– The New Zealand Police released its annual report this week.
NewsRoom Plus takes a look at the report and highlights some interesting finds and how the Police dealt with protecting our communities, keeping our roads safe and minimising crime.
Protecting our communities
In 2014/15 for every 10,000 population there were:
- 301.4 repeat victimisations
- 12 offenses against children
- 14.3 offences against vulnerable children
- -0.29 cyclists killed or seriously injured
- 0.72 pedestrians killed or seriously injured

- 8,851 repeat calls for service, traffic emergency
- 3% of vehicles stopped were in breach of Road User Charges
- 93% rate of child restraint wearing
- 146 million kilometers travelled (level of road use)
- 0.9 road deaths per 10,000 vehicles
- 63 young drivers aged 15-24 involved in fatal road crashes
- 52% of vehicles travelling over urban speed limit
- 22% of vehicles travelling over open road speed limit

- 98 violent crimes
- 198 youth crimes
- 818 total crimes
- 22.2 serious assaults resulting in injuries

- 13% reduction in recorded crime (20.1% achieved) –
- 19% reduction in Police (nontraffic) apprehensions resolved by prosecution (41.3% achieved)
- 4 percentage point increase in expenditure on preventative activities (5.8% achieved)
- increased public trust and confidence (now at 78%)
- increased satisfaction with Police services (now at 84%) – an increase in feelings of