Politics Newsletter: New Zealand Politics Daily – February 22 2018 – Today’s content
Editor’s Note: Here below is a list of the main issues currently under discussion in New Zealand and links to media coverage.
[caption id="attachment_297" align="aligncenter" width="640"] The Beehive and Parliament Buildings.[/caption]
Below are the links to the items online. The full text of these items are contained in the PDF file (click to download).
Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): David Parker delivers just enough wins to take heat out of CPTPP signing
Chris Trotter (Daily Blog): Too Little, Too Late: The Opportunity To Stop the CPTPP Has Passed
Barry Soper (Newstalk ZB): Being part of the CPTPP is a no brainer
Richard Harman (Politik): Remember when Labour used to hate the TPP? — now they love its successor
Patrick O’Meara (RNZ): New TPP could add up to $4 billion to NZ economy
Anna Bracewell-Worrall (Newshub): CPTPP full text released: Good for kiwifruit, but is it good for Kiwis?
Henry Cooke (Stuff): CPTPP gains downgraded after US withdrawal
Sam Sachdeva (Newsroom): Full text of CPTPP released
ODT Editorial: Trade-deal text a win for New Zealand
Susan Edmunds (Stuff): Threshold raised for overseas investment deals
RNZ: Greens remain opposed to TPP
Barry Coates (Daily Blog):It doesn’t stack up: Economics of TPP-11
Steven Cowan (Against the current): The CPTPP: The same old rotten corporate charter
National Party
Toby Manhire (Spinoff): Exclusive: Poll gives Judith Collins slim lead as preferred National leader
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): UMR poll on National leadership candidates
Claire Trevett (Herald): National’s Monty Python code of conduct
Claire Trevett (Herald): National Party leadership contenders resist using jobs for votes
Herald Editorial: National has too many contenders for comfort
Newshub: Winston Peters gives an update on National Party odds
Gwynn Compton (Libertas Digital): A bizarre take on the history of private military forces
Max Towle (Wireless): Max 5 questions for National’s 5 contenders
Pete Burdon (Media Training): New National leader and McDonalds
Mary-Jo Tohill (Stuff): Wedding bells for Clutha-Southland MP Hamish Walker
Sam Sachdeva (Newsroom): Treasury lifts lid on wellbeing work
Bryce Edwards (Herald): The dangers of the waka-jumping bill
NZ First deputy leader
Richard Harman (Politik): Is Peters behind move to roll Ron Mark?
Laura Walters (Stuff): NZ First MP Fletcher Tabuteau won’t rule out making play for party deputy
Craig McCulloch (RNZ): Shane Jones rules out shot at NZ First deputy leadership
Anna Bracewell-Worrall (Newshub): Shane Jones ‘unlikely’ to go for deputy leader of NZ First
Transparency International Corruption Perception Index
Newswire: New Zealand ranked least corrupt country in the world
Dan Satherley (Newshub): New Zealand ranked least-corrupt country in the world, again
Stuff: NZ ranked least corrupt country, again
Colin Peacock (RNZ): Big publisher culls community papers
Tim Miller (ODT): Concerns as Fairfax drops community, rural papers
Mike Hosking (Newstalk ZB): End game – Fairfax is a company in trouble
Daniel Venuto (Herald): Endgame or classic sacrifice: Stuff’s great print jettison
RNZ: Stuff to cut 28 newspapers and magazines nationwide
Madeleine Chapman (Spinoff): ‘We’ll be kinder? I absolutely reject that’: The Spinoff grills NZ’s top political editors
Shane Cowlishaw (Newsroom): Boards of Trustees could be scrapped in education reform
Anna Bracewell-Worrall (Newshub): Major overhaul: Govt eyes up education from preschool to tertiary
RNZ: Government to review education system
RNZ: NZ govt focuses on educational outcomes for Pacific children
Laura Walters (Stuff): National hits back at planned education overhaul: ‘another day, another review’
TVNZ: Paula Bennett in feisty exchange with PM over Kelvin Davis’ charter schools ‘conflict of interest’, before Winston leaps to her defence
Nicholas Jones (Herald): ‘Grossly inequitable’ fees-free warning from universities
Canterbury earthquake anniversary
Michael Hayward (Press): Seven years on: Seven challenges for post-quake Christchurch
Liz McDonald (Press): Canterbury seven years on: More people, bigger incomes, dearer housing
Michael Wright (Press): Christchurch 2025: What will quake recovery look like?
