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Newsroom Digest

This edition of NewsRoom_Digest contains 3 media release snippets and 5 links for the day of Monday 6th July.

Top stories in the current news cycle include the Primary Industries Minister Nathan Guy urging dairy farmers with high debt to talk to their banks now in order to find a way through the low milk prices, the news that Financial Markets Authority (FMA) and former directors of the collapsed Hanover Finance Group reached a $18 million out of court settlement, and contents insurance and some land cover could be scrapped under the Government’s proposed changes to the Earthquake Commission Act.


Today’s post-Cabinet Press conference between the Press Gallery and Prime Minister John Key focused primarily on the PM’s response to the ANZ’s market focus report released today, titled ‘Time to shift the fiscal stance’. Mr Key said he agreed with the ANZ on the counter-cyclical role of Government spending, but wearing his financial-trader said he was “not as negative as ANZ” about the way the economy is travelling, drawing favourable comparisons to the situation of 2009. “No one from either the Reserve Bank or Treasury is calling up to say ‘Houston, you’ve got a problem’”.

SkyTV put a question about the domestic political situation in Nauru vis-a-vis a meeting due to take place later in the week in Sydney, TVNZ’s Corin Dann asked if the Prime Minister was comfortable with the work of the FMA to which Mr Key simply observed financial markets are “much better regulated now”, and the remainder of the press conference touched briefly on matters such as Charter school funding, a visit by US Admiral Harry Harris, and a series of questions form Fairfax journalist Vernon Small about the stage reached on thinking about the RMA – answer: the PCO is drafting options.

This week saw no questions about state housing, the dominant topic at last week’s press conference.

Link for ‘Time to shift the fiscal stance’:


* Politics

Fewer Recorded Crimes: Crime figures from the Better Public Services results show there were around 64,000 fewer crimes in the past year than in June 2011, though data for the most recent quarter serve as a reminder that there is always more work to be done, says Justice Minister Amy Adams.

* Business

Fletcher Building Appoints New Director: Fletcher Building Limited announces that it has appointed Steve Vamos to the board. Mr Vamos will be an independent director and his appointment will be effective from today. He has also been appointed to the board of subsidiary Fletcher Building Industries Limited, and will be a member of the nominations committee.

* Primary Industries

Recruitment Drive For Truck Drivers: The New Zealand Groundspread Fertilisers’ Association, (NZGFA) are to mount an aggressive campaign to recruit truck drivers into the fertiliser industry. Media spokesman and Immediate Past President, Stuart Barwood, said the time was right to show young people the career opportunities available driving fertiliser spreading trucks.


REVIEW OF THE EARTHQUAKE COMMISSION ACT: The Government is inviting submissions on proposed changes to the Earthquake Commission Act. That is the legislation that governs EQC and determines the coverage and other features of the EQC scheme. Read more here:

REPORT CARD ON BETTER PUBLIC SERVICE TARGETS: More young people are achieving higher qualifications, welfare dependency continues to fall and Kiwis are doing more of their government transactions digitally, Deputy Prime Minister Bill English and State Services Minister Paula Bennett say. The Government today published the latest update of progress against the ten challenging targets set three years ago by the Prime Minister.The Better Public Service Results July update can be found at:

SCHOOLS FUNDED TO TRIAL INNOVATIVE APPROACHES: Education Minister Hekia Parata has announced the successful applicants for a new $10 million fund to encourage innovative teaching practices. Read more here:

NEW WORKFORCE PLAN TO BUILD A STRONG FUTURE: An exciting new workforce development plan created by ServiceIQ in consultation with industry leaders calls for increased skill levels to deliver future success for the country’s vital service industries. The plan and associated sector infographics are free to download from the ServiceIQ website at 

7 DAYS PRESENTER JOINS THE SHAKEOUT: Jeremy Corbett, 7 Days presenter, is the latest prominent New Zealander to get behind New Zealand ShakeOut, our national earthquake drill taking place in 100 days. The video, hosted on You Tube, encourages all New Zealanders to take part in New Zealand ShakeOut and sign up for the drill, which takes place at 9:15am, 15 October 2015. Read more here:

And that’s our sampling of the day that was on Monday 6th July 2015.

Brought to EveningReport by Newsroom Digest. –]]>



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