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New Zealand Politics Daily is a collation of the most prominent issues being discussed in New Zealand. It is edited by Dr Bryce Edwards of The Democracy Project.

Items of interest and importance today

Chris Trotter (Daily Blog): Much Worse Than It Looks
Thomas Coughlan (Herald): Battle of the polls: Internal poll has Labour equal with National
Newshub: Video: Newshub political editor Jenna Lynch breaks down ‘terrible, terrible’ poll result for Labour
David Fisher (Herald): Why we are so angry – and what it means for election year (paywalled)
Lloyd Burr (Today FM): The two contenders to be our Prime Minister in a year’s time are boring and bereft
Duncan Garner (NBR): Labour conference: scare tactics as Luxon looms (paywalled)
Tess McClure (Guardian): Jacinda Ardern rallies party faithful as Labour faces difficult re-election path
Russell Palmer (RNZ): Minor parties sound warning against political point-scoring
Zarina Hewlett (Today FM): Winston Peters focused on returning to Parliament in 2023
Thomas Coughlan (Herald): Labour and National MPs join forces calling for shorter days at Parliament
Andrea Vance (Stuff): ‘Awesome’: National’s by-election candidate on the Government’s housing policies
Jonah Franke-Bowell (Waikato Times): One candidate, two parties: Conservative coalition picks Hamilton West contender
Will Trafford (Te Ao – Māori News): IronMāori founder lines up for Te Pāti Māori at 2023 election

Rob Stock (Stuff): How banks make so much money, while households and businesses struggle
Michael Neilson and Katie Harris (Herald): PM Jacinda Ardern calls on banks to assess ‘social licence’ amid cost-of-living crisis as profits approach $10 billion
Bernard Hickey (Interest): PM says banks not demonstrating ‘social license’ by repeatedly making very high profits, but does not have policy options; instead says banks ‘should take a long hard look at themselves’
Anna Whyte (Stuff): Jacinda Ardern takes aim at huge bank profits ‘in these current times
RNZ: Ardern asks banks to reassess record profit-making in light of cost-of-living crisis
Katie Scotcher (RNZ): National urges govt to probe monetary policy over banks’ huge profits
Rob Stock (Stuff): Westpac profit rises by 12% to $1.16 billion, as country faces recession
Gareth Vaughan (Interest): Westpac NZ annual profit tops $1 billion helped by gain from sale of Westpac Life & impairment write-backs
RNZ: Westpac profit rises 12% to top $1b
Jonathan Mitchell (NBR): Westpac NZ defends $1b profit to help ride economic uncertainty (paywalled)

Jenna Lynch (Newshub): Newshub-Reid Research poll: New Zealanders want tax relief for everyone
William Hewett (Newshub): Economist Cameron Bagrie warns tax-free threshold would be ‘off the chart expensive’
Amelia Wade (Newshub): Newshub-Reid Research poll: Kiwis want fuel tax cut extended as expert warns major price shocks on way
Jack Horsnell (1News): PM won’t confirm if fuel tax cut will be extended
Pattrick Smellie (BusinessDesk): Getting real about the coming recession (paywalled)
Ireland Hendry-Tennent (Newshub): PM Jacinda Ardern defends house prices, poverty in tense AM interview about Government’s achievements
Susan Edmunds (Stuff): Which jobs would be the first to go if unemployment rose?
Michael P. Cameron (The Conversation): Fighting inflation doesn’t directly cause unemployment – but that’s still the most likely outcome
Roger Kerr (Interest): Wage-push inflation: the RBNZ’s worst nightmare
William Hewett (Newshub): Latest grocery data shows inflation is ‘persistent and pervasive’ – economist Brad Olsen
RNZ: No sign of cheaper food bills as supplier costs up 10% a year
1News: Govt’s childcare package will see fees go up – expert
Esther Taunton (Stuff): By the numbers: The true cost of childcare
Kate Greern (RNZ): $189m for childcare funding: ECE questions why boost is so far off
Scott Palmer (Newshub): David Seymour, Christopher Luxon pan Jacinda Ardern’s cost of living package
John MacDonald (Herald): Election bribe disguised as a rescue package
Marty Sharpe (Stuff): ‘High trust’ Covid wage subsidy scheme abused by woman paid $63k for non-existent staff
Tamsyn Parker (Herald): Devil will be in detail of new buy now pay later regulations, provider says (paywalled)
Nona Pelletier (RNZ): Corporate reporting expected to show firms well placed for tough period ahead

Tina Morrison (Stuff): Tenants are staying in homes longer, Human Rights Commission says
Geraden Cann (Stuff): How much will your house price fall?
Tamsyn Parker (Herald): 50,000 Westpac NZ home loan customers facing big rate rise in next six months

