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Newsroom Digest

This edition of NewsRoom_Digest features 10 resourceful links of the day and the politics pulse from Tuesday 13th October.


Top stories in the current news cycle include the Wellington High Court’s ruling that Trade Minister Tim Groser acted unlawfully when an OIA request for information about the TPP negotiations was rejected, a special exemption is enabling Paula Rebstock as head of the panel carrying out a review of Child, Youth and Family to be paid $2000 a day and former New Zealand Children’s Commissioner Dr Ian Hassall calling on the Australian Government to release children from immigration detention centres and resolve their cases.

Note: As well as providing a precis of leading broadcast bulletins each day, our NewsRoom_Monitor service does a daily paper round with succinct ‘news picks’ from the main metropolitan papers emailed by 9am each morning. If you’re interested in a free trial please email monitor@newsroom.co.nz


Media releases issued from Parliament by political parties today included:

Government: 120 redundant laws to be repealed;Speech- Address to the Australasian Therapeutic Communities Association Conference; Two days to go to national earthquake drill; Two days to go to national earthquake drill; Callaghan Innovation board appointment; More post-graduate qualifications for teachers; Good news for community housing charities; Pacific Aeronautical Charting and Procedures Project; Minister praises Police’s efforts in Operation Concord; Government hiding from ECan submissions

Greens:High Court finds Govt in breach of OIA; Government continues to deny Cantabrians democracy; Key and Brownlee cannot get Iraq story straight

Labour: A-G confirms HBL was a shambles; Children’s teams left high and dry; One last chance to stop power grab in Canterbury; Bill English’s first surplus will be his last

Māori Party: Māori Party Commemorates Arrival Of The 1975 Māori Land March To Parliament

New Zealand First: Blue Cod Management Must Be Shared By All; Give Trade A Chance Restart Russia Trade Agreement


Links of the day have been a feature of NewsRoom_Digest since we first started production in August 2014 at newsroom-nz.tumblr.com. We are currently building an archive of these at:http://newsroomplus.com/resources/resourceful-links/

120 REDUNDANT LAWS REPEALED: The Statutes Repeal Bill will remove 120 pieces of superfluous legislation, and parts of eight other acts. It is being consulted on before it is introduced to Parliament. The draft bill and information on how to make a submission is available:http://www.pco.parliament.govt.nz/consultation-srb

ACTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE: The Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) has adopted a climate change strategy focused on strengthening the long-term resilience and sustainability of the Wellington region through action and awareness. The strategy and implementation plan are available at http://www.gw.govt.nz/climatechange

ALICE IN WONDERLAND: University Of Waikato Senior Lecturer Tom Roa Has Translated Alice In Wonderland Into Te Reo Māori. The book Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland in Māori, Ko Ngā Takahanga i Ārihi i Te Ao Mīharo, is available through Amazon at http://www.evertype.com/books/alice-mi.html

ATCA CONFERENCE: The Australasian Therapeutic Communities Association (ATCA) hosts an international conference bringing together professionals working in therapeutic communities, researchers and clinicians in the Alcohol and Drug (AOD) field and affiliated areas. This year the conference is being held in Auckland from the 12-14 October. Read more: http://www.atca.com.au/conferences/

BEEF EXPORTS:The 2014-15 meat export season concluded on 30 September 2015 and analysis by Beef + Lamb New Zealand’s Economic Service shows that New Zealand beef export returns reached a record high, exceeding lamb and mutton returns for the first time in 20 years. More information available at:http://www.portal.beeflambnz.com/tools/export-tool

COURT RULINGS ON GROSER:The Wellington High Court has found Trade Minister Tim Groser acted unlawfully when a request for information about the Trans-Pacific trade negotiations was rejected. The judgement can be found at: http://www.courtsofnz.govt.nz/front-page/cases/kelsey-v-the-minister-of-trade

FOOD PRICES UP: In the year to September 2015, food prices increased 0.7 percent, an increase of 0.4 percent in the year to August according to Statistics New Zealand. More details on the figures are available at:http://www.stats.govt.nz/browse_for_stats/economic_indicators/prices_indexes/FoodPriceIndex_HOTPSep15.aspx

TPP IMPACT: Bell Gully updates on the TPP and the impact on the Overseas Investment Office. Click here to read more: http://www.bellgully.com/resources/resource.04071.asp

RESEARCH LEAD: Plant & Food Research will be leading a new research programme to identify consumer trends in New Zealand’s key export markets in Asia as part of the $10.9 million of research investment announced today by The National Science Challenge High-Value-Nutrition.For more information http://plantandfood.us5.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=1b46d14e528ad30bae8b3663c&id=127d34c858&e=45d0b53c1c

WORLD SUMMIT AWARDS: The World Summit Awards showcase the world’s best practice in digital innovation. From a vast 86 countries, this year’s awards had 386 nominations and New Zealand has come up trumps in three categories. For more detail on the awards go to: http://www.wsis-award.org/winners

And that’s our sampling of “news you can use” for Tuesday 13th October.

Brought to EveningReport by Newsroom Digest. –]]>



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