Editor’s Note: Here below is a list of the main issues currently under discussion in New Zealand and links to media coverage.

Today’s content
National Party’s Serious Fraud Office charges
Steve Forbes (Stuff): MP Jami-Lee Ross avoiding media after Serious Fraud Office charges four people
Tova O’Brien (Newshub): National Party donors silent after Serious Fraud Office lays charges
RNZ: Moral questions remain over National donations as unnamed people charged
Newstalk ZB: Speculation over who has been charged in National SFO donation case
Jason Walls (Herald): Serious Fraud Office charges four people over National Party donations
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Serious Fraud Office filing criminal charges in relation to National Party donation case
Andrew Geddis (Spinoff): A political donations powderkeg: on SFO criminal charges and the National Party
David Farrar: SFO files charges in National Party donations case
Sam Sachdeva (Newsroom): SFO charges over donations add to election year drama
Sam Sachdeva (Newsroom): SFO files charges over National donation claimsNo Right Turn: Charged
Craig McCulloch (RNZ): SFO files criminal charges over National Party donations
Jenny Ruth (BusinessDesk): SFO files criminal charges over National Party donations (paywalled)
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): SFO don’t consider ‘pretty legal’ as a defence
Greg Presland (The Standard): Is National the party of law and order?
The Civilian: Winston Peters claims vindication after not being charged in National Party SFO investigation
Māori TV: Simon Bridges denies involvement with National Party Donations charges
Reweti Kohere (NBR): Criminal charges laid in National Party donations scandal (paywalled)
Infrastructure announcement
Matthew Hooton (Herald): Jacinda Ardern’s big week shows road to victory (paywalled)
Bernard Hickey (Newsroom): Labour set for more political jujitsu on transport
Heather du Plessis-Allan (Newstalk ZB): Labour has ruined National’s big election plans
Claire Trevett (Herald): Will Labour’s breathtaking roads u-turn be National’s road to nowhere? (paywalled)
Jenée Tibshraeny (Interest): Government takes the wind out of the Opposition’s sails, but new promises put it under more pressure to deliver
Barry Soper (Newstalk ZB): Politicians argue over $12b infrastructure spending
Herald Editorial: Government goes back to the future to grab infrastructure initiative (paywalled)
Mike Hosking (Newstalk ZB): Infrastructure announcement a good day for the Government
John Anthony (Stuff): Government encouraged to invest in infrastructure and take advantage of low interest rates, PM says
1News: Ardern: National’s talking point over $8b infrastructure boost ‘juvenile and pointless’
RNZ: Labour cops heat over $12 billion infrastructure spending
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Climate action and the Green Party get scraps from $12b infrastructure package
Gordon Campbell: On Kobemania, Palestine, and the infrastructure package
Dan Satherley (Newshub): Jacinda Ardern denies stealing National’s roading policies
Fran O’Sullivan (Herald): Simon Bridges can’t bluff a dud poker hand (paywalled)
Dita De Boni (NBR): We’ve done our bit – business now needs to step up: Ardern (paywalled)
Jenée Tibshraeny (Interest): The experts weigh in on the $6.8 billion transport package
Brent Edwards (NBR): No government heart in new roads plan, National says (paywalled)
1News: Govt better at announcements than ‘actually building stuff’, Paula Bennett argues
Simon Wilson (Herald): The true purpose of the Government’s transport spend-up (paywalled)
Bernard Orsman (Herald): Phil Goff gets most of his wishlist from Government’s $12b infrastructure kitty (paywalled)
Bernard Orsman (Herald):Auckland motorways, Harbour Bridge Skypath big winners in Government’s $12 billion infrastructure spend-up
Liam Dann (Herald): Grant Robertson: ‘They wanted certainty, we’ve given them certainty’ (paywalled)
Liam Dann (Herald): The $4 billion hole in the big infrastructure announcement (paywalled)
Jason Walls (Herald): National Leader Simon Bridges: Govt ‘copied’ his plans for infrastructure spending
Georgina Campbell (Herald): James Shaw defends transport spend-up: $5.3b on roads
Tim Watkin (Pundit): Labour decides its road to victory starts with… roads
Pete George: Infrastructure spending splash – conservativeness disappointing
Ana Renker-Darby and David Robertson (Spinoff): This spend-up on roads betrays the values of the Zero Carbon Act
