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New Zealand Politics Daily is a collation of the most prominent issues being discussed in New Zealand. It is edited by Dr Bryce Edwards of The Democracy Project.

Today’s content

Adam Pearse (Herald): Threat of China’s Pacific pursuit driving New Zealand’s new defence and national security strategy
Thomas Manch (Stuff): Defence Force needs to become combat-ready as security threats worsen, Government says
RNZ: Changing global tensions prompt New Zealand to ramp up security and defence resources
1News: NZ Defence Force ‘not in a fit state for the future’ – govt report
Newshub Government releases plans for defence, national security as world contends with ‘complex’, ‘disruptive security challenges’
Robert Patman (Post): The case for New Zealand staying on the outside of Aukus (paywalled)
Chris Trotter (Daily Blog): Opting Out Of The Coalition Of Containment
Gordon Campbell: On what China’s current economic woes signal for us
Kirsty Needham (Reuters): Indian navy ships dock in Papua New Guinea as interest in Pacific sharpens
Thomas Manch (Stuff): Iranian ambassador says New Zealanders weren’t ‘hostages’, justifies executions
Giles Dexter (RNZ): MPs confront Iran’s Ambassador to New Zealand over protest crackdowns

Chris Knox and Thomas Coughlan (Herald): Herald’s Poll of Polls show Labour’s re-election chances seem to be evaporating (pawyalled)
Jenna Lynch (Newshub): Newshub-Reid Research poll results: Kiwis don’t believe Government is focused on issues that matter to them
Newshub: Newshub-Reid Research poll results: Do Kiwis believe Chris Hipkins, Christopher Luxon are performing well?
Jamie Ensor (Newshub): Labour MPs at risk of losing seats confident they will stay in Parliament despite sliding support
Anna Rankin (Guardian): New Zealand: ministerial scandals put Labour further behind in polls ahead of election

Peter Dunne: Labour’s list ready for opposition
Matthew Hooton (Herald): In a National-Act Government, mere morsels won’t satisfy Act this time (paywalled)
Adam Pearse (Herlad): David Seymour clarifies Act’s ‘ruling out’ of NZ First
Jane Patterson (RNZ): Political parties solidify allegiances as election beckons
Heather du Plessis-Allan (Newstalk ZB): There’s no way NZ’s issues can be solved with Winston Peters in Government
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): Seymour checkmates Winston – how will the Alliance of Arseholes actually work?
Brent Edwards (NBR): Polls again, more roads, fiscal holes, the election campaign
Danyl McLauchlan (Listner/Herald): Political week in review: New polls shows narrow victory for the National-Act coalition (paywalled)
ODT Editorial: Is Labour on the skids? (paywalled)
Lamia Imam (Post): Stale bread with no butter (paywalled)
Tina Wickliffe (Whakaata Māori): Cruising down to Highway 35 – Labour candidates hit the ground on the East Coast

Thomas Coughlan (Herald): Winston Peters v David Seymour v Nicola Willis v Grant Robertson in Fiscal Hole Battle Royale! (paywalled)
Thomas Manch (Post): ‘It’s going to get worse’: Government books set to deteriorate with slow economic growth expected (paywalled)
Dan Brunskill (Interest): Finance Minister Grant Robertson has been searching for savings as corporate tax revenue falls below Treasury forecast
Newshub: Finance Minister Grant Robertson meets with public service bosses to discuss spending cutbacks – report
Herald Editorial: Soft landing? Economy likely to leave voters hanging in October (paywalled)
Michael Reddell: Policy costings offices in Australia
Mike Hosking (Newstalk ZB): The fiscal hole is the last economic straw
Michael Neilson (Herald): Parliament in Question Time hysterics as Nicola Willis asks Grant Robertson: ‘How big is his hole?’
Newshub: Parliament in hysterics over Nicola Willis’ awkward question to Grant Robertson
Susan Edmunds (Stuff): Here are new taxes being proposed this election
Susan Edmunds (Stuff): Westpac pushes back official cash rate increase forecast
Brent Edwards (NBR): Credit rating agency says New Zealand economy remains resilient (paywalled)
Jem Traylen (BusinessDesk): Government keeps AAA credit rating with stable outlook (paywalled)

Michael Neilson (Herald): Mass arrivals bill: MBIE chief executive Carolyn Tremain apologises to Parliament Select Committee as staff accused of ‘devious’ conduct
Caleb Fotheringham (RNZ): Samoa reviewing RSE scheme to protect its own economy

William Hewett (Newshub): Commerce Commission boss isn’t afraid to prosecute supermarkets after more problematic pricing revealed
Brianna Mcilraith (Stuff): Surcharge on your rates bill? Commerce Commission taking action
Eric Frykberg (Interest): The Government is proposing several changes to retirement villages but keeping its basic business model
Andrew Bevin (Newsroom): Repayments the big question in retirement village review
Monique Steele (RNZ): Zespri files civil case in China over unauthorised production and sale of gold kiwifruit
Tina Morrison (Stuff): Zespri files court case over gold kiwifruit production and sale in China