Cecile Meier (Stuff): Mental health announcement for Canterbury expected on quake anniversary
Michael Hayward (Press): CTV site reopens as peaceful shared space, seven years after 115 died in building collapse
Kurt Bayer (Herald): New memorial blessed at CTV building collapse site where 115 died in 2011’s February 22 quake
Michael Hayward (Press): Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern to attend memorial service for Christchurch earthquake victims
Tina Law (Stuff): Christchurch City Council wants to introduce fuel tax to pay for road repairs
Mike Joy (Herald): Chlorinating water is admitting environmental failure
Phil Pennington (RNZ): Firefighting foam investigations spread to Auckland
Jamie Morton (Herald): Sage wants NZ sea lion decline reversed
Edward Ashby (Spinoff): Auckland Council vote ‘āe’ on the rāhui
Victoria University of Wellington (Newsroom): NZ’s duty to help “vulnerable Pacific nations”
Luamanuvao Winnie Laban (Newsroom): Pacific must look inwards for climate answers
Donna Chisholm (North & South): New cancer treatments: How can New Zealanders get access?
Audrey Young (Herald): Huge demand for services in Auckland stretches health system to the limit say bosses
Laura Tupou (RNZ): Doctors to resit test after DHB roster reshuffle
Herald: Louisa Wall’s alcohol license bill passes first reading
Regional development
Pattrick Smellie (Stuff): NZ First’s future could rest on Jones’ regional development roll-out
Southland Times Editorial: Time for regional development news
Human Rights Commission
RNZ: ‘Fundamental flaws’ in handling of sexual harassment case at HRC
Harrison Christian (Stuff): Government announces review of culture at HRC after sexual harassment scandal
Herald: Human Rights Commission backs Andrew Little’s review into sexual harassment
Hannah Martin (Stuff): What is the census and why should we care?
Hannah Martin (Stuff): Online-first census to revamp ‘unsustainable’ pen and paper model
David Williams (Newsroom): More backroom tremors for census IT system
Kim Dotcom
David Fisher (Herald): Exclusive: Inquiry into deporting Kim Dotcom is complete but Immigration NZ is keeping its findings secret – even from its minister
RNZ: Immigration keeps mum on Dotcom decision
Robert Ayson and David Capie (Incline): Groundhog Day for New Zealand’s Iraq Deployment?
Sam Sachdeva (Newsroom): Ron Mark praises troops after Taji trip
David Fisher (Herald): Mega prison plans head to Cabinet as Jacinda Ardern urged to keep Waitangi promise
Matt Stewart (Stuff): Prisons under ‘immense pressure’ with only enough space for 300 more inmates
Disaster preparedness
Michael Daly, Megan Gattey and Ged Cann (Stuff): State of Emergency: Is New Zealand prepared for the worst?
Press Editorial: Disaster readiness is the new normality
Farah Hancock, Melanie Reid and Sasha Borissenko (Newsroom): Why wasn’t the Law Society told?
Craig McCulloch (RNZ): State Services defends million-dollar makeover
Herald: Driver licence scandal: hundreds of licences chucked out after officer accepted bribes for passes
RNZ: Homelessness jumps up in Tauranga
Henry Cooke (Stuff): National synthetic cannabis bill could pass with NZ First support
Herald: Auckland councillor Cathy Casey hoping for unanimous support ahead of vote to ban the sale of fireworks
Heather Roy: Women Leading by Example
Michael Reddell (Croaking Cassandra): Other people OIA the Reserve Bank too]]>
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