Newsletter: New Zealand Politics Daily – July 3 2018 – Today’s content
Editor’s Note: Here below is a list of the main issues currently under discussion in New Zealand and links to media coverage.
[caption id="attachment_297" align="aligncenter" width="640"] The Beehive and Parliament Buildings.[/caption]
RNZ: Peters defends Kelvin Davis over prison numbers mix-up
Anna Bracewell-Worrall (Newshub): Kelvin Davis and the case of confusion over prison population report
Audrey Young (Herald): Corrections Minister Kelvin Davis says ministers worked from official report on prison population
1News: ‘Politically dishonest’ – Bridges accuses government of ignoring report forecasting increase in prison muster – while they downsize Waikeria prison
Dan Satherley (Newshub): Prison numbers set to balloon, Ministry of Justice report claims
RNZ: Minister hadn’t seen inmate forecast before Waikeria decision
Point of Order: If keeping baddies banged up is the objective, Corrections data suggest prisons work well
Herald: Christchurch Prison inmate suffers serious injuries in assault by gang members
1News: Winston Peters says ‘rational perspective’ needed as inquiry launched into appointment of deputy police commissioner
Audrey Young (Herald): Simon Bridges wants probe into appointment of Deputy Police Commissioner broadened
Gia Garrick (RNZ): National Party’s outcry over appointment of NZ First MP to inquiry role
Audrey Young and Jared Savage (Herald): Winston Peters outlines two broad issues at the heart of inquiry into Deputy Police Commissioner’s appointment
Laura Walters (Stuff): Govt releases broad terms of reference for top cop hiring probe
Herald: Top cop Wally Haumaha to remain Deputy Commissioner of Police during inquiry into his selection
Jared Savage (Herald): Simon Bridges says ‘conflict of interest’ in inquiry into promotion of Wally Haumaha, once closely linked to NZ First
Mike Hosking (Newstalk ZB): Deputy Police Commissioner Wally Haumaha and the witch-hunt into his appointment
Tom Furley (RNZ): Man’s drink-driving conviction overturned after police refused toilet access
National Party
David Fisher (Herald): 1080 blackmail suspects: Minister Nick Smith told us not to sue
Stuff: National Party appeals against $600,000 damages for using Eminem rip-off music
Primary industries
Farah Hanock (Newsroom): Sharemilker can still work with cows
Sarah Murphy (RNZ): Northland farm in spotlight again over allegations of mutilated cattle
Northern Advocate: Offal pit revealed on Mangapai farm at centre of animal abuse allegations
Gerard Hutching (Stuff): Why and how farmers kill their livestock
Keith Woodford (Interest): Official positions ignore the cascading evidence for early arrival of Mycoplasma bovis
ODT Editorial: Disease’s huge ramifications
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): Is there anything MPI can’t screw up?
Simon Lusk (Whaleoil): Farmers and climate change
Bryce Edwards (Herald): Political Roundup: Should politicians care about ‘business confidence’?
Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): Confidence falls with most companies warning of falling profit and investment plans
Graham Adams (Noted): Mainfreight: A dissenting business voice on the government
Dene Mackenzie (ODT): Shakier picture expected in business survey
Chris Hutching (Stuff): Smiths City’s $1.5m for unpaid meetings adds to red ink
International relations and trade
Richard Harman (Politik): Why the Ministry of Foreign Affairs lost the TPP debate and how it is now recovering
Michael Reddell: Eaqub on nationalism
Sam Sachdeva (Newsroom): NZDF officer suspended over Timor-Leste ‘puppet’ remarks
Thalia Kehoe Rowden (Spinoff): How you can help Australia’s caged children
Nita Blake-Persen (RNZ): Nurses begin voting on latest offer by District Health Boards
1News: Voting to begin by nurses on whether to accept latest DHB offer
RNZ: Nurses strike still on cards despite revised offer
Amy Wiggins (Herald): New Zealand Nurses organisations supports latest pay offer
Newshub: Will Kiwi nurses accept the DHBs latest pay offer?
