New Zealand Parliament Buildings, Wellington, New Zealand.
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Editor’s Note: Here below is a list of the main issues currently under discussion in New Zealand and links to media coverage.

Today’s content

Coalition negotiations, shape of government
Gordon Campbell: On why the Greens shouldn’t join the government
Andrew Geddis (Pundit): What Sort Of Relationship Might Labour And The Greens Agree On?
Audrey Young (Herald): Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern holds preparatory talks with Greens but coalition looking unlikely
Thomas Coughlan (Stuff): Jacinda Ardern tight-lipped after talks begin with the Greens
Jason Walls (Herald): Jacinda Ardern meets Greens leaders about Government discussions time frame
No Right Turn: The Greens and Labour
1News: As Labour mulls whether to team up with Greens, Helen Clark says ‘politics needs long term relationships’
RNZ: Greens signal innovative ways of partnering with Labour
1News: Greens outline priorities in negotiations with Labour – ‘Policy gains rather than the job titles’
Vita Molyneux (Newshub): ‘No reason’ why Greens can’t work with Labour – James Shaw
Newstalk ZB: James Shaw says not to read ‘too much’ into PM’s words
Sally Murphy (RNZ): Farmers want Labour to govern alone – Fed Farmers
RNZ: Possible Labour-Greens government concerns Employers and Manufacturers Association

Tim Watkin (Pundit): Be Careful What You Wish For: Labour’s Difficult Triumph
John Minto (Daily Blog): The government’s handbrake
Bryce Edwards (Democracy Project): Political Roundup – Leftwing euphoria meets reality
Chris Trotter (Daily Blog): Governing for All of Us
Colin James (Spinoff): Jacinda Ardern and transforming the would-be transformer
Heather du Plessis-Allan (Newstalk ZB): Vote for Labour wasn’t a vote for transformational change
Giovanni Tiso (Overland): Ardern’s world
Mike Yardley (Stuff): Labour must govern from the centre in its own right
Luke Malpass (Stuff): Why Kelvin Davis will probably be the next deputy prime minister
Julia Gabel (Herald): Kelvin Davis gets backing for Deputy Prime Minister role
David Farrar: Who would be Ministers in a sole Labour Ministry?
Jamie Enosr (Newshub): Two major unions welcome Labour landslide, call for Government to use ‘clear mandate’
Bernard Orsman (Herald): Labour raises more than $1 million in online donations
1News: Grant Robertson says he’ll continue ‘wellbeing’ approach if he keeps finance portfolio
RNZ: ‘We don’t take this mandate for granted’ – Megan Woods
Evan Harding (Southland Times): Tiwai aluminium smelter a ‘priority’ for new Government
Michael Neilson (Herald): Ihumātao deal on cards for Labour now NZ First out of way, experts say
Catherine Harris (Stuff): Labour’s promised tax hike may create rush to tax lawyers
Steven Joyce (Herald): The top six priorities for the PM’s to-do list (paywalled)
Emma Riach (Spinoff): Three years ago, Ardern set a goal of 50% women in cabinet. Now she must deliver
Liz Gordon (Daily Blog): Women make the parliamentary grade at last
Toby Manhire (Spinoff): From ‘beacon of hope’ to ‘incompetent’: world media on Jacinda Ardern’s big election win
RNZ: Pacific leaders congratulate NZ’s Ardern
Matthew Brockett and Ainsley Thomson (The Japan Times): Jacinda Ardern’s stunning election victory holds lessons for U.S.
Vita Molyneux (Newshub): Grant Robertson says he would consider veganism, if Duncan Garner keeps promise to go plant-based following Labour victory

Charlotte Graham-McLay (Guardian): Why New Zealand rejected populist ideas other nations have embraced
Richard Shaw (The Conversation): Labour’s single-party majority is not a failure of MMP, it is a sign NZ’s electoral system is working 
Alex Braae (Spinoff): 12 giant questions still to be answered now the election is over
Karl du Fresne: At least there’s no argument about who won the right to govern
Hayden Donnell (Spinoff): Winners, losers, big losers, and gigantic losers from Election 2020
Cas Carter (Stuff): Rise of early voting changing our democracy
Mike Hosking (Newstalk ZB): It was a truly historic election night
Kate Hawkesby (Newstalk ZB): National votes certainly went to Labour to keep Greens out
David Farrar: How did the 11 parties that didn’t gain MPs go?
Dave Armstrong (Dominion Post): A bit of swearing but no sausage rolls were thrown
Herald: Kiwis weigh in on whether Labour should form coalition, Judith Collins’ future
Matthew Shugart (Fruits and Votes): MMP in NZ: An example of “best of both worlds” in action
Matthew Shugart (Fruits and Votes): NZ 2020: Strategic coalition voting?
Georgina Campbell (Herald): Candidates in Wellington’s hottest race, Hutt South, front
Alice Neville (Spinoff): Hell yes it’s time for some more dogs at polling booths

