Politics Newsletter: New Zealand Politics Daily – 18 December 2017 – Today’s content
Editor’s Note: Here below is a list of the main issues currently under discussion in New Zealand and links to media coverage.
[caption id="attachment_297" align="aligncenter" width="1600"] The Beehive and Parliament Buildings.[/caption]
Below are the links to the items online. The full text of these items are contained in the PDF file (click to download).
2017 in review
Audrey Young (Herald): My politician of the year
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): Top 20 New Zealand political moments of 2017
Barry Soper (Newstalk ZB): Past year in politics has been totally unpredictable
Stacey Kirk (Stuff): What does Santa have in his sack for our hardworking politicians?
Andrew Gunn (Stuff): ‘Joyce to the world’, ‘Away on a Manus’ and other Christmas carols for political junkies
Lizzie Marvelly (Herald): Winners and losers of 2017
Peter Dunne (Interest): Politician of the year
Spinoff: 2018 in politics: What will be the crucial issues?
Duncan Garner (Dominion Post): A year to trump so many others
Hannah Martin (Stuff): ‘Youthquake’ named 2017 word of the year by Oxford Dictionaries
Nadine Higgins (Stuff): Feminists just seeking sexual equality – who knew?
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): 2017 Kiwiblog Awards voting
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Welfare fraudster should be NZer of the Year!
Pete Burdon (Media Training): Bill English my Media Communicator of the Year
Katie Parker (The Wireless): Best of the year: Who won 2017?
Spinoff: The world in 2017, in one sentence
Shane Cowlishaw (Newsroom): Documents reveal insight into coalition talks
Claire Trevett (Herald): Information provided to political parties in coalition talks released
Derek Cheng (Herald): $15 billion: Official costing Greens given on total ban on new coal mines, oil drilling and fracking
Dave Clemens (Newsroom): Chasing a fuller OIA ‘menu’
Heather du-Plessis Allan (Herald): Labour has the shortest honeymoon ever
John Roughan (Herald): Polled voters back National’s economic legacy
Newsroom: National ministers return serve over Peters leak
Herald: Sunshine Coast beckons new PM Jacinda Ardern for 2018 holiday
Wayne Mapp (Spinoff): National’s best chance now? The eradication of NZ First
Branko Marcetic (Spinoff): The secret history of National party collusion with Australian politicians and strategists
Jogai Bhatt (Newshub): Life in opposition more relaxed – Gerry Brownlee
NZ Herald editorial: Waka jumping law shouldn’t be necessary
Britt Mann (Stuff): Layers of meaning: Reading a world leader by their wardrobe
Benedict Collins (RNZ): Delayed lunch break brings out hangry MPs
Nicholas Jones (Herald): Tempers flare in Parliament as families’ package debate drags out
Laura Walters (Stuff): Long days and busy schedules start to get to MPs
CTV building collapse
RNZ: Corporate manslaughter law possible next year – Little
RNZ: CTV building: Little promises law changes
Dominic Harris (Press): CTV families demand law changes to stop people “getting away with murder”
1News: Families of CTV building collapse victims say Justice Minister Andrew Little ‘sympathetic’ to them at meeting
Annabelle Tukia (Newshub): Families of collapsed CTV building victims vow to keep fighting
Lisa Davies (1News): Families of CTV collapse victims emerge from ’emotional’ meeting with police vowing to ‘fight for justice’
Employment and welfare
Jamie Morton (Herald): NZ living wage needs urgent look, Massey University and AUT researchers say
Anthony Hubbard (Stuff): Seeds of hope or of despair?
Katarina Williams (Stuff): New benefit wait times out of step with government’s own standard
CPAG: The further fraying of the welfare safety net
Simon Collins (Herald): Hardship grants at record highs as welfare state ‘frays’
RNZ: NZ welfare safety net starting to unravel – report
Brian Easton (Pundit): Social Investment is Fashionable at the Moment
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): Open letter to the Honourable Carmel Sepuloni – end the horror of the neoliberal welfare state
Cate Broughton (Stuff): ACC: An unequal playing field?
Natalie Akoorie (Herald): Value for money questioned in $1.2m spending by health board bosses
Weekend Herald editorial: Expenses call into question a need for 20 DHBs
Herald: Lester Levy resigns as chairman of Auckland health boards
Tom Furley (RNZ): Binge drinking still a ‘significant burden’ on strained EDs
Dave Macpherson (Daily Blog): What’s the Red/Black/Green Government up to on mental health?
Dale Husband (E-Tangata): Debbie Sorensen: Whānau Ora is working for our communities
Martin van Beynen (Stuff): A good death is hard to find but End of Life Choice Bill will help
Dominion Post Editorial: Parliament can’t keep dodging the issue of euthanasia
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): The neoliberal seductiveness of euthanasia
RNZ: Mining permits to be taken case by case – Ardern
Charlie Mitchell and Simon Maude (Stuff): Government lacks ‘coordinated plan’ for climate change, withheld report shows
Jamie Morton (Herald): Climate change: NZ lacks co-ordinated plan
Anna Bracewell-Worrall (Newshub): Confusion reigns due to lack of leadership on climate change – Ministry for the Environment
Leith Huffadine (Stuff): What you need to know about the previously withheld climate report
Jim Salinger (Herald): Grim climate outlook demands action now
Cass Mason (Newsroom): New sea level rules prepare for the worst
Herald: Government to review ‘grossly substandard’ kauri dieback programme
Mini-budget and economy
Shamubeel Eaqub (Stuff): Mini-Budget carefully reshuffles the deck chairs
Jane Patterson (RNZ): The battle of the ‘Families Packages’
Frank Newman (Breaking Views): Mini-budget delivers on promises
RNZ: Families package passes in Parliament under urgency
Stuff: Jacinda Ardern, Grant Robertson make first Super Fund payment in nine years
Herald: Super Fund repayments restart with click of button
Rod Oram (Newsroom): Rogue US threat to Goldilocks economy
Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): NZ growth may have cooled in lead-up to election, new headwinds building
Jamie Gray (Herald): No early Xmas present expected for Grant Robertson, GDP growth expected to be tepid
Simon Collins (Herald): Childcare workers speak out against ‘factory farming’ of children
RNZ: ERO to investigate special education in schools
Philip Matthews (Stuff): Free fees and changing degrees: The changing face of higher education
Ben Robinson-Drawbridge (RNZ): Manus Island and media manipulation
1News: TVNZ and Maori TV in talks for single te reo newservice: ‘If you don’t move that way, you’re a dinosaur’
Kendall Hutt (Evening Report): Film industry sources criticise TVNZ ‘devaluing’ of Māori programmes
Jane Bowron (Stuff): Sharp choices ahead for TVNZ with Mike Hosking, Toni Street gone
John Drinnan (ZagZigger): What about a simulcast Mike for TVNZ Brekkie?