Rob Mitchell (Stuff): Govt presents billions of reasons for celebration
Stephanie Ockhuysen (Stuff): Government’s infrastructure investment a ‘drop in the bucket’ for regional New Zealand
Bernard Orsman (Herald): Jacinda Ardern kicks off the election campaign pledging billions of dollars for new roads (paywalled)
Zane Small (Newshub): Government accused of idea-stealing as reactions to multibillion-dollar infrastructure boost flood in
Marc Daalder (Newsroom): Roading projects could lock in emissions for decades
Heather du Plessis Allen (Newstalk ZB): Government is trying to trick us with infrastructure announcement
Bernard Orsman (Herald): Jacinda Ardern says the time has come to spend up on roads (paywalled)
Joel MacManus (Stuff): Wellington road and rail upgrades: What they mean for commuters
Todd Niall (Stuff): $12 billion funding announcement: Why Auckland deserves the bulk of Govt spend
Newstalk ZB: Grant Robertson: Government did not make a mistake in delaying roading projects
Luke Malpass (Stuff): Why all new Labour roads lead to Grant Robertson as huge new funding package announced
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Government pumps $300m into maternity, mental health, and other health infrastructure
Alex Braae (Spinoff): Epic infrastructure spend announced: what you need to know
Alex Braae. (Spinoff): Ardern and co are firing up the bulldozers. But can they win the argument?
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): The overly cautious $6.8b spend up is not transformational
Bernard Hickey (Newsroom): The rip and read: Labour brings back stalled roads
Thomas Coughlan (Stuff): Government announces billions of infrastructure spending, with roads the big winner
Thomas Coughlan (Stuff): Government set to announce $12b infrastructure splurge, with a lot of it going to roads
Jane Patterson (RNZ): Govt’s $12b infrastructure spend: Rail, roads and DHBs the big winners
RNZ: South Island mayors decry North-centric government roading spend
Whanganui Chronicle: Otaki to Levin highway funding brings Whanganui closer to Wellington, says Hamish McDouall
Damian George (Stuff): Petone-Grenada highway, Cross Valley Link miss the cut in Government transport spend
Cherie Sivignon and Skara Bohny (Stuff): Nelson Tasman ‘ignored’ in $8 billion funding announcement
No Right Turn: A squandered opportunity
Fran O’Sullivan (Herald): ‘Minister of stealth’ Grant Robertson raids Nats (paywalled)
Dileepa Fonseka (Newsroom): Nine percent say NZ doing enough on infrastructure
Peter Silcock (Stuff): Why more infrastructure investment is sorely needed
Neil Holdom (Stuff): Drop the tax on tax into a multi-billion dollar water infrastructure-fixing bucket
Peter Lyons (Herald): Govt gets ‘must do better’ grade for economics (paywalled)
Georgina Campbell (Herald): Report reveals Wellington Water flailing in a sea of red
Auckland-Northland Port move
Richard Harman: Labour’s driving wheels (paywalled)
Richard Harman: But wait — there may be more
Denise Piper (Stuff): Northland rail line: $110m investment ‘hugely significant’ for Northland
Charlie Dreaver (RNZ): Government to buy land for rail to Northport and Marsden Point
Jason Walls (Herald): Deputy PM Winston Peters spurs efforts to move Auckland’s port to Northland with $40m cheque
Dan Brunskill (BusinessDesk): Northland rail spend paves way for Northport expansion – Jones
Brent Edwards (NBR): Marsden Point land purchase a ‘game changer’ for Northland (paywalled)
Matthew Hooton (Metro): Why Labour will win the next election
Peter Dunne (Newsroom): The coalition is counting down
Bryce Edwards (The Guardian): New Zealand voters must prepare for an ugly culture war this election
Duncan Garner (Newshub): Getting a second term will be a big ask for Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern
Mike Hosking (Herald): Election year underway with full spin and counterspin
Danyl Mclauchlan (Spinoff): One simple trick to improve the quality of our politics and our politicians
Anna Whyte (1News): The politics of 2020 – what to expect
Brigitte Morten (Spinoff): Four new year’s resolutions for Jacinda Ardern. And four for Simon Bridges
Bernard Hickey (Newsroom): Whether and how Labour might win a second term
Brent Edwards (NBR): Ardern’s not-so-rushed 2020 election campaign (paywalled)
Gordon Campbell: On the double standard that’s bound to dominate the Election
Gordon Campbell: On China treating our citizens as coronavirus hostages, and Election 2020
Roger Partridge (NBR): A political plea for 2020
Ele Ludemann: Chance for a change?
