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Evening Report. Evening Report.[/caption] At 8:30pm tonight on Evening Report we cross live to Tunisia in North Africa to talk to New Zealander and foreign correspondent Yasmine Ryan about the ISIS and al Qaeda threat to the region. Yasmine articles in the Independent (UK) suggest Muammar Gaddafi’s soldiers are back in Libya and are fighting under the ISIS flag. And both ISIS and al Qaeda claim responsibility for the Bardo Museum massacre in Tunisia. Have the two terror organisations merged or is there more to this propaganda offensive? LIVE ON EVENINGREPORT.NZ FROM 8:30pm. ALSO FROM 7:30pm TONIGHT Gareth Renowden writes on The Age of Sustainable Development.. imageIT IS PROFOUNDLY DEPRESSING to hear pundits and politicians talking about the prospects for economic growth with no reference to either equity or environmental constraints. In the case of New Zealand a “rock star” economy can apparently develop accompanied by dismaying levels of child poverty, excited expectations of new oil and gas discoveries which spell disaster for the climate, and a burgeoning dairy industry paying scant attention to the environmental consequences of its rapid growth. Fortunately there are more discerning economists on the world stage for whom economic growth is only welcome when it means an end to poverty and when it fully respects strict environmental limits. VISIT EVENINGREPORT.NZ FROM 7:30pm FOR GARETH’S ANALYSIS. ALSO THIS EVENING’S BREAKING NEWS REPORTS:

Source: New Zealand Police – Police welcome verdict in homicide re-trial At the High Court in Wellington today Mark Lundy was convicted of murdering his wife Christine and daughter Amber at their family home in Palmerston North on 30 August, 2000. FULL ARTICLE

ALSO: Mark Lundy’s Brother Craig Thank Police for Working Tirelessly on Mother-Daughter Murder Investigation

MIL OSI Analysis – Pacific Media Centre/Pacific Media Watch Ten-year-old Joana Bani tells her story at Black Sand near Vanuatu’s capital of Port Vila… Edward Bani understands sacrifice. He supports his family in Black Sand, one of Port Vila’s poorest communities, by working as a labourer building roads on Tanna Island, a boat journey of several days from Vanuatu’s capital. FULL ARTICLE
Source: New Zealand Labour Party – Real changes must come from CYF review A well-overdue revamp of Child, Youth and Family cannot be just another cost cutting exercise, Labour’s Children’s spokesperson Jacinda Ardern says.
“Labour has been pushing for a review for some time. It was part of our policy at the election. FULL ARTICLE


Source: Council Of Trade Unions (CTU) – Asbestos needs a ban and a plan – petition presented Workers have today presented a petition signed by over a thousand New Zealanders calling on the Government to ban the importation of asbestos and develop a comprehensive plan for the removal of all existing asbestos in New Zealand. FULL ARTICLE



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