Todd Niall (Stuff): Auckland mayor Wayne Brown’s $91k legal advice bill in one month
Simon Wilson (Herald): Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown says North Harbour Stadium could be bulldozed next year
Jonathan Killick and Todd Niall (Stuff): Big trade-offs might be needed for new Auckland port vision
Bernard Orsman (Herald): Maritime Union rubbishes Wayne Brown’s waterfront development at Ports of Auckland
1News: Auckland mayor explains vision to transform port’s ‘waste land’
Oliver Lewis (BusinessDesk): Concepts for Auckland port land released (paywalled)
Georgina Campbell (Herald): Wellington’s Frank Kitts Park playground saved from being turned into patch of grass
Andrea Vance (Post): Wellington mayor Tory Whanau’s four flights criticised (paywalled)
Adam Burns (RNZ): Government completes Christchurch red zone transfer to council

Josie Pagani (Post): Take the politics out of transport, and let’s get moving (paywalled)
Tom Hunt (Post): Greens join Wellington transport war with grand, green promises (paywalled)
Kiri Gillespie (Herald): Tauranga toll road Takitimu Drive will be country’s first to be free, says Waka Kotahi (paywalled)
Conor Knell (Post): Bus drivers still waiting for Government funding for pay boost (paywalled)

William Hewett (Newshub): Jan Tinetti defends education cuts to pay for teachers’ pay boost
Alwyn Poole (Kiwiblog): In Education: Just how far and fast we are falling
Matthew Littlewood (ODT): Protesters get group’s support

Simon Wilson (Herald): War has broken out between Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown and Housing Minister Megan Woods (paywalled)
Simon Wilson (Herald): Housing agency Kāinga Ora has built a village in the middle of Auckland city (paywalled)
Matthew Scott (Newsroom): On public housing, it takes a village
RNZ: Te Mātāwai: Prime Minister Chris Hipkins opens government’s largest public housing development
Mark John (ODT): Kainga Ora buys site for housing

Bridie Witton (Post): ‘Morally reprehensible’: 27 new vape stores to open near schools despite Government crackdown (paywalled)
Deena Coster (Taranaki Daily News): ‘Disgusted’: Struggling mum’s shock at funding levels for high needs daughter
Rachel Thomas (Post): Public Service Watch: ICU bed numbers are actually improving (paywalled)
Kathy Spencer (Herald): Lessons from an era of public service restructuring (paywalled)
Fiona Ellis (ODT): Laboratory service a ‘cash cow’ — scientist (paywalled)
Kristie Boland (Post): Lowering age for bowel cancer screening could save lives, experts say

Kate Green (RNZ): Government’s Tai Rāwhiti and Wairoa forestry plan ‘too little too late’
1News: Locals walk out as Govt announces forestry slash plan
Perry Wilton (Newshub): Tairāwhiti locals walk out on meeting with Forestry Minister Peeni Henare
Brent Edwards (NBR): ‘Immediate action’ to stop forestry slash (paywalled)

Senia Iasona and Alexa Cook (Newshub): Hawke’s Bay councils offered 50 percent share by Government to buy out red-zoned homes
Matthew Rosenberg (Gisborne Herald): Cyclone Gabrielle: Ombudsman calls for ‘more trust and empowerment of iwi’ after cyclone visit
RNZ: Cyclone Gabrielle: Human Rights Commission criticises lack of residents’ input into East Coast recovery
Max Frethey (Local Democracy Reporting): ‘Not fair’: Storm-hit Nelson families still miss out on support

Daniel Dunkley (BusinessDesk): Stuff looking at more staff cuts and changes (paywalled)
Shayne Currie (Herald): Media Insider: All Blacks’ haka ‘throat-slitting’ gesture re-ignites media debate; TVNZ star weds; National v publishers over Google, Meta (paywalled)
RNZ: RNZ review: Changes to be made as ‘promptly as possible’, board chairman says
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): RNZ pro Russian misinformation meltdown exactly what TDB said it was

Brent Edwards (NBR): National won’t make any significant changes to the ETS (paywalled)
Shanti Mathias (Spinoff): July was the hottest month in human history. What does that mean for Aotearoa?
Marc Daalder (Newsroom): Ngāi Tahu salmon farm refused consent over environmental impacts
Lois Williams (Newsroom): Renewed calls to undam hydro plan
Amelia Wade (Newshub): National accuses Prime Minister Chris Hipkins of insulting parents after paid parental leave Bill fails
James Robb: Answer the racist roadshow with arguments, not disruption
Catrin Owen (Stuff): Sextortion continues to rise with Netsafe wanting to prevent tragic outcomes
Brian Easton (Pundit): Governing A Region Far Far Away
Nicholas Holm (Stuff): Public Service Announcements deliver ‘high-spirited political romp’



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