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State Of It: Capital gains tax mooted by New Zealand Reserve Bank

[caption id="attachment_3365" align="alignleft" width="300"]Auckland the backbone to New Zealand's economy. Auckland the backbone to New Zealand’s economy.[/caption] Government’s ‘Market Will Correct It’ Ideology Exposed. Editorial by Selwyn Manning. THE RESERVE BANK OF NEW ZEALAND has issued a public statement backing a capital gains tax (CGT) as a way of correcting an over-heated Auckland housing market. It is the most persuasive indicator so far that the Reserve Bank’s preferences are out-of-step with current Government policy. Throughout 2014 … FULL ARTICLE Radio: Across The Ditch: Hot Auckland Housing Market Risks Pulling Economy Down Around It
RADIO: FIVEAA AUSTRALIA & EVENING REPORT:Selwyn Manning and Peter Godfrey deliver their weekly bulletin, Across The Ditch. This week they discuss how the New Zealand Reserve Bank is speaking out backing a capital gains tax as a means of cooling down a heated Auckland property market. Peter raises the issue of domestic violence and discusses how Australia’s statistics show one victim of domestic violence is killed every three days. And the weather, both NZ and Australia feel the icy grip of winter approaching. FULL ARTICLE
INDONESIA: Norway’s PM appeals for halt to state executions
MIL OSI Analysis – Pacific Media Centre/Pacific Media Watch – INDONESIA: Norway’s PM appeals for halt to state executions – Report by Daniel Drageset.
Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg has appealed to Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo to abolish the death sentence in the country. On a state visit in Jakarta this week, Solberg discussed the upcoming executions of Australians Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan. FULL ARTICLE Gareth Renowden on High Water – NZ climate comic anthology
MIL OSI Analysis – Source: Hot Topic – By Gareth Renowden – Analysis published with permission of
Scientists investigate how climate changes, politicians (should) decide what to do about it. Tough jobs. Artists have just as difficult a job: to comment on the reality and unreality they see in society’s responses to the climate threat, and by doing so motivate us to create a liveable future. In High Water, a new anthology of climate-inspired work by NZ comic artists, pulled together by Damon Keen and Faction Comics, that response ranges from the touching to the frightening, huge vistas seen through little frames — all presented in visually stunning stories drawn by NZ’s finest artists. FULL ARTICLE Keith Rankin: Rent Now, Live Life, Buy Later Maybe
By Keith Rankin – This article was first published this morning on THE

THE HAND-WRINGING about the Auckland property market continues to escalate; the headless chickens run amok through the corridors of power, and through the mainstream media.

There are two issues for policymakers. The Reserve Bank needs to ensure that our commercial banks are not too exposed to lending on inflated security. And the Government and Auckland Council together need to act to fix the residential rental market. FULL ARTICLE


PERRIAM label takes next step at iD Fashion Week

[caption id="attachment_3384" align="alignleft" width="300"]PERRIAM Woman Removable Chain Neck Top_photo by Camilla Rutherford. PERRIAM Woman Removable Chain Neck Top_photo by Camilla Rutherford.[/caption] MIL OSI – Source: Scope Media – Kiwi fashion designer Christina Perriam is set to gain national and international recognition by showcasing her first-ever PERRIAM Woman Winter range on the catwalk at iD Fashion Week.After successfully launching her new luxury merino fashion label PERRIAM in October last year, Christina has since been accepted as one of the designers to enter the Capsule collection, as part of the renowned iD Fashion Week in Dunedin, which takes place from April 18-26, 2015. FULL ARTICLE

Prime Minister to lead trade mission to Gulf States – Government

[caption id="attachment_2124" align="alignleft" width="150"]Prime Minister John Key. Prime Minister John Key.[/caption] MIL OSI – Source: National Party – Prime Minister to lead trade mission to Gulf States Prime Minister John Key will lead an 18-member New Zealand business delegation to the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait from 26 April to 1 May. This will be the first visit by a New Zealand Prime Minister to Saudi Arabia. “The visit is an opportunity …FULL ARTICLE

Seasonal changes pose risks for farmers

MIL OSI – Source: WorkSafe New Zealand – Seasonal changes pose risks for farmers The recent cold snap is a timely reminder for farmers that we are heading into a high-risk … FULL ARTICLE

Offshore online racing and sports betting under spotlight – Government

MIL OSI – Source: New Zealand Government – Offshore online racing and sports betting under spotlight A working group has been appointed to shed some light on the growth of … FULL ARTICLE

Indonesia: West Papua to Be a Conservation Province

MIL OSI – Source: US Global Legal Monitor – Indonesia: West Papua to Be a Conservation Province Link to this article (Apr 15, 2015) The local government in West … FULL ARTICLE

Resources needed to get 21 million children into school in Middle East, North Africa – UNICEF

MIL OSI – Source: United Nations – Despite impressive progress in raising school enrolment over the past decade, one in four children and young adolescents in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) are either out of school or at risk of dropping out, according to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).
“At a time of such change and turmoil, this region simply cannot afford to let 21 million children fall by the wayside,” Maria Calivis, Regional Director for UNICEF MENA, said today in a statement from Beirut. FULL ARTICLE



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