David Cohen (RNZ): US and NZ elections in 2020: Our political leap year
Brent Edwards (NBR): Focus on big issues for election, National says (paywalled)
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): The election is nearly here – let’s strip it back to what really matters
Martyn Bradbury: Waatea News Column: The 5 big political issues for Maori in 2020 election
The Spinoff: NZ politics in 2020: The big issues on which this year’s election will hinge
The Spinoff: 12 wild predictions for the political year 2020 AD
Stuff: 2020 political predictions: The year that could be
Tim Watkin (Pundit): Politics Preview 2020: The One Thing Each Party Can Control
Geoff Simmons (Herald): The ‘Year of Delivery’ and the path of 2020 (paywalled)
Simon Wilson (Herald): 2020’s hottest election contest: Nikki Kaye vs Chloe Swarbrick in Auckland Central (paywalled)
Shane Te Pou (Newsroom): The stars, the safe hands and disasters
Martyn Bradbury: The 2020 NZ Election Trigger points
Chris Trotter (Interest): Assessing the mood of the electorate as the 2020 election year gets underway
Election date announcement
Eleanor Ainge Roy (The Guardian): New Zealand election: Jacinda Ardern sets September date for poll
Luke Malpass (Stuff): Jacinda Ardern starts election clock ticking
NZ Herald: Election 2020: The dates you need to know
Herald Editorial: September 19 is a date for all New Zealanders to remember (paywalled)
Labour Party
Audrey Young (Herald): Jacinda Ardern’s greatest weapon – incumbency (paywalled)
Fran O’Sullivan (Herald): Can Jacinda Ardern and Grant Robertson form a dream team? (paywalled)
Richard Harman: What Ardern is really all about (paywalled)
Jason Walls (Herald): Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern promises Labour will run a ‘positive, factual, robust’ election campaign
Dominion Post: Editorial: Labour hopes to accentuate the positive
Luke Malpass (Stuff): Jacinda Ardern bets big on election year positivity
Duncan Garner (Stuff): Spare us the smiling drivel, Jacinda
Heather du Plessis-Allan (Herald): Why Jacinda Ardern will be personally targeted this election (paywalled)
Mike Hosking (Herald): Jacinda Ardern needs to deliver more than spin
Rodney Hide (NBR): Year of delivery was a soundbite, not a plan (paywalled)
Simon Wilson (Herald): This broken country (and the Government that says it wants to fix it) (paywalled)
The Civilian: To ensure a factual campaign, all Labour Party advertising will be in question form
Steven Cowan: Singing ‘Kumbaya’ with Jacinda
Barry Soper (Newstalk ZB): Time for Jacinda Ardern to think dirty
Charlotte Graham-McLay (The Guardian): Jacinda Ardern – the highs and lows of her term in office so far
Jason Walls (Herald): A big red surprise: Labour bouncing into 2020 with surprising addition to retreat
National Party
Fran O’Sullivan (Herald): Simon Bridges can’t bluff a dud poker hand (paywalled)
Matthew Hooton (Herald): How Simon Bridges can become prime minister in the 2020 election (paywalled)
Boris Jancic (Herald): Judith Collins’ tell-all book looks set to hit the shelves during election season
RNZ: Simon Bridges to announce potential coalition partners ‘soon’
Boris Jancic (Herald): ‘Bring it on’: National leader Simon Bridges’ blunt challenge
