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Newsletter: New Zealand Politics Daily – July 9 and 10 2018 Editor’s Note: Here below is a list of the main issues currently under discussion in New Zealand and links to media coverage. [caption id="attachment_297" align="aligncenter" width="640"] The Beehive and Parliament Buildings.[/caption] Defence Audrey Young (Herald): China ambassador registers concern over NZ’s strategic defence policy statement Henry Cooke (Stuff): Winston Peters says China expressed concern over defence plan naming it as a threat Sam Sachdeva (Newsroom): Peters confirms China concerns over defence paper Van Jackson (Incline): The Price of New Zealand’s Strategy-Force Mismatch Nevil Gibson (NBR): NZ First aims to end long-standing ‘free rider’ defence strategy Richard Harman (Politik): The coalition makes the decision National would not Sam Sachdeva (Newsroom): $2.3b NZDF plane deal to ‘strengthen Pacific Reset’ Gia Garrick (RNZ): Defence Minister urged to not put missiles and bombs on new aircraft Anna Bracewell-Worrall and Tova O’Brien (Newshub): Government buys $2.3 billion Defence Force aircraft Jason Walls (Interest): The Government will spend $2.3 billion on four new P-8A Poseidon aircraft RNZ: Govt to spend $2.3b on planes to replace aging fleet Laura Walters (Stuff): Submarine-hunting planes to replace ageing Orions Hannah Martin (Stfuf); Air Force squadron to move from Whenuapai to Ohakea RNZ: New vice-chief announced at Defence Auckland Council venue ban for Southern and Molyneux RNZ: Phil Goff defends blocking far-right speakers who ‘spout racist nonsense’ Bryce Edwards (Herald): Political Roundup: Does freedom of speech extend to far-right voices? Chris Trotter (Daily Blog): Do We Really Lack the Courage to Debate the Alt-Right? Do We Really Lack the Ideas to Defeat Them? Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): Since when were we on the Left frightened to fight crypto-fascsists? Craig McCulloch (RNZ): Winston Peters would’ve let far-right activists speak 1News: Winston Peters would have let far-right commentators talk at venue on ‘basis of free speech’ Newshub: Winston Peters would’ve let controversial far-right speakers into NZ Lucy Bennett (Herald): Bridges backs free speech for far-right writers banned from Auckland Council venues 1News: Phil Goff was ‘entitled’ to ban Canadian far-right speakers from council venues, Simon Bridges says Pete George: Peters, Bridges support free speech Nick Truebridge and Todd Niall (Stuff): Call for judicial review of Auckland Council agency’s blocking of far-right speakers Karl du Fresne: Free speech coalition to seek judicial review of Goff speaking ban Karl du Fresne: Southern and Molyneux: my response to Kimbo Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): The disconnect between platforming fascists and stopping them recruiting more No Right Turn: The cost of a free and democratic society II Michael Reddell: Free speech, even for odd or obnoxious views Steven Cowan: Freedom is always and exclusively freedom for the one who thinks differently Peter Cresswell: Some propositions on free speech Dane Giraud: Progressive opposition to free speech is completely baffling Employment Paul Buchanan: Unions, Parties and the decision to strike Anuja Nadkarni (Stuff): NZ’s reputation of having a high quality of life could be under threat, economist says Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): Public service workers hit by deluge as Government warns of a ‘rainy day’ Katie Doyle (RNZ): About 4000 govt employees rally around the country for better pay Herald: IRD and MBIE staff march for higher pay in Wellington and Auckland CBDs Samantha Gee (Nelson Mail): Government workers in Nelson plant trees during strike action Oliver Lewis (Stuff): ‘We’re not asking to be millionaires’: nurses’ pay offer vote expected to be close Laura Macdonald (Stuff): Nurse strike sees hundreds of surgeries, appointments cancelled RNZ: Auckland pizza franchises fined and forced to pay back wages Mānia Clarke (Māori TV): Picket support for HOYTS staff threatened with lock-out Julie Iles (Stuff): Auckland and Wellington face off for best-paying city Wilhelmina Shrimpton (Newshub): Work