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Move over mānuka – here are 5 other delicious native NZ honeys to try this summer

Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Megan Grainger, Senior Lecturer in Analytical Chemistry, University of Waikato

Getty Images

As I write, the summer landscape is bright with pōhutukawa flowers. Sitting in the shade of the “New Zealand Christmas tree”, I can hear bees humming as they move between flowers collecting nectar.

Pulling the picnic basket near, I cut a slice of fresh bread and cover it in white honey – made from that very pōhutukawa nectar. This is indeed the taste of summer – sweet, like butterscotch with a hint of salt.

But pōhutukawa honey, like other native varieties, tends to live in the shadow of its famous cousin, mānuka. That’s a shame, because the options, and the potential for more industry growth, are certainly there.

To continue driving the industry forward, we need to be thinking about those lesser-known New Zealand native honeys. At the moment, however, these are often mixed as “bush honey”, since there isn’t a large market for their individual sale.

All honey is primarily glucose and fructose, but the flavour profile comes from other compounds found in nectar that remain once it is converted into honey by bees. The combination of compounds varies between species, giving rise to some delectable flavours.

Not so long ago, consumers only had a choice of red or white wine. Now there are multiple varieties, each suited to their own occasion. Honey, too, can spread its variety around a bit more.

Pōhutukawa – the New Zealand Christmas tree – also produces nectar that makes a distinctive honey.
Getty Images

Liquid gold rush

New Zealand mānuka honey is still highly sought-after, of course. Its unique non-peroxide antibacterial activity was discovered in the 1980s by biochemist Peter Molan. It wasn’t until 2008 that the compound responsible, methylglyoxal, was identified. This allowed honey to be graded by its antibacterial activity – and the price of mānuka dramatically increased.

Mānuka honey is now a household name and valuable brand. It’s used medically, as well as on toast, and even been endorsed by celebrities such as Novak Djokovic and Ariana Grande. The most expensive jar ever sold went for NZ$4,964 for 230 grams at Harrods in London in 2021.

In 2022, 76% of the $583 million generated by the New Zealand apiculture (beekeeping) sector was from mānuka honey exports. Many beekeepers chased the mānuka flowering season while honey prices were high and honey was easy to sell, with 918,026 beehives registered in 2019.

But hive numbers are now down 34.5% and it appears the liquid gold rush might be over. A large honey surplus and weaker consumer demand are tipping the supply and demand balance in the wrong direction for now.

Putting all the eggs in one basket – or all bees on one flowering crop – is a risk for beekeepers. And these days, extreme weather events during summer can add to the uncertainty.

Heavy rains in some places last summer resulted in a 45% decrease in honey production compared to the previous year. The mānuka tree flowers for a short period, and such events can affect the volume of honey harvested and hence annual revenue.

Liquid gold: a bee gathers nectar from mānuka flowers.
Getty Images

Sweet variety

Apiculture New Zealand wants to future-proof the industry and believes the honey sector can more than double by 2030, mostly due to increasing mānuka exports. This will take time as the supply-demand scale is rebalanced.

Diversification can be another strategy. Nectar-producing native plants produce a wide range of honey flavours, all worthy choices for the consumer.

In fact, other varieties can compete successfully with mānuka internationally, and a rewarewa honey was awarded “world’s best tasting honey” at the 2021 Black Jar Honey Contest in the United States.

Rewarewa has a rich, malty flavour. But it is also reported to have anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties. While this is promising news, there are currently only a few studies based on limited samples.

Further research on honeys from various geographical locations and seasons is needed. But this takes time, money and resources. In the meantime, we can just enjoy one of the world’s oldest foods for its taste. Here are five New Zealand native honeys to keep an eye out for:

  • tāwari has been described as tasting like white chocolate melting off the tongue, and is superb on pancakes or ice cream

  • kāmahi is sweet with a buttery finish, and is a match with camembert or goat’s feta

  • kānuka is described as earthy with a toffee-like finish

  • rata is mild and rich, not too sweet, with a fruity taste and hint of salt

  • pōhutukawa is salty-sweet, a touch of butterscotch with a sprinkle of salt.

Increasing the profile of more native honeys would benefit the apiculture industry, build resilience into beekeeping businesses, diversify exports over time, and help maintain ecological biodiversity – which is important for our native fauna.

This summer, why not head to a farmer’s market, or even jump online from your deckchair, and support New Zealand’s smaller beekeepers by trying some of these native honeys. You may just find your next favourite to add to that charcuterie board or drizzle on your ice cream.

The Conversation

Megan Grainger is a committee member for the Apiculture New Zealand Science and Research Focus. She carries out research on mānuka honey and other native honeys, and has worked on projects with various companies in the apiculture industry.

ref. Move over mānuka – here are 5 other delicious native NZ honeys to try this summer –

Skyrocketing prices are an age-old problem. Here’s how Roman emperors battled runaway inflation

Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Peter Edwell, Associate Professor in Ancient History, Macquarie University

Tsvetelina Dyankova/Shutterstock

Therefore, who would not know that effrontery hijacks the public interest? […] It ratchets up the prices of things for sale, not fourfold or eightfold but so
much that the human tongue’s reckoning cannot untangle what to call the
accounting and the deed!

