Politics Newsletter: New Zealand Politics Daily – February 19 2018 – Today’s content
Editor’s Note: Here below is a list of the main issues currently under discussion in New Zealand and links to media coverage.
[caption id="attachment_297" align="aligncenter" width="640"] The Beehive and Parliament Buildings.[/caption]
Below are the links to the items online. The full text of these items are contained in the PDF file (click to download).
National Party
Ryan Bridge (Newshub): Judith Collins says she’s the ‘fun’ National Party leadership candidate
Audrey Young (Herald): Extent of renewal in National remains big issue for leadership rivals
Audrey Young (Herald): Art of deal could decide next National leader
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): Judith Collins, Simon Bridges or Amy Adams? Why this could get messy
Gwynn Compton (Libertas Digital): Libertas Digital’s National Leadership MP Endorsement Tracker
TVNZ: Gerry Brownlee suggests he won’t run for National’s leadership – ‘People confuse position with influence’
RNZ: Brownlee – Generational change not about age
Jane Patterson (RNZ): Joyce, Mitchell likely to declare intentions today
Duncan Garner (Stuff): National, want the nuclear option? Pick Judith ‘Crusher’ Collins
Heather du Plessis-Allan (Herald): Judith Collins is the right person for the job, for now at least
Barry Soper (Herald): National should unleash its rottweiler – Judith Collins
Richard Harman (Politik): National’s increasingly confused leadership contest
Lloyd Burr (Newshub): Dissecting National’s leadership camps
Jo Moir (Stuff): Mark Mitchell and Steven Joyce not ruling out leadership race
Steve Braunias (Herald): Secret Diary of the National Party Leadership race
Mike Williams (Hawkes Bay Today): Gongoozling and the race to be Nats’ leader
Bryan Gould: The canddiates’ dilemma
Dave Armstrong (Stuff): National leadership race: Who’s best at building bridges?
Audrey Young (Herald): Leadership hopeful says it is time for National to ‘straighten up’
Audrey Young (Herald): National Party: ABC of National’s contenders
Damien Grant (Stuff): National Party a relic that should be dismantled
Zach Castles (The Spinoff): The National leader race will put the party’s famed stability to the test
Shane Henderson (Spinoff): Simon Bridges has a strong New Zealand accent. Got a problem with that?
Newshub: ‘I stab from the front’ – Judith Collins
Stacey Kirk (Stuff): Curtains up on National leadership hopefuls and their staging speaks volumes
John Roughan (Herald): National should not play the gender and generation game
Dan Satherley (Newshub): Phil Twyford backs ‘right-wing, red meat’ Judith Collins
Jane Bowron (Stuff): Judith Collins for National Party leader; the rest can ‘zip it, sweetie’
Newswire: ‘I didn’t actually complain’ – Judith Collins plays down leadership contest spat
Derek Cheng (Herald): Judith Collins downplays claim Adams broke caucus rules in leadership campaign
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): National Party MPs spooked by Judith’s rise
Greg Presland (The Standard): Strong and decisive
Pete George: National leadership – safe option or risk?
Andrew Gunn (Stuff):A surprise announcement from Mike Hosking gets the fireworks started
Laura Walters (Stuff): Former National Party chief of staff joins firm of Labour’s top advisers
Liam Dann (Herald): Can Jacinda Ardern charm business?
Fran O’Sullivan: Time Jacinda Ardern eases back on celebrification?
