[caption id="attachment_3755" align="alignleft" width="300"] FiveAA Australia’s breakfast show hosts Dave Penberthy, Mark Aiston, and Jane Reilly.[/caption]New Zealand Report: Selwyn Manning joins Australia’s FiveAA breakfast team Jane Reilly Dave Penberthy and Mark Aiston to discuss how some of New Zealand’s politicians want the NZ National Anthem changed + NZ Prime Minister criticises the UN Security Council veto rules – Recorded LIVE on 31/07/15.
It may come as no surprise that politicians love flag waving and singing the national anthem, especially when there’s an audience.
But the current bunch of Kiwi political leaders really take the cake.
After months of criticising the Prime Minister John Key for spending up to $26 million on a roadshow and referendum in an attempt to support his desire to design a new flag… opposition leaders now want their time in the spotlight.
The leaders of the Labour and New Zealand First parties want a new National anthem. They argued this week that the current national anthem, God Defend New Zealand, is nothing more than a dirge!
Every year at the beginning of its national conference, the conservative New Zealand First party members stand and sing the anthem. But this week, it’s leader Winston Peters said: “I’ve never heard anyone singing our anthem when they’re happy.”
Not to be upstaged, Labour’s leader Andrew Little also said the Kiwi anthem was a dirge, and confessed he prefers to sing Advance Australia Fair!
New Zealand’s Prime Minister John Key has criticised the constitution of the United Nations security council after Russia vetoed a move for a UN-backed investigation into the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines MH17.
John Key told reporters yesterday he was disappointed but not surprised that Russia blocked a push to secure security council backing for a tribunal to bring to justice those responsible for the deaths of 298 people who were onboard MH17.
He noted that Australia had persuaded 11 or the 15 member nations of the security council to vote in favour of an investigation. China, Angola, and Venezuela abstained, but Russia vetoed the move.
New Zealand has long opposed the use of veto by the powerful permanent members of the security council and it is understood New Zealand diplomats are attempting to garner support for reform of its constitution.
John Key said his Government will support Australia in its efforts to establish an investigation, independent of the security council, into the crash.
New Zealand Report broadcasts liv eon Australia’s FiveAA.com.au and webcasts on EveningReport.nz LiveNews.co.nz and ForeignAffairs.co.nz.]]>