Newsletter: New Zealand Politics Daily – April 20 2018 – Today’s content
Editor’s Note: Here below is a list of the main issues currently under discussion in New Zealand and links to media coverage.
[caption id="attachment_297" align="aligncenter" width="640"] The Beehive and Parliament Buildings.[/caption]
Below are the links to the items online. The full text of these items are contained in the PDF file (click to download).
Environment, primary and extractive industries
Richard Harman (Politik): Parker wants an end to lifestyle blocks
Jamie Morton (Herald): Major report: What we’ve done to NZ’s landscape
Ged Cann (Stuff): Urban expansion gobbling up some of New Zealand’s most versatile land
Anna Bracewell-Worrall and Isobel Ewing (Newshub): Report warns NZ’s land use degrading the environment
Chris Bramwell (RNZ): Urban sprawl eating up NZ’s productive land – report
Eloise Gibson (Newsroom): Billion-dollar soils washing into rivers
Farah Hancock (Newsroom): A future where food is off the menu
Jamie Morton (Herald): NZ needs to do more before we get caught out by climate change
Eric Frykberg (RNZ): New DoC protections for endangered fish only optional
Brian Easton (RNZ): Oil exploration ban: Plumbing the depths
Brian Fallow (Herald): Exploration ban a self righteous, pointless policy
The Listener: Is the Govt’s ban on new oil and gas exploration brave or naive?
RNZ: Irrigration industry tries to fix bad boy image at conference
Jess Cartwright (1News): ‘We as farmers need to take some responsibility’ – industry reviewing irrigation methods after criticism
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff): Minister in no rush to decide on palm oil labelling or ban PKE
Troy Baisden (Hawke’s Bay Today): Six ways to improve lakes and rivers
Mike Hosking (Newstalk ZB): Carbon neutral laws are going to wreck the country
Emma Hatton (RNZ): Company defends EPA decision in iron sands appeal
Nina Hindmarsh (Stuff): Ngati Tama will ‘never stop fighting’ until springs is safeguarded
Newsroom: Officials challenge Newsroom oyster report
International relations and trade
Claire Trevett (Herald): PM Jacinda Ardern one of the Commonwealth newbies, but no pushover
Stacey Kirk (Stuff): Ardern takes her place among Commonwealth leaders at official opening by Queen
Stacey Kirk (Stuff): Is the British Commonwealth still even relevant to New Zealand?
Matthew Hooton (Herald): EU and UK deals big chance
Herald Editorial: Macron and Merkel on side for a NZ trade deal
Stanley Ng (Newsroom): NZ’s increasing Hong Kong-like problem
Thomas Nash (Dominion Post):If the laws of war become a propaganda tool, humanity loses
Claire Trevett (Herald): Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern meets the Queen in ‘warm’ exchange
Claire Trevett (Herald): Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern meets the Queen – and will give a toast at Buckingham Palace banquet
Stacey Kirk (Stuff): Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern meets the Queen, chosen for state banquet duty
Stacey Kirk (Stuff): Duke and Duchess of Cornwall, Charles and Camilla, host Jacinda Ardern and Clarke Gayford
Barry Soper (Newstalk ZB): The art of diplomacy
Herald: 60 cases involving diplomats include serious offences
Tom Hunt (Stuff): European Union asked to waive immunity for Wellington rental stoush
Ben Irwin (Newshub): EU refusing to waive diplomatic immunity in rental stoush
Justice and police
Isaac Davison (Herald): Justice Minister Andrew Little hints at law changes as prison population climbs
RNZ: Govt talks continue about mega prison
Deena Coster (Stuff): Two prisoners held at New Plymouth remand centre for more than five months
RNZ: Rapists’ rights breached in prison – HRC
RNZ: Māori 11 times more likely to face prison – report
RNZ: Fewer youth offenders, but more of them before courts
RNZ: New Zealand’s National takes credit for Pacific crime drop
Research and Development
BusinessDesk: Govt wants tax incentive to boost woeful R&D spend
Chris Hutching (Stuff): Businesses mull R&D tax breaks versus direct handouts
Jason Walls (Interest): A tax expert is praising the Government’s move to introduce a 12.5% R&D tax credit, saying it’s a deliberate step to incentivising innovation
Holly Ryan (Herald): R&D tax plan: ‘Devil is in the detail’, say experts
Michael Reddell: R&D tax credits: more ill-considered corporate welfare
Chris Trotter (Daily Blog): Letting In The Light
Chris Trotter (Bowalley Road): “Clarkism” Still Driving The Labour Party.
