New Zealand Parliament Buildings, Wellington, New Zealand.
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Editor’s Note: Here below is a list of the main issues currently under discussion in New Zealand and links to media coverage. You can sign up to NZ Politics Daily as well as New Zealand Political Roundup columns for free here.

Today’s content

Parliamentary Services
Steve Kilgallon (Stuff): ‘Just a f…ing secretary’: Former MP Nick Smith bullied, harassed and swore at staff, according to a draft report
Marc Daalder (Newsroom): Parliament staffer on bullying: ‘The institution covers it up’
Matt McCarten (Daily Blog): One Union calls fo inquiry into Chief Executive of Parliamentary Services

National Party
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): The questions are only going to get tougher for National leader Christopher Luxon
Jon Johansson (Stuff): National party leadership change means it’s game on
Paul Catmur (Herald):  Do we really want the country to be run like a business? (paywalled)
Liam Dann (Herald): Christopher Luxon could be next PM, but here’s his biggest challenge (paywalled)
Claire Trevett (Herald): National leader Christopher Luxon and Act’s David Seymour battle for the ‘battlers’ and farmers (paywalled)
Andrea Vance (Stuff): Luxon’s views speak volumes about his attitude to women
Cecilia Robinson (Herald):  Let’s hear what Christopher Luxon really means (paywalled)
John Roughan (Herald):  Christopher Luxon primed to make Parliament’s Question Time compulsive viewing (paywalled)
Dan Satherley (Newshub): Christopher Luxon off to a ’10 out of 10′ start – Simon Bridges

Jacinda Ardern end-of-year inteviews
Craig McCulloch (RNZ): A sit-down with Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern
Jenna Lynch (Newshub): Jacinda Ardern admits Government could have handled Māori vaccination better
Jenna Lynch (Newshub): Full interview: Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern reflects on ‘awful’ 2021
Luke Malpass (Stuff): Jacinda Ardern on 2021’s biggest success, biggest failure and summer nuptials
Thomas Coughlan (Herald): Jacinda Ardern on Christmas, Covid, vaccines and movies Die Hard, Home Alone and Love Actually
1 News: ‘It was incredibly tough’ – Ardern reflecting on the Delta outbreak

Parliament, week in review
Luke Malpass (Stuff): Don’t count on political life returning to normal in 2022
Fran O’Sullivan (Herald): Fog of Christmas settles over Beehive (paywalled)
Peter Wilson (RNZ): The Week in Politics: Christopher Luxon’s first test
Stuff: Points of Order: Christopher Luxon wants you to happen to the future, apparently
Andrew Gunn (Stuff): Persistent political myths are back, including a variation on ‘grow the pie’
Steve Braunias (Herald): The secret diary of … The Jacinda Ardern-Christopher Luxon showdown (paywalled)
Anna Whyte (1 News): Kiri Allan handed ‘new lease on life’ after cancer scan news
ODT Editorial: Summit decisions significant
Jennifer Eder (Stuff): Kaikōura MP Stuart Smith finds energy in his new portfolio

Traffic light decision
Luke Malpass (Stuff): Jacinda Ardern’s last alert level-traffic light decision of the year
1 News: Ardern: Govt continues caution in traffic light restrictions
Rowan Quinn (RNZ): Too early for Auckland and other regions to move out of red – expert
Cherie Howie (Herald): Virus case numbers promising, Auckland should stay at red light – expert
Melanie Earley (Stuff):  It’s possible Auckland could move to orange light setting this week, expert says
Matthew Hooton (Patreon): Orange Day in Auckland (paywalled)
Claire Trevett (Herald): Mayor Phil Goff, National leader Chris Luxon and hospitality call for Government to move Auckland to orange setting
Katie Todd (RNZ): Some red regions eager to move to orange, others realistic they’ll stay put
RNZ: Should Auckland move to orange?

