Politics Newsletter: New Zealand Politics Daily – March 09 2018 – Today’s content
Editor’s Note: Here below is a list of the main issues currently under discussion in New Zealand and links to media coverage.
[caption id="attachment_297" align="aligncenter" width="640"] The Beehive and Parliament Buildings.[/caption]
Below are the links to the items online. The full text of these items are contained in the PDF file (click to download).
Foreign affairs and trade
1News: New Zealand signs controversial CPTPP trade deal in Chile
Jo Moir (Stuff): ‘A fair deal for NZ’: CPTPP signed by Trade Minister David Parker
RNZ: New TPP deal signed by NZ in Chile
RNZ: Take two for TPP signing
Golriz Ghahraman (Newshub): The CPTPP deal undermines Kiwis’ best interests
Audrey Young (Herald): Green MP Golriz Ghahraman protests against revised TPP deal that is ‘essentially the same as before’
University of Otago: Trade treaty threatens health if climate change not addressed: University of Otago expert
Katie Doyle (RNZ): Govt has ‘bamboozled’ voters over new TPP
Dan Satherley (Newshub): Activists cement their feet in concrete to protest CPTPP signing
Martyn Bradubry (Daily Blog):When Labour & NZ First sign the TPPA this week – it will be as cheap traitors for less than 30 pieces of silver
Phil O’Reilly (Herald): NZ’s economy needs to be ready for a trade war
The Listener: What Trump’s trade war means for New Zealand
Paul McBeth (BusinessDesk): Kris Faafoi rejects NZ Steel’s second bid to get anti-dumping duties on Chinese imports
Linda Falwasser (Stuff): Strengthening our bond with China
Mei Heron (RNZ): PM’s breakneck tour a hit with islands
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Jacinda Ardern saves the best for last in Rarotonga
Sam Sachdeva (Newsroom): Cook Islands faces the price of success
Boris Jancic (Newswire): Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s Pacific charm offensive arrives in Rarotonga
RNZ: Checks, balances will secure Tonga aid spend – Peters
Sam Sachdeva (Newsroom): Pension win for Pacific countries
RNZ: Easier access to NZ pension for Realm countries
Gia Garrick (Newstalk ZB): Brownlee enjoying freedom from diplomatic responsibilities
Mike Hosking (Newstalk ZB): What return does New Zealand get for splashing the cash in the Pacific
Women’s Day and suffrage event
Mihingarangi Forbes (Spinoff): ‘We weren’t represented’: the MC of #Suffrage125 on the communities that missed the invite
Herald: Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern encourages Kiwis to press for progress on International Women’s Day
Press Editorial: Women in business still have a long way to go
Rebecca Stevenson & Jihee Junn (Spinoff): Ten amazing New Zealand women in business
1News: It’s International Women’s Day but gender equality in NZ still has a long way to go
Tess Nichol (Herald): Work on gendered violence just beginning, Green MP Jan Logie promises in International Women’s Day speech
Villainesse: International Women’s Day – Women of Wisdom: Helen Clark, Dame Susan Devoy, Chlöe Swarbrick and Heather du Plessis-Allan
Bryce Edwards (Newsroom): The rise of feminism and gender politics
Taroi Black (Māori TV): Recognise wāhine on International Women’s Day – Glavish
1News: Helen Clark says being unmarried, female PM at 37 would ‘not have been possible’ when she entered politics
Jacinta Coelho (Sydney Morning Herald): The baby trap: Damned if you do, damned if you don’t
Canterbury earthquake
RNZ: EQC considering legal action against Fletcher Construction
Liz McDonald (Stuff): EQC boss says Fletcher Building is liable for bad repairs
Dan Satherley (Newshub): A Christchurch man spied on after fighting to get his insurance claim settled says he’s no troublemaker
David Williams (Newsroom):No response over quake victim spying
No Right Turn: More government spying
Newshub: Environmentalists write open letter to Jacinda Ardern to act on climate change
Thomas Coughlan (Newsroom): Climate change bill $14.2 billion? Try $36 billion
Brian Fallow (Herald): Putting NZ on the path to zero carbon
RNZ: Algal bloom overruns another Far North lake
Mike Treen (Daily Blog): Action is needed no to solve the problems associated with migrant labour exploitation
Sophia Duckor-Jones (RNZ): Migrant exploitation cases growing – advocate
Chris Trotter (Bowalley Road): Out of the Goodness of the Employers’ Big, Generous Hearts
Paul Mitchell (Stuff): Work visa limits could push aged care into labour crisis by 2020, says association
Tamsyn Parker (Herald): Govt dept still chasing itself over holiday pay
Julie Anne Genter (Noted): The gender pay gap is ‘unacceptable’
Parliament and integrity
Claire Trevett (Herald): Rise of Jacinda Ardern sees Labour outspend National on election campaign
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): An Acting PM who can’t talk on anything the Government is doing
Matthew Hooton (Herald): Bridges’ vision? It’s 2020
Emma Hurley (Newshub): National finance spokesperson Amy Adams says fiscal hole could be ‘considerably more’
Chris Trotter (Daily Blog): Bridges and Adams trapped in the Ghetto of the Comfortable Third
Māori TV: National Māori MPs set for bump-up says Bridges
Alex Penk (Stuff): Gentleman Bill English a good model of political civility
John Armstrong (1News): Julie Anne Genter would deliver effective tonic of political realism for Greens as they up weigh who should be co-leader
Finn Hogan (Newshub): Green Party co-leadership race: The contenders
Anne Gibson (Herald): Aucklanders’ 16-year savings slog for house deposit: REINZ research
Nikki Mandow (Newsroom): Eaqub warns OIAB will wreck build-to-rent market
Donal Curtin (Economics NZ): Unintended consequences?
