes are cold and damp’
Joel Ineson (Stuff): Warmer Kiwi Homes insulation programme will make 52,000 homes warmer over four years
RNZ: New home insulation scheme under way
Newshub: The next step for KiwiBuild registrants – the pre-qualification
Mānia Clarke (Māori): Twyford indicates Kiwibuild homes for Te Kauwhata
Jessica Tyson (Māori TV): Almost 3,000 homes to be built in Te Kauwhata
Aroha Treacher (Māori TV): Acting Prime Minister Winston Peters drops in
Debrin Foxcroft and Torika Tokalau (Stuff): Once dubbed a ‘working man’s hut’, now it’s a home for Joy Morris
Julie Iles (Stuff): Auckland housing becomes slightly more affordable as regions rise
Anne Gibson (Herald): Queenstown area house prices drop $67K: but don’t think it’s affordable yet
Nicki Harper (Herald): Hawke’s Bay home affordability on rise – Massey University report
Amanda Saxton (Stuff): Auckland’s phoney homeless make $100 a day on the streets
Logan Church (RNZ): Chch streeties label plan to address begging and homelessness ‘crap’
Andrew McRae (RNZ): Urban intensification grows with rise in dwelling consents
Environment and conservation
Shane Cowlishaw (Newsroom): Miners given access to Māui dolphin sanctuary
Charlie Mitchell (Stuff): The ark, the algorithm and our conservation conundrum
Charlie Mitchell (Stuff): Ten critically endangered critters with the craziest stories
James Renwick (Spinoff): I’m excited by this big business pledge on climate. Now let’s hold them to it
Jihee Junn (Spinoff): The giants of NZ business pledge bold action on emissions. Is this the real deal?
Jamie Morton (Herald): 60 leading Kiwi CEOs commit to climate action
Anuja Nadkarni (Stuff): Businesses band together to tackle climate change
Tim Grafton (Herald): Adapting to climate change as important as fighting it
Mere McLean (Māori TV): Te Arawa have say on Zero Carbon Bill
RNZ: More native bush tracks may close in fight against kauri dieback
Evan Harding (Stuff): Southland caught up in nationwide recycling crisis
Newshub: Wellington’s ‘Matariki’ whale spotted off south coast
Thomas Manch (Dominion Post): The Wellington Harbour whale ‘waves goodbye’ after a Matariki visit
1News: Stunning photo shows Wellington’s beloved whale frolicking off south coast as Air NZ plane flies overhead
Matthew Tso (Stuff): Wellington whale can thank Thomas Edison says former whaler
Northland Age: Far North sand dunes need protection from vehicles – Te Rarawa
1News: Niue to ban single-use plastic bags
Auckland Council venue ban for Southern and Molyneux
Craig Tuck (RNZ): Freedom of speech – the more you know, the less you fear
Andrew Geddis (Pundit): Southern and Molyneux: hard questions and no easy answers
Tim Watkin (Pundit): The unnecessary martyrdom of Southern & Molyneux and the need to win the argument
Simon Connell (Pundit): Freedom of speech means what we want it to mean
Laura O’Connell Rapira: Free speech as a cover for hate
Todd Niall (Stuff): Phil Goff’s tweets may have unwisely bought ratepayers a costly battle
Stuff: Don Brash says people have a right to air racist views in New Zealand
Nick Truebridge (Stuff): Don Brash’s son calls free speech court action against Auckland Council ‘terrible idea’
Vice: Free Speechers Prepare Court Action After Far-Right Speakers Denied Auckland Venue
The Standard: Free Speech
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): Will Freedom of Speech debate become our ‘deplorables’ moment?
Heather Roy: Governance or GOFF-ernance?
Point of Order: If Don Brash is in favour – well, something must be wrong and he should be denounced
Don Rowe (Spinoff): How terrible food is killing New Zealand’s poor
Alexandra Nelson (Newshub): Rise in obesity in New Zealand inevitable, reveals world-first study
Nicholas Jones (Herald): ‘Anti-sugar man’ joins Health Minister David Clark’s team
Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): Leading sugar tax advocate, Dr Rob Beaglehole, hired as advisor to Health Minister
Kurt Bayer (Herald): Exclusive: Security risk at killers’ unites
Rachel Graham (RNZ): Cannabis medication for kids with epilepsy can cost ‘up to $100k’
Southland Times Editorial: So that’s all right then?
Matthew Littlewood (Timaru Herald): St John defends response to Twizel medical callout
Vaimoana Tapaleao (Herald): Unicef and World Health Organisation helping Samoa investigate vaccination deaths
RNZ: Cooks lift MMR vaccine suspension
Tracey Roxburgh (ODT): Private hospital for Queenstown?
