New Zealand Parliament Buildings, Wellington, New Zealand.
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Editor’s Note: Here below is a list of the main issues currently under discussion in New Zealand and links to media coverage. You can sign up to NZ Politics Daily as well as New Zealand Political Roundup columns for free here.

Today’s content

Christopher Luxon speech; National Party
Chris Trotter (Interest): It’ll take more than tax cuts, Mr Luxon
Tim Murphy (Newsroom): Luxon spies an opportunity
Claire Trevett (Herald): Christopher Luxon’s big speech was a bit of a yawn – but that was by design (paywalled)
Michael Neilson (Herald): National Party leader Christopher Luxon attacks Labour Government; socialism in ‘state of the nation’ address
Michael Neilson (Herald): National Party leader Christopher Luxon draws tax, cost-of-living ‘crisis’ as battle lines
Scott Palmer (Newshub): Grant Robertson opens fire on Christopher Luxon after State of the Nation speech
1News: Government has ‘no intention’ of giving tax cuts – Robertson
RNZ: Business leader backs Christopher Luxon’s proposal to scrap all Labour-introduced taxes
Steven Cowan: Wealthy politicians who live in glasshouses
Greg Presland (The Standard): National’s tax policy
RNZ: Business leader backs Christopher Luxon’s proposal to scrap all Labour-introduced taxes
RNZ: Christopher Luxon’s State of the Nation speech: Government needs to stop its ‘tax grab
Luke Malpass (Stuff): Christopher Luxon to use big speech to announce National would unwind Labour tax hikes
1News: Luxon calls on Govt for tax relief as cost of living soars
Newshub: Christopher Luxon says National will stand candidates in Maori Electorate seats
Scott Palmer (Newshub): Christopher Luxon ‘absolutely’ a feminist, wants more diversity and inclusion in National
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): National Party State of Denial: Luxon will screw the poor & love the rich
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): The Nation review – Luxon’s clever Maori Electorate Opportunism

Parliament, MPs, Parties
Mike Munro (Herald): All finished for Jacinda Ardern? Don’t you believe it (paywalled)
Jane Bowron (Stuff): Ardern and Putin seek to leave very different legacies
Peter Wilson (RNZ): Week in Politics: New Zealand begins to reconnect with the world
Glenn McConnell (Stuff): The week ahead in politics: War in Europe, changes to TV, and how to get cheaper groceries
Phil Smith (RNZ): The House: ‘This too will pass’: MPs give thanks and point a few fingers
Brent Edwards (NBR): Violence at Parliament, the pandemic response, free trade with the UK (paywalled)
Matteo Zhang (RNZ): The House: Youth Parliament kicks off with the traditional biscuit tin ballot
Paula Bennett (Herald):  I felt fine until I didn’t – my battle with Omicron (paywalled)
Herald: Former PM Sir John Key takes up flying, passes helicopter pilot exams
Sam Sherwood (Stuff): Disgraced former MP taken to court by his parents over $250,000 loan
Andy Fyers (BusinessDesk): Labour’s slippery slide (paywalled)
Taxpayers’ Union: Exclusive Polling Analysis With David Farrar (podcast)

Public integrity and transparency issues
Kate MacNamara (Herald): The ‘public information campaign’ that cost $4m and the consultant’s cost that’s still secret (paywalled)
Kate MacNamara (Herald): Covid 19 ‘social listening reports’: Why won’t Government release them? (paywalled)
Phil Bagshaw (Stuff): Time to place public interest at the heart of decision-making 
Cate Broughton (Stuff): Health advocates say OIA is being used as a weapon to hide the truth about services 
Peter Hughes (Newsroom): What Peter Dunne has wrong on ‘bias’ in the public service
No Right Turn: Why Labour buried the OIA review
No Right Turn: No accountability means no confidence III