David Cormack (Herald): Simon Bridges wrong to stir anti-Semitism pot (paywalled)
National and NZ First
Alex Braae (Spinoff): Simon Bridges is about to make a big decision that could shape the election
Barry Soper (Newstalk ZB): Peters and Bridges clash over ‘bovine scatology’
Andrea Vance (Stuff): Spare us the boredom Bridges, rule out Winston
Jason Walls (Herald): National Leader Simon Bridges has teased a major election promise he will unveil this year
Richard Harman: Bridges’ election year dichotomy
Luke Malpass (Stuff): What will the National Party do about Winston Peters?
Jamie Ensor (Newshub): Paula Bennett struggles to trust Winston Peters ahead of election showdown
1News: Winston Peters mocks Simon Bridges as a ‘badly bred dog barking at everything’
Dan Satherley (Newshub): Paths to victory: How Simon Bridges could become PM, and what might keep Jacinda Ardern in power
Dan Satherley (Newshub): ‘Negative ratings are off the scale’: Is Simon Bridges National’s very own David Cunliffe?
NZ First
Bryce Edwards (The Guardian): This election is do or die for NZ First and the fight could get dirty
Matthew Hooton (Herald): Winston Peters’ legacy is on the line (paywalled)
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): Why this year feels like the beginning of the end for Winston Peters
ODT: Editorial: The emissions of Shane Jones
Herald: New Zealand First MP and Minister Shane Jones lashes out at critics: ‘I don’t give a s***’
Te Aniwa Hurihanganui (RNZ): Demands Shane Jones apologise over ‘sexist’ Pania Newton comments
James Fyfe (Newshub): ‘A lot of young Māori women’ would love to be called putiputi – Winston Peters
Prue Kapua (Spinoff): On mana and misogyny: a message for Shane Jones from the Māori Women’s Welfare League president
Martyn Bradbury: Woke Identity Politics outrage at Shane Jones completely misses the bloody point
Boris Jancic (Herald): NZ First’s man of mystery: Darroch Ball (paywalled)
Tim Murphy (Newsroom): Greens co-leader wants to go ‘further, faster’
Jason Walls (Herald): Marama Davidson targets Labour seat, Shane Jones in speech
RNZ: Climate, inequality and housing on Green Party’s agenda for 2020
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Green Party co-leader Marama Davidson will run hard for a Māori seat
Henry Cooke and Laine Moger (Stuff): Green co-leader Marama Davidson confirms run in Māori seat of Tāmaki Makaurau
Zane Small (Newshub): Marama Davidson hails ‘Ihumātao protectors’ in speech confirming Tāmaki Makaurau electorate bid
Morgan Godfery (Metro): Can Marama Davidson really win Tāmaki Makaurau?
Jason Walls (Herald): Green co-leader Marama Davidson appears to have targeted Shane Jones
Pattrick Smellie (BusinessDesk): Climate change, inequality ‘deliberately perpetuated’ to benefit the rich: Marama Davidson
Brent Edwards (NBR): Green Party continues to chase environmental vote in 2020 (paywalled)
TVNZ: Greens’ Marama Davidson criticises armed police trial, uplifts and water bottling
Steven Cowan: The flexible views of Marama Davidson
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): If Marama Davidson made a speech in the forest and no one noticed, did she make it?