Richard Harman (Politik): Head on the block
Claire Trevett (Herald): Judith Collins interview: Collins’ warning to National MPs and her own mistakes (paywalled)
Tova O’Brien (Newshub): National MPs already leaking, predicting leadership coup after devastating defeat
Andrew Dickens (Newstalk ZB): You can’t blame anyone else – National was basically unelectable
Justin Latif (Spinoff): The National Party looks to get up again
Amelia Wade (Herald): What went wrong for National and why their Greens wealth tax attacks were a mistake
Jonathan Milne (Newsroom): Voters reward those who spoke against Judith Collins
Ananish Chaudhuri (Stuff): Why the Nats fared so poorly
ODT Editorial: National’s future not all bleak
1News: National holding first caucus meeting today following resounding election loss
Jamie Ensor and Ella Prendergast (Newshub): Don Brash expects ‘sombre’ National caucus meeting, finger-pointing to come at later stage
1News: National needs to take a ‘damn good look at itself’, Paula Bennett says following election loss
Newstalk ZB: Former National MP Chris Finlayson on what the party needs to do now
RNZ: ‘Nothing like a good old defeat’ – Collins on leadership role, outgoing National MPs
Mark Quinlivan (Newshub): Massive defeat ‘a good opportunity’ for National to show its character – Judith Collins
Newstalk ZB: Judith Collins reflects on National’s disastrous election result
Michael Neilson (Herald): National Party leader Judith Collins says ‘no bloodletting’, blames loss squarely on ‘tsunami of Covid’
Magic: Does National need a rebrand across the board? Judith Collins talks to Peter Williams post election results
Matt Burrows (Newshub): Judith Collins says NZ Election 2020 result ‘could’ve been worse’, wants to be National leader for the ‘long haul’
Hannah Kronast (Newshub): Political commentator says the lack of MPs at National’s election night HQ ‘speaks volumes’
Fiona Connor (Newshub): Judith Collins’ genuine concession speech the best part of a depressing ‘party’ for National
Jason Walls (Herald): High-profile National MP Chris Luxon touches down in Wellington and rules out leadership tilt
1News: Christopher Luxon tells reporters ‘you guys are well ahead of your skis’ when questioned about National leadership ambitions
Samantha Motion (Herald): National’s Tauranga MP Simon Bridges answers leadership question and reveals priorities (paywalled)
Herald: Christchurch Waimakariri MP blames National loss on ‘leadership issues’, Jami-Lee Ross, a leak and scandals
Newstalk ZB: Political commentator on National’s horror election results
1News: National Party licking its wounds following bruising election night defeat
RNZ: Checkpoint: ‘Yo-yo MP’ Maureen Pugh not counting on bounce from special votes

Māori Party, Māori seats
Caroline Fleming (Herald): Māori Party’s Rawiri Waititi gears up to take party leadership
The Hui: Waiariki’s Rawiri Waititi will become Māori Party co-leader
Newstalk ZB: Rawiri Waititi: What Māori want from the new Labour government
Leigh-Marama McLachlan (Guardian): The Māori Party defied the odds because Labour has left Indigenous voters wanting
Leonie Hayden (Spinoff): The Māori seats: what happened and what’s still to come
Taroi Black Mataora returns to Parliament

RNZ: Morning Report: Greens sweep 10 seats
Zane Small (Newshub): Teanau Tuiono, Elizabeth Kerekere and Ricardo Menéndez March: The Greens’ three new activist MPs

RNZ: ACT leader David Seymour ‘very confident’ new MPs will succeed in Parliament
Mike Houlahan (ODT): Act may set up southern base

NZ First
Josh Van Veen (Spinoff): Where to now for Winston Peters and New Zealand First?
Piers Fuller (Stuff): Ron Mark, one of Parliament’s colourful characters bows out, after six terms
Tim Murphy (Newsroom): Peters’ fight and court bills will go on

