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ITEM ONE: NEW ZEALAND POLICE’S HANDING of a recidivist sexual offending investigation, known in New Zealand as the Roastbusters case, has been slammed by the Independent Police Conduct Authority. Roastbusters is a gang of young men who systematically and methodically seduced young teenage girls, priming their victims with alcohol and drugs, and once they were stupefied, rendered unable to concentrate, were violated. To date, they have escaped charge or conviction. Regarding Roastbusters offending, the IPCA found serious deficiencies in Police investigative practices, file recording, collaboration with CYF, and case supervision involving Police investigations into members of the Roastbusters gang and their sexual predation of young vulnerable teenage girls. The father of one of the alleged offenders is a Police officer working within the district where the offending occurred. The IPCA findings mirror an erosion of public confidence in the Police when it comes to investigations of sexual complaints. Subsequent reports on Police culture going back to 2004 show the problem is historical and institutionalised. In the 2000s, the Labour Government established a commission of inquiry into a Police culture of sexual abuse and criminal offending, cover-ups, and promotion of officers central to the offending. Yesterday’s (Thursday) IPCA report suggestions a culture of leniency toward sexual offending still exists. The more you digest the IPCA report, the more disturbing it becomes. On reading the document, it is clear New Zealand Police have failed young victims of these crimes and more. It is reasonable to assert, the IPCA findings demonstrate how the Police, as an institution, is unable to self-assess what ought to be done about this enduring culture of leniency toward sexual crimes and abuse. The question remains unanswered as to what the National-led Government will do about this matter of high public interest. ITEM TWO: The New Zealand Herald has published a list of baby names which were previously considered to be among the most popular, but are now on the verge of dying out. Apparently, Alpha, Barbra, Claudine, Nanette, Sheba, Sondra, Thisbe and Zelma are on the decline. As are Elmore, Incarus, Inigo, Llewellyn, Remus, Sherwood and Waldo! The report doesn’t mention how Bruce, Trevor, Fred, and Barry are shaping up. But apparently traditional names like William, George, Jacob, and Noah are doing pretty well. And Amy, Georgina and Ema are on average the most well behaved! New Zealand Report broadcasts live on and webcasts on New Zealand Report on FiveAA Australia: Police Slammed Over Handling of Roastbusters Case Recorded live on 20/03/15. –]]>



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