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Newsroom Digest

This edition of NewsRoom_Digest features 10 resourceful links of the day and the politics pulse from Wednesday 5th August.


Top stories in the current news cycle includes the Government launching a blueprint for an overhaul of domestic violence law, official figures that show the unemployment rate has increased to 5.9% in the three months to June and a new report which has found Auckland’s Maori economy makes up more than half of the entire Maori asset base.

Note: As well as providing a precis of leading broadcast bulletins each day, our NewsRoom_Monitor service does a daily paper round with succinct ‘news picks’ from the main metropolitan papers emailed by 9am each morning. If you’re interested in a free trial please email


Media releases issued from Parliament by political parties today included:

Government: Fresh look at family violence laws; Family violence initiatives making an impact one year on; MidCentral general practices more productive; Speech- Launch of family violence discussion document; Tougher biosecurity measures at airports welcomed; Foss to attend Chunuk Bair commemorations; Eleven straight quarters of job growth; Countdown begins to Rio Games; Racing Safety Development Fund open for applications; Rangatahi the key to growing the Māori economy in Auckland

ACT Party: PPTA doesn’t understand who employs teachers

Greens: Dairy price drop shows new thinking needed; John Key’s hands-off housing ideas failing Aucklanders; Ideas for family violence law changes welcomed; Writes To OAG To Urge Follow Up On Saudi Deal; New TPPA leak confirms fears about Pharmac

Labour: Reckless complacency in face of disastrous dairy result;10,000 more Kiwis without a job in a year; Family violence overhaul long overdue; John Key must take responsibility for Saudi Sheep Scandal

National Party: Speech- We’re doing more to tackle family violence

New Zealand First: Celebrating 50 Years Of Independence In The Cook Islands; Battle of Chunuk Bair centennial


Links of the day have been a feature of NewsRoom_Digest since we first started production in August 2014 at We are currently building an archive of these at:

BETTER BY DESIGN WELCOMES NEW TALENT : Ten of New Zealand’s leading design practitioners have joined New Zealand Trade and Enterprise’s Better by Design programme as Design Coaches, to share their expertise in design and business with New Zealand companies. Profiles of all Better by Design coaches can be found at:

GOVERNMENT LOOKS AT FAMILY VIOLENCE LAWS: A discussion document launched today takes a hard look at the way the law prevents and responds to family violence, and proposes a comprehensive rethink to strengthen New Zealand’s legislative response. The public consultation opens today at

INSPIRED TEACHER ON MISSION TO HELP OTHERS: Teacher Jessica Weller’s life is rich with experiences for someone who has only just turned 30. After beating breast cancer she is now sharing her journey with the University of Auckland’s #MyTeacherMoment campaign. Learn more about this campaign or, even better, get involved yourself by going to

NEW TPPA LEAK CONFIRMS FEARS ABOUT PHARMAC: The TPPA Intellectual Property chapter leaked today confirms fears that access to medicines could be more difficult and expensive, and uncovers surprising new implications for the Treaty of Waitangi, the Green Party said today. The chapter that was leaked is available here:

NZCER STUDIES TE REO MĀORI :Researchers are gathering in Wellington today for a hui before heading out across Aotearoa New Zealand to begin an important new study of the Māori language. More information about this work can also be found at:

RANGATAHI THE KEY TO GROWING THE MĀORI ECONOMY IN AUCKLAND: The Independent Māori Statutory Board commissioned a report called, The Auckland Māori Economy: Size, Issues and Opportunities, which was released today. The report is available here:

RED MEAT ON THE BRINK OF GREATNESS: New ANZ research has underlined the huge performance potential of the red meat industry, but also identified significant barriers that need to be overcome if it is to once again be a driving force in the New Zealand economy.The Red Meat Insights 2015 report is available here:

UNEMPLOYMENT UP SLIGHTLY AT 5.9 PERCENT: The unemployment rate increased to 5.9 percent in the June 2015 quarter (up from 5.8 percent), Statistics New Zealand said today. At the same time, there were 7,000 more people employed over the quarter (up 0.3 percent).The statistics are available here:

WESTPAC NZ LABOUR MARKET REVIEW JUNE QUARTER 2015: June quarter labour market data have added to signs that the economy has lost momentum through mid-2015.The unemployment rate has pushed up to 5.9%. To view the publication click here:

WHITE RIBBONS RESPONSE TO DISCUSSION PAPER: Judge Peter Boshier, White Ribbon Chair, has welcomed the much tighter framework proposed for the handling of family violence cases in New Zealand. A more in-depth analysis from Judge Boshier is available at:

And that’s our sampling of “news you can use” for Wednesday 5 August 2015.

Brought to EveningReport by Newsroom Digest. –]]>



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