Politics Newsletter: New Zealand Politics Daily – February 23 2018 – Today’s content
Editor’s Note: Here below is a list of the main issues currently under discussion in New Zealand and links to media coverage.
[caption id="attachment_297" align="aligncenter" width="640"] The Beehive and Parliament Buildings.[/caption]
Below are the links to the items online. The full text of these items are contained in the PDF file (click to download).
National Party
Graham Adams (Noted): Judith Collins and the Holy Grail
Chris Trotter (Bowalley Road): Of Radical Conservatism and Illiberal Democracy
Claire Trevett (Herald): Bridges ahead – but still at risk in National’s leadership race
Richard Harman (Politik): National’s leadership stalemate
Interest: She’s the only National leadership hopeful who has spent time in Opposition – but what policy changes does she have up her sleeve?
Interest: Rodney MP Mark Mitchell is seen by many as the underdog of National’s leadership race – what does he bring to the table?
Stacey Kirk (Stuff): National leader hopeful Mark Mitchell on defence contractors, his military past and ‘war for profit’
John Tamihere (Western Leader): Former Labour MP John Tamihere weighs in on National Party leadership contenders
Herald: The Country: Listen: Bill English looks back on his career
Jono Galuszka (Stuff): National MP Barbara Kuriger’s husband and son face animal cruelty charges
Herald: Taranaki-King Country National MP Barbara Kuriger’s husband, son charged with animal cruelty
RNZ: National MP says party informed of animal cruelty charges
Anna Bracewell-Worrall (Newshub): National MP’s son and husband face 11 animal cruelty charges each
TVNZ: MP addresses media after husband and son charged with alleged animal cruelty offences
Integrity and corruption
Bryce Edwards (Newsroom): More light on revolving door lobbyists
Asher Emanuel (Spinoff): Conflict of interest concerns over lobbyist turned chief of Jacinda Ardern’s staff
RNZ: NZ whistleblowers need more protection – Chief Ombudsman
Newshub: Amnesty praises NZ over refugee quota lift
International relations
Sam Sachdeva (Newsroom): NZ ‘must stake out view’ on China’s rise
Michael Reddell (Croaking Cassandra): “We could be the next Albania” –Brady
RNZ: Cooks won’t raise UN issue during Ardern visit
Dan Satherley (Newshub): Iranian delegation meant no disrespect – Minister for Women
Laura Walters (Stuff): Judith Collins: Women’s rights trump cultural customs in NZ
Herald: Diplomatic incident: Iranian delegation refuse to shake Labour MP Jo Luxton’s hand
Laura Walters (Stuff): Female MP Jo Luxton advised against shaking hands with male members of Iran delegation
Newshub: Labour ‘appalled’ after Iranian delegation refuses handshake with female MP
Barry Soper (Newstalk ZB): Surely a handshake isn’t too much to ask
Pramuk Perera (Herald): What is NZ’s Sri Lanka plan?
Laura Walters (Stuff): NZ gives $1.5m in aid to Syria, bringing total to $23.5m
Primary Industries
Herald: All major NZ supermarkets to drop cage eggs
RNZ: MPI failed to notice inaccurate increase in dolphin deaths
Bay of Plenty Times: ‘Huge concerns’ at fishing bycatch error – Forest and Bird
Tom Hunt (Dominion Post): Dolphin, dolphin, bird: MPI’s spot the difference fail
Matthew Littlewood (Timaru Herald): Mackenzie Basin ecology in race against intensification
Dominion Post Editorial: Trialling the future of jobs
Lincoln Tan (Herald): Union boss: Migrant business owners bring attitudes from home and are ‘exploiting own people’
Jo Moir (Stuff): NZ needs another 51,000 construction workers and it’s set to get worse
Anuja Nadkarni (Stuff): Immigration figures show tradies’ visas outnumber professionals for the first time
Gill Bonnett (RNZ): Tradies outnumber profs for visas for first time – figures
Simon Wallace (Herald): Immigration OK for KiwiBuild but what about aged care?
