Politics Newsletter: New Zealand Politics Daily – February 28 2018 – Today’s content
Editor’s Note: Here below is a list of the main issues currently under discussion in New Zealand and links to media coverage.
[caption id="attachment_297" align="aligncenter" width="640"] The Beehive and Parliament Buildings.[/caption]
Below are the links to the items online. The full text of these items are contained in the PDF file (click to download).
National Party
Ward Kamo (Herald): Today is a watershed moment for Maori in NZ politics
Audrey Young (Herald): Simon Bridges has been building his support in caucus since the early days
John Armstrong (TVNZ): ‘The inescapable impression in the wake of one of the most pivotal caucus meetings in the recent history of the National Party was of a job half-done’
Richard Harman (Politik): How Bridges won and why it might make life difficult
Tim Murphy (Newsroom): Simon Bridges ought to be roadkill, but…
Claire Trevett (Herald): Simon Bridges’ first test: Steven Joyce and Judith Collins
Shane Cowlishaw (Newsroom): Bridges straightens his tie, and marches on
Claire Trevett (Herald): Get your motor running: Simon Bridges on his accent, and on being a petrolhead
RNZ: New National leader Simon Bridges: ‘A great privilege’
1News: ‘I’d love to speak te reo’ – Simon Bridges praises Maori language revitalization
1News: Questioning Simon Bridges’ ‘Maoriness’ will ‘backfire’ and he’s the ‘right choice’ to lead National Party, says political commentator
Audrey Young (Herald): New National leader Simon Bridges brings out mongrel in Jacinda Ardern
Barry Soper (Newstalk ZB): National selecting Simon Bridges counts itself out of next election
Dominion Post Editorial: Much to build for new leader Bridges
ODT Editorial: Bridges, not barriers
NZ Herald editorial: Simon Bridges is National’s answer to Jacinda Ardern
David Slack (RNZ): Boss Bridges: ‘Tomorrow’s man’?
Jane Patterson (RNZ): Reshuffle will show Bridges’ commitment to renewal
Gordon Campbell (Werewolf): On the poisoned chalice Simon Bridges has won
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): National’s new leader Simon Bridges has a mountain to climb
Liam Hehir (Newsroom): Bridges must move quickly on strategy
Brigitte Morten (RNZ): Building Bridges: Nats’ new target should be Peters
Claire Trevett (Herald): New National leader Simon Bridges sets out first priorities
Eleanor Ainge Roy (Guardian): New Zealand: National party elects Maori leader and deputy to take on Jacindamania
Talisa Kupenga (Māori TV): Maniapoto-Tainui iwi duo new National Party leadership
Jessica Tyson (Māori TV): Simon Bridges is the new leader of the National Party
1News: ‘I hope Maori are proud of me’ – Bridges and Bennett National’s first Maori leadership team
Newshub: Māori leaders doubt Simon Bridges
Jenna Lynch (Newshub): Māori leaders ‘proud’ of new National leader Simon Bridges
Stacey Kirk and Laura Walters (Stuff): Simon Bridges: Not great on a date, or even a sports field, but ‘aspirational’ and ready for 2020
Ryan Dunlop (RNZ): New National Leader Simon Bridges says Prime Minister’s biggest weakness is her unusual rise to power
Newswire: Ardern sure she can beat Bridges in 2020
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Bridges offers olive branch out to Greens, only to be quickly shot down
Jason Walls (Interest): Bridges says his party will be placing an emphasis on environmental policies and could work with the Greens – are we seeing the early stages of a ‘teal deal’?
