Politics Newsletter: New Zealand Politics Daily – 27 December 2017 – Today’s content
Editor’s Note: Here below is a list of the main issues currently under discussion in New Zealand and links to media coverage.
[caption id="attachment_297" align="aligncenter" width="1600"] The Beehive and Parliament Buildings.[/caption]
Below are the links to the items online. The full text of these items are contained in the PDF file (click to download).
Lorde not playing in Israel
Dominion Post: Editorial – Lorde’s first steps on new, dangerous stage
Herald: Emmy award winner Roseanne Barr slams Lorde as a ‘bigot’ over Israel cancellation and calls for boycott
Dani McDonald (Stuff): Israelis’ reactions to Lorde is exactly why she shouldn’t play there
Einav Schiff (Y Net News): BDS, unfortunately, is still alive and kicking
David Brinn (Jerusalem Post): Lorde’s cancellation: Losing a generation
Juliet Moses (Stuff): ‘Lorde has taken a bow to the bullies’
Yuval Ben-Ami (972 Mag): This Israeli urges Lorde: Play Palestine instead
Lisa Bonos (Stuff): Lorde cancelled her show in Israel over politics – here’s how other musicians handled it
Peter Beaumont (The Guardian): Lorde cancels Israel concert after pro-Palestinian campaign
Stuff: Kiwi pop singer Lorde cancels show in Israel after open letter from fans
RNZ: Lorde reportedly cancels Israel show after backlash
RNZ: Lorde urged to reconsider Israel gig cancellation
The Standard: Ain’t Gonna Play
Frank Macskasy (Daily Blog): Lorde takes a stand
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Lorde will do Russia but not Israel
Steven Cowan (Against the current): Lorde cancel concert, and two young activists feel the backlash
Times of Israel:Lorde may cancel Israel concert after backlash from fans
Robin Martin (RNZ): Palestinian rights group welcomes Lorde’s caution
Eleanor Ainge Roy (The Guardian): Lorde considering cancelling Israel concert after backlash from fans
Dane Giraud (The Spinoff): Dear Lorde, here’s why an Israel boycott is the wrong answer
Donna Miles-Mojab (Stuff): An open letter to Lorde: Don’t bring your tour to Israel
2017 in review
Claire Trevett (Herald): Jacinda nick of time: A remarkable year in New Zealand politics
Chris Trotter (Stuff): 2017: Metiria’s speech and Jacinda’s wild ride
Brent Edwards (RNZ): 2017: A very long time in politics
Finlay Macdonald (RNZ): 2017: MMP comes of age
Brigitte Morten (RNZ): Democracy: What is it good for?
Nikki Kaye (Herald): What I have learned this year: Nikki Kaye
Damian Light (Newsroom): My year as a UnitedFuture supporter
Bevan Rapson (North & South): 2017…the year that was.
Lamia Imam (RNZ): 2017: Or was it all a bizarre dream
Lean Damm (RNZ): 2017: In this year of feminism
Herald: New Zealander of the Year: the best of 2017
Stacey Kirk (Stuff): The political fire starters of 2018: What can we expect next year
Liam Dann (Herald): Squinting through rose-tinted glasses
Scoop: Dotcom, Elections and Google – Most Read Items Scoop 2017
Api Dawson (Newsroom): My year as a NZFirst supporter
Te Reo debates
Karl du Fresne (Stuff): So-called liberals heap scorn on Don Brash
Teuila Fuatai (Newsroom): Māoridom through the eyes of Dame Sian Elias
Ian Johnstone (Stuff): Carry on the good work, Kim
Dave Witherow (Breaing views): Jabberwocky
Ernest Penman (The Spinoff): New Zealand in 2017: At last someone unafraid to speak the truth
Mihingarangi Forbes (Herald): How Mihingarangi Forbes found her roots in 1993
Stuff: Majority of Press Council rules Duncan Garner column in breach
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): As Press Council expands, is it time up for BSA?
Scoop Foundation: Earthquake Journalism Grant Investigations Published
Eugene Bingham and Paula Penfold (Stuff): Calls for Defence Force transparency over Battle of Baghak footage
Steve Braunias (Herald): The Great political ping-pong tournament: The rematch with Jacinda Ardern
Steve Braunias (Herald): The Secret Diary of Christmas
Paul Buchanan (Kiwipolitico): A matter of insubordination and contempt
Barbara Brookes (ODT): It’s about respect: some men’s view of women must change
David Slack (Stuff): I wouldn’t change a word
Newshub: New Zealand ‘Bigot Bingo’ in time for Christmas
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Newshub thinks everyone is a bigot!
Jihee Junn (The Spinoff): The rise of conscious (and convenient) consumerism
Brennan McDonald: The Glass Ceiling of Inequality
Julian Lee (Stuff): Outgoing health boss Chai Chuah spends $26,000 on nine-day course in San Francisco
1News: Watch: ‘Sit still kitty!’ Gareth Morgan delivers Christmas message while holding cat
Peter Lyons (Herald): NCEA teaching our kids they don’t need to try too hard
Liam Hehir (Stuff): It’s struggling in the West, but Christianity is still growing globally
Kiwifirewalker: A spy in the Beehive part II: further dodgyness from Jin Yang
Caitlin Moorby (Stuff): $1 billion prison expansion entering final stages of approval
Gary Taylor (Herald): Make natives major part of billion-tree plan]]>
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