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New Zealand Politics Daily is a collation of the most prominent issues being discussed in New Zealand. It is edited by Dr Bryce Edwards of The Democracy Project.

Today’s content

Sam Stubbs (Stuff): Nine questions the Commerce Commission’s banking inquiry should ask
Bernard Hickey: Why the banking study was needed and where it should look
Luke Malpass (Stuff): Commerce Commission market study into banks: A bonanza for lawyers and consultants
Dan Brunskill (Interest): Banking market study timed for political gain but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad idea
Emile Donovan (Stuff): Newsable: Big NZ banks making profits of $300-per-second
Herald Editorial: Commerce Commission inquiry into banks overdue (paywalled)
Amelia Wade (Newshub): Banks’ response to Government’s inquiry called ‘fantasy-land comment’ by competition advocate
Bridie Witton (Post): ‘It’ll make some people feel good’: Banking experts sceptical of Labour’s market study (paywalled)
Jonathan Mitchell (NBR):  What’s a banking market study really going to achieve? (paywalled)
Anan Zaki (RNZ): Banks will engage with Commerce Commission market study but don’t think it’s needed
David Cunningham (Stuff): Why a market study into banking will make little difference
Jenée Tibshraeny (Herald): Banking sector inquiry: Government has no immediate plans to inject more capital into Kiwibank (paywalled)
Rob Stock (Post): Commerce Commission must probe why Kiwibank failed to disrupt big banks, says anti-monopolist (paywalled)
Felix Desmarais (1News): ‘Raise corporate taxes’: Greens on banking fairness study
Rob Stock (Stuff): Commerce Commission to probe retail banking competition
Rebecca Stevenson and Dan Brusnkill (Interest): Government launches Commerce Commission probe into bank competition & profitability
RNZ: Watch: Finance Minister Grant Robertson has announced a market study to investigate banking competition
Jenée Tibshraeny (Herald): Government announces major market study into banking
Felix Desmarais (1News): ‘The best deal possible’: Banking probe launched as profits soar
Jamie Ensor (Newshub): Government confirms Commerce Commission market study of banking
Pattrick Smellie (BusinessDesk): Govt orders ‘personal banking’ competition probe
James Perry (Whakaata Māori): Māori encouraged to take part in banking sector study

Barry Soper (Herald): National rollout of surgery race-ranking seems on ice as Hipkins, Verrall not on same page (paywalled)
Barry Soper (Newstalk ZB): The Government intended to roll out equity adjustor scores before media scrutiny
Damien Venuto (Herald): The Front Page: Ethnicity in healthcare: Is Te Whatu Ora’s new policy ethical?
Jo Moir (Newsroom): Ethnicity a factor in surgery waitlists for years
James Perry (Whakaata Māori): Top Māori doctor says ethnic queue needed to address health inequities
Mark Quinlivan (Newshub): Prime Minister Chris Hipkins defends surgery equity tool
William Hewett (Newshub): ACT’s Brooke van Velden calling for open, public conversations around new surgery equity tool
Don Brash: Is racism justified in the health sector?
Kate Hawkesby (Newstalk ZB): Is this Government going out of its way to lose the upcoming election?
Jenna Lynch (Newshub): Accusations of racism, identifying ‘as Māori conveniently’ in tense day at Parliament
1News: Surgery waitlist racism row: Davidson booted from Parliament debate
Russell Palmer (RNZ): Opposition parties accused of racism over health equity claims
Adam Pearse (Herald): Greens co-leader Marama Davidson accuses Act of racist questioning, Speaker ejects her from the House
Glenn McConnell (Stuff): Watch: ACT leader’s reo Māori backfires, Green co-leader booted from the House
Mana Wikaire-Lewis (Whakaata Māori): Labour and National weigh in on ethnicity equities for surgical waitlists
No Right Turn: More Parliamentary racism
Gabi Lardies (Guardian): New Zealand starts giving priority to Māori and Pacific elective surgery patients
Nicole Bremner (1News): Research reveals alarming ageism against elderly within health sector
Fiona Ellis (ODT): Learning centre decision seen as generational loss (paywalled)
John Boynton (Newshub): The Hui: Overseas operations help Kiwis transform their lives with weight loss surgery
John Lewis (ODT): New Māori mental health model developed