Herald: Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern makes Time magazine’s 100 most influential list
Stuff: Jacinda Ardern named in Time Top 100
Interest: The Finance Minister won’t budge on changing the Government’s debt target, despite criticism its budget responsibility rules are a ‘fiscal straightjacket’
Herald: Government has 75 groups advising it, National says
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): A bad look
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Nice guy or not, he’s still the one responsible
Chris Bramwell (RNZ): Former Green MPs criticise party’s deal with Nats
National, elections and Northcote by-election
John Armstrong (1News): Opinion: Northcote byelection to become a question of trust
Thomas Coughlan (Newsroom): NZ vulnerable to dark digital campaign
Michele Hewitson (Listener): Simon Bridges is on a mission to get people to know (and like) him
Canterbury earthquakes
RNZ: EQC accused of ignoring true extent of damage to Chch homes
Dan Satherley (Newshub): ‘Wringing hands won’t fix anything’ – Gerry Brownlee rejects EQC cover-up
Liz MacDonald (Press): New QEII Park name and cultural advice cost ratepayers over $18,000
Treaty settlements
Te Aniwa Hurihanganui (RNZ): Minister rejects Waitangi report as wrong and insulting
Herald: Chris Finlayson: Whakatohea report wrong
Pike River
Katie Bradford (1News): Video: Pike River Mine victims’ family members enter mine portal for the very first time, alongside Andrew Little
RNZ: Minister enters Pike River drift: ‘An emotional journey‘
Michael Hayward (Stuff): Pike River families take ‘massive step forward’ by entering mine portal
Jenna Lynch (Newshub): ‘Start of something huge’: Families re-enter Pike River with Andrew Little
Health and disability
Laura Walters (Stuff): Health Select committee criticised for handling of medicinal cannabis bill
RNZ: Cannabis bill: Incriminating statements to be made public
Isaac Davison (Herald): Careful what you say, submitters on medical cannabis law change told
Cecile Meier (Stuff): Christchurch mental health service needs cash to keep going
Aaron Leaman (Stuff): Waikato DHB staff say Nigel Murray’s indiscretions come at cost
Jane Matthews (Stuff): Taranaki health workers take to the streets in pay protest
Dubby Henry (Herald): Auckland nurses rally to demand better pay, conditions
Mark Patterson (Southland Times): Time to confront health system neglect
Chloe Winter (Stuff): Countdown’s ‘quiet shopping hour’ for autistic shoppers will be closely watched by other retailers
BusinessDesk: Foreign buyer ban ‘a matter of values’
George Block (ODT): City’s rental crisis deepens
Susan Edmunds (Stuff): House sellers made $1.5 billion in three months
Inequality and poverty
Rob Stock (Stuff): ANZ report shows simple steps to increase Kiwi ‘financial wellbeing’
Tamsyn Parker (Herald): More than one-in-three Kiwis has poor financial health
Teuila Fuatai and Mark Jennings (Newsroom): Banks blacklist mobile shopping trucks
Catriona MacLennan (Newsroom): Eight ways to stop exploitative shopping trucks
John Drinnan (Herald): From sport to celebs via Radio NZ
Matt NIppert (Herald): ‘Raw and real’ NBR boss sure of repayment
Anendra Singh (Herald):TVNZ did stuff up big time at games but don’t kid yourselves about Sky TV as savior
Shane Cowlishaw (Newsroom): Million-dollar payout to international students
Cherie Sivignon (Stuff): New MP Jamie Strange advocates classroom style goes ‘back to the future’
Elena McPhee (ODT): Sexual victims’ drop-in centre
Israel Folau controversy
David Cohen (RNZ): Folau comments: Keeping an eye on the wider picture
Brendan McNeill (Herald): Christians should be able to express a scriptural view
Dominion Post Editorial: Halfbacks’ voices are welcome in the Israel Folau debate
ODT Editorial: Folau’s comments and changing times
Kevin Norquay (Stuff): TJ Perenara and Brad Weber have exercised their power to change lives
Herald: Hone Harawira backs Israel Folau’s right to speak
RNZ: Sir Michael calls for ‘love and grace’ from Folau
Stuff: Taika Waititi gives his take on Israel Folau anti-gay comments
Greg Presland (Standard): The right to free speech
Annemarie Quill (Bay of Pleny Times): Israel Folau comments could have dangerous consequences, says Christian LBGTI advocate
Reserve Bank, economy and business
Thomas Coughlan (Newsroom): Inflation and a pay rise just around the corner
RNZ: Interview: Reserve Bank Governor Adrian Orr
Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): New Reserve Bank governor Adrian Orr tells New Zealand’s banks: ‘we hear you’
Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): Reserve Bank governor’s mother orders him to work on his signature
Michael Reddell: Full marks to the new Governor
David Wilson and Patrick McVeigh (Northern Advocate): How do we solve New Zealand’s poor productivity?
Frances Pitsilis (Herald): Why the four-day week is good for business
John Small: Regaining Trust
Tax havens
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff): New measures coming to ensure NZ is only a place for ‘honest business’
RNZ: Daphne Project: Govt to avoid ‘undue haste’ closing tax loopholes
Local government
RNZ: Majority of Aucklanders favour regional fuel tax – survey
Bernard Orsman (Herald): Days after suffering heart attack, Auckland Mayor Phil Goff is promoting a regional fuel tax of 11.5 cents
Ryan Boswell (1News): Auckland activist Penny Bright may have ovarian cancer, asks for forced sale of house to be halted
Tina Law (Press): Christchurch City Council wants new fuel tax law to be widened
John Milford (Stuff): Councils set to get mandate to spend on ‘nice to haves’
Luisa Girao (Dominion Post): Wellington mayor loses first round of fight for Māori names for new city streets
Freedom camping
RNZ: Freedom camping working group formed
Cherie Sivignon (Stuff): Central, local government representatives gather to discuss freedom camping woes
Herald: No question Northland highway needs work: Twyford
Janika ter Ellen (Newshub): Government criticised over Northland four-lane highway decision
Simon Wilson (Herald): The bikes of London town
Damien Venuto (Herald): Shane Jones: Risk to Air New Zealand’s brand if regions alienated
Alex Braae (Spinoff): Are public private partnerships the answer to our transport network woes?
Graeme Peters (Herald): Give us the power to manage trees
RNZ: Defence Force troops on way to Iraq to train local forces
Emile Gray (Stuff): Racism is real, raw and working in Aotearoa
Michelle Duff (Stuff): Why Taika Waititi’s racism comments have been heartening
Herald: Law Society working group to look into harassment in the legal profession
Darien Fenton (Daily Blog): It’s going to ruin us
Emily Heyward (Stuff): Smear campaign from fake emails rock presidential election at Grey Power NZ
Spinoff: How to make a submission to the Law Commission about abortion law reform
Julie Iles (Stuff): New Zealander of the year Kristine Bartlett launches the search for this year’s Women of Influence]]>
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