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MIL OSI – Source: New Zealand Government – Gallipoli preparations on the home straight [caption id="attachment_3076" align="alignleft" width="300"]Poppies at Chunuk Bair, Gallipoli. Image by Selwyn Manning. Poppies at Chunuk Bair, Gallipoli. Image by Selwyn Manning.[/caption] Veterans’ Affairs Minister Craig Foss says final preparations for the centenary commemorations at Gallipoli this Anzac Day are well underway, with the Gallipoli 2015 ballot now complete. “The allocation and reallocation of passes for the commemorative services was a massive undertaking. I’m pleased to say the ballot is now complete,” Mr Foss says. “I look forward to sharing this once-in-a-lifetime experience with nearly 2000 other Kiwis.” Mr Foss says on-site arrangements, including the construction of stands and installation of supporting infrastructure, are progressing well. “There is no permanent infrastructure on the commemorative sites so everything — power, water, food, stands, lighting, tents, emergency facilities — has to be brought in. “The Turkish authorities have generously agreed to an extension of the base around the New Zealand Memorial at Chunuk Bair, as well as extra seating and two large tents. “This will ensure, rain or shine, we have the best possible environment for the New Zealand service,” Mr Foss says. –]]>



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