Richard Harman (Politik): Review’s political nightmare (paywalled)
RNZ: Future for Local Government review: What you need to know
Derek Cheng (Herald): Council overhaul? Mergers and billions in extra funding floated to future-proof local government
Andrea Vance (Stuff): The future of local government? Smaller, but able to raise more money
Sue Teodoro (Local Democracy Reporting): Local government review: Raft of changes recommended
Rachel Sadler (Newshub): Local government report proposes raft of changes to get better outcomes for communities
Jonathan Milne (Newsroom): Independent review proposes new tools to finance local roads, parks and homes
Oliver Lewis (BusinessDesk): Local government reforms suggested (paywalled)
David Farrar: The future of local government
Georgina Campbell (Herald): Wellington City Council data breach: Investigation launched, Mayor Tory Whanau disappointed, frustrated
Matt Cowley (Stuff): The future of local government depends on setting councils up for success
Alisha Evans (Local Democracy Reporting): Tauranga’s 9.4% rates increase ‘appropriate’ – Commissioner
Brendon McMahon (Local Democracy Reporting): Hokitika agreement ‘actively’ benefits community

Dita De Boni (NBR): Right wing try dog-whistles to excite the wet and whiny ones (paywalled)
Jenna Lynch (Newshub): National leader Christopher Luxon appears to have claimed Clean Car Discount on new Tesla
Claire Trevett (Herald): Poll shows bounce-back for Labour, bad news for National’s Christopher Luxon and NZ First
Andy Fyers (BusinessDesk): Election 2023: Polls remain deadlocked
Adam Pearse (Herald): Former Race Relations Commissioner Meng Foon finally accepts he’s resigned, doesn’t rule out future work in public sector
Tukoroirangi Morgan (Herald): Shane Jones follows a well-worn political strategy of feeding the baser instincts (paywalled)
Aaron Smale (Newsroom): What if all Māori went on the general roll
Wiremu Doherty (Herald): Requiring Māori to ‘opt in’ to Māori roll impacts how we engage in politics
Stuff: Minor parties sue over election broadcasting advertising funding
Ethan Griffiths (Open Justice Reporting): Minor parties launch judicial review against Electoral Commission, Sue Grey alleges advertising allocations are ‘unfair’
Glenn McConnell (Stuff): Heather Te Au Skipworth ditches Māori Party role after Meka Whaitiri switch
Glenn McConnell (Stuff): Nanaia Mahuta won’t stand on Labour list, goes all in on Hauraki Waikato seat
Jamie Ensor (Newshub): Nanaia Mahuta takes herself off Labour’s list, will stand as electorate-only
Kris Faafoi (Stuff): It’s a fine line between being a head case and headstrong at parliament
Jem Traylen (BusinessDesk): Business of Government: advice takes its toll, politicised public servants and more (paywalled)

Anna Whyte (Stuff): ACT MP Simon Court referred to Privileges Committee
Russell Palmer (RNZ): ACT MP Simon Court to be investigated for sharing committee information
Thomas Coughlan (Herald): Act MP Simon Court referred to privileges committee
Felix Desmarais (1News): Stuart Nash ‘wrong’ to withhold official information – watchdog
Anna Whyte (Stuff): Stuart Nash wrong in official information refusal – Ombudsman
RNZ: Ombudsman finds ex-minister Stuart Nash wrong not to release emails after official request
Gianina Schwanecke (Post): Public Service Watch: Embattled Education Minister back before the Select Committee (paywalled)

Susan St John (The Conversation): NZ’s housing market drives inequality – why not just tax houses like any other income?
RNZ: New report calls for future-focused commissioner to tackle disadvantage
Eric Crampton (Newsroom): Why Labour should rule out a wealth tax
Richard Prebble (Herald): Feeling negative about the economy? You’re not the only one (paywalled)
Newshub: Economist Cameron Bagrie calls New Zealand’s economic decline a ‘reset’ rather than recession
Rob Stock (Stuff): Recession bites: More than 40% of households ‘went backwards’ in last 12 months
RNZ: Consumer confidence still in the doldrums despite slight lift
Jonathan Mitchell (NBR): Consumers in a winter funk amid financial pressure: Westpac (paywalled)
Mark Quinlivan (Newshub): Chris Hipkins says Government ‘doing quite a lot’ to improve supermarket competition as it prepares to launch banking sector probe
Esther Taunton (Stuff): Unemployment set to rise: Where might the effect be felt first?

