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Newsroom Digest

This edition of NewsRoom_Digest features 6 resourceful links of the day and the politics pulse from Friday 23rd October.


Top stories in the current news cycle include Police figures showing the number of people applying for gun licenses increasing by more than 50 percent over the past year, the Serious Fraud Office is investigating a large-scale and highly organised mortgage fraud in the Auckland property market and responses to the coronial inquiry that followed the 2011 death of a security guard who was beaten to death just hours into his first shift guarding an Auckland building site.

Note: As well as providing a precis of leading broadcast bulletins each day, our NewsRoom_Monitor service does a daily paper round with succinct ‘news picks’ from the main metropolitan papers emailed by 9am each morning. If you’re interested in a free trial please email monitor@newsroom.co.nz


Media releases issued from Parliament by political parties today included:

Government: NZ Minister launches OECD education report; More offenders learning work and living skills; Travel survey goes digital; White kakabeak returns from brink of extinction; PM welcomes Singapore President’s visit to NZ; Film and television co-production agreement signed with Poland; New Zealand opens diplomatic Mission to ASEAN in Jakarta and celebrates business links; Coleman to visit the UK and France; $17.5m Ormiston Primary School, Auckland, officially opened; New recruits join Corrections front line

Greens:Horrific genetic engineering of animals must stop

Labour: Bloated uber-Ministry continues spend up; Disturbing report shows need for EPA Bill; Security guard’s death must lead to change; Labour Day tradition worth preserving; Register urged for those with asbestos concerns 

New Zealand First: National’s ‘Dunne’ It Again Blocking El Alamein Motion; Tolley Fumbling And In The Dark Over LSV; Police Association Comments On Guns Sensationalist; World Polio Day A Chance To Shine A Light On Post Polio Syndrome 

NZ National Party: Bishop launches free parking campaign for Hutt CBD 


Links of the day have been a feature of NewsRoom_Digest since we first started production in August 2014 at newsroom-nz.tumblr.com. We are currently building an archive of these at:http://newsroomplus.com/resources/resourceful-links/

ANIMAL SUFFERING: The report, ‘GE Animals in New Zealand’, written by Claire Bleakley from GE Free NZ released tackles the extent of genetic manipulation of New Zealand farm animals. Click here for report:http://www.gefree.org.nz/assets/pdf/GE-Animals-in-New-Zealand.pdf

CORONER FINDINGS: His Honour Coroner JP Ryan has released overnight his findings and recommendations regarding the death of Charanpreet Dhaliwal, the security guard killed on his first day of work on 18 November 2011. The findings of Coroner JP Ryan can be viewed here:http://union.org.nz/sites/union.org.nz/files/Dhaliwal.Cor7_.pdf

HALLOWEEN TRICKS: The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) says people planning to dress up for Halloween can take some simple steps to stay safe with face paints and hair colouring products. Read how to stay safe with cosmetics: http://www.epa.govt.nz/hazardous-substances/at-home/Pages/cosmetics-and-toiletries.aspx

NAME PROPOSALS: The New Zealand Geographic Board Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa (NZGB) will next week open public consultation on eight proposals to assign or alter names of geographic features around the country. More information at: http://www.linz.govt.nz/regulatory/place-names

TRAVEL SURVEY: The NZ Household Travel Survey is going digital, meaning more data can be collected faster. More information about the survey is available at: http://www.transport.govt.nz/research/travelsurvey/

VISITOR ARRIVALS: The latest edition of International Visitor Arrivals to New Zealand (IVA) is now available on the Statistics New Zealand website. Read more: http://bit.ly/1Md0Lke

And that’s our sampling of “news you can use” for Friday 23rd October.

Brought to EveningReport by Newsroom Digest. –]]>



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