stress driving Kiwis to breaking point Business/Economy Rob Campbell (Spinoff): Business has no right to a second winter of discontent Dene Mackenzie (ODT): Sharemarket thriving, despite woes besetting businesses Dene Mackenzie (ODT): Business confidence remains weak in quarter, survey shows Housing RNZ: New state housing apartments announced in central Auckland Newshub: Phil Twyford announces ‘flagship’ state housing development David Cormack (Herald): Why this Government looks just like the old one Tim Brown (RNZ): House in Queenstown’s first special housing area sells for $890k Michael Daly (Stuff): Govt criticised for moving slowly on Auckland growth boundary Newshub: Grafton now Auckland’s fastest rising suburb Scott Yeoman (Bay of Plenty Times): ‘Stop putting cash in cups’: Group offers new way to help homeless Eva Corlett (RNZ): Auckland City Mission opens women-only night shelter High Country tenure review Timaru Herald editorial: Comprehensive review of tenure review should happen No Right Turn: Ripped off International relations Herald: Winston Peters tips leadership challenge for British PM Theresa May Stuff: Winston Peters in praise of Boris Johnson Newshub: Winston Peters warns of political ‘spill’ after Boris Johnson resigns Herald: Winston Peters: Government hands tied over EU diplomat Eva Tvarozkova rental dispute Isaac Davison (Herald): Landlord loses bid to recoup $20,000 from EU diplomat Eva Tvarozkova for damage, unpaid rent Barry Soper (Newstalk ZB): Don’t rent your property to a diplomat Tom Hunt (Dominion Post): European diplomat won’t have to pay $20,000 bill to landlord Marie Leadbeater (Spinoff): The Monday Extract: New Zealand’s disgraceful role in the ‘slow genocide’ of West Papua Health Nicholas Jones (Herald): Urgent need for sugary drinks tax: Health boards Māori TV: Labelled a child killer because of non-vaccination Phil Pennington (RNZ): Hospital buildings still in use despite safety warnings Emma Russell (Herald): Rest home in breach for failing to change elderly resident’s wound dressing RNZ: Elderly woman gets infection after dressing not changed Logan Church (RNZ): Hillmorton security guard labelled ‘useless’ by nurses Tess Brunton (RNZ): Waitaki no closer to cause of E.coli contamination Herald: New Zealand’s worrying fast-food trends revealed in new study Sarah Catherall (Listener): Inside the Plunket controversy: Why volunteers are up in arms Tema Hemi (Māori TV): Government referendum on cannabis doesn’t go far enough – Expert Tamsyn Parker (Herald): Kiwis feeling gloomier about their health and wellbeing The Opportunities Party Duncan Greive (Spinoff): ‘I enjoyed pissing off the flakes and groupies’: Gareth Morgan on TOP, RIP Herald: Gareth Morgan’s Opportunities Party decides it won’t contest the 2020 election Julian Lee and Joelle Daly (Stuff): Gareth Morgan’s The Opportunities Party is over Newsalk ZB: The Opportunities Party is no more Anna Bracewell-Worrall (Newshub): Gareth Morgan’s The Opportunities Party folds Jenée Tibshraeny (Interest): The Opportunities Party won’t contest the 2020 election; Gareth Morgan says the Jacinda effect shows people don’t vote on policy No Right Turn: TOP-less Women on boards Alex Davis (Herald): Research shows no benefit from women on company boards Andrea Brewster (RNZ): Board diversity essential for leadership in 2018 Point of Order: Genter, gender, governance and GDP – shouldn’t the Govt start with its Cabinet? Primary and extractive industries Lois Williams (RNZ): Campaign against country’s largest chicken farm steps up Robin Martin (RNZ): Offshore ban causes onshore pain Environment and conservation Nikki Preston (Herald): Investigation into how 49 cows died and were buried on heritage-protected Motutapu Island ongoing Anna Bracewell-Worrall (Newshub): NZ’s plastics challenge: Four solutions to piling up waste Laurel Stowell (Wanganui Chronicle): Whanganui River to feature in National Geographic magazine Pat Baskett (Newsroom): A case of David and Goliath at Long Bay Newshub: Wellington’s ‘Matariki’ whale could be a good sign – expert Herald: Fossil bone study uncovers unknown animal species and Māori behaviours No Right Turn: Mini-Muldoonism Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): So