Lucy Xia (RNZ): Migrant living in garage, working illegally after paying thousands for work visa
Anna Whyte (Stuff): Greens welcome proposal for added protections of migrant workers
Felix Desmarais (1News): Govt to remove cap on skilled migrant workers
Anna Whyte (Stuff): Government shakes up path to residency to attract workers, plug skills gap
Newshub: Government announces simplified path to residency for skilled workers to tackle shortages
Dileepa Fonseka (BuinessDesk): Govt softens proposed skilled migrant changes (paywalled)
Jonathan Mitchell (NBR): Govt gives skilled workers an easier entry into NZ (paywalled)
Lillian Hanly (1News): MPs urged to create rainbow refugee sub-category in petition

Christopher Stevenson (Post): Gangs a visible symptom of our much deeper societal problems (paywalled)
Debbie Ngarewa-Packer (Herald): When subject is crime, cue old blame and shame game
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): Let’s remind everyone what is actually driving the Gangs again
Luke Kirkness (Herlad): Police inaction during Mongrel Mob Barbarian Steven Taiatini’s funeral a national disgrace (paywalled)

Robert McCulloch: How did the wealthiest 300 Kiwi families each make $50 million in 2021 when our economy busted?
John Weekes (Herald): Covid wage subsidy fraud, money laundering claims as MSD files charges in biggest prosecution yet (paywalled)

RNZ: Both options to take over Ruapehu Alpine Lifts management fail
Brianna Mcilraith and Matthew Martin (Stuff): ‘Looking at hard times’- ski season uncertain as liquidation beckons for RAL
Herald: Ruapehu Alpine Lifts goes into liquidation: Community concerned ahead of ski season for Turoa and Whakapapa
Leo Zaugg (1News): ‘Worst case scenario’ as Ruapehu ski operation liquidated
Newsroom: Ruapehu creditors fail to approve sale options
Tim Hunter (NBR): Protest vote torpedoes Ruapehu sale scheme (paywalled)

Oliver Lewis (BusinessDesk): Auckland mayor Wayne Brown prefers surface light rail (paywalled)
Mark Quinlivan (Newshub): Chris Hipkins keen for Auckland Transport, Greater Wellington Regional Council to ‘get their act together’ over free, half-price fares
Georgina Campbell (Herald): A Capital Letter: Rising costs prompt review of new Interislander ferry terminals (paywalled)
Erin Gourley and Tom Hunt (Post): Support for 30kph speed limits in question after data blunder discovery (paywalled)

Gianina Schwanecke (Stuff): Secondary teachers’ union open to arbitration if Government ‘publicly commits’ to outcome
John Gerritsen (RNZ): Secondary teachers’ pay dispute to go to arbitration as PPTA agrees to ERA recommendation
Gianina Schwanecke (Stuff): Ministry of Education stops $568k monthly rent payment for quake-prone head office
Melanie Earley (Stuff): Ten students at Auckland’s Wesley College left due to ‘bullying and violence’ in 2022
Andy Brew (Malborough Express): NCEA Level 1 not worth the ‘stress’ (in students), decides Marlborough college
RNZ: U-turn on 20 hours policy avoidable with consultation – ECE leader
Anna Campbell (ODT): The value of human assets and universities

Thomas Manch (Post): More New Zealanders view China as threat than friend, Taiwan conflict a concern – survey (paywalled)
Thomas Manch (Stuff): Defence Force hosts Wellington Earthquake exercise involving 19 countries

Natasha Frost (New York Times/Herald): Where house prices have crashed and billions in wealth have vanished (paywalled)
Miriam Bell (Stuff): Auckland rents soar after weather events hit supply: Trade Me

Sapeer Mayron (Stuff): Broadcasting watchdog unveils new rules on transphobic complaints
RNZ: Broadcasting Standards Authority issues new guidance on media coverage of gender identity issues
Joanna Norris (Stuff): Stuff and the machines – our policy on generative AI

Guy Trafford (Interest): A better fit-for-purpose scheme?
Riley Kennedy (BusinessDesk): Act’s double rural act (paywalled)
Sarah Heeringa and Ben Fahy (Stuff): Regeneration nation: What might our future farms look like?

Hawke’s Bay Today: Chris Finlayson to lead Cyclone Gabrielle negotiating team
Monique Steele (RNZ): Cyclone Gabrielle: Rural insurer pays out more than $120 million in claims so far

Sarah Robson and Sharon Brettkelly (RNZ): The Detail: Tracking the guns
Bill Hickman (RNZ): Firearms Registry to launch this week, nearly four years after it was proposed

Rachel Thomas (Stuff): Shift work among the top 10 carcinogens in NZ workplaces
Brigitte Morten (NBR): Signed, sealed, delivered… you’re ours, NZ Post (paywalled)
Rob Stock (Stuff): NZ left off Google’s global anti-scam plan while victims lose millions
Marc Daalder (Newsroom): Southern Green Hydrogen poses $12b+ cost to society – report
Open Justice Reporting: Explainer: What is diversion and how do people get it?
Stuff: Charges against former Lake Alice psychiatric hospital nurse stoppedly: Trade Me
Joseph Los’e (Herald): Pensioner punched at Posie Parker protest wants to sit down with attacker and ask where his anger came from



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