Leith Huffadine and Tracy Watkins (Stuff): Bridges and Ardern – the young guns who are now in charge
Kate Hawkesby (Newstalk ZB): National’s leadership result? Labour’s been handed a second term
Stacey Kirk (Stuff): Simon Bridges emerges as next National Party leader, Paula Bennett his deputy
Anna Bracewell-Worrall (Newshub): National chooses Simon Bridges
RNZ: New National leader Simon Bridges: ‘I can’t wait to get to work’
1News: ‘Caucus has an incredible depth of talent’- National’s first Maori leader, Simon Bridges, says he’s ready to aim up at ‘struggling’ Government
Emma Hurley (Newshub): Video: National leader Simon Bridges takes on Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern in Parliament
Bay of Plenty Times: Simon Bridges as National Party leader is ‘brilliant news’ for Tauranga
Jo Lines-MacKenzie (Waikato Times): Nats’ new leader not in a position for Waikato favours
Cherie Sivignon (Stuff): National leader Simon Bridges to be a match for Ardern, says Nick Smith
Mark Quinlivan (Timaru Herald): Rangitata MP Andrew Falloon is thrilled to have Simon Bridges as new National Party leader
Emma Hurley (Newshub): Who is Simon Bridges, the new leader of the National Party?
Stuff: Where new National Party leader Simon Bridges stands on issues you care about
Alex Braae (Spinoff): Who the hell is new National leader Simon Bridges?
Gwynn Compton (Libertas Digital): Simon Bridges becomes Leader of the National Party
Juliet Rowan (Bay of Plenty Times): Natalie Bridges: The woman behind the new National leader
Zoe Hunter (Bay of Plenty Times): Natalie Bridges: ‘The hard work begins now’
Herald: National Party leaders: A potted history of past … and present
Pete George (Your NZ): Ages of leaders
Henry Cooke (Stuff): National leadership races of days gone by
Jamie Mackay (Herald): Listen: ‘A very fine Prime Minister’ Sir John Key on Bill English
NZ First
Jo Moir (Stuff): NZ First appoints Fletcher Tabuteau as its new deputy leader – rolling Ron Mark
Alice Guy (Rotorua Daily Post): NZ First deputy leader Fletcher Tabuteau ‘stoked’ by promotion
Newshub: Ron Mark rolled as deputy leader of New Zealand First
Herald: New Zealand First deputy Ron Mark replaced by Fletcher Tabuteau
RNZ: Fletcher Tabuteau named new deputy leader of NZ First
International relations
BusinessDesk: Ardern: NZ government will not single out China for criticism
Sam Sachdeva (Newsroom): Ardern articulates values-based foreign policy
RNZ: New Zealand can do better in the Pacific and will – Ardern
Audrey Young (Herald): Jacinda Ardern revives disarmament and arms control role to stress anti-nuclear stance
Sam Sachdeva (Newsroom): Ardern creates nuclear disarmament role
Newswire: Winston Peters tasked with promoting nuclear disarmament
Russell McVeagh
Tim Murphy (Newsroom): University stops visit from Russell McVeagh
Steph Dyhrberg (RNZ): Law firm scandal: ‘We need our male colleagues to step up’
Kate Davenport (Newsroom):#timesup for the legal profession
Peter Cullen (Stuff): There’s no excuse for sexual harassment
David Fisher (Herald): ‘They will strike’ – Chief Ombudsman’s warning over less mental health treatment for prisoners in crowded prisons
Mike Houlahan (ODT): Rights Bill getting some teeth
Leah Te Whata (Māori TV): Govt to consider $1bil prison expansion
Jared Savage (Herald): Operation Spectrum: Immigration fraud charges for boss of construction company
Reesh Lyon (RNZ): Illegal immigrants seen as ‘cheap, hassle free labour’
Stuff: Women labourers’ wages still below $20 an hour
Leith Huffadine (Stuff): New enviro-economic accounts warmly received as a key environmental policy shift
Jamie Morton (Herald): NZ economy growing faster than emissions rate
Stuff: New government accounts show value of NZ environment, and human impact
Charlie Dreaver (RNZ): NZ economy gains outstripping gas emission increases – report
Ralph Sims (The Conversation): Why New Zealand should not explore for more natural gas reserves
RNZ: Call for NZ to become leader against plastic pollution