Janine Rankin (Stuff): ‘Absolutely chokka’: Painful waits in ED highlight pressures on the health system
Jimmy Ellingham (RNZ): Palmerston North Hospital’s much-needed critical care units 7 years away
Rowan Quinn (RNZ): Staff make formal complaint about plight of hospital’s mental health patients
Louise Ternouth (RNZ): Expert wants graded response as third-wave Covid-19 cases rise
Soumya Bhamidipati (RNZ): Concern health professionals from ethnic backgrounds lost to other countries
Ripu Bhatia (Stuff): Urgent action needed to address child immunisation crisis, experts say
Isaac Davison (Herald): Euthanasia laws too strict and should be relaxed, Act leader David Seymour says
Nicole Bremner (1News): Health experts call for wider support for palliative care services
Marine Lourens (Stuff): Midwifery Council proposes dropping the words ‘mother’ and ‘woman’ from its guidelines
Mike Yardley (Stuff): Starship Foundation looks gift horse in the mouth
Sharon Bretkelly and Bonnie Harrison (RNZ): Spying on our sewage

Jem Traylen (BusinessDesk): A deal can be done on Three Waters – let me explain why (paywalled)
Mildred Armah (Stuff): Auckland mayor Wayne Brown talks Three Waters with National’s Christopher Luxon
Phillipa Tolley (Stuff): Explained: Three Waters legislation takes another step forward

Bernard Orsman (Herald): Wayne Brown interview: Auckland mayor on turning port land into waterfront apartments and restaurants to raise $400m a year (paywalled)
Simon Wilson (Herald) Wayne Brown and the billion-dollar windfall (paywalled)
Todd Niall (Stuff): When will the real Wayne Brown emerge?
Jane Nixon (1News): Auckland mayor says double-digit rates rises ‘will not happen’
RNZ: Auckland Council looking at $270m budget hole for next financial year, mayor says
Craig Harrison (Herald): Ports of Auckland debate has devil in the detail (paywalled)
Skara Bohny (Nelson Mail): Mayor cleared of complaint over election donations
Jamie Ensor (Newshub): Australia Post apologises after late-arriving voting papers denied Kiwis chance to vote in local elections

Phil Pennington (RNZ): Further costs as new system to enable more tolls on roads rolled back to 2024
Tim Hunter (NBR): ‘Political influence or bribery’ fear in Auckland Transport plan (paywalled)
Erin Gourley (Stuff): ‘No quick fix’: End of the bus driver shortage still a long way off

Jamie Ensor (Newshub): Jacinda Ardern told Canada’s Justin Trudeau ‘to his face’ that New Zealand would escalate trade dispute
Jamie Ensor (Newshub): New Zealand escalates trade dispute with Canada over dairy tariff rate quotas
Bridie Witton (Stuff): ‘Locked out of the Canadian market’: Dairy dispute with Canada takes another step

Brent Edwards (NBR): Tighter monitoring of Govt spending on climate change initiatives (paywalled)
Newstalk ZB: Climate Change Minister tempers expectations about COP27
Newstalk ZB: Adrian Macey: Climate expert says COP27 is starting to feel like a trade fair
Mike Hosking (Newstalk ZB): Why isn’t Ardern at COP27?
Jamie Morton (Herald): Rebuilding Better: Four good reasons to green NZ’s economy (paywalled)
Hamish Cardwell (RNZ): COP27: Time for rich countries to pay poorer ones for years of climate damage – expert

RNZ: New whistleblowers’ protection bill sees demand for legal advice skyrocket
Bernard Hickey (Interest): ‘Tougher’ AML-CFT rules actually looser for some
Riley Kennedy (BusinessDesk): Anti-money laundering law needs ‘major improvement’: review (paywalled)
Herald: Clean-up of money laundering and financial terrorism battle after businesses called for reform
Jeremy Wilkinson (Open Justice Journalism): First of its kind: Academics granted right to challenge Mental Health Act for free
Anna Harcourt (Re: News): Why people get name suppression in NZ
Adam Pearse (Herald): Privacy Commissioner opposes proposed gang search warrant powers for police

Corazon Miller (1News): Government funding on offer to build uniquely Kiwi events
Tom Peters: Funding cut to Shakespeare Festival in New Zealand widely opposed
André Chumko (Stuff): Hundreds of artists will benefit from royalty scheme, modelling shows

Michael Morrah (Newshub): Horror day of greyhound racing ends with nine dogs injured
André Chumko (Stuff): RNZ-TVNZ bill does not do enough to specify how public funding is spent – academic
Bridie Witton (Stuff): Jacinda Ardern says ‘too early to say’ for Christchurch Call after Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover
Logan Church (1News): Kiwis need to prepare for escalating cyberwarfare – Govt
Anna Murray (Re: News): Apparently some people find NZ’s hate speech laws controversial…why?
RNZ: Treasured whale fossil taken from West Coast beach found by police
Martin Devlin (NBR): Busy body media agenda pollutes sports journalism (paywalled)
Gaylene Preston (Newsroom): Gaylene, Jacinda & Helen



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