technically, NZ is less environmental than Al Qaeda Education David Fisher (Herald): Mother found guilty of failing to get children to school claimed they were too sick to attend Koroi Hawkins (RNZ): Claims NZ curriculum failing to reflect Pasifika identity Emily Ford (Stuff): Compulsory te reo Māori would ‘do so much good’ for New Zealand, actor says Brent Edwards (NBR): Education Minister promises rescue mission for polytechs Joel MacManus and Charlie O’Mannin (Critic): Selwyn College Students Secretly Voted on the Fresher Girl with the ‘Best Rack’ Newshub: Otago University students’ obscene voting topics exposed in report Charlie O’Mannin (Critic): Campaign To Repeal Voluntary Student Membership Starts Government Thomas Coughlan (Newsroom): Something’s off with toilet tax debate Sophie Bateman (Newshub): Melinda Gates sings Jacinda Ardern’s praises over paid parental leave package Craig McCulloch (RNZ): Phil Twyford fined $500 for using phone on flight Newshub: Transport Minister Phil Twyford fined $500 for aircraft cell phone use Herald: Transport Minister Phil Twyford fined $500 for using phone on plane 1News: Transport Minister Phil Twyford fined $500 for using his phone on a plane Spark Newshub: Spark charged with misleading and overcharging customers RNZ: Spark faces charges for allegedly over-billing customers Gender and sexuality 1News: ‘Trans women are women’ – Minister for Women Julie Anne Genter responds to some feminists’ concerns transgender rights will compromise their own Sarah Robson (RNZ): Pressure mounts for government to ban gay conversion therapy Katie Newton (Stuff): Lesbian couple ‘shocked’ by Kiwi baker who refused to make wedding cake Herald: Warkworth baker refuses to make wedding cake for gay couple Chris Lynch (Newstalk ZB): The Warkworth baker and the same-sex couple – a slice of homophobia or free speech? Greg Presland (The Standard): Cake makers and fascists Auckland RNZ: A tug of war over Auckland’s marinas Bernard Orsman (Herald): More than half of Aucklanders to get a rates rise of less than 2.5 per cent Awanui Black allegations Leigh-Marama McLachlan and Te Aniwa Hurihanganui (RNZ): Calls mount for an investigation into Te Awanuiārangi Black 1News: Paedophilia claim against dead iwi leader sparks worries about victims, debate on Māoridom’s handling of abuse Graham Cameron (Spinoff): ‘I believe Ani Black’: Sexual abuse and the silence that poisons communities Sandra Conchie and David Fisher (Herald): Speak out against powerful abusers says Louise Nicholas as paedophile allegations shock community Matt Shand (Stuff): Friends and leaders react to Awanui Black paedophile allegations Other Victoria Young (NBR): Former Russell McVeagh partner’s practising certificate renewed Jenny Ling (Stuff): Calls for nationwide meth reduction programme Raniera Harrison (Māori TV):Northland boxers ‘square off’ to knock-out P in the North Eden More (RNZ): New role helping grow Te Māngai Pāho media strategy Russell Brown (Spinoff): The new Hawaiki cable is doing what Sam Morgan and Peter Thiel could not Sara Meij (Nelson Mail): New Zealand’s changing energy landscape to include solar micro grids Victoria University (Newsroom): Patents threaten to misappropriate Māori knowledge Bruce Munro (ODT): Atoms and Eves Teresa Cowie (RNZ): Insight: Goldrush – The rise of the esports industry Leighton Keith (Taranaki Daily News): Simon Bridges polls the public to develop blueprint for the future Dan Dalgety (RNZ): New era for the Akaroa Volunteer Fire Brigade Greg Presland (The Standard): Dotcom loses in the Court of Appeal Herald: SPCA says abuse of possum ‘unnecessary cruelty’ and not pest control RNZ: Nine to Noon: Political commentators: Matthew Hooton and Stephen Mills (audio) Richard MacManus (Newsroom): A cashless society in 10 years? Herald: Name removed from memorial to late Supreme Court judge Sir Robert Chambers Newsletter: New Zealand Politics Daily – July 6 2018 – Today’s content Defence Sam Sachdeva (Newsroom): Bold defence plan comes at a cost Richard Harman (Politik): Why we are not (quite) playing Aussie rules with China? David Capie (Spinoff): NZ has signalled a new, tougher stance on China. How will Beijing respond? Keith