Newshub: Ezekiel Raui, the Māori 20yo who’s already met the Queen and Obama
Justice and police
Jo Moir (RNZ): Chester Borrows to head criminal justice advisory reform group
Herald: Former detective Al Lester, top lawyer Nigel Hampton call to decriminalise all drugs
Isaac Davison (Herald): Family Court not equipped to deal with parental alienation, Otago University study says
Newshub: Auckland police officer under investigation
Sam Sherwood (Stuff): Christchurch cop accused of sending inappropriate texts quits
Education and training
Luke Kirkness (Herald): Horrific catalogue of early education care complaints detailed in Ministry report
Adele Redmond (Stuff): Poor hygiene, smoking, lice, abusive practices identified at daycare centres
RNZ: Hundreds of complaints filed over child abuse at centres
Merepeka Raukawa-Tait (Rotorua Daily Post): Charter schools should be a choice for parents
Jared Nicol (Stuff): Hutt Valley school bus doubles price but company says it’s running at a loss
Herald: Tertiary student leaders call for action after research shows many struggle with mental health
Raniera Harrison (Māori TV): Tai Tokerau language expert calls for exclusive Northern wānanga
Emma Jolliff (Newshub): Calls for Govt to introduce apprentice quota to meet skills shortage
Local government and regions
Collette Devlin (Stuff): City council boss slams Wellington councillor for publicly criticising staff
Ruby Macandrew (Stuff): More than half of Wellington’s most quake-prone buildings secured as deadline looms
Tess Brunton (RNZ): Queenstown hospitality businesses fear a bed tax could ruin their livelihoods
Julian Lee (Press): New parts of Christchurch water supply may be chlorine-free next month
Newshub: What Napier is getting from the Labour Government
RNZ: Queenstown playground cost blows out by more than $300k
Hamish McNeilly (Stuff): The treehouse, the council and ‘kids being kids’
David Clarkson (Stuff): Real estate agent admits industrial park property fraud
Edward Gay (RNZ): ‘It wasn’t uncommon to see rotten meat and used sanitary products’
Newshub: Building expert praises action on jailed property developer
Philip Matthews (Press Editorial): Online Census a bold experiment that backfired
1News: Peters has ‘no idea’ why census levels low, turn-out raises ‘serious questions’ say National
Anna Bracewell-Worrall (Newshub): Concern over low rate of census response
David Farrar: Census failure
Trade Me
Meghan Lawrence (Herald): Flatmates-wanted discrimination: ‘We won’t be able to accept people from India’
Newshub: Trade Me property listing specifies ‘no Indians’
Susan Edmunds (Stuff): Police quiz Trade Me about drugs, stolen goods, child exploitation
Herald: Police went on Trade Me to hunt criminals 1350 times last year
International relations and trade
Barry Soper (Newstalk ZB): China and U.S trade war coming to a head
Henry Cooke (Stuff): NZ’s Sir Don McKinnon signs letter to Trump decrying ‘deteriorating relationship’ with western allies
Daily Blog: Union leader Mike Treen to join ship trying to break Israel’s blockade of Gaza
Herald: The challenge to build light rail in Auckland will be tested on Dominion Rd
Bernard Orsman (Herald): Auckland’s $6 billion plan for modern trams could extend to Kumeu
Laura Dooney (RNZ): New Wellington bus routes good for some but not all
Gender and sexuality
Melissa Gibson (Stuff): Impact of being told ‘no cake for you’ – why discrimination matters
Amy Baker (Rodney Times): Lesbian couple will not take legal action over baker’s wedding cake refusal
Aaron Hendry (Spinoff): Hey Christians, Jesus would have baked the cake
Karl du Fresne (Stuff): Hard to stay abreast of these shifting terf wars
Newshub: Gay conversion therapy: Kiwi Paul Stevens shares harrowing experience
Russell McVeagh report
Geoff Plimmer (Newsroom): Others could take a leaf out of Bazley’s book
Tom Hunt (Stuff): Lawyers at the heart of Russell McVeagh allegations have practising certificates renewed
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff): Inland Revenue asked to ‘check again’ by Revenue Minister Stuart Nash that worker contracts are legal
Anuja Nadkarni (Stuff): Employment law needs a shakeup to prepare for the future
Liz Gordon (Daily Blog): Babies
Animals used in research
Eva Corlett (RNZ): Increase in animals being used for testing and research – report
Esther Taunton (Stuff): Scientists use more animals for research
The Opportunities Party
Giovanni Tiso: Don’t let the garage door hit you
Martyn Bradbury: The glee over TOPs demise
Awanui Black allegations
David Fisher (Herald): Shock over Awanui Black abuse allegations impossible to measure
Te Aniwa Hurihanganui (RNZ): Iwi offers reward for info about Awanui Black claims
Herald: $10k reward for information on Awanui Black child sex claims
Bryce Edwards (Newsroom Pro): Working for Families is corporate welfare
RNZ: NZ work visas hit record high despite immigration changes
Susan St John (Daily Blog): Policy changes to a festering sore are sadly in the far distance
Erik Frykberg (RNZ): Farmers face possible one percent loss over Fonterra disagreement
1News: Watch: Police special tactics officers rappel down Beehive for training
Morgan Godfery (Māui Street): Unions join Mana Wahine Claim
Newshub: Six times MPs have sworn in Parliament
Audit blog: Ethical leadership. It’s not a hat.
Jacqueline Rowarth (Herald): Rigorous research needed around synthetic food
Heath Moore (Herald): ‘Cultural misappropriation’: Kiwis slam use of Poi E in US TV series
RNZ: Banks come through financial stress testing
RNZ: More ancestral remains to be returned this week
RNZ: Civil Aviation Authority seek tougher rules on recreational drone use
Kera Sherwood-O’Regan (Spinoff): Rangatahi take the UN… again
Stuff: Anthem girls confirmed to sing at domestic rugby final
Robert Smith (RNZ): Women behind the camera: ‘There is a real push for it’]]>
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