Brian Edwards: I Doff my Hat
Steve Braunias (Herald): Secret Diary of Mike Hosking
Calum Henderson (Spinoff): 100 possible host combinations for Seven Sharp in 2018
Jack van Beynen (Stuff): Susie Ferguson broadcast through pain as bad as childbirth
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Press Council decision on complaint against Kiwiblog
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Housing New Zealand will not be restructured, breaking Labour election commitment
John Tookey (Dominion Post): Huge task ahead to build more houses
Herald: Treasury warns of unintended consequences on foreign buyer ban
RNZ: Wgtn City Council defends social housing clampdown
Tommy Livingston and Kirsty Lawrence (Stuff): Defence Force sex assault victims say ‘enough is enough’ after suffering for years
Tommy Livingston (Stuff): Hayley Young speaks out about sexual harassment and rape in NZ and UK navy
Kate Pereya Garcia (RNZ): Navy sex attack victim speaks out
Kate Pereyra Garcia (RNZ): ‘It’s really difficult to keep telling your story’
Foreign affairs and trade
Reuben Steff (Spinoff): Winston Peters is softening on China – and that’s not necessarily a good thing
Christian Novak (Incline): Warmer NZ trade relations with Russia? Probably nyet
1News: Watch: Inside Parliament: Diplomatic immunity controversy
Graham Cameron (Spinoff): Manus Island: why we can’t keep our noses out of it
Herald: PM’s father Ross Ardern will be the new Administrator for Tokelau, based in Auckland
RNZ: Ross Ardern to be NZ’s next administrator to Tokelau
Child welfare
Darrell Latham (Stuff): Ending child abuse and killings is a task for our whole country
Tim Watkin (Pundit): Moko: The first thing we need to do to save lives is...
Liz Beddoe (Newsroom): Tragic deaths must not mean surveillance
Jogai Bhatt (Newshub): Jacinda Ardern wants to ‘lift every child out of poverty’
Herald: Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern wants all NZ children out of poverty
Laura Walters (Stuff): Children’s Minister Tracey Martin says new measures will help all 155,000 kids in poverty
Net neutrality
Max Towle (The Wireless): What the end of net neutrality in the US means for NZ
Herald: Net neutrality repeal – what it means for NZ
Laura Walters (Stuff): Government announces road safety measures ahead of Christmas, speed limit changes to come
Benedict Collins (RNZ): Thumbs up for rural road initiative
RNZ: New funding to make risky rural roads safer
Dave Armstrong (Dominion Post): Kedgley was right – we were off our trolleys
Bess Manson (Stuff): Paula Tesoriero – fighting for equality
Ruby Nyika (Stuff): Bringing te reo to deaf Māori
Matt Nippert (Herald): Super-Ministry’s super spending revealed
Matt Nippert and Chris Knox (Herald): Ministry in spotlight over high-earning contractors
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff): Ministerial advisory group to bring ‘focus’ to closing digital divides
David Williams (Newsroom): Concerns raised over census IT system
Tamsyn Parker (Herald): Kris Faafoi: Putting the consumer first
Madison Reidy (Stuff): New minister wants NZ to up ante against cyber-crime
Liz Gordon (Daily Blog): Time for new strategies for women’s equality
Emma Hatton (RNZ): Copyright law confirmed for an overhaul
Rob Stock (Stuff): Perils of $600m a year KiwiSaver first home withdrawals
Herald: Don’t make KiwiSaver compulsory: Brian Gaynor
Alexa Cook (RNZ): Incomplete farm records slow tracking of cattle disease spread
Jogai Bhatt (Newshub): Why Auckland Mayor Phil Goff wants $6b from the Govt
RNZ: Optimism grows over Ngāpuhi Treaty settlement
Laura Tupou (RNZ): Tauranga iwi commit to resolve Treaty issues
Jamie Morton (Herald): LGNZ: More cash needed to meet tourist influx
Simon Draper (Stuff): We need to talk about tourism
Liam Dann (Herald): Rob Campbell, the anarchist who conquered the corporate world
Cherie Howie (Herald): Kim Dotcom: Judge rejects seven of internet mogul’s arguments against extradition to US
Kurt Bayer (Herald): Sir John Key awarded with a Doctor of Commerce honorary degree
Hayley Stevenson (Stuff): Prime minister must overhaul Royal NZ Ballet board, says former chairman
Stuff: ‘English only’ sign for staff in Bay of Plenty supermarket
Thomas Manch (Stuff): Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster breaks another milestone in New Zealand
Laura McQuillan (Spinoff): New Zanada: the strange, deeply-explored proposed merger of Canada and New Zealand]]>
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