Locke (Daily Blog): Defence policy statement edges NZ closer to Trump’s America Jim Rolfe (Politik): The Defence Policy Statement— a very good start 1News: ‘We’re not going to cut corners’ – Defence Minister on New Zealand’s potential investment in new aircraft Gia Garrick (RNZ): Govt’s defence strategy takes solid stance on China Anna Bracewell-Worrall (Newshub): NZ faces threats from China, Russia ‘in ways not previously seen’, Defence warns Audrey Young (Herald): Defence Minister Ron Mark issues strategic paper as basis for future Defence decisions Sam Sachdeva (Newsroom): Potent threats to NZ outlines in Govt report Laura Walters (Stuff): New defence policy strategy explicit in pointing finger at threats Laura Walters (Stuff): ‘Global warming is happening’: Defence adds climate change issues to its strategy for the first time Jonathan Mitchell (RNZ): Defence policy: Climate change central to new strategy 1News: Weather extremes predicted to be new frontline for New Zealand Defence Force Rebecca Howard (BusinessDesk): NZDF looks to the stars and cyberspace in policy refresh David Fisher (Herald): NZDF buys Ron Mark-endorsed book but says it’s ‘terrible’ Audrey Young and Lucy Bennett (Herald): Navy vessel came close to capsize in Southern Ocean, Defence Minister Ron Mark says Chris Chang (1News): Bodies of 27 NZ Defence Force personnel coming home Paul Hobbs (1News): Woman questions defence force’s commitment to stamping out sexual harassment Crown land sales Charlie MItchell (Stuff): After taxpayers paid to get rid of it, farm sells for $17.5m Charlie MItchell (Stuff): Handing NZ’s heritage to millionaires: The case for an inquiry into tenure review Housing Henry Cooke (Stuff): KiwiBuilds in Auckland unaffordable for many, govt analysis shows Stuff: Bridges says National might keep KiwiBuild if by ‘some magic’ it works Tracy Watkins (Stuff): Government’s flagship KiwiBuild scheme too big to fail Stacey Kirk (Stuff): Govt injects oversupply of hope into undersupplied housing market Simon Wilson (Herald): Building homes is far more than a numbers game Anne Gibson (Herald): What house deposit will you need to qualify for KiwiBuild? Newshub: KiwiBuild a ‘hoax’ – National leader Simon Bridges Tom Sainsbury: Kiwis of Snapchat: It’s a KiwiBuild free-homes bonanza! Tracy Neal (RNZ): Nelson co-housing group wants to improve home ownership chances Dileepa Fonseka (Stuff): From $460k deposit to $12.7m: Why these Auckland house prices have soared Mei Heron (1News): Concerns that international students are being exploited by some landlords Kate Newton (The Wireless): Why renters won’t dob in bad landlords Stuff: Mean weekly rent in New Zealand creeping up year on year Debrin Foxcroft (Stuff): Woman opts to live in motorhome to beat Auckland’s rising rents Jenni Walker (Stuff): Tenants, you have a phone, use it Matthew Theunissen (RNZ): Homeless shaken awake as Rotorua shelter awaits consents Cleo Fraser (Newshub): Rotorua Lake Council blocks homeless from sleeping at shelter Cleo Fraser (Newshub): ‘No sleeping is allowed’: Rotorua homeless kept awake over shelter’s building consent issues Matt Brown (Stuff): Auckland homes nearly half of country’s real estate agents – vying for a healthy commission Mark Longley (Newshub): Does Auckland really need all those real estate agents? Government John Armstrong (News): Peters has not put a foot wrong since stepping into Acting PM role Audrey Young (Herald): National seeks to dislodge Peters from his six-week sedan chair ride Tracy Watkins (Stuff): Labour’s not really feeling the love at the moment Peter Dunne (Newsroom): What Labour needs now Chris Trotter: Undivided Power Is Perilous Jason Walls (Interest): A big Green problem for New Zealand’s left Duncan Garner (Herald): Hey, Shane, all the regions want some of that loot, bro Shane Cowlishaw (Newsroom): Roadblocks for Government fleet’s electric shift National Party RNZ: Simon Bridges: Govt’s ‘untargeted’ spending makes no sense Lucy Bennett (Herald): National accuses Government of loose spending, high borrowing Jason Walls (Interest): Politicians at the Pub: The MP formally known as ‘Crusher Collins’ Stuff: Simon Bridges admits he underestimated ‘the power’ of Radio Hauraki