Frances Cook (Herald): Government considering ban on plastic bags
Ged Cann (Stuff): Petition calling for an end to plastic bags has gone to parliament
Marty Hoffart (Spinoff): Recycling in New Zealand: not so green, not so clean
Regional development
Benedict Collins (RNZ):Businessman referred to SFO connected to govt-funded project
Eric Frykberg (RNZ): Ministry lifts ‘failed’ myrtle rust controls
Bali Haque (Taranaki Daily News): The failure of the National Standards system
Faith Hancock (Newsroom): Critical thinking in an age of fake news
Herald: Families cutting food budgets and kids missing meals because of back-to-school costs
Tess Nichol (Herald): Teacher shortage a ‘ticking time bomb’ Government says
Nicole Lawton (Stuff): Auckland education crisis: 6500 more high school teachers needed over next 20 years
No Right Turn: National’s teacher shortage
Megan Gattey (Stuff): Government scraps private school scholarship scheme for underprivileged kids
Joe Bennett (Dominion Post): Some life lessons for the blackboard jungle
Herald: Student blocked from wearing colander as ‘religious headwear’ hits back
Te Aniwa Hurihanganui (RNZ): Hundreds on wait-lists for beginner reo classes
John Gerritsen (RNZ): Failing West Coast polytech gets $33m bailout
Stuff: Cash injection for struggling West Coast polytech after damning report findings
Paul Buchanan: NZDF links in the Iraq “kill chain.”
Brian Rudman (Herald): Turn our defence arsenal on the stink bugs
Primary Industries
Eric Frykberg (RNZ): Survey shows drop in support for farming
Jo McKenzie-McLean (Stuff): Rabbit virus to be released nationwide
Alexa Cook (RNZ): Long-awaited rabbit virus released
Southland Times: Southland company convicted for illegal grazing on conservation land
Gerard Hutching (Stuff): Synlait buys land in North Waikato for $260 million infant formula plant
Cecile Meier (Stuff): Antidepressants don’t work and mental health system is failing, experts say
Marty Sharpe (Stuff): Released documents reveal lack of control over thousands of dollars in DHB funds
Phil Pennington (RNZ): Report reveals toxic foam contamination in Auckland waters
Phil Pennington (RNZ): Banned toxic foam found at Nelson Airport
RNZ: Little asks Law Commission to look at abortion law
Duncan Greive (Spinoff): RNZ and NZ on Air are battling over Labour’s $38m media funding windfall
Alex Casey (Spinoff): Bargain: cancelled TVNZ drama Filthy Rich has joined Trademe to sell some very fancy stuff
1News: 60 Minutes journalist hits back at ‘the vile meanness of semi-literate social media’ after his Jacinda Ardern interview
Newshub: Jacinda Ardern wants $350k KiwiBuild apartments
Nichole Brown (Spinoff): My daughter and I lived in 17 different homes last year
1News: Jacinda Ardern calls on Wellington landlords raising students’ rents to do what’s ‘morally right’
Te Aniwa Hurihanganui (RNZ): Petition to exempt Māori land from Public Works Act rejected
Collette Devlin (Dominion Post): Wellington City Council proposes to spend $230m on transport over next decade
Laura Tupou (RNZ): Auckland councillor calls for bus booze ads to be dumped
RNZ: David Seymour grilled over ‘sexist’ meat shirt
Herald: ACT leader David Seymour defends wearing raunchy meat T-shirt to university barbecue
Max Towle (The Wireless): Turkish woman deported despite discrimination and sexual violence fears
David Williams (Newsroom): What the minister told EQC’s board chair
1News: ‘We were to be nice brown white men’ – the second great migration of Maori
Chloe Winter (Stuff): Kiwi companies stop sponsoring rodeos
Pippa Brown (Stuff): Maori Ward petition opposes Kaikōura Council vote and forces public poll
No Right Turn: OIA handling is getting worse
Anne Gibson (Herald): Outrage from retirement giants over proposed government ban on foreign investors
Phil Goff (Herald): Auckland Council’s ten-year budget will fix sewage, traffic and kauri
Tom Hunt (Stuff): Five Eyes residents needed to clean Wellington’s GCSB spy hub
Bevan Chuang: Debate on Identity]]>
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