Newshub: Clarke Gayford’s adorable reaction to Jacinda Ardern’s Vogue photoshoot
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): The many Government backflips
Audrey Young (Herald): Julie Anne Genter deserves the right to aim high without it affecting the contest
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Green Party MP Julie Anne Genter announces she’s pregnant
Herald: Greens MP Julie Anne Genter pregnant – baby due in August
RNZ: Green MP Julie Anne Genter expecting first child
TVNZ: Green MP Julie Anne Genter ‘excited’ about surprise pregnancy after suffering two miscarriages
Newstalk ZB: Green Party Minister Julie Anne Genter announces pregnancy
Mitchell Alexander (Newshub): Green Party negotiations ‘inept’ – Sue Bradford
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Greens did not think to ask about waka jumping during negotiations, so now must support it
Derek Cheng (Herald): Green Party may have to support waka-jumping bill
Anna Bracewell-Worrall (Newshub): Greens admit ‘never thinking’ of objecting to waka-jumping in negotiations
Russell McVeagh and sexual harassment
Newsroom: ‘Zero tolerance’ flies in face of reality
Sasha Borissenko and Melanie Reid (Newsroom): Lawyers intervened to protect clerk
Jessica Long (Stuff): Sexist culture extends beyond Russell McVeagh, law professionals say
Carolyne Meng-Yee (Herald): Law firm sexual harassment scandal: ‘It was three months of hell’
Eleanor Ainge Roy (Guardian): New Zealand legal profession shocked by sexual harassment scandal
TVNZ:‘Enough of these dinosaur views’ – Government’s plan to tackle workplace sexual harassment
Kerre McIvor (Herald): Why I’m not surprised by stories of sexual harassment
Deborah Hill Cone (Herald): Law firm culture is still a ‘Brotopia’
NZ Herald editorial: Time’s truly up for sexual harassment
Anna Connell (Newsroom): NZ leaders and businesses: Time’s up
Philip Matthews (Stuff): Cowboys and injuries: The end of rodeo?
Hawkes Bay Today: Rodeo in the spotlight: Could Hawke’s Bay incidents be the beginning of the end?
Reesh Lyon (RNZ): Activists picket Waikato rodeo, call for ban
Child welfare, poverty, inequality
Wayne Hope: “This is a state of emergency” – New Zealand at the Turning Point
Stuff: Poverty, abuse, P: Our whānau has been failed at every turn
Thomas Coughlan (Newsroom): Carmel Sepuloni: rebuilding the social safety net
Jess Berentson-Shaw (Newsroom): Why Bill English’s big idea didn’t work
Liz Gordon: Free to choose? Not even close!
Simon Collins (Herald): Māori school feeds body, mind and spirit for $4 a day
Weekend Herald editorial: Schools will always want to improve on free education
RNZ: Number of NZ schools with guns unknown
Oliver Lewis (Stuff): Christchurch academic links break-ins to work on China’s influence campaigns
Anna Bracewell-Worrall and Emma Hurley (Newshub): Justice Minister Andrew Little takes on abortion law reform
No Right Turn: Labour acts on abortion
The Standard: ALRANZ: 16 reasons to change the abortion law
Primary industries
Ged Cann (Stuff): Failure to report seabird and fish death ‘commonplace’ in industry, fishing company boss says
Eugene Bonthuys (Southland Times): Minister still targeting M bovis eradication
Helen King and Hannah Martin (Stuff): The battle of real v fake chicken
Liam Dann (Herald): Climate change real or imagined is driving massive business change
RNZ: Northland group to take swamp kauri case to Supreme Court
No Right Turn: Our reserves are open for pillage
Health and disability
Boyd Swinburn (Herald): Doubters try to bury sugary-drinks tax
John Campbell (RNZ): Families fight MoH over pay for disabled children
Jane Patterson (RNZ): Police asked for delay on cannabis legislation
Herald on Sunday editorial: Law needs to be clarified on e-cigarettes
Lee Umbers (Herald): Vaping a public aspect of changing face of smoking in NZ
Callum McGillibray and Dileepa Fonseka (Stuff): Government rejects calls for inquiry into synthetic cannabis
Ruby Nyika (Stuff): Dropping proposed medical school would be ‘disaster’, MP says
David Macpherson (Daily Blog): Who Speaks for the Families and Whanau?