Elections Graeme Edgeler (Public Address): Careful what you wish for: How entrenching the Māori seats may lead to the opposite of what its supporters seek Richard Swainson (Waikato Times): Pining for when things weren’t so serious International relations and trade Zac Fleming (RNZ): MFAT refuses to front up about Vietnam aid Barry Soper (Newstalk ZB): Aussies the ugly underbelly of friendship we once had Jenny Liu (Herald): How US-China trade war could affect NZ Point of Order: The challenge of forging better relations while avoiding the flak from US-China trade war Gerard Hutching (Stuff): National Portrait: NZ ambassador to China John McKinnon looks back on diplomatic career Fran O’Sullivan (Herald): Time on NZ’s side as trade hostilities break out Simon Draper (Herald): NZ must not become casualty of US-China trade war Business/Economy Liam Dann (Herald): Business still feels pained by Labour Damien Grant (Stuff): Empathy won’t help when a global financial crisis strikes Employment Glenn Barclay (Herald): Workers strike as message falls on deaf ears Karen Brown (RNZ): Nurses to vote on latest pay offer, strike action still possible Herald: Inland Revenue asks for patience during PSA strike this afternoon Shamubeel Eaqub (Stuff): The message we’re sending the caring sector Herald: 4000 MBIE and Inland Revenue staff will strike for two hours Newshub: Thousands of Government staff prepare to strike on Monday Tim O’Connell (Stuff): MSD and Nelson company partner to provide jobs for unemployed Cherie Sivignon (Stuff): First Union brings campaign to Nelson, calls on retail employers to pay living wage Melanie Earley (Stuff): Open-plan offices stressing women out, Auckland researcher says Welfare Eva Corlett (RNZ): Auckland mum: ‘It’s been five years of living hell’ Martin van Beynen (Stuff): MSD loan case’s Ms F no poster girl for poverty Melissa Nightingale (Herald): Pension fix looms after 80 years Joel Ineson (Stuff): Superannuation will be cut after retiree refuses to apply for Australian pension Andrew Gunn (Stuff): MSD’s theory that loans are income is making those mortgages look expensive Russell McVeagh review Tom Hunt (Dominion Post): Russell McVeagh intern applications increase during scandal Deborah Hill Cone (Herald): The reasons I struggle with the Bazley report Fiona McNamara (RNZ): Changing ‘work hard, play hard’ culture not enough ODT: Protection of young women imperative Police and justice Andrea Vance (Stuff): Criminal Cases Review Commission proposal ready for Cabinet Tracy Watkins (Stuff): NZ First minister says top cop’s party link ‘news to me’ Michael Morrah (Newshub): Winston Peters criticised over rape case comments Herald Editorial: Use of Tasers needs to be monitored Jo Lines-Mackenzie (Stuff): Sex offenders next to families as Corrections puts them in motels Natasha Holland and Michael Fallow (Stuff): ‘I still don’t know what happened’: Gaps in investigation into teen’s 1996 shooting Kelly Dennett (Stuff): A preventable death: Auckland woman’s manslaughter subject of internal review by police Mike Williams (Hawkes Bay Today): David Elliott just as wrong as Rudy Giuliani on crime Tom Furley (RNZ): Removal of Justice Sir Robert Chambers’ name from memorial slammed as ‘ridiculous’ Kim Dotcom Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff):Dotcom saga: Many wrongs make for a right mess Daisy Hudson (ODT): Dotcom vows to fight on Banking sector Sam Stubbs (Spinoff): Are Australian banks rent seeking in New Zealand? And what can we do about it? Tina Morrison (ODT): New Reserve Bank head wants greater organisational diversity Health Andrea Vance (Stuff): Government’s ‘shocking’ $6.5 million funding cut to cochlear implants Kirsty Johnston (Herald): Investigation, apology after doctor loses confidential breast cancer patient files Southland Times Editorial: Having a jab at the anti-vaxxers Jennifer Eder (Stuff): Are fire foam chemicals the tip of the iceberg? RNZ: DHB review: ‘People should let the process take its course’ Piers Fuller (Stuff): Wairarapa Hospital was warned of seismic issues in its ceilings years ago Phil Pennington (RNZ): Construction delays stall opening of new West Coast hospital Natalie Akoorie (Herald): Changes