Advance NZ
David Farrar: Tova vs JLR
Stewart Sowman-Lund (Spinoff): Tova O’Brien v Jami-Lee Ross: the ex-MP just got Tova’d and the world is loving it
Stuff: ‘Savage’ Tova O’Brien interview of Jami-Lee Ross gains international audience
Eleanor Ainge Roy (Guardian): New Zealand journalist feted for brutal takedown of minor party politician
Georgia Forrester (Stuff): A look back at the most explosive political interviews on New Zealand television
Matt Burrows (Newshub): Electoral Commission rubbishes Billy Te Kahika’s claims Advance NZ a victim of ‘rigged election’, ‘disqualified votes’

Henry Cooke (Stuff): What happens next following Labour’s historic win
Newshub:A full list of all the MPs that make up the 120 seats in Parliament
Hannah Martin (Stuff): Who are Auckland’s seven new MPs?
RNZ: Labour’s red tide sees its parliamentary diversity increase
RNZ: ‘Historical high’ – New Zealand Parliament readies for more diversity
Reuters (Guardian): New Zealand elects most diverse parliament boosting female, LGBTIQ+ and Māori MPs

New MPs arrive at parliament
Jason Walls (Herald): The first day of school for newbie MPs at Parliament
Thomas Manch (Stuff): New National MPs face ‘bittersweet’ welcome to Parliament
Newstalk ZB: ‘First day of school’: New MPs tell Heather du Plessis-Allan about their inductions
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Largest Labour caucus ever arrives for first day of MP-school
1News: Throng of new Labour MPs descend upon Parliament after party’s landslide win
Zane Small (Newshub): Labour’s 22 new MPs welcomed with hugs and a warning Parliament can be ‘pretty intimidating’
Herald: New Labour MPs prepare for first day at Parliament
Mike Houlahan (ODT): ‘There is a lot to learn’

Gavin Ellis: Video killed the radio star
Tim Murphy (Newsroom): TVNZ wins election ratings, NBR wins in court
Spinoff: Paddy Gower’s really good election night

Pattrick Smellie (BusinessDesk): Why was the Health Ministry mum on a covid case? (paywalled)
RNZ: Public health expert slams lack of Covid testing of ship crew
Sally Murphy (RNZ): Maritime Union wants foreign ship crew Covid-19 tested before docking in New Zealand
Rowan Quinn (RNZ): Covid-19: Only six testing centres open in Auckland, none on weekends
Glen Barclay (RNZ): Health and border workers call for ‘work bubbles’
1News: Bloomfield says Covid-19 case reported yesterday is ‘new border incursion’ and didn’t come from community
Marc Daalder (Newsroom): All eyes on ship off Napier coast
Jamie Morton (Herald): The Big Read: Three things to know about NZ’s big Covid 19 vaccine roll-out
Siouxsie Wiles (Spinoff): Don’t fall for the Covid contrarians
Brook Sabin (Stuff): Opening the border: the big questions ahead for Jacinda Ardern

Jenée Tibshraeny (Interest): A housing stock-take after three years of a Labour-led Government – what was and wasn’t delivered
Priscilla Dickinson (Newshub): ‘A bad thing’: Property prices doubling every 10 years increases inequality – expert
Herald: Christchurch City Council proposes changes to its community housing strategy
Blair Jackson (Southland Times): Southland District Council considers the future of its community housing
John Weeks (Stuff): Huge jump in number of homeless young people needing help nationwide
Anne Gibson (Herald): How Labour could change property: law on apartments, managers could be reformed (paywalled)
RNZ: Rents ease for Auckland apartments as students dwindle

Oliver Lewis (Newsroom): A consistent and worrying failure
Jin Russell (Newsroom): Hope for health with two high-profile physician
Jehan Casinader (Stuff): Mental health reform could be Labour’s political legacy
Todd Krieble (BusinessDesk: The outlook for health reforms (paywalled)

Industrial relations
RNZ: Council of Trade Unions expects government to introduce fair pay agreements
Geoff Neal (Stuff): Here’s why it’s getting harder to employ New Zealanders

Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff): Avoiding economic groundhog day: what may dog us in 10 years if we don’t raise our game 
Jenny Ruth (BusinessDesk): Why unemployment won’t rise much