Wellington anti-mandate protest, Misinformation, Division
Max Rashbrooke (Guardian): NZ’s parliament protests were frightening but they don’t mean the country is splintering
Alison Brook (Interest): Do pandemics inevitably lead to social unrest and conflict?
Bassett, Brash & Hide: Are New Zealanders “more divided”?
Jon Johansson (Stuff): Protesters represented the bad, mad and sad family members in our team of 5 million
Luke Malpass (Stuff): Parliament riot could be the start of life returning to a post-Covid normal
Claire Trevett (Herald):  Covid 19 anti mandate Parliament protests blame game begins (paywalled)
David Farrar: A much more divided country
Anna Fifield (Stuff): An assault on the fourth estate
Andrea Vance (Stuff): Parliament siege was a mob assault on the openness of our democracy. Now what?
Daphna Whitemore and Don Franks (Redline): Reflecting on the occupation to end mandates
Kevin Norquay (Stuff): History, or historic footnote: Did the Parliament protest change anything?
Laura Walters (Stuff): Parliament grounds have been cleared but deep-seated issues remain
Diana Wichtel (Herald): On the freedom protest and the Ukraine invasion (paywalled)
Ian Hyslop: Convoy politics and barbarians at the gate
Steven Cowan: Lies, Propaganda and Fake News
Hayden Donnell (RNZ): Newsroom accused of publicising anti-vax PR pitch
Gordon Campbell: On the impotence of onlookers
Andrew Vonasch and Michael-John Turp (The Conversation): How protesters demanding ‘freedom’ from COVID restrictions ignore the way liberty really works
Peter Griffin (Stuff): Covid-19 disinformation needs a global response
Tracy Hicks (Stuff): We need to deal with the challenges of misinformation
Tainui Stephens (E-Tangata): In thrall to bullshit
1News: Misinformation victims are often vulnerable – anti-conspiracist
Alex Braae (1News): Waititi supports scrapping mandates but critical of protests
Joanne Doherty (E-Tangata): Much to ponder after protest
Stuff: Points of Order: Goodbye and good riddance, the rabble have gone
Herald Editorial: Ugly truth exposed at grassroots level (paywalled)
Lynley Tulloch (Stuff): How do we move forward after violence at the Wellington protest? 
Glenda Hughes (Stuff): As a former frontline police officer, watching the Parliament riot made me cry
John Roughan (Herald):  After the remarkable three-week stand, Andrew Coster’s shut-down of the protest was heroic (paywalled)
Jarrod Gilbert (Herald):  Police did themselves proud in ending Parliament protest (paywalled)
Kelly Dennett (Stuff): What happened to our happy Covid ending?
Alison Mau (Stuff): The battle of Portaloo, and other reckons
Polly Gillespie (Stuff): Parliamentary protests, Putin and putting up with it all
Khylee Quince (Stuff): Worried about social cohesion? Try making some new friends
Andrew Gunn (Stuff): That moment when you realise you’ve picked the wrong protest
David Farrier: (Herald): 5G, 9/11 — Kiwis sucked in by conspiracy theories (paywalled)
ODT Editorial: On the wrong side
Fox Meyer (Critic): This was never a peaceful protest
Glenn McConnell (Stuff): Christopher Luxon insists National wasn’t talking ‘almost daily’ with Parliament protesters
RNZ: National MP: Party members were meeting with Parliament protesters
James Perry (Māori TV): Teanau Tuiono: Pākehā protest organisers were hiding and pushing Māori to the front
Tom Hunt and Ellen O’Dwyer (Stuff): Two people arrested after allegedly entering Government House grounds
Claire Trevett (Herald):  Camp Covid’s final 48 hours – the inside view of how police moved protesters (paywalled)
David Unwin (Stuff): The battle for Parliament: What it was like inside Camp Freedom for a visual journalist
RNZ: Police continue to monitor protester gatherings
Miriam Burrell (Herald): The thin blue line: How Covid and the anti-mandate protests have stretched police resources
1News: Police ‘did the best that we could’ handling protest – Coster
Herald: Police Commissioner Coster on lessons from the violence
1News: Police appeal for videos of violence at Parliament
Stuff:  Protesters charged with rioting and using paving bricks to assault police
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): Q+A – Parliament Lawn violence & Covid Mandates
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): The Sanctification of Parliament Lawns a virtue signalling pantomime
Glenn McConnell (Stuff): Te Āti Awa work to restore mauri of Parliament grounds after occupation and riot
Ethan Te Ora (Stuff): Wellington takes a socially-distanced stand in solidarity with public health measures
Will Trafford (Māori TV): King-hit goes viral; Police complaints top 1400
Kate Green and Sophie Cornish (Stuff): IPCA receives more than 1600 complaints over Parliament occupation; fire association says use of fire hoses by police unacceptable
RNZ: Barricades being removed at Parliament, most streets to reopen
André Chumko (Stuff): Foul stench engulfs Parliament precinct as contractors unblock drains protesters dumped sewage in
Stuff:  Online auction for service medal owned by ‘ashamed’ ex police officer pulled
Bill Hickman, Erin Gourley and Kate Green (Stuff): Unified message from marae and community leaders for displaced protesters: ‘Show some respect and let us be’
1News: Residents block protesters from Wainuiomata Marae
Whatitiri Te Wake (Māori TV): Tensions high at Wainuiomata Marae as hau kāinga defend pā from protestors
1News: Protester at Wainuiomata Marae shouted down, taken away by police
Vita Molyneux (Herald): Covid 19 Wellington protest: Marae staff pushed, threatened by protesters
Kate Green (Stuff): Helicopter above Wellington aiding police to monitor protesters in the capital
Herald: Remutaka protest – Doc closes Forest Park camp site
Herald: Anti-mandate protesters plan Newmarket rally
Niva Chittock (RNZ): Canterbury protest disruption: ‘Give us our once-peaceful homes back’
Glenn McLean (Stuff): Anti-mandate protesters move on peacefully in New Plymouth
Phil Smith (RNZ): The House: Parliament amok: A photo essay
Jamie Ensor (Newshub): Simon Bridges, David Parker on ideas for future of Parliament’s front lawn
Victor Billot (Newsroom): An ode to .. Andrew Coster
Steve Braunias (Herald):  The Secret Diary of … Police Commissioner Andrew Coster (paywalled)
Stuff:  Covid-19 vaccine mandate a ‘colonisation of the body’, teachers’ group says
Vandhna Bahn (1News): Wellington businesses looking to recoup losses now protest over

