PODCAST: Buchanan and Manning Consider the Global Issues that Define 2021

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A View from Afar
A View from Afar
PODCAST: Buchanan and Manning Consider the Global Issues that Define 2021

A View from Afar – In this podcast, political scientist Paul Buchanan and Selwyn Manning consider and analyse the most significant global issues that define 2021. The topics include:

– Leadership: Trump, Putin, Xi, Biden,

– Pandemic: Impact of Covid-19 & variants on global security

– Security: Afghanistan, AUKUS, Autonomous Weapons, Cyber-Hackers/Attackers.

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If you miss the LIVE Episode, you can see it as video-on-demand, and earlier episodes too, by checking out EveningReport.nz or, subscribe to the Evening Report podcast here.

The MIL Network’s podcast A View from Afar was Nominated as a Top  Defence Security Podcast by Threat.Technology – a London-based cyber security news publication.

Threat.Technology placed A View from Afar at 9th in its 20 Best Defence Security Podcasts of 2021 category. You can follow A View from Afar via our affiliate syndicators.

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