Auckland border, summer travel
1 News: NZ has tools to limit Covid-19 spread over summer – Baker
Māori TV: Māori vulnerable in 9 DHBs when Auckland Border opens – Dr Rawiri Taonui
RNZ: Checkpoint: Lab boss warns of Covid testing delays in holiday hotspots
Heather du Plessis Allan (Newstalk ZB): Aucklanders, please go where you want to this summer
Rangimarie Sophie Jolley (E-Tangata): Resisting the pull to go home
Ireland Hendry-Tennent (Newshub): Several Auckland suburbs yet to hit 80 percent vaccinated rate ahead of border opening
Herald Editorial: Auckland borders – Trusting science has limits for Govt (paywalled)
Geraden Cann (Stuff): Lowest case numbers since October ‘reason to be cautiously optimistic’
Vita Molyneux (Herald): As Aucklanders prepare to leave the city, I’m fighting my fears to enter
Liz McDonald, Cate Broughton and Olivia Caldwell (Stuff): More campgrounds ban unvaccinated campers but experts fear a summer spread
Stuff:  South Island gears up as Aucklanders prepare to leave town
Debbie Jamieson (Stuff): Otago and Southland planning for hundreds of Covid-19 cases
Grant Bradley (Herald): The great escape: Aucklanders keener than other Kiwis to holiday overseas (paywalled)

Govt management of Covid-19
Irra Lee (1 News): NZ’s social cohesion post-Covid still unclear — researchers
Keith Lynch (Stuff): Covid 19 NZ: Why ‘elimination’ (inadvertently) kind of messed with our brains
RNZ: Ministry initially advised against early move to traffic light system – documents
Zane Small (Newshub): The three reasons National opposed COVID-19 traffic light law
Moana Jackson (E-Tangata): Covid and the pandemic of colonisation
Will Trafford (Māori TV): ‘Inherently racist’ – Māori Authority says government failed in vaccine rollout
Gabrielle Baker (Spinoff): Where was te Tiriti in the government’s Covid response?
Florence Kerr (Stuff): During tangihanga, it’s the most vulnerable who are on the paepae
Jamie Morton (Herald): Why NZ needs a better strategy to protect kids
Janet Wilson (Stuff): Sorry – a word governments find almost impossible to say
Kate MacNamara (Herald): How Shaun Hendy’s Twitter blasts poisoned engagement with the Productivity Commission (paywalled)
Soumya Bhamidipati (RNZ): NZ purchases 120,000 courses of Covid antiviral medicine
Stuart Nash (Hawkes Bay Today/Herald):  We can be proud of our country’s 2021 story

RNZ: Checkpoint stickers for Northland border snapped up
George Block (Stuff): Trainee police to staff Northland checkpoints, no powers of arrest
Heather du Plessis-Allan (Herald):  Who calls the shots at northern checkpoints, iwi or police? (paywalled)
Herald: Traffic chaos at Waipu, Northland, pick-up spot for checkpoint sticker
Karina Cooper (Northern Advocate/Herald): Waipū locals on police and iwi checkpoints
Karina Cooper (Northern Advocate/Herald): Northland businesses ‘very distressed’ by potential impact of checkpoints (paywalled)

Vaccine pass
Jenna Lynch (Newshub): Government only sought advice on COVID-19 vaccine passes a month after Delta outbreak
Sam Olley (RNZ): Overseas New Zealander left waiting 23 days for vaccine pass
Sarah Catherall (Stuff): The outcasts: Life as an unvaccinated person in the traffic light system
Sandra Conchie (Herald): Tauranga funeral directors says vaccine pass checks cause extra stresses
Molly Swift (Stuff): Vaccine pass not an accurate record of how immune a person is
Herald Editorial: Vaccine pass system hiccups ahead of the holidays (paywalled)
Stuff: Vaccination not a must for Wellington bus drivers, mask-wearing patchy
Herald: More My Vaccine Passes than vaccinated people – Ministry of Health explains why

Vaccine rollout
Damien Grant (Stuff): Unvaccinated Māori have a right to privacy
Matai O’Connor (RNZ): Ministry of Health agrees to release Māori vaccination data
Will Trafford (Māori TV): MoH vaccine data drop could be too late – Tamihere
Stuff: Māori health agency accuses Dr Ashley Bloomfield of drip feeding Covid-19 vax data
Herald: Health Ministry wanted children to be vaccinated before traffic light system started
Maxine Jacobs (Stuff): Work under way to prioritise Māori children in paediatric vaccine roll-out, Waitangi Tribunal hears
Herald Editorial: Next vaccine target already in sight thanks to Omicron (paywalled)
RNZ: More than 140,000 people have had Covid-19 booster shots
Eleisha Foon (RNZ): Māori and Pacific disability community Auckland vaccine event
Hannah Martin (Stuff): How Auckland’s vaccination rates are looking ahead of the boundary lifting