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, trade
Adam Hunt (Herald): You can’t sanction what you don’t know about
Finn Hogan (Newshub): Ukraine invasion: New Zealand to ‘turn up the dial’ in Russia response – Nanaia Mahuta
Jamie Ensor (Newshub): Russia-Ukraine war: New Zealand directly encourages China to ‘use its access and influence’ in responding to invasion
Melanie Carroll (Stuff): Greenpeace wants NZ to act quickly over Russian oligarch assets
Martin Van Beynen (Stuff): New Zealand’s richest Russian investor in the spotlight after invasion
Jacob Johnson (1News): Concerns around false information online amid Ukraine invasion
Cecilia Robinson (Herald):  Russia invades Ukraine – War in the age of social media (paywalled)
Justin Wong (Stuff): Don’t identify Putin with ordinary Russians, says Russian Kiwi
Virginia Fallon (Stuff): New Zealand journalist in Ukraine: ‘This is real and this is war’
Steven Joyce (Herald):  Ukraine – like a horror movie that won’t stop (paywalled)
Herald: On the Tiles: Gerry Brownlee and Golriz Ghahraman debate New Zealand’s foreign policy in wake of Ukraine crisis
Keith Lynch (Stuff): What would life be like in New Zealand in the event of NATO/Russia nuclear war?
Evan Harding (Stuff): Liquorland refusing to buy Russian vodka following Ukraine invasion
David Kārena-Holmes (Stuff):Thoughts in a time of crisis
Jane Kelsey (The Conversation): Behind the ‘inclusive’ window dressing, the NZ-UK free trade deal disappoints politically and economically
Fran O’Sullivan (Herald):  NZ-UK free trade deal seen as a down payment (paywalled)