TVNZ: Equal pay champion Kristine Bartlett named 2018 New Zealander of the Year
Stuff: Equal pay champion Kristine Bartlett named 2018 New Zealander of the Year
Russell McVeagh
Melanie Reid (Newsroom): Law firm vs law firm
Craig McCulloch (RNZ): MBIE faces questions over using Russell McVeagh services
Herald: Criminal Bar Association to survey lawyers about harassment, bullying
Justice and police
David Fisher (Herald): Andrew Little: ‘Longer sentences, more prisoners – it doesn’t work and it has to stop’
Laura Walters (Stuff): 44 per cent of Australian criminal deportees have reoffended in NZ
Laura Walters (Stuff): Police Commissioner tells minister 1800 extra cops will cost about $252m, says he can deliver on new recruits
Benedict Collins (RNZ): ‘Some of those crimes are committed for notoriety’
Jo Lines-Mackenzie (Stuff): Hamilton’s Iwi Māori panel targeting low-end offenders
Herald: NZME plans to put up paywall around premium journalism on website
RNZ: NZME’s revenue drops, profits 4% below expectations
Alexa Cook (RNZ): Ditched newspapers the ‘lifeblood’ of rural communities
RNZ: Te Karere celebrates 35 years
John Drinnan (Herald): Current affairs gets a new look
Karl du Fresne (Dominion Post): Baby bumps up the feel-goodism factor. Woe betide if you don’t buy into that mood
Mike Hosking (Newstalk ZB): Why is taxpayer money being used to show WWE on Maori TV?
Press Editorial: Planning for education’s future
Darrell Latham (Stuff): Reform of Tomorrow’s Schools must not repeat the mistakes of the past
Herald Editorial: Tomorrow’s schools will still need to compete despite proposed changes
Bernard Hickey and Shane Cowlishaw (Newsroom): Export educators face Chinese revolt
Jessie Chiang (RNZ): Chinese students in limbo after school closes
Stuff: Chinese students lose thousands as NZQA shuts down business college
Adele Redmond (Stuff): Entire charter schools authorisation board to step down in protest
Lloyd Burr (Newshub): Obama to the rescue? David Seymour invites Barack Obama to visit charter schools
Herald: Top boys’ school builds unisex toilets for transgender students
Susan Edmunds (Stuff): More overseas-based borrowers repay student loans
Kate Hawkesby (Herald): What is the point of Labour’s free fees policy for university students?
NZ First
Jo Moir (Stuff): NZ First deputy leader Ron Mark looks set to be rolled at caucus on Tuesday
Lloyd Burr (Newshub): Is NZ First manufacturing a deputy leadership stoush?
Jack van Beynen (Stuff): Grabbing opportunity: How images of our politicians have changed with our needs
RNZ: Four members’ bills drawn from ballot
Florence Kerr (Stuff): Former rock star sheds MP image for one show only
Canterbury earthquakes
RNZ: PM: More mental health support for Canterbury
RNZ: EQC settles with homeowner on quake’s 7th anniversary
Maja Burry (RNZ): Minister wants anchor projects in Christchurch completed
Local government
Benedict Collins (RNZ): Government open to reviewing Māori ward law
Janine Rankin (Manawatū Standard): Campaigners gear up for Māori wards polls
No Right Turn: Disappointed
Lois Williams (RNZ): New mayor promises fresh start for Kaipara
Human Rights Commission
Stuff: Human Rights Commission in denial about problems with its own staff harassment procedures, says Andrew Little
Mandy Te (Stuff): Racism complaints to Human Rights Commission hit five year high
Child welfare
Aaron Smale (Spinoff): A perpetrator can’t be a saviour: the state abuse historic claims system must go
Phil Pennington (RNZ): Excluding Church from inquiry would be an ‘abject failure’
Phil Pennington (RNZ): Australian abuse survivors criticise NZ inquiry
Virginia Fallon (Stuff): Child abuse cases increasing in Porirua as mayor turns to prime minister for help
Transport and road safety
RNZ: NZ police to cross ditch to study saliva testing
Tina Law (Press): Government rules out Christchurch fuel tax for now
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Economic growth linked to road fatalities by NZTA
America’s Cup and Auckland
Simon Wilson (Herald): At last, a decent plan for the Cup
Bernard Orsman (Herald): Team NZ slams new plan by wealthy landowners for America’s Cup bases
Sally Murphy (RNZ): Stark warning over Auckland’s beaches and waterways
John Anthony (Stuff): Funding in Auckland health sector not keeping up with population growth, politicians told
Thomas Manch (Stuff): Labour dodges the question on third medical school
Gordon Campbell (Werewolf): On the David Parker and MFAT claims about the CPTPP
Marty Sharpe (Stuff): Mana whenua members walk out of meeting over Te Mata peak track
Mei Heron (RNZ): RNZ: Council wants luxury homes exempt from sale ban
No Right Turn: But why would we want to do that?
Patrick O’Meara (RNZ): Obama’s NZ visit could rile Trump supporters
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff): Google tax breakthrough as it follows Facebook booking ad revenues in NZ]]>
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