Border, MIQ, Omicron
Jamie Morton (Herald): What we’ve learnt about Omicron variant and what it means for New Zealand (paywalled)
RNZ: Border loosening should be postponed amid rise of Omicron – Baker
Jenna Lynch (Newshub): Omicron ‘inevitable’ but it won’t mean more lockdowns – Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern
Matthew Scott (Newsroom): The costs we don’t see when going overseas
RNZ: Border exceptions announced for 600 tech workers, some agricultural workers
1 News: Border exceptions announced for hundreds of tech workers
Esther Taunton (Stuff): More border exemptions for crucial agricultural workers
RNZ: MIQ exemptions for workers as labour shortage squeezes primary sector
Kate Green (Stuff): Six hundred border exemptions granted for tech workers
Alexa Cook (Newshub): 200 rural contracting drivers will be granted special entry visas, but farmers fear MIQ delays could cost lives

Fake vaccine exemptions, anti-vaxxers, misinformation
RNZ: Checkpoint: Less than 30 antivax GPs in NZ, college estimates
Dominic Harris (Stuff): Husband of Covid-19 vaccine exemption certificate doctor also under investigation
Herald: Husband of fake vax exemption Christchurch doctor Dr Jonie Girouard under spotlight
Hanna McCallum, Kate Green & Molly Swift (Stuff): Bakery feels targeted by anti-mandate ‘fanatics’
Zane Small (Newshub): Fake Labour Party billboard promoting ‘six months of freedoms’ for getting COVID-19 booster circulates social media
RNZ: Covid-19 vaccine advisor warns against getting multiple Pfizer doses in a day
Herald: ‘Unbelievably selfish’ – expert slams people who paid man to take 10 vaccine shots in one day
Donna-Lee Biddle (Stuff): Battling Covid with Vitamin D, mouthwash, and a dose of stupidity
John Lewis (ODT): Anti-vaxxer’s video threats investigated

Foreign affairs, defence, trade
Gordon Campbell: On Defence’s desire to join the “lets confront China” club
Robert G Patman (Guardian): New Zealand isn’t naive about China – but it doesn’t accept the Aukus worldview
Bruce Munro (ODT): Global Insight: NZ ‘out of step’ with Winter Games stance
Chris Trotter (Interest): Democracy in danger?
Paul Buchanan (Kiwipolitico): Warnings versus threats in foreign relations
AAP/1 News: NZ and Australia’s bond will always be tight – Ardern
Logan Church (1 News): Workers at World Expo allege safety issues at New Zealand pavilion
Jon Stephenson (Stuff): Senior Taliban spokesman a former New Zealand resident
Māori TV: Mahuta announces indigenous peoples trade arrangement

Inequality, welfare
Duncan Greive (Spinoff): The richest saw their wealth soar during the pandemic. Was there a different path?
Max Rashbrooke (The Conversation): Over 300,000 New Zealanders owe more than they own – is this a problem?
Charlie Dreaver (RNZ): Māori beneficiaries facing higher weekly debt repayments to MSD
No Right Turn: Labour chooses to be cruel to beneficiaries
MIchelle Cooke (RNZ): What I really want for Christmas: Ricky Houghton
Kevin Norquay (Stuff): As the rich-poor gap widens, corporates told they could do ‘a whole lot more’ 
Rob Stock (Stuff): Why do so many from the ‘silent generation’ still have mortgages?
Polly Gillespie (Stuff): If you can afford a $300 leash for your pup, you’re making too much money

Economy, business, government subsidies
Jarrod Kerr (Interest): Kiwibank’s economists say their 2022 outlook is one of cautious optimism, strong inflation and rising wages
Roger Kerr (Interest): Debilitating inflation for most households has been a problem for a long time
RNZ: Manufacturing activity slows, employment in the sector contracts
Liam Dann (Herald): GDP Preview – How much damage did Delta do to the economy?
Grant Bradley (Herald): 72,000 tourism workers lose jobs in pandemic’s first year (paywalled)
James Lee and Ben Gilbert (Herald):  Out of the pandemic — and into uncertainty (paywalled)
Tess Brunton (RNZ): ‘Slower and staggered recovery’ for conference industry when borders open
1 News: Kiwis’ card spending rises as Covid-19 alert levels ease
Geraden Cann (Stuff): Fears Auckland will be ghost town over summer as bookings down 30-70%
Scott Yeoman (Stuff): Holiday hotspots scratch around for staff as Auckland freedom looms 
Maryana Garcia (Herald): Slow start for some Rotorua accommodation providers over Christmas season (paywalled)
Rachael Kelly (Stuff): Shipping delays and staff shortages bite the meat industry