Omicron outbreak, Cases
1News: Kiwis must accept Covid is ‘not going to go away’ – Hipkins
Jamie Morton (Herald): Expert Michael Baker’s three predictions for 2022 (paywalled)
Stephen Forbes (Local Democracy Reporting): Doctors’ union slams Ashley Bloomfield’s optimism over hospital capacity
Zane Small (Newshub): NZ passes US, UK and EU all-time per capita case peaks, but deaths pale in comparison
Ian Powell (Second Opinion): Peaking of Omicron?
Leighton Heikell (Newshub): Professor Michael Baker warns Omicron case numbers could be far higher than reported
RNZ: Ministry of Health urges caution over dropping Covid-19 case numbers
RNZ: ‘We need to slow this down’ – Case drop too soon to celebrate, epidemiologist says
Cherie Howie (Herald): Michael Baker says Auckland’s Omicron cases may have peaked
George Heagney (Stuff): Auckland cases may be starting to plateau, ‘messy’ three weeks ahead for rest of NZ
Melanie Earley (Stuff): Health experts ‘cautiously optimistic’ Auckland has reached Omicron peak
1News: Doctors ‘cautiously optimistic’ Auckland nearing Omicron peak
Tom Hunt and Matthew Tso (Stuff): Basic Wellington services struggling under weight of high Covid-19 case numbers
Oscar Francis and Mike Houlahan (ODT): Dunedin outbreak a tale of two cities
Herald Editorial: Omicron has become our familiar foe (paywalled)
Zane Small (Newshub): National leader Christopher Luxon wants to see ‘light at the end of the tunnel’
Kelvin McDonald (Māori TV): Pacific communities require ‘much more’ pandemic support, says Dr Shane Reti
Jamie Tahana (RNZ): ‘We can’t keep up’: Papakura Marae struggles with Covid-19 demand
Stefan Dimitrof (Māori TV): Unvaccinated Māori pay ultimate price for pandemic
Stuff:  Covid warning for Kiwis with asthma, COPD amid high hospital admissions
Herald: Chatham Islands record first cases of Covid-19
RNZ: Chatham Islands record first Covid-19 cases
Shane Reti (Northern Advocate/Herald):  No Covid victory parade for mental health (paywalled)

Public health measures, Testing, Masks, Vaccine, Isolation
Chris Hyde (Stuff): How NZ is avoiding the Omicron ‘perfect storm’ that’s killing hundreds in Hong Kong
Jamie Morton (Herald): Boosted vs unvaxxed: how does Omicron infection risk compare?
Tim Muller (Stuff): A beginner’s guide to getting no information from the Ministry of Health
Janet Wilson (Stuff): Jacinda Ardern and the week of intended consequences
Olivia Shivas (Stuff): Disabled people ‘frustrated’ at how difficult it is to get RATs for support workers
Nita Blake-Persen (RNZ): RAT race on amid growing Omicron outbreak
Sophie Trigger (Herald): MoH acknowledges long waits to report RAT results over the phone
1News: ‘Violent behaviour’, abuse at Covid-19 testing centres
David Farrar: Mission Impossible: Getting a RAT
Joanne Naish (Stuff): People incorrectly told to pick up rapid antigen tests from pharmacies
John Weekes (Herald): 30,000 rapid antigen tests seized at borders, high school says situation ‘nonsensical’
Gianina Schwanecke (Stuff): RATs confusion: Clear and test-specific instructions needed to get most accurate results
Esther Taunton (Stuff): Five leadership lessons from Dr Ashley Bloomfield
River Lin (1News): Kaitaia GP calls for greater vaccine uptake in tamariki Māori

Border, MIQ
Jane Norton and Dean Knight (The Conversation): How will history – and the law – judge New Zealand’s mothballed MIQ system?
Chloe Blommerde (Stuff): Bitter-sweet day for many across the globe as Kiwis come home
Sam Olley (RNZ): International sailors await boat reunions after border rules relax
Matthew Scott (Newsroom): The trans-Tasman business trip to make a faltering return
David Hargreaves (Interest): As fortress New Zealand unlocks its borders, which way will the migrants be heading?