still to be made after multiple failings in care of mental health patient Samantha Gee (Nelson Mail): How Nelson developed a pioneering mental health service for children and adolescents Warren Gamble (Nelson Mail): Teenage campaigner’s tenacious battle for youth mental health Libby Wilson (Stuff): ‘The start of an avalanche’: Nicky Stevens’ path to death under compulsory care Katie Nicol-Williams (1News): More needs to be done to stop junk food reigning supreme at sports events – study RNZ: About two-thirds of food at country’s sporting venues classified as ‘junk’ Newshub: New Zealand’s huge junk food problem at sport venues Emily Ford and Jane Matthews (Stuff): Cameron Duncan died of cancer at 17; 15 years later he could become a father Newshub: Auckland schoolboy killed after ute flipped saved five lives with organ donation ACC Mike Houlahan (ODT): ACC review concerns ‘not rocket science’ RNZ: Lawyer questions legality of thousands of ACC disputes Laura Tupou (Newshub): Cost of assault on Pacific people rising Cate Broughton (Stuff): Ex reviewer of ACC claims fired for using ‘inconsistent fonts’ Euthanasia Jeremy Rees (Newsroom): Hospices say no to euthanasia Alison McCulloch: On Voluntary Death Media Tim Murphy (Newsroom): MediaRoom: Journalism for the public good Chris Trotter (Daily Blog): What’s Wrong With Today’s Journalists? RNZ: Public broadcasters group says Nauru ban unacceptable The Ruminator: Herald has eight left columnists and one right one: Redux David Farrar: Herald has eight left columnists and one right one Indira Stewart (RNZ): Youth unite to change negative perceptions of South Auckland Auckland Council venue ban for Southern and Molyneux Dominion Post Editorial: Tolerance is a virtue David Farrar: Phil Goff the new commissar of speech Karl du Fresne: Where does the Left – and for that matter the National Party – really stand on freedom of speech? Karl du Fresne: A triumph for left-wing bigotry and intolerance Saziah Bashir (RNZ): Hate speech more than just ‘an unpopular opinion’ Oscar Kightley (Stuff): We have the freedom not to stand such divisive speech Jonathan Mitchell (RNZ): Green Party co-leader receives rape and death threats on social media 1News: ‘My skin has thickened’ – MP Marama Davidson receives ‘vile’ death threats after far-right Canadian duo banned from council venues Debrin Foxcroft (Stuff): Greens co-leader Marama Davidson receives violent threats on social media Herald: Death threats for Greens co-leader Marama Davidson after support for venue ban for Canadian couple accused of hate speech Herald: Mayor bans controversial Canadian pair from talking in Auckland Council venues Emma Hatton (RNZ): Far-right pair banned from speaking at Auckland Council venues – Phil Goff Newshub: Auckland ‘alt-right’ event cancelled due to ‘health and safety’ Todd Niall (Stuff): Controversial Canadian speaker denied visa as Auckland agency cancels booking No Right Turn: The cost of a free and democratic society Vice: Protests Prepared for Anti-Islam Alt-Right Speakers in NZ Greg Presland (The Standard): The extent of the right to free speech Greg Presland (The Standard): Far right Canadian activist wants to come to New Zealand to insult local communities Pete George: Goff intervenes, Auckland venue banned, speaking tour canned Impossible burger Bryce Edwards (Herald): Political Roundup: The existential threat of a meat-free burger David Cohen (RNZ): Airline dining out on ‘fake beef’ controversy David Slack (Stuff): Say hamburger one more time Susan Edmunds (Stuff): Air NZ defends Impossible Burger again Herald Editorial: Our impossible MPs need to weigh up the possible Jonathan Milne (SST): Air NZ should serve up Kiwi kai – but it needn’t be beef burgers Tom Sainsbury: Kiwis of Snapchat: Boycott Air New Zealand! Steve Braunias (Herald): Secret diary of… the impossible burger Georgina Harris (Idealog): Air New Zealand takes the plant-based Impossible Burger to the skies Point of Order: What makes Impossible Burgers possible? Lots of chemistry and a hint of GM Immigration Teuila Fuatai (Newsroom): NZ religious groups exploit migrant ‘clerics’ RNZ: NZ Immigration publishes Samoa quota ballot results Newshub: First refugees arrive under new community