Fair pay agreements, employment
Amanda Cropp (Stuff): Pay rates are rising as recruiters and employers poach skilled workers to fill job vacancies
Steven Joyce (Herald):  Government’s wage plans a farce from the past (paywalled)
Greg Presland (The Standard): Fair pay agreements – the employers fight back
Eric Crampton (Stuff): When does ‘collective bargaining’ become a cartel?
Dennis Wesselbaum (Herald): The Government’s next great blunder, social unemployment insurance (paywalled)
RNZ: Talley’s sues TVNZ over health and safety breach allegations
Vanessa Phillips (Stuff): Talley’s Group sues TVNZ
Matt McCarten (Daily Blog): Ice cream boss is a crook. Where is he?
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff): ACC deductions from pay packets set to rise almost 15% over three years
Melanie Carroll (Stuff): How Inland Revenue can tap into your staff Christmas bonus

Chris Bullen (Newsroom): Why smokefree action plan ticks all the boxes
1 News: Smokefree 2025 action plan a ‘game-changer’, advocate says
ODT Editorial: Last gasp, almost
Stuff Editorial: Smokefree 2025: Making smoking a thing of the past
Jane Bowron (Stuff): Stubbing out the smoking habit 
Jack Tame (Newstalk ZB): Governments go hard on cigarettes…so why not booze?
RNZ: Government plan to stub out smoking draws mixed reactions
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Govt thinks prohibition will work!
Brianna Mcilraith (Stuff): The future of the corner dairy: Owners will need to ‘diversify’ business in order to survive without tobacco
Eleanor Margolis (Guardian): I’m all for New Zealand giving tobacco a kicking – but don’t criminalise smoking

Rowan Quinn (RNZ): Auckland DHB meetings shrouded in secrecy
Mike Dinsdale (Herald): Northland health officials planning for up to 95 cases a day (paywalled)
Sahiban Hyde (Hawkes Bay Today): ‘ED is going to break’: Hawke’s Bay Hospital’s senior-most ED nurses say it’s not prepared for summer Covid outbreak (paywalled)
Michael Neilson (Herald): Ministry of Health explainer on therapeutic treatments for virus
Mei Heron (1 News): Some health providers may be unwittingly breaking Covid rules
Lloyd Burr (Magic): No matter how loud the government shouts about its funding for hospitals, the problems don’t go away
Rob Stock (Stuff): A bad business: The economics of obesity
Rachel Thomas (Stuff): Govt’s ‘studious neglect’ of obesity leaves us among worst in OECD – nutrition experts
Michelle Cooke (RNZ): Thousands of youth waiting for help in ‘neglected’ mental health system
Toni McDonald (ODT): King hails generosity of rural South
RNZ: Health Ministry data deal aims to protect hospitals from cyber attacks
Louise Ternouth (RNZ): Lockdown blamed for rise in cancers not found earlier
RNZ: Colds and flus may re-emerge as lockdowns ease
RNZ: Coroner recommends changes to Dunedin Hospital patient assessment
RNZ: New hospital to serve Queenstown Lakes residents
Louisa Steyl (Stuff): Southern District Health Board reveals extent of midwifery shortage
Louisa Steyl (Stuff): Southern District Health Board plans to improve critical care units
Marena Mane (Māori TV): Aged care report looks at benefits of adapting tikanga Māori
Janine Rankin (Stuff): Family finds fight for healthcare harder than it should be
Qiuyi Tan (Herald): US doctor asked to take English test to practise in New Zealand
Katie Harris (Herald): ‘No end in sight’: Taupō woman felt like giving up on life as her husband’s carers miss shifts