Economy, business
Aimee Shaw (Herald): Cost of living fuelling concerns: Consumer NZ
RNZ: Consumer confidence down as Omicron cases increase
Daniel Smith and Susan Edmunds (Stuff): Businesses close across the country due to staff isolating
Tess Brunton (RNZ): New Zealand borders set to reopen this year but could be bumpy road ahead – Tourism NZ
Grant Bradley (Herald): Tourism NZ boss: How to sell Aotearoa to the world during a pandemic
Bruce Cotterill (Herald):  Let’s make sure we’re ready for when tourists return (paywalled)
Marjorie Cook (ODT): Call for certainty on border reopening
Hayden Munro (Herald):  Reserve Bank, Government and Opposition ponder pandemic economy (paywalled)
John Lewis (ODT): Offer to sell positive Covid tests to trick employers draws strong criticism
Tina Morrison (Stuff): The Monitor economy Q&A: Hospitality NZ CEO Julie White 
Anna Bracewell-Worrall (Newshub): Recession to she-cession: COVID-19’s outsized impact on women in the workforce
Amy Ridout (Stuff): People are feeling the pinch, says the woman helping beneficiaries
William Hewett (Newshub): Rhythm and Vines cancels Easter event
Herald: Gisborne’s Rhythm and Vines cancelled after NYE festival moved to Easter
Virginia Fallon (Stuff): $300k shortfall for mental health charity after fundraising events cancelled
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff): Supermarket competition: what the Commerce Commission could do on Tuesday
Grant Miller (ODT): Supermarket probe outcome awaited
Liam Dann (Herald):  Battered by pandemic, war and new technology, what’s the future for money? (paywalled)
Kirsty Wynn (Herald): Pain at the pump as unleaded petrol tops $3 per litre in Auckland, Wellington
Tim McCready (Herald): The trends that matter in 2022 (paywalled)
Anna Kominik (Herald):  Shining a light on electricity price changes from April 1 (paywalled)

Primary industries
Michael Morrah (RNZ): Ministry for Primary Industries investigating multiple live pig selling businesses over animal cruelty claims
Rod Oram (Newsroom): NZ agri-business in denial as lab-produced meat offers climate alternative
Anita Wreford (The Conversation): New Zealand farmers and growers are already adapting to changing climate conditions – just not enough
Maja Burry (RNZ): Omicron spread causing staff shortages in poultry industry
Carmen Hall and Stuart Whitaker (Bay of Plenty Times/Herald): Government increases RSE workers cap but kiwifruit growers say it will be too late for harvest (paywalled)
Tom Kitchin (RNZ): Hawke’s Bay winegrowers say Omicron a ‘significant concern
Rachael Kelly (Stuff): Fed Farmers say a new migrant worker employment accreditation programme is a ‘tick box exercise’
Andrea Fox (Herald): Would we pay less for dairy products if Fonterra lost its power over NZ’s base milk price? (paywalled)
1News: Fonterra fixes all-male International Women’s Day panel
Andrea Fox (Herald): Red-faced Fonterra backtracks on plan for all-male International Women’s Day panel
Yashas Srinivasa (Stuff): More international workers a positive for dairy industry

