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Newsroom Digest

This edition of NewsRoom_Digest features 7 resourceful links of the day and the politics pulse from Tuesday 4th August.


Top stories in the current news cycle includes news that 150 KiwiRail jobs are included in what’s at stake if Solid Energy folds, a move by Australian company Origin Energy to sell its entire 53 percent controlling stake in the country’s second largest electricity generator Contact Energy, and Amnesty New Zealand has graded New Zealand’s performance on the UN Security Council so far, with an A-minus awarded in terms of attempts to make the Council more effective, including condemning Russia’s use of the veto.

Note: As well as providing a precis of leading broadcast bulletins each day, our NewsRoom_Monitor service does a daily paper round with succinct ‘news picks’ from the main metropolitan papers emailed by 9am each morning. If you’re interested in a free trial please email


Media releases issued from Parliament by political parties today included:

Government: Minister intends to introduce Māori Land Bill into the House early next year; Bennett to visit Melbourne for ANZSOG Conference; Strong response to financial advice laws consultation paper; Improving results for Youth Guarantee learners; Joyce congratulates ASEAN 40 award winners in the Philippines; McCully to Kuala Lumpur for Asia-Pacific regional meetings; Preventing falls crucial as population ages; Metro Sports funding parameters agreed; Predictable result of unfair law changes; More hands-on support for rural communities ; PM pledges$11.7m for Cook Islands school rebuild.

ACT Party: Teachers with a conscience should leave PPTA

Greens: Government fails Amnesty International’s Security Council report card; Obama’s climate plan shows what leadership is

Labour: Obama acts – Key sits on his hands; Million dollar average house now less than a year away; Predictable results of unfair law changes

New Zealand First: Air New Zealand proves solid energy can be saved


Links of the day have been a feature of NewsRoom_Digest since we first started production in August 2014 at We are currently building an archive of these at:

AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL RELEASES REPORT: New Zealand’s efforts to protect civilians in conflict and uphold women’s rights via the UN Security Council have been assessed in a report card released today by Amnesty International. Go here for the report:

ANZ NZ COMMODITY PRICE INDEX: The ANZ Commodity Price Index for July declined by 11.2%. This is the fourth consecutive fall in the index, which is at its lowest level since October 2009 but also the largest monthly decline ever in the series. The fall this month was broad based, with thirteen of the seventeen main commodities we monitor recording a decline. The index is 26.8% lower than 12 months earlier. Click here for more:

CLIMATE CHANGE PLEDGES: A Victoria University of Wellington climate change expert is calling for an overhaul of the way climate change pledges are assessed, to avoid ‘indefinite procrastination’ on the design of efficient mitigation policies. 

To view the full article in Nature Climate Change, by Professor David Frame, Director of Victoria’s Climate Change Research Institute (CCRI), go to:

IMPROVING RESULTS FOR YOUTH: Tertiary Education Organisations have increased achievement rates across all sectors, particularly in course and qualification rates for students at Youth Guarantee Providers, Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment Minister Steven Joyce announced today. All 2014 education performance information is available here:

IT JOBS IN NZ: As the digital revolution continues in New Zealand an increasing number of organisations are offering – or want to offer – services through various digital channels, says recruiting experts Hays. For the full list of skills in demand, please view our Hays Quarterly Report here:

NZ HOME VALUES RISE: The latest monthly QV House Price Index shows that nationwide residential property values for July have increased 10.1% over the past year which is the fastest annual rate since 2007. Values rose 4.1% over the past three months and are now 27.4% above the previous market peak of late 2007. When adjusted for inflation the nationwide annual increase drops slightly to 9.9% and values are now 8.8% above the 2007 peak. Click here for more:

RUGBY UNION’S POST SOLID FINANCIAL RESULTS: Deloitte State of the Unions report shows third consecutive annual surplus for ITM Cup rugby unions. The full State of the Unions Deloitte Sports Review can be found at

And that’s our sampling of “news you can use” for Tuesday August 2015.

Brought to EveningReport by Newsroom Digest. –]]>



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