Craig McCulloch (RNZ): Ardern wants ‘runaway increases in house price growth’ to stop in 2022
Charlie Dreaver (RNZ): First Home Grant price cap changes won’t come into effect until next year
Miriam Bell (Stuff): Could we be building too many houses?
Miriam Bell (Stuff): NZ slips to third in global house price rise index
Dileepa Fonseka (Stuff): Could ‘affordable’ housing policies fix the broken property ladder?
Ben Leahy (Herald): Real estate agents pocket almost $2b in commission as house prices rise
Miriam Bell (Stuff): Furious homebuyers say developer cancelled agreements to resell at higher price 
Ben Leahy (Herald): Builders facing fast rising costs as upset buyers pay more (paywalled)
Herald: Bed in garage shows shocking state of Auckland rental property market
Geraden Cann (Stuff): Auckland family priced off housing ladder find home as signs of market turn mount
Tim Newman (Stuff): Concerns raised over unintended consequences of housing infill bill
Miriam Bell (Stuff): Landlords hot under collar after ‘modern’ homes fail to meet heating standard

Local government, Three Waters
Russell Palmer (RNZ): Three waters: Government agreed to mandated strategy before four entities announced
Hamish MacLean (ODT): 10 Maori recommendations on Three Waters
Matthew Dallas (Stuff): Voices of elected officials should be amplifed by media, not muzzled from them
RNZ: Thames-Coromandel council requiring all employees to be vaccinated on council premises
Logan Savory (Stuff): Most Invercargill City Council staff won’t require vaccine passports despite venue policy
Jane Matthews (Stuff): 56 complaints against Taranaki councils’ call to open facilities to all
Brent Melville (BusinessDesk): Worker ‘distancing’ costs council extra $1m a week (paywalled)
Adam Jacobson (Stuff): Almost all Auckland Council projects ‘adversely affected’ by lockdown
Hamish MacLean (ODT): Complaint cost irks councillor
RNZ: Hamilton brings in water restrictions
Will Trafford (Māori TV): Tāmaki parks to have Māori names restored
Luisa Girao (ODT): Rezoning to open way for 600-house development
Matthew Rosenberg (Local Democracy Reporting): Meet the wizard hoping to be Invercargill’s next mayor
Skara Bohny (Stuff): Good, bad, ugly: Nelson council gets lowest residents rating in decade
Georgina Campbell (Herald): ‘Accident waiting to happen’: At least one person likely exposed to asbestos at Shelly Bay
Deena Coster (Stuff): Libraries should be places for everyone, no matter their bank balance

Environment, conservation, Climate Change
RNZ: Conservation laws need total makeover – Environmental Defence Society
Tess Brunton and Tom Kitchin (RNZ): Government to overhaul conservation laws: ‘We are at a defining moment for nature’
Anna Whyte (1 News): New Zealand’s ‘decades old’ conservation law set for reform
RNZ: Stock grazing to end in Queen Elizabeth Park
Hamish Cardwell (RNZ): Fine pollution particles recorded in Arrowtown, Timaru, Invercargill reach harmful levels
RNZ: Nine kea and a dog killed after 1080 drops last year
Sally Brooker (Newstalk ZB): An urgent step change from fossil to future fuels
RNZ: The Detail: A lot of talk, less action on climate change in 2021
Liz Wylie (Herald): Climate change and flood risk: Building Whanganui strategy for resilience (paywalled)
Joanne Naish (Stuff): Coal mining company considering shift to electric vehicles to help green revolution
Te Aorewa Rolleston (RNZ): Bay of Plenty hapū prepare for climate change impact
Catherine Delahunty (E-Tangata): The love of place
Matthew Littlewood (Stuff): Timaru’s air quality improved, but still among the worst in NZ
Tina Law (Stuff): Councillor’s plan to ditch the diesel and go green hits the skids
RNZ: Otago council ramps up campaign against rabbits

Michael Morrah (Newshub): Dilworth School: At least 22 former students allege past school leaders ignored, punished students for complaining about abuse
André Chumko and Alison Mau (Stuff): New Zealand’s top drama school apologises to students for harm
Khylee Quince (Stuff): Closing the education equity gap will be challenging for many
John Gerritsen (RNZ): Number of foreign students in NZ drops by two-thirds
Te Aniwa Hurihanganui (1 News): Company accused of anti-Māori publishing promoting books at schools
Peter Griffin (Stuff): Richard Dawkins’ foray into the NZ science curriculum isn’t helpful
Vita Molyneux (Herald): Victoria University Students’ Association Don Binney art work auction decision ‘sad’
Sasha Borissenko (Herald):  Auckland University law students find online exams a ‘technical nightmare’ (paywalled)

