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Newsroom Digest

Today’s edition of NewsRoom_Digest features 1 resourceful link of the day and the politics pulse from Thursday 4th February. It is best viewed on a desktop screen.


Noteworthy stories in the current news cycle include the Ministers from 12 countries signing the Trans-Pacific Partnership this morning, security at Waitangi being elevated this year, and Iwi leaders urging the Crown to wait for the Waitangi Tribunal to make a call on who can change Maori land laws before making any alterations.


Media releases issued from Parliament by political parties today 


Government: Trans-Pacific Partnership signed in Auckland; TPP overwhelmingly positive for NZ – PM; Exciting Mānuka honey scheme launched; Action plan to help grow Northland; $4 million for Hundertwasser Centre; Pacific employment at all-time high;Cruise ship tourism in a league of its own; Travel responsibly this Waitangi weekend; Lyttelton Port development connecting NZ traders to the world

ACT Party: TPP protesters embarrass New Zealand and themselves

Greens: Full report into Malaysian diplomat debacle must be released immediately; TPPA clashes with human rights and international law

Labour: Joyce’s claims hollow after cuts to tertiary education; TPP signing highlights divisions in NZ

New Zealand First: West Coast Towns Paying Price For Police Underfunding; Māori Fishing Rights Undermined, Māori Party Silent

NZ National Party: Trans-Pacific Partnership good news for Wellington and New Zealand; 65 Wellington Region Schools To Serve Kickstart Breakfasts This Term

United Future Party:


NORTHLAND ACTION PLAN: The Tai Tokerau Northland Economic Action Plan is part of the Government’s Regional Growth Programme, which is increasing jobs, income and investment in regional New Zealand. Read more:

And that’s our sampling of “news you can use” for Thursday 4th February .

Brought to EveningReport by Newsroom Digest.




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