Ryan Dunlop (Herald): Mental health advocate Mike King spearheads cross-country scooter tour to talk about youth suicide
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff): ‘Integrity of business and government’ at stake in whistleblowing
Derek Cheng (Herald): Govt wants stronger protections for whistle-blowers
Mei Heron (RNZ): Review into whistleblowers law begins
No Right Turn: Whistleblower protection
Jon Stephenson (Stuff): The Base
Daily Blog: Nicky Hager – Defence Force had reports of civilian casualties after SAS raid but did nothing
Eva Corlett (RNZ): Ardern first PM to walk in Akl Pride Parade
TVNZ: Jacinda Ardern becomes the first prime minister to walk in a Pride Parade
TVNZ: Jacinda Ardern says NZ can’t be complacent about inclusiveness for LGBTQI communities
Alison Mau (Stuff): You don’t need to wear glitter to be gay
Lexie Matheson (Spinoff): Pride and the Police
Aaliyah Zionov and Emilie Rākete (Spinoff): A rainbow-painted police car? Give us a break
Chris Trotter (Bowalley Road): “The Data Is Simply Not Available, Minister.”
Greg Ninness (Interest): This government could find itself with a worse housing crisis on its plate than the one it inherited from National
TVNZ: Inside Parliament: ‘I want to know how KiwiBuild is going to work’ – What does the housing report mean?
Phil Mercer (BBC): Kiwis consider foreign house buyer ban
Māori wards
Jimmy Ellingham (Manawatū Standard): Hobson’s Pledge doesn’t practise what it preaches
Te Aniwa Hurihanganui (RNZ): Māori ward legislation is racist – councilor
Laura Walters (Stuff): Why English does not need to be made an official language
Andrew Geddis (Pundit): “If the King’s English was good enough for Jesus Christ … “
Oscar Kightley (Stuff): It’s official… language issue is a waste of time
Liam Hehir: Now I am become Death, the destroyer of words
Amanda Gregan (Noted): ‘Exposing’ Catholics on euthanasia: Bishops respond
RNZ: Euthanasia advocate’s house was bugged
Māori Party
Daisy Hudson (Rotorua Daily Post): Maori Party looks to generational change at AGM
Newstalk ZB: Maori Party elects new President
Newshub: Māori Party elects new executive team, sets sights on future
Rukuwai Tipene-Allen (Māori TV): Former Minister of Māori Development goes back to the classroom
TVNZ: What’s former Maori Party leader Te Ururoa Flavell doing now he’s left politics?
Colin Peacock (RNZ): Hate speech vs free speech in the media
Bill Ralston (Listener): Trust Sir Bob Jones to engineer a flare-up
Bernard Orsman (Herald): Cheaper bus and train fares floated by Transport Minister Phil Twyford
TVNZ: MP Julie Anne Genter joins thousands to cycle over Auckland Harbour Bridge
Bernard Hickey (Newsroom): Labour plans migrant abuse inquiry
Henry Cooke (Stuff): DIA suggested tightening of the rules after Peter Thiel citizenship
Derek Cheng (Herald): Pike River boss prepared to enter the mine himself
Bryan Gould: Why do we allow banks to make huge profits and decide economic policy as well?
Christine Rose (Daily Blog): Overseas banking villains suck New Zealanders’ wealth offshore
Perce Harpham (Scoop): Solving Some Tax Inequities
Philip Matthews (Press Editorial): Approaching another earthquake anniversary
Chris Hutching (Stuff): ‘Pure market approach would never deliver Breathe village’
Vicki Anderson (Stuff): Sex toy activist: ‘My dildo achieved more than his bullets ever did’
Herald: New Zealand’s birth rate at record low
Kylie Klein-Nixon (Stuff): Is David Seymour a secret twinkle toes? My in-depth analysis suggests he might be
Brisabane Times: ‘I’d like to come home’: Australian Deputy PM Barnaby Joyce’s open letter to Jacinda Ardern
Anuja Nadkarni (Stuff): Gattung says Fletcher wouldn’t have foundered with a woman at the top]]>
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