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NewsroomPlus.com – The New Zealand Police released its annual report this week. NewsRoom Plus takes a look at the report and highlights some interesting finds and how the Police dealt with protecting our communities, keeping our roads safe and minimising crime. police 1 Protecting our communities In 2014/15 for every 10,000 population there were:

  • 301.4 repeat victimisations
  • 12 offenses against children
  • 14.3 offences against vulnerable children
  • -0.29 cyclists killed or seriously injured
  • 0.72 pedestrians killed or seriously injured
police2 In the 2013/14 period there were 2,668 prosecutions relating to offences involving firearm, this increased to 2,922 for 2014/15 Breaches of Police Safety Orders remained at 8% from the previous year. 71% of missing people reported to Police are current mental health patients (including dementia, which due to the aging population suggests this demand for Police services is only going to increase). Road Safety police 3
  • 8,851 repeat calls for service, traffic emergency
  • 3% of vehicles stopped were in breach of Road User Charges
  • 93% rate of child restraint wearing
  • 146 million kilometers travelled (level of road use)
  • 0.9 road deaths per 10,000 vehicles
  • 63 young drivers aged 15-24 involved in fatal road crashes
  • 52% of vehicles travelling over urban speed limit
  • 22% of vehicles travelling over open road speed limit
police4 Crime In 2014/15 for every 10,000 population there were:
  • 98 violent crimes
  • 198 youth crimes
  • 818 total crimes
  • 22.2 serious assaults resulting in injuries
police 5 There were 25,822 bail breaches detected and increase of 11,072 from the previous year 7% of court hearing delayed because of summonsed parties did not appear 17,322 offenders who received a non-prosecutorial resolution Targets set from 2013/2014
  • 13% reduction in recorded crime (20.1% achieved) –
  • 19% reduction in Police (nontraffic) apprehensions resolved by prosecution (41.3% achieved)
  • 4 percentage point increase in expenditure on preventative activities (5.8% achieved)
  • increased public trust and confidence (now at 78%)
  • increased satisfaction with Police services (now at 84%) – an increase in feelings of
The Commissioner of Police has set a target of achieving 80% trust and confidence by 30 June 2017. –]]>



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