Anne Gibson (Herald): Four reasons NZ needs rich foreigners: Sir Eion Edgar
Gareth Kiernan (Interest): Labour’s KiwiBuild policy looks like less of a game-changer than the Govt has made it out to be
Susan Edmunds (Stuff): Economist warns KiwiBuild is set to disappoint
Rob Stock (Stuff): KiwiBuild needs you, Twyford tells prefab home builders
Rob Stock (Stuff): Prefab industry could deliver 7000 Kiwibuild homes a year, report finds
John Anthony (Stuff): Government and council promise to increase scale and speed of house building in Auckland
Hamish Fletcher (Herald): Government formally jumps on board Phil Goff’s housing taskforce
Simon Thornley (Stuff): A sugar tax would be a fence at the top of a cliff
Teuila Fuatai (Newsroom): Sugar tax: the only way forward
Rachel Thomas (Stuff): The sugar fix: Is it right to target sugary drinks?
Rachel Thomas (Stuff): Sugar Fix: our relationship with sugar, and how we got this way
Rachel Thomas (Stuff): What happened when two decile 1 primary schools ditched junk food
Farah Hancock (Newsroom): New code of ethics makes way for homeopathy
Graham Adams (Noted): Big gains for the euthanasia campaign
1News: ACT’s David Seymour defends End of Life Choice Bill after Disability Commissioner’s criticism
Shane Cowlishaw (Newsroom): Feverish launch to teacher pay negotiations
Chloe Lundie-Hodge (Stuff): ‘Caring for kids is just what women do, right?’ My fight for pay equity
Simon Collins (Herald): Student numbers jump at Hamilton, Napier and Nelson polytechnics, but fees-free policy falls flat elsewhere
Isobel Ewing (Newshub):$38m in taxpayer money to be spent on university dropouts in Govt’s free first year policy
Herald: University of Auckland staff member fired for trying to shake hands with Muslim student
Child welfare
Eleanor Ainge Roy (Guardian): Study shows nearly one in four New Zealand children reported to welfare agencies
Brian Easton (Pundit): Redesigning the Welfare State
Media and freedom of speech
Tim Beveridge (Newstalk ZB): Media at risk of overstepping its role on #MeToo
Jess Berentson-Shaw (The Wireless): Stop sharing Nisbet’s ‘witch hunt’ cartoon
Karl du Fresne (Stuff): Many of the strident voices on the Left are frighteningly illiberal
Muriel Newman (NZCPR): Political Correctness Threatens Free Speech
Lindsay Perigo (NZCPR): Fottles, Fatwas and Free Speech
Freedom camping
Benedict Collins (RNZ): Govt considering freedom camping shake up
Laura Dooney (RNZ): Freedom camping ‘easy’, tourists say
Frances Cook (Herald): Freedom campers law change on the cards Tourism Minister Kelvin Davis tells mayors
Richard Harman (Politik): Treasury’s big experiment
Liam Martin (Stuff): Countdown to the mega-prison
Gill Bonnett (RNZ): Crackdown on partnership visitor visas: ‘It’s just so frustrating’
Evan Harding (Stuff): Protestors to teach Invercargill youth how to find their activist voices
Tess Nichol (Herald): Government to overhaul ‘antiquated’ insurance legislation
Teuila Fuatai (Newsroom): From Tonga to NZ’s Parliament
Shane Cowlishaw (Newsroom): Air NZ takes aim at airport parking prices
Gwynn Compton: Spin cycle shrinks rates as well as clothes
Rob Stock (Stuff): Taking 63,000 years off our debt slavery
Mike Hosking (Newstalk ZB): Deary me – what’s going on at Fonterra?
1News: ‘I’m just stoked to see two Stats spokespeople going head-to-head’ – should Stats Minister have completed the Census?]]>
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