Cate Broughton (Stuff): Proposal for major cancer centre sidelined by health authorities
RNZ: Country Life: Surgical bus sees surge in demand for cancer surveillance
Zane Small (Newshub): Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern warns ‘world isn’t using best medicines wisely’ amid ‘superbug’ fears due to antibiotic overuse
Julia Czerwonatis (Northern Advocate/Herald): Northland GPs’ plea for more patience from patients as pressure on practices rises (paywalled)
Mike Houlahan (ODT): ICU expansion delays just keep on coming
Mike Houlahan (ODT): Midwifery leader wants DHB action
Louisa Cleave and Paula Penfold (Stuff): Foetal alcohol injuries in NZ ‘could be five times higher’ than some official figures suggest
Cate Broughton (Stuff): UK-trained neurosurgeon takes legal action against Medical Council after being denied specialist role in NZ
Mike Mather (Stuff): Hamilton’s Braemar the first hospital in New Zealand to pay staff a living wage
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog):Labour have utterly failed us all on Medicinal Cannabis
Dale Husband (E-Tangata): Sarah-Jane Paine: Embedding whakamāori research

RNZ: Transmission Gully: NZTA slices red tape to open sooner
Georgina Campbell (Herald): Plan revealed to get Transmission Gully open earlier
Kate Green (Stuff): Transmission Gully ‘quality assurance’ tests reduced to get road open sooner
RNZ: Interislander resumes sailing after Covid-19 halt to service
Matthew Tso (Stuff): Passengers stuck in limbo as Interislander cancels sailings because of Covid-hit staff
Steven Walton (Stuff): Christchurch Airport makes just $41,000 during tough six-month period
Adam Jacobson (Stuff): Fewer breath tests as deaths rise on Auckland roads 

Environment, Climate Change
Olivia Wannan (Stuff): Climate Commission and Minister defend slow, steady carbon cuts for NZ
Sasha Borissenko (Herald):  Climate Change Commission on trial – what happens next (paywalled)
Áine Kelly-Costello (Stuff): The missing conversation about disabled leadership in climate justice
Eric Crampton (Stuff): Let the emissions trading scheme do the work
Andrea Vance (Stuff): Sand mining: the local towns who say the hourglass is empty
Tina Law (Stuff): Time running out to save Christchurch’s trees from housing intensification
Kelvin McDonald (Māori TV): Taranaki hapū ‘desperate’ to safeguard kaimoana extend rāhui up coastline
Craig Ashworth (Local Democracy Reporting): Rāhui spreads along coast in shellfish ‘crisis’
RNZ: Hundreds of sightings of rare Hector’s and Māui dolphins reported after plea from DOC
Jessie Chiang (RNZ): The Detail: Sustainable lithium extraction: Taupō’s economic future?
Vandhna Bhan (1News): Concerns around toxicity of RATs ending up in landfill

Local government, Three Waters
Aaron Leaman (Stuff): ‘Unprecedented’ Government reform agenda strains relationship with councils
Russell Palmer (RNZ): Three waters working group stymied by government bottom lines
Emily Ireland (Local Democracy Reporting): Water supply resilience improved in South Wairarapa
Cherie Sivignon (Stuff): Tasman District Council costs rise to meet drinking water requirements
Neil Holdom (Stuff): New Plymouth Mayor: Why I encouraged council CEO to take $30k course
Erin Gourley (Stuff): Wellington City Council puts 8.8pc rates increase on the table 
Jo Lines-MacKenzie (Stuff): Hamilton mayor Paula Southgate waits tables to help hospitality industry
Aaron Leaman (Stuff): Politicians hit pause on Hamilton street name debate
Todd Niall (Stuff): Auckland mayoralty: Viv Beck to run and would scrap regional fuel tax
Bernard Orsman (Herald): Heart of the City boss Viv Beck standing for Auckland mayoralty and pledging to scrap regional fuel tax
1News: Viv Beck throws hat in the ring for Auckland mayoralty
Rachel Sadler (Newshub): Viv Beck announces bid for Auckland mayoralty
Giles Dexter (Newshub): Waiheke residents reach breaking point over helicopters
Hamish MacLean (ODT): Tensions between staff, councillors affect ORC work

Justice, corrections
Edward Gay (Stuff): Chief justice: Covid-19 has caused unprecedented challenges in NZ’s courts
Belinda Feek (Herald): A glimpse of the judicial system; First report into NZ’s courts
Belinda Feek (Herald): Chief Justice’s annual report: The defendants and their late guilty pleas
Troels Sommerville (Stuff): Suspension of prison visits tough on families
Matthew Scott (Newsroom): Prisoners need a bail-out from Omicron, say advocates