Aimee Shaw (Herald): What a supercharged Labour Government means for business over the next three years (paywalled)
Liam Dann (Herald): Business braces for new employment rules under Labour government (paywalled)
Tina-Marie Morris (Stuff): Labour landslide victory hasn’t ruffled financial markets
Jamie Gray (Herald): The financial markets give their verdict on Labour’s landslide win (paywalled)
Jacob McSweeny (ODT): Measures would squeeze businesses ‘doing it tough’
Phil Taylor (BusinessDesk): Foresters wary of new govt (paywalled)
Susan Edmunds (Stuff): Business ‘needs to know what Labour actually going to do’
Duncan Bridgeman (Stuff): Can Labour mend its bridge with business? (paywalled)
Catherine Harris (Stuff): Business sector hangs on to election promises: ‘We need more support’
Daniel Faitaua (1News): Eric Watson sentenced to four months jail in London court for withholding asset information from Sir Owen Glenn

Wage subsidy
RNZ: More than $11 million in wage subsidies repaid by Briscoe Group
Aimee Shaw (Herald): Briscoe Group announces it will pay back the wage subsidy
Marty Sharpe (Stuff): Semi-retired kindergarten teacher on weekend away nabbed vandalising Briscoes store over wage subsidy

Travel bubbles
Eric Crampton (Stuff): The election’s done, lets talk travel bubbles
Stuff Editorial: Bubble toil and trouble – NZ arrivals caught in Australia’s internal bickering
Vanessa Brown (News Au): Australian travel bubble in doubt as anger rises over Kiwi travellers
Newstalk ZB/Herald: Kiwis now popping up in Adelaide in string of travel bubble breaches
RNZ: New Zealand travellers arrive in Adelaide, outside of trans-Tasman bubble
Rachel Sadler and Laura Tupou (Newshub): New Zealanders allowed to enter Victoria without quarantining

Local government
Bernard Orsman (Herald): Auckland Council on track to cut staff numbers by 50
Lois Williams (RNZ): Recognition for Māori in new district plan for West Coast
George Heagney (Manawatū Standard): Palmerston North council by-election set for February following Tangi Utikere’s win

Joel MacManus (Dominion Post): What does a Labour majority mean for Wellington’s transport system?
Joel MacManus (Dominion Post): Billions down the drain: The overwhelming scale of Wellington’s pipe crisis

Amanda Cropp (Stuff): Tourism wants $200 travel card and long-term plan from the Government
1News: Tourism Aoteroa suggests giving $200 domestic travel card to all Kiwis
Julia Gabel Grant Bradley (Herald): Tourism leaders: Let’s make the most of Ardern’s star power (paywalled)
RNZ: Kiwis opting for backyard holidays to ‘relax and refresh’ – Tourism NZ

Jamie Morton (Herald): Climate change: Why some New Zealanders still deny it’s happening
David Williams (Newsroom): Ex-UN climate chief praises PM, urges greater action
Olivia Hyatt and Jenny Easton (Stuff): Climate Change: It’s our choice whether we react or adapt
nga Smith (ODT): Two paths to a shared fate

Martin van Beynen (Press): Canterbury University’s China expert gagged over complaints
John Gerritsen (RNZ): Hundreds of primary school principals back breakaway union
ODT: Southern principals back ditching NZEI

Polynesian Panthers
Melani Anae (E-Tangata): The Terror of the Dawn Raids
Anthony Costello and Teuila Fuatai: How the Polynesian Panthers’ legacy is alive today

Josephine Franks (Stuff): Solo mothers ‘belittled, degraded’ when seeking benefits, research shows
John Highton (ODT): We need new solutions to meet the challenges
David W Collins (Stuff): Don’t throw the RMA baby out with the bathwater
RNZ: Ngāpuhi protesters prepared to stand in front of bulldozers to stop development on wāhi tapu land
Jackson Thomas (Stuff): Cannabis referendum: CBD oil as easy to buy online as clothes, customer says
Rob Stock (Stuff): Households hoarded an extra $800 million in cash during Covid lockdown
Rob Stock (Stuff): Gender blind KiwiSaver needs to become fairer to women
RNZ: The future of cash: RBNZ developing strategy to secure its use
Tamsyn Parker (Herald): NZ’s retirement savings system drops down global rankings (paywalled)
Joanne Carroll (Stuff): Pike River 10th anniversary commemoration in Wellington divides families
RNZ: Positive reaction for PACER Plus ratification in Australia and NZ
Georgia-May Gilbertson (Stuff): Former politician Georgina Beyer honoured at investiture ceremony



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