Zane Small (Newshub): Green MP Golriz Ghahraman explains why ‘tax = love’
NZ Herald: Chloe Swarbrick – the MP for K-Rd (paywalled)
Retirement, NZ Super
Priscilla Dickinson (Newshub): NZ Super ‘sustainable for at least 30 years’ – report
Madison Reidy (RNZ): Retirement commissioner rejects raising superannuation age
Jenée Tibshraeny (Interest): ‘NZ can afford to keep the age of entitlement for Super at 65’ – Retirement Commissioner
Rebecca Howard (BusinessDesk): Lifting the retirement age may do more harm than good – CFFC (paywalled)
Susan Edmunds (Stuff): Retirement Commissioner backtracks on call to raise pension age because Kiwis can’t afford it
Karyn Scherer (NBR): Door opened for tax on wealthy baby boomers (paywalled)
Tamsyn Parker (Herald): Experts question wisdom of keeping NZ Super at 65
Tamsyn Parker (Herald): NZ Super back-flip: Age rise not needed for next 30 years
No Right Turn: So much for raising the retirement age
RNZ: Future retirees face more financial hardship, research suggests
Michael Reddell: Retirement, NZS and all that
Jason Walls (Herald): A senior staffer to Minister Phil Twyford owned lobbying firm while working for Minister
Thomas Coughlan (Stuff): The lobbyist working in Phil Twyford’s office didn’t disclose contracts to employer
Thomas Coughlan (Stuff): There’s nothing wrong with lobbying – so why won’t the Government prove it?
Newstalk ZB: Matthew Hooton criticises Government’s lax attitude to lobbyists
Corruption Perception Index
NZ Herald: New Zealand ranked world’s least corrupt country
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Corruption index with NZ on top ‘biased’ – academic
Sae Strang (Newshub): New Zealand voted least corrupt country in the world as Australia slips
The Southland Times: Editorial: Corruption index result is not a laurel to rest upon
1News: New Zealand again earns ranking as least corrupt country in the world
Karyn Scherer (NBR): NZ’s public sector seen as world’s least corrupt (paywalled)
Pattrick Smellie (BusinessDesk): Complacency leaves NZ ‘exposed’ to global corruption (paywalled)
Online political advertising
Jason Walls (Herald): PM Jacinda Ardern says Labour will sign up to Facebook rules in a bid to curb ‘fake news’
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): Has Labour misinterpreted their own polling & why National will never sign up to Facebook transparency
Chris Keall (Herald): Why US, NZ elections this year will feature more misinformation than ever (paywalled)
1News: New Zealand’s 2017 election was in Cambridge Analytica’s sights, new leak reveals
Dita De Boni (NBR): No point to playing nice on Facebook (paywalled)
Kate Owen (Spinoff): If they haven’t signed up to the Facebook transparency tool, don’t vote for them
Anna Rawhiti-Connell (Newsroom): Stop giving social media so much credit
Craig McCulloch (RNZ): Wuhan evacuation plans ‘almost wheels up’ – Winston Peters
Collette Devlin and Hannah Martin (Stuff): Coronavirus: Government charters Air NZ flight to assist Wuhan departure
RNZ: Air NZ plane chartered to evacuate citizens from Wuhan
Liu Chen (RNZ): New Zealanders in Hubei province hope for transport via Wuhan deal
Zac Fleming (Newshub): Auckland taxi drivers refusing to pick up Chinese tourists for fear of coronavirus
Jason Walls (Herald): Coronavirus: Queenstown mayor Jim Boult urges NZ not to ‘descend to racism and xenophobia’
James Fyfe and Perry Wilton (Newshub): Rotorua councillor slams spread of virus-related racism
Cira Olivier (Herald): Coronavirus sparks racism: ‘Send all the Chinese back to where they came from’ (paywalled)
Kristin Hall (TVNZ): Race Relations Commissioner says bar’s coronavirus-themed promotion not racist, but deplorable
RNZ: Coronavirus latest: ‘We’re expecting we will get a case’