Oliver Lewis (Stuff): Nurses’ union recommends offer that will put nursing ‘back on its feet’
Newshub: Nurses release details of latest DHB pay offer
1News: Gender Pay Principles ‘a really significant step’ towards closing gap
Claire Trevett (Herald): Parenting, caring to be recognised in bid to close pay gap in public service
Newshub: Government releases gender pay guidelines for public sector
Anuja Nadkarni (Stuff): MBIE starts collecting data on workplace harassment
Herald: ‘Be more understanding’: Boss complains about able-bodied staff not being allowed to park in spaces
Stuff: What do people do if they’re not employed?
Rob Stock (Stuff): KiwiSaver contribution ‘holidays’ to get shorter
Tamsyn Parker (Herald): The big changes coming to KiwiSaver
John Gerritsen (RNZ): Secondary principals call for teacher-only day for NCEA review
Laura Walters (Stuff): A new approach to education consultation, and not everyone’s happy
Timaru Herald Editorial: Do Auckland school principals’ concerns reflect the whole country?
Herald: Disgruntled principals ‘welcome to get in touch’ – Education Minister Chris Hipkins
Kymberlee Fernandes (Stuff): South Auckland school leading way in Pasifika students’ science success
RNZ: Students allowed to go home after lockdown
Catherine Woulfe (Listener): The lax regulation of early childhood education centres must change, experts say
Anna Bracewell-Worrall (Newshub): No guarantee post-grad allowances will happen this term
Newshub: Govt to increase student loan borrowing limit for medical students
Laura Walters (Stuff): Medical students set to benefit from student loan cap changes
Elena McPhee (ODT: Approval, relief, for Otago students as loan extended
Te Kuru o te Marama Dewes (Māori TV): Student loan cap increase a welcome relief to Māori med students
Scott Palmer (Newshub): Revealed: Top 10 student loan borrowers owe more than $370k each
Russell Morrison (Stuff): The case for tolling Transmission Gully does not add up
Katie Doyle (RNZ): Transmission Gully toll considered by government to offset cost rise
Ben Irwin (Newshub): Government considers tolling new Transmission Gully motorway
No Right Turn: National’s ripoff road
Newshub: Calls to cheapen public transport as fuel tax kicks in
Herald: People seen stockpiling fuel before tax hike
1News: Winston Peters refuses to rule out Government funding of regional airports after Kāpiti gets new service
RNZ: Kāpiti to take flight again from next month
Dileepa Fonseka (Stuff): Auckland’s middle class plummeting down property ladder
Hamish Fletcher (Herald): More than half of Auckland households unable to buy ‘affordable’ $650k home, council says
RNZ: Experts call for government to focus on Māori affordable housing, not just Kiwibuild
Andrew King (Herald): Investment houses do not have an unfair tax advantage
Newshub: Majority of renting Kiwis want to ditch agency letting fees
1News: Asking prices for Auckland houses fall 2.4 per cent in a month back to 2017 levels, stable nationally
Greg Ninness (Interest): Property asking prices and new listings tumble on
Guy Trafford (Interest): High Court ruling on PSA may have stinging repersussions for MPI on mycoplasma bovis claims
Newshub: One in five Kiwis drinking water that doesn’t meet standards – report
Phil Pennington (RNZ): Counties-Manukau DHB with rotting buildings prioritised millions for IT overhaul
Logan Church (RNZ): Nurses at Christchurch’s Hillmorton Hospital worried safety problems putting off potential staff
RNZ: Aggressive breast cancer more common among Pasifika
RNZ: Middlemore to open new ward over winter
Emily Ford (Stuff): Staff flu jab uptake still below target at Auckland health boards
Cate Broughton (Stuff): Family voice needs to be heard mum tells mental health inquiry
Iulia Leilua (Māori TV): A lens on suicide
Jeremy Rees (Newsroom): Assisted dying divides Anglican bishops
Jeremy Rees (Newsroom): What to call ending your life?