The language is different but this edict on maximum prices, issued in 301 CE by Roman emperor Diocletian, reflects a feeling familiar to many: why is everything so expensive lately?

Diocletian’s edict highlights the deep outrage he and and his imperial colleagues felt at the rampant inflation that had engulfed the Roman empire for much of the third century.

Inflation eroded the pay of the soldiers whose loyalty was the basis of the emperors’ authority.

So, how did the Roman Empire get into this mess – and how did it get out of it?

Too many coins with too little value

For much of the third century, the Roman Empire faced unprecedented crises, including foreign invasions by the Persian Sasanians and conflict with various Germanic tribes, such as the Goths.

There were also civil wars, plagues, disease outbreaks and food shortages. This period is now known as the Crisis of the Third Century.

Political stability was a distant memory; dozens of short-reigning emperors were installed and deposed as these problems grew worse.

With the scale of the military problems Rome faced in the third century, the Roman army grew larger. By the time of Diocletian’s reign (284-305) it numbered around 600,000 men. This compares with 250,000 in the first century.

A larger army (demanding ever higher salaries and bonuses) meant Roman mints needed to produce more silver coins to pay the soldiers.

Coins also functioned as political propaganda and helped cement a new emperor’s legitimacy. Every new emperor would issue new coins bearing his image. With so many emperors ruling in the third century, this contributed further to the increase in coin production.

Roman coin, AR Denarius,Maximinus, Rome mint, 236-238 AD., ,Ancient roman coin with portrait of emperor isolated on black
New emperor? New coins bearing his image.
Bukhta Yurii/Shutterstock

Today’s authorities sometimes use “quantitative easing” – which is often (and somewhat inaccurately) described as “printing more money” – as a way of stimulating economic activity. The vast increase in coin production and its inflationary effects in third century Rome might bear some comparison.

With ever more coins in circulation in the Roman Empire during this time, the individual value of these coins fell.

As the empire began to contract in the third century, silver became harder to get. This saw a precipitous drop in the amount of precious metal that was actually in the silver coins, a process known as debasement.

In short, they became less valuable; people (especially the soldiers) had less faith in the capacity of these debased coins to retain value, so they demanded more coins.

If they didn’t receive them, the emperor was often dispatched in quick time.

Another factor contributing to inflation will be familiar to anyone who lived through the era of COVID restrictions: supply chain bottlenecks.

War and disease (including the epidemic known as the Plague of Cyprian, which caused manpower shortages) drove instability. This led to supply chain problems that helped drive up the price of goods.

Currency reform

The Romans did not have an understanding of modern economic theories to help control inflation. Neither did they have institutions such as central banks to curtail the peaks and troughs of inflationary cycles.

What Roman authorities did control, however, was coin production.

They attempted to address the lack of faith in silver coins via currency reforms in the third century, which included a slight increase in silver content under the emperor Aurelian (270-275).

However, none of them worked. Faith in the silver currency had been permanently damaged.

A marble statue depicts Emperor Diocletian.
Emperor Diocletian despaired at the economic mess he’d inherited.
Gokhan Dogan/Shutterstock

Emperor Diocletian came to power toward the end of the third century, and despaired at the political and economic chaos he’d inherited.

When he issued his edict on maximum prices in 301CE, he legislated an empire-wide cap on prices of around 1,200 items.

In this law, he emphasised the impact of inflation on the soldiers. The army was the key constituency on which his imperial authority lay.

The edict, however, failed.

It was unenforceable across the vast territory of the Roman Empire, and placing official caps on prices inevitably created a black market. He brought some political stability to Rome during his reign but having failed to cure it of hyperinflation, Diocletian later retired to become a cabbage farmer.

When the emperor Constantine (306-337) reformed the currency in the fourth century, he introduced a new gold unit known as the solidus.

Faith in this unit was higher due to its status (it was used chiefly by soldiers and wealthy people), high precious metal content and more controlled output. This appears to have reduced inflationary pressures.

Constantine also brought a return to political stability and single rule of the empire (compared to a fraught system of co-emperors, known as the Tetrarchy, under Dicoletian). This stability helped with inflation. Supply bottlenecks were reduced and minting of coins became more consistent across the empire.

Today’s cost-of-living crisis

There are good reasons to be critical of how today’s inflation problems have been managed by central banks and governments. But we can at least be thankful that, compared to the Roman Empire, periods of high inflation in modern economies have been and will likely be short.

Much of this is due to our advanced capacity to analyse economic data and devise theories to control inflation before it runs rampant – undermining the economic, political and social stability we so often take for granted.