Police, Justice, corrections
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): For Christ’s sake NZ Police??? Why are you giving Slater a cross & why there must be an investigation!
Cameron Slater (BFD): Police Admit to Surveilling The BFD
Karl du Fresne: Why the judicial conduct panel’s secret inquiry can’t possibly be about Judge Callinicos
Jono Galuszka (Stuff): Healthcare, rehab issues at Manawatū Prison despite warnings
Laura James (1 News): Police safety in spotlight again after sentencing of Constable Hunt’s murderer
Jarrod Gilbert (Herald): Is gang violence in NZ the worst it’s ever been? (paywalled)
Rachel Moore (Stuff): Brawls and police raids: Living next door to members of rival gangs 
RNZ: Not a single Māori Crown prosecutor in Christchurch, Gisborne, Whanganui

Sexual Assault Laws
Marie Dyhrberg (Daily Blog): False sexual accusers face little risk
Samira Taghavi (Daily Blog): The Sexual Violence Bill – (More) Unintended Consequences
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): The new Sexual Assault Laws being crammed through Parliament this week

Primary industries
Rod Oram (Newsroom): Why Fonterra lacks credibility on climate
RNZ: Fonterra should be able to ‘capitalise on opportunities’ – Agriculture Minister
Jenny Ruth (BusinessDesk): Will Damien O’Connor save Fonterra’s farmers from themselves? (paywalled)
Andrea Vance (Stuff): Trawling for the truth – why New Zealand’s main method of fishing is so controversial
Rebecca Macfie (Newsroom): Coroner wants urgent safety changes in forestry
Anna Sintenie and Mike Joy (Newsroom): Farm plan proposals should be careful not to put the cart before the horse
RNZ: Greens call for imported animal feed to be phased out
1 News: Luxon takes aim at Government over treatment of farmers
Karen Coltman (Stuff): Greens pressure Government to stop palm kernel imports
Sally Murphy (RNZ): Cheap accommodation, social sport used to entice workers for orchard jobs

Wayne Hope (Daily Blog): Media Ownership in Aotearoa New Zealand 2021
Colin Peacock (RNZ): Young entrepreneur’s death sparks media backlash
David Farrier (Webworm): Bad News: the anatomy of dodgy news
Damien Venuto (Herald): Breakfast wars 2022: Tova O’Brien v Mike Hosking, John Campbell v Ryan Bridge (paywalled)
Herald: Mark Richardson announces he is pursuing politics ahead of 2023 election

Film industry
Kate Nicol-Williams (1 News): Review launched into NZ screen production industry funding
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): 20 years of Lord of the Corporates

Jono Galuszka (Stuff): Mayors across North Island frustrated at lack of funds for key transport projects
Joel MacManus (Stuff): Pre-Christmas Transmission Gully opening looks doubtful, despite speculation

Brian Easton (Pundit): Why We May Expect To Pay More Tax
Emma Hatton (RNZ): Government space launch moving forward, despite officials’ concerns
Dan Satherley (Newshub): Chlöe Swarbrick says Jacinda Ardern could have made ‘massive difference’ in cannabis referendum
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Chlöe Swarbrick: Green Party can’t be the only ones pushing drug law reform
Hamish Cardwell (RNZ): Pasifika and Asians under-represented in Environment Ministry management
Phil Pennington (RNZ): Ministry for Culture and Heritage staff report ‘lack of confidence with kaupapa Māori’
Philip Matthews (Stuff): Why historical wars still matter 
David Williams (Newsroom): Police silent on Lake Alice questions
Alison Mau (Stuff): Patriarchy rules – why we’re nowhere close to escaping the grip of a system that hurts us all
Trevor Richards (Spinoff): The Sunday Essay: The 1976 Montreal boycott
1 News: Anger, Anxiety & Us: Why we’re discussing abuse of frontline staff
Craig Tamblyn (Spinoff): End-of-life services and hospices can work in harmony
Rukuwai Tipene-Allen (Māori TV): Marama Davidson opens up about what it took to get Te Aorerekura over the line
Mitchell Alexander (Newshub): Revealed: Violence in Oranga Tamariki care and protection residences increasing
Felix Desmarais (Herald):  Parliament’s support for transgender rights a glimmer of hope in dark times (paywalled)
Paul Lewis (Herald):  America’s Cup drama resembles TV’s ‘darkly comic’ Succession (paywalled)
Tony Smith (Stuff): Black Sox softball coach says Covid has ‘widened the gap’ between NZ’s pro and amateur sports



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