Leonie Freeman (Stuff): Our rental market is failing, and we must take action now
Miriam Bell (Stuff): How much harder is it to buy a house in 2022 than in 2002?
Brian Easton (Pundit): Do Economists Know The Price Of Everything And The Value Of Nothing?
Rob Stock (Stuff): Why banks insist home-buyers save at least 5 per cent deposits by themselves
Jenée Tibshraeny (Interest): How parents who help their kids buy houses might get stung (a little less than before) under the bright-line test
Catherine Masters (OneRoof): Brightline test has not slowed property traders in South Auckland
Liz McDonald (Stuff): Frustrating delays for new homes as consents pile up 
Maia Hart (Local Democracy Reporting): Housing developers encouraged but need ‘strong case’
Greg Ninness (Interest): Rental yields are dropping to new lows thanks to the strong rise in house prices last year
Esther Taunton (Stuff): Five ways to save on rent
Mark Amery (Stuff): Te hīkoi toi: New ways of looking at the housing crisis
Maia Hart (Local Democracy Reporting): Housing developers encouraged but need ‘strong case
Sally Rae (ODT): Bottom end of housing market slowing: agents
Kelvin Davidson (OneRoof): Stagflation – the dreaded ‘s’ word that’s lethal for the housing market
Lane Nichols (Herald): Auckland family begs for relocation to escape gang terror at Kāinga Ora development
Anne Gibson (Herald): Kāinga Ora’s $2.5m blowout, delay to Te Atatu Auckland apartments where builder failed (paywalled)
Michael Neilson (Herald): Kāinga Ora failed on ‘political neutrality’ in advertorial, review finds, National calls for accountability

Jane Nixon (1News): Plan to phase out international students under Year 9 alarms principals
Joy Reid (1News): Calls for sexual consent education to be compulsory in NZ schools
Matthew Hampson (Stuff): Neighbours accuse Education Ministry of ‘lack of transparency’ around College Park plans
Emma Houpt (Herald): Bay of Plenty teachers fight proposal to hike practising certificate fees (paywalled)
Avina Vidyadharan (Herald): Northland school bus operators warn of potential service cutbacks
Jacinta Ruru (E-Tangata): Transforming our ideas of justice

Zane Small (Newshub): Impact of Australia’s ‘cruel’ deportations and number of 501 crimes in New Zealand revealed
Matt Burrows (Newshub): Firefighters say new ‘independent’ complaints scheme won’t fix FENZ culture of bullying, sexual misconduct and botched investigations
Aaron Smale (Stuff): A state of denial and the ongoing impact of generations of damage
Amanda Gillies (Newshub): Children’s charity calls for immediate action over child abuse
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): Jacinda’s ‘Mother of Dragons’ week just got way worse with Oranga Tamariki Red Wedding
Katie Bradford (1News): Women have 22% less than men in their KiwiSaver account
Felix Walton (Spinoff): Does KiwiSaver have an inequality problem?
James Perry (Māori TV): Erebus memorial at risk as construction costs rise
RNZ: As Covid-19 hits wallets, households urged to seek financial advice
Morgan Godfery (Guardian): Sydney is no place to build a Māori meeting house – it is disrespectful to Aboriginal people
Robin Martin (RNZ): Drilling campaign almost doubles Māui gas field’s production – OMV
Chris Keall (Herald): Jordan Carter quits as InternetNZ boss, interim head named
Cherie Howie (Herald): New Zealand women speak about “breaking the bias”
Te Kuru o te Marama Dewes (Spinoff): A new home for our founding documents: The mana whenua makeover of Archives NZ
RNZ: Christ Church Cathedral restoration still on track for completion in 2027
Nicholas Boyack (Stuff): Proud union man not intimidated by Robert Muldoon



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