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In this week’s New Zealand Report: The International Criminal Court is lobbying for the UN Security Council to authorise it to investigate ISIS crimes against humanity. Also, Apple’s Siri is catching on to the Kiwi lingo. Recorded live on 10/04/15 Correspondent: Selwyn Manning Hosts: Mark Aiston and Jane Reilly. ITEM ONE: (ref. The New Zealand Government has an opportunity to demonstrate it maintains an independent foreign policy after the International Criminal Court yesterday began lobbying UN-based diplomats to support an investigation into ISIS crimes against humanity. The president of the International Criminal Court and its chief prosecutor are currently in New York to highlight how they cannot investigate ISIS’ crimes committed in Iraq and Syria because both countries do not recognise the ICC and refuse to sign up to its statute. But if the UN Security Council authorises the ICC to investigate the crimes, it is then legally able to do so. New Zealand was voted onto the UN Security Council after campaigning on an independence and human rights ticket. However, since it assumed its seat on the Security Council, New Zealand has kept quiet on matters of global importance. The question remains open as to whether New Zealand will rise to the occasion. [… In May, NZ’s ambassador to the UN will change from a National Party appointee (former deputy leader of the Nationals, Jim McLay) to a career diplomat, Gerard van Bohemen). This new appointment will be significant. The career diplos are in their ascendency over the politicians…] ITEM TWO: Here’s a little tech-trivial nonsense… (ref. After more than three years of the iPhone misunderstanding the Kiwi accent, Apple has programmed Siri (its voice activated personal assistant) to understand Kiwi vowel sounds! Apparently, the big test was the sentence “Can I get some fish and chips for six tonight?” And Siri passed the test, even though it speaks back to Kiwis with an Australian twang. According to a Fairfax report, iPhone’s Siri failed when attempting to understand when asked for help at ‘fixing a deck’. The report states New Zealand Maori is not yet supported. New Zealand Report broadcasts live on and webcasts on]]>



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