The Conversation

Peter Edwell receives funding from the Australian Research Council.

ref. Skyrocketing prices are an age-old problem. Here’s how Roman emperors battled runaway inflation –

What cost-of-living crisis? Luxury travel is booming – and set to grow further

Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Anita Manfreda, Senior Lecturer in Tourism, Torrens University Australia

surachet khamsuk/Shutterstock

About ten years ago, while working at Badrutt’s Palace Hotel in the Swiss town of St Moritz, I was shocked to learn a guest once requested an elephant be brought in to deliver a birthday gift to his wife. And the hotel made it happen, squeezing the elephant into the lobby.

This over-the-top gesture symbolised what luxury travel once meant: wealth and power, expressed through grand displays. Think millionaires and billionaires in lavish suites and on private yachts, enjoying exclusive services most of us would never dream of, let alone actually ask for.

Consulting group McKinsey defines the luxury traveller as someone prepared to spend US$500 or more per night on accommodation. But luxury tourism is evolving. Thanks to demographic shifts, sustainability concerns, and a post-pandemic desire for connection, luxury travel has become more personal and meaningful. And luxury travellers these days aren’t always the super rich elites.

Despite the cost-of-living crisis, luxury travel is booming. So, what’s driving this growth and how is luxury travel changing?

A couple clink champagne glasses while sitting at the front of a luxury yacht.
Despite the cost-of-living crisis, luxury travel is booming.

A trillion dollar industry

The luxury travel sector has shown remarkable resilience, even during economic downturns and the COVID pandemic. Globally, it is projected to grow from US$1.4 trillion in 2024 to $2.2 trillion by 2030.

The Asia-Pacific region is leading the surge at a compound annual growth rate of 8.6% (a way of measuring growth that assumes profits are reinvested) from 2024 to 2030.

In Australia, the trend is similar: the luxury travel market generated US$37.4 billion in 2023 and is forecast to reach US$70 billion by 2032.

This growth is driven not just by affluence among the wealthy but by younger travellers. As Forbes magazine points out, these travellers are often non-millionaires who may not earn enormous salaries or even own their own homes – but are willing to pay top dollar for meaningful experiences.

And some are splurging on trips to make up for time and opportunities lost due to the pandemic – a trend industry experts sometimes refer to as “revenge” and “revelry” travel. As one luxury travel industry observer put it:

We’re seeing travel at all costs, where people are determined to have the experience they want, regardless of what that price is.

Many consumers are prioritising luxury travel experiences over other discretionary items, including luxury goods.

Luxury can have many meanings

Today’s luxury travel isn’t just about extravagance; it can also include forking out for meaningful experiences. Luxury travellers are willing to pay up for holidays that promise authenticity, wellness and connection with people and places.

It can mean access to something rare, like an uncrowded natural environment or an authentic cultural experience that feels deeply personal.

It can also come from expertise – like appreciating the nuances of a rare bottle of wine, or touring a place with an expert or celebrity guide who has been there many times before.

Where it was once defined by price and status symbols, luxury travel today is about stories worth sharing (on social media and in real life) and experiences that align with personal values.

A woman takes a selfie while in a pool.
Luxury travel can be about experiencing something worth sharing (on social media or in real life).

Wellness, adventure and the digital detox

In my 17 years of working in and researching luxury travel, I have seen a lot of different luxury holidaymakers. Everything from humble retirees relishing the rewards of their hard work to VIP celebrities who send 32 pages of requests before even stepping foot in the hotel.

While older high-net-worth individuals from North America and Europe remain a significant demographic, a growing proportion of luxury travellers are millennials, Gen Z, and tourists from emerging markets like Asia and the Middle East.

Traditional hallmarks of luxury travel – like presidential suites and private islands – are still popular among high-net-worth individuals.

But a growing number of travellers seek cultural experiences, adventure, and small, intimate group trips.

These travellers are opting for off-peak seasons and less-visited destinations to avoid crowds, and may be more vocal about sustainable tourism.

A woman walks alone in a rainforest.
A new breed of luxury traveller is opting for off-peak seasons and less-visited destinations.
Jakub Maculewicz/Shutterstock

The future of luxury travel lies in its ability to adapt to evolving consumer values. Wellness retreats, slow travel (including by train), and sustainability-focused experiences are becoming central to the luxury travel narrative.

In a hyper-connected world, luxury travel marketing is now often linked with the idea of a digital detox. The chance to disconnect and fully immerse in the moment has become a modern indulgence.

Luxury travellers today use their trips to explore and learn, and to reconnect with the world, their relationships, and themselves.

The Conversation

Anita Manfreda is the secretary and executive committee member of the Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education. She previously worked in the luxury travel industry but currently has no affiliations, paid work, consultancy, or relationships with any organisations mentioned in this article.

ref. What cost-of-living crisis? Luxury travel is booming – and set to grow further –

Elon Musk, Gauguin and are we Australia fair? The 10 best podcasts of 2024

Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Siobhan McHugh, Honorary Associate Professor, Journalism, Consulting Producer, The Greatest Menace, Walkley-winning podcast, University of Wollongong

This year saw podcasts attract widespread attention for their influence on