sponsorship category Amanda Saxton (Stuff): Racism drives Afghan refugees from home in Auckland Thalia Kehoe Rowden (Spinoff): It’s time for Aotearoa to step up and welcome home more refugees Matariki and the whale John Boynton (RNZ): Labour’s Māori caucus considers Matariki public holiday Newshub: What’s the Wellington whale like? Five facts about the southern right whale Eden More (RNZ): Visiting whale a ‘sign’ – Wellington kaumātua RNZ: Matariki fireworks postponed due to whale visit Newshub: Wellington’s Matariki fireworks postponed by harbour whale fears RNZ: Wgtn whale visit: Police urge drivers to stay focussed Newshub: Wellington whale continues to cause traffic problems Environment Henry Cooke (Stuff): Will New Zealand’s Zero Carbon Bill actually save us? Thomas Coughlan (Newsroom): Making friends of enemies for climate change goals Will Harvie (Stuff): Zero carbon: Policy meets science Charlie MItchell (Stuff): ECan elections may be ‘very dangerous’ if ‘extremists’ elected, warns farming leader Jamie Ensor (Newshub): Govt drags feet on pre-election conservation pledge Jamie Morton (Herald): Campaign aims to restore Waikato’s ‘seabird mountain’ Hawkes Bay Today: Closed contentious Craggy Range track treated to a ‘healing’ event RNZ: Waitaki Geopark application likely to inspire many more RNZ: Calls for stronger dog control bylaws after kiwi killed RNZ: Pig population boom around threatened kauri forest RNZ: 70 feral goats shot on Banks Peninsula in DoC trial RNZ: NZDF supports avalanche risk survey in Nelson Lakes RNZ: South Island scallop fishery remains off the menu RNZ: Motorists urged to switch to copper-free brake pads Primary industries Keith Woodford (Stuff): Dairy industry’s big challenge: a strategic reset RNZ: Taranaki farms tested for M Bovis Aroha Treacher (Māori TV): MPI warn against continued illegal selling of seafood online Child welfare and family violence Lisa Owen (Newshub): Interview: Tracey Martin (video) RNZ: Kim Hill interview: Children’s Commission marks 2 years in the role (audio) Isaac Davison (Herald): Custodial parent faring worse after breakups – Becroft Barbara Dreaver (1News): National violence programme for Pasifika youth kicks off Lucy Corry (The Wireless): Are parents still smacking their kids? Tess Brunton (RNZ): Football coach accused of rubbing child’s nose in dirt Education Adele Redmond (Stuff): Multiple teachers deregistered for hitting, force-feeding and dragging young children Melanie Earley (Stuff): More than 70 schools now challenging the Government’s NCEA review process Herald: Principals NCEA Coalition reaches 70 schools Tema Hemi (Māori TV): Hato Petera supporters protest to keep their school open Regan Paranihi (Māori TV): Raukura maintain their reign for another two years RNZ: Te Rōpū Raukura win kapa haka champs for second year running Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff): Drop of 44,000 international students forecast if work visa rule change goes ahead RNZ: Disabled student unable to finish degree without support Eden Park charity row Newshub: Helen Clark’s actions over Eden Park charity concert ‘morally wrong’ – Sir Ray Avery Lisa Owen (Newshub): Interview: Sir Ray Avery (video) Alison Mau (Stuff): Clark v Ray – ‘There hasn’t been a public scrap of this calibre for ages’ Herald: Eden Park charity concert battle off to Environment Court Film industry Colin Peacock (RNZ): Shining a light on our movie money Eric Crampton: Paying for more hostages Matt Nippert (Herald): Sir Peter Jackson’s $237m war museum in doubt Collette Devlin (Stuff): Government $25m for convention centre on hold until Sir Peter Jackson and council agree on museum Tom Hunt (Dominion Post): We cringed at ‘Wellywood’ and now we can grimace at, um, er, ‘Huttywood Hills’? Local government Bernard Orsman (Herald): Golf courses and parks among big sell-off by Auckland Council Todd Niall (Stuff): Auckland mayor Phil Goff scotches ‘toilet tax’ talk Herald Editorial: Once bitten, twice shy on another council tax Cherie Howie (Herald): Auckland councillors weigh in on ‘toilet tax Bernard Orsman (Herald): Regional fuel tax could be followed by a toilet tax in Auckland Newshub: Auckland Council considering ‘toilet tax’ 1News: Ports of Auckland charged over death of ocean swimmer Catrin Owen (Stuff): Ports of Auckland charged over death of ocean swimmer Leslie Gelberger Gary Farrow (Stuff): Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta to research country-wide water system Max Christoffersen (Waikato Times): Opinion: Who voted for Richard Briggs’ $440k annual salary? Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): Trevor Mallard slams bus event as celebration of lost jobs for ‘my poorest neighbours’ Collette Devlin (Dominion Post): Concerns about harassment and bullying at Wellington City Council Chris Lynch (Newstalk ZB): Christchurch City Council lacks transparency Herald: Christchurch City Council forced to reveal touch wall cost $1.24 million RNZ: Christchurch sports field saved from development David Williams (Newsroom): Timeout on Christchurch’s big sports project Tracy Neal (RNZ): Waimea Dam project likely higher than first estimated Cherie Sivignon (Stuff): Tasman District Council pursues local bill for dam land, MP seeks full house support Building industry and safety Phil Pennington (RNZ): Analysis: Quake-prone buildings force tough decisions Rob Stock (Stuff): New Zealand needs a specialist building court, say property lawyers Heather du Plessis-Allan (Herald): Red tape delaying bathroom renovation Northern Advcoate: Whangarei house renovation ends in $2000 fine Women on boards Transcript: Q+A: Minister for Women Julie Anne Genter Katie Scotcher (RNZ): Women on public boards: ‘The private sector needs to catch up’ Lucy Bennett (Herald): Government target of 50 per cent women on state sector boards and committees by 2021 Anna Bracewell-Worrall (Newshub): Government target: Gender balance on state sector boards Ele Ludemann: Do as they say not as they do David Farrar: The least ambitious target ever Gender and sexuality Melody Thomas (Stuff): Early Māori view on sexual fluidity far more liberal than previously believed Bryce Edwards (Newsroom): Transgender rights debate rises to surface Charles Anderson, John Daniell, Brannavan Gnanalingham and Gary Steel (Stuff): What’s it like to grow up male in New Zealand? Awanui Black allegations David Fisher (Herald): Widow says her former husband’s paedophile rings goes to ‘highest heights’ Yvonne Tahana (1News): Allegations of paedophilia against iwi leader Awanui Black causes shockwaves Gia Garrick (RNZ): Community in shock over accusations against iwi leader Sandra Conchie (Bay of Plenty Times): Tauranga community leaders react to claims deceased iwi leader was a paedophile David Farrar: Be careful about rushing to judgement Anneke Smith (RNZ): Widows claims of late husband’s paedophilia – ‘brave’ Herald: Widow of Awanui Black claims he was a paedophile Laura Tupou (Newshub): Iwi leader Te Awanui Black’s widow claims he was a paedophile Other Gareth Vaughan (Interest): Does NZ’s new law ‘ensuring multinationals pay tax based on the actual economic activity they carry out in NZ’ apply to Visa and Mastercard? Rob Stock (Stuff): Nine-figure payday beckons for Aussies planning to close Kiwi insurance fund Kurt Bayer (Herald): Meth plague at record levels, with P-related arrests nearly doubling in 5 years Tess Brunton (RNZ): Instagram hunters keeping search and rescue busy Talisa Kupenga (Māori TV): Ngāti Tamaoho in “high spirits” at final claims reading Elton Rikihana Smallman (Stuff): With trademark combover and rimmed glasses, Wētere played it well Dale Husband (E-Tangata): Tipene O’Regan: We must remember to remember Emma Espiner (Newsroom): Sit with discomfort and build a bridge Suzanne McFadden (Newsroom): What girls want: more sport Neil Reid (Herald): Basketball: The truth behind Steven Adams’ Tall Blacks snub Bruce Munro (ODT): The sound of silence Finn Hogan (Newshub): Is NZ missing out on a digital gold rush? Brenda Harwood (ODT): Hundreds sign South D post-shop petition MIchael Reddell: Are things better or worse than 50 years ago? Joel Maxwell (Stuff): What does that troublesome word Pākehā mean? RNZ: Self-styled NZ Baptist pastor facing deportation from Australia Newshub: Extremist NZ pastor Logan Robertson faces deportation from Australia Herald: Marama Fox’s secret heartache as 29-year marriage ends]]>