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Newsroom Digest

This edition of NewsRoom_Digest contains 6 media release snippets and 4 links for the day of Tuesday 22nd July.

Top stories in the current news cycle include the country’s second biggest dairy processor Open Country slashing its forecast farmgate milk price to below $4, a continue upswing in migration figures with official statistics showing a seasonally adjusted net gain of 4800 people in June and a story about police surveillance of Facebook pages to detect drug dealing activity.


* Politics

Government Urged To Raise Targets: The National Government ought to listen to the public and raise the ambition of its climate change target, the Green Party said today. “The Government is out of touch with the public’s desire for a cleaner, low-carbon New Zealand,” said Mr Shaw.

Free B4 School Checks: Health Minister Jonathan Coleman says a record 92% of eligible four-year-olds are receiving a free B4 School Check. “The B4 School Checks help to give children the best start at school by identifying and addressing any potential health or developmental problems at an early stage,” says Dr Coleman.

Serco Boss Should Front Select Committee: Serco’s director of operations should appear before Parliament’s Law and Order select committee to answer questions about how fight clubs were allowed to run uninterrupted at his prisons, says Labour’s Corrections Spokesperson Kelvin Davis.

Rates And Income Should Be Fixed: Local Government New Zealand’s 10 Point Plan is a chance to stop the widening chasm between the rates some households are charged and their ability to pay, Labour’s Local Government spokesperson Su’a William Sio says.

* Business

Bank Of The Year: This year, CANSTAR is pleased to announce BNZ as winner of Bank of the Year – Everyday Banking Award. “BNZ’s strong product offering topped the score this year, with some highlights including its YouMoney functionality,” Canstar NZ General Manager, Jose George.

* Primary Industries

Dairy Expected To Generate Millions: Short gestation dairy genetics is expected to generate more than $11 million in extra milk production for New Zealand farmers this spring. LIC experienced unprecedented demand for its extended range of short gestation genetics last mating season (Sept-Dec 2014), for its ability to naturally deliver offspring up to 10 days early, bringing late calving cows forward and increasing days in milk.


LGNZ’S LOCAL GOVERNMENT FUNDING REVIEW 10-POINT PLAN: incentivising economic growth and strong local communities was launched today at the 2015 LGNZ conference in Rotorua. Read more here:

SOUTH ISLAND COMPANIES VALUED A RECORD HIGH: The total value of listed South Island companies crept higher to a record $14.58 billion total capitalisation in the three months to June 30, 2015, as measured by the Deloitte South Island index. Click here for more:

GOOD NEWS FOR KIDS: NZEI Te Riu Roa and the Ministry of Education have agreed to boost children’s educational success through development of a new model of learning communities. Click here for more:

MORE VISITORS: Visitor arrivals to New Zealand numbered 177,000 in June 2015, up 9 percent on June 2014, Statistics New Zealand said today. In the June 2015 year, visitor arrivals totalled 2.99 million, up 7 percent from the previous year. See the International Travel and Migration forJune 2015:

And that’s our sampling of the day that was on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Brought to EveningReport by Newsroom Digest. –]]>



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