Māmari Stephens: Beyond the Bubble: conversations across the divide. Ep 1/2!
Welfare, inequality, poverty
Ben Leahy (Herald): Seven companies have been accused of helping lump Auckland families with debt
David Cormack (Herald): It’s expensive being poor
Barry Soper (Newstalk ZB): Baby bonus breeds welfare dependency
Tema Hemi (Māori TV): Extra dollars could be wasted
Eleanor Ainge Roy (Guardian): Jacinda Ardern welcomes new welfare reforms from the sofa with new baby
Joanne Carroll (Stuff): Work and Income apologises for using 60,000 wrong names
RNZ: Increase in demand for food parcels – Chch City Mission
Child welfare
Leigh-Marama McLachlan (RNZ): Whānau with children in state care lack clarity on rights
Tom Kitchin (ODT): Community gathers to farewell children’s village
Jo McKenzie-McLean (Stuff): Final farewell to Roxburgh children’s residential village
Kate Hawkesby (Newstalk ZB): Hero foster parents need more help, resources
Michelle Duff (Stuff): Malnourished kids are our responsibility
Kate Gudsell (RNZ): Environment Minister David Parker may reset water quality standards
John Boynton (RNZ): Great Barrier locals protest poison drop on Rakitū
Jono Edwards (ODT): Sir Alan concerned over wetland’s destruction
Shane Cowlishaw (Newsroom): China can lead on climate change: Shaw
Eleanor Ainge Roy (Guardian): New Zealand the most perilous place for seabirds due to plastic pollution
Al Williams (Timaru Herald): Greenpeace protesters charged after Mackenzie demonstration
Newshub: Anti-dairying activists who locked themselves to machinery cut free and arrested
Kristin Price (Herald): Greenpeace dairy farm protesters arrested by police in South Canterbury
Media and broadcasting
Sue Allen (Stuff): Campbell stays true to journalism
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): After banning Winston, The AM Show then criticise him for not coming back??? WTF Duncan?
Local government
Newshub: Auckland’s new goal: Jobs, not ‘world’s most liveable city’
Todd Niall (Stuff): Auckland drops ‘most liveable city’ goal, making jobs the new focus
Anna Burns-Francis (1News): Council tells family to remove backyard tree house it says breaches Building Code
Richard MacManus (Newsroom): The hidden dangers of facial recognition
Bill Ralston (Listener): Where is New Zealand’s chief technology officer?
Aaron Smale (Newsroom): An ironic case of foxes and henhouses
Anne Gibson (Herald): Foreign investors buy $2.1 billion of NZ assets in first five months of the year
Victoria University (Newsroom): NZ must do better against corruption
Morgan Godfery (Eureka St): All hail Queen Jacinda
Hannah Martin (Stuff): More than 1200 people seek support on sexual harm helpline in its first month
Hayden Donnell (Spinoff): One reporter’s doomed quest to use Google’s tax tactics
Paul Drum (Newsroom): Tourist tax’s time has come
Rachel Graham (RNZ): Decisions on Christchurch’s red zone move a step closer
Stuff: Māori Women’s Welfare League bid to oust head over rule change
Luke Kirkness (Herald): John Paul College First XV members violently attack bird in ‘horrific’ Snapchat story
Eva Corlett (RNZ): Old navy ship changes tack to protect ocean from warships leaking oil
Tim Miller (ODT): Pacifist’s memorial approved
Jennifer Dann (Herald): 12 Questions with David Seymour: I played the game pretty well
Newshub: NZ needs to rethink genetic engineering stance – experts
Amanda Saxtom (Stuff): Moving to NZ ‘the most humbling experience’ of her life, migrant says
David Farrier (Spinoff): ‘This thing is weird’: Get ready for New Zealand’s Gay Oscars
Brian Easton (Pundit): To Wed or not to Wed.
RNZ: National MP Nikki Kaye’s stepbrother convicted of murder in California
Herald: MP Nikki Kaye’s stepbrother convicted of murder]]>
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