Grant Bradley (Herald): Coronavirus: Air New Zealand continues flying to China, company doctor reassures passengers
Simon Collins (Herald): Coronavirus: Ministry tells school hostels to isolate students at risk of having coronavirus
Evan Harding and Louisa Steyl (Stuff): Students from Wuhan in China stood down from Southern Institute of Technology
Vaimoana Tapaleao (Herald): Coronavirus: Auckland University prepares for outbreak, restricts travel to China
Simon Collins and Dubby Henry (Herald): Coronavirus: Student from China’s Hubei Province in isolation at Auckland Hospital
Herald: Schools tell students who visited coronavirus-affected countries to miss start of term
RNZ: Coronavirus outbreak: Tourism operators could need financial help as cancellations rise
Sally Rae (ODT): Virus effect on NZ economy noted
ODT Editorial: Calmness key in planning for coronavirus
Christine Rovoi (RNZ): Coronavirus: Samoa’s preventative measures hitting travellers
Kate Hawkesby: Back to school costs are excessive
NZ Herald Editorial: Ring the bell for the start of the school year
Dave Armstrong (Stuff): Back to school and those boring, expensive uniforms
Amelia Wade (Herald): Parent sacrifices holiday to afford child’s school uniform
NZ Herald: ‘Kiwi mums and dads getting fleeced’: Parents react to uniform price outrage
Luke Kirkness (Herald): Back to school: Ministry of Education investigating school uniform prices to see whether expenses could be reduced
Danielle Clent (Stuff): Kiwi schools cover stationery, sports fees as families struggle with back-to-school costs
Vicki Carpenter (Newsroom): How to fix NZ’s school funding shortfall
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Schools not sure how to pay for support staff pay rises
Audrey Young (Herald): Education Minister Chris Hipkins on education changes right across the board (paywalled)
Audrey Young (Herald): Changes planned for religious instruction in state schools (paywalled)
George Heagney (Stuff): Goal of new NZEI president Liam Rutherford to ensure voice of teachers helps steer schooling reforms
1News: Government reports easing teacher shortage, but principals say better quality candidates needed
John Gerritsen (RNZ): Teacher demand eases, but up to 900 more needed over the year
Jean Bell (Herald): Report reveals which Bay of Plenty schools are in the red
John Gerritsen (RNZ): Ministry team cracks down on home-based Early Childhood Education
John Gerritsen (RNZ): Education Ministry, ERO at odds over early childhood service breaches
Lee Kenny (Stuff): Preschool teachers doing bar work and babysitting to make ends meet
Stephen Forbes (Stuff): Auckland University buys $5m Parnell mansion for incoming vice-chancellor
Ben Leahy (Herald): University of Auckland splurges $5m on Parnell pad for new vice-chancellor (paywalled)
Catriona MacLennan (Herald): University of Auckland’s pricey Parnell pad is a bit rich (paywalled)
Tim Hunter (NBR): Cash-rich universities pour money into property (paywalled)
School donations policy
Eleisha Foon (RNZ): ‘No donations’ policy for schools relieves pressure as term begins
Southland Times: Editorial – Govt dosh v parents’ donations – an offer some schools right to refuse
Damian Rowe (Stuff): Several Southland secondary schools have opted out of a donations scheme
RNZ: More schools in donation scheme, asking for money still likely
Warwick Rasmussen (Stuff): Dozens of eligible schools say no thanks to millions in Government donation money
Huawei 5G ban
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff): Spark and 2degrees expected to test waters with GCSB after UK clears Huawei for 5G
Marc Daalder (Newsroom): Huawei breaks the Five Eyes firewall
Paul McBeth (BusinessDesk): Huawei to seek certainty from govt after UK decision
Newstalk ZB: Huawei NZ hopeful after UK’s 5G decision
RNZ: No UK approach to Huawei for NZ, but using it here not ruled out completely
Whānau Ora
Peeni Henare (Herald): Whanau Ora strayed too far from original aspirations (paywalled)
Tariana Turia (Herald): Marching past the temple without a thought for whānau (paywalled)
RNZ: Whānau Ora South Island head backs funding criticism
Audrey Young (Herald): Ardern set to offer olive branch to Whānau Ora claimants
Te Aniwa Hurihanganui and Matthew Hutching (RNZ): Whānau Ora head warns minister over funding allocation
Audrey Young (Herald): Dames head to tribunal over Whānau Ora turmoil
Primary industries
Christina Persico (Stuff): Protesters set to gather near Port Taranaki against live animal export
Emma Stanford and Dan Satherley (Newshub): Live export ship targeted by animal rights protesters
Sue Martin (ODT): Tackling by-catch to save the birds
Jamie Morton (Herald): PM urged to take boldest options to save threatened Maui and Hector’s dolphins
Mike Watson (Taranaki Daily News): Whitebaiters find fishery management proposals hard to catch
Abbey Palmer (ODT): Resistance expressed at whitebaiting reform meeting
Lois Williams (RNZ): West Coast Councils lobby for new conservation board members, says board is too ‘green’
Chloe Ranford (RNZ): Beach used like a ‘racetrack’ needs vehicle ban, say conservationists
Justice, corrections
Dan Satherley (Newshub): New Zealand’s prison policies under fire in new Amnesty report
Te Aniwa Hurihanganui (RNZ): Culture gap exists in traumatic brain injury assessments for Māori inmates, expert says
Richard Harman: Ihumatao showdown at Cabinet today
Michael Neilson (Herald): Ihumātao proposal signals need to revisit ‘unfair’ Treaty settlement process – Māori Party
Glenn McConnell: What next for Ihumātao? Grand hopes still a dream at this historic site
Kahu Kutia (Spinoff): What does it take to build an indigenous resistance movement?
Jennifer Eder (Stuff): New grapes prompt plans for Ihumātao-style occupation in Marlborough
Defence Force
David Fisher (Herald): Our military told it needs to do more for women as failure to collate complaints highlighted (paywalled)
David Fisher (Herald): NZDF told to upgrade systems to catch sex pests – then said bad systems was a reason not to look (paywalled)
David Fisher and Luke Kirkness (Herald): NZDF admits not ‘adequately’ handling situation after recruits complained of indecency during enlistment medical (paywalled)
David Fisher (Herald): Exclusive: Cover-up claim after NZDF recruits complained of indecency during enlistment medical (paywalled)
David Fisher (Herald): The US military flight to New Zealand – and the secret cargo it carried (paywalled)
Aimee Shaw (Herald): CEO pay survey: What the country’s top bosses earn (paywalled)
Damien Venuto (Herald): Govt calls on Saatchi & Saatchi to tell Kiwis about cannabis/euthanasia referenda (paywalled)
Bruce Munro (ODT): Global Insight: NZ may become minor global power
Simon Wilson (Herald): Why we need a museum on the waterfront (paywalled)
Mike Hosking (Newstalk ZB): Welcome to booming business of misery (paywalled)
RNZ: Emergency services’ ability to track cellphones to be expanded
Chris Keall (Herald): Apple’s NZ revenue down as tax tension continues
RNZ: Whakaari / White Island victim’s family call on tour operators to be better equipped
Tamsyn Parker (Herald): Borrowing could get tougher again this year, experts warn (paywalled)
Zane Small (Newshub): Associate Environment Minister Eugenie Sage backs building roads out of plastic
Paul Hunt (Spinoff): Scrutiny of NZ’s human rights record is coming here, and we should welcome it
Gill Bonnett (RNZ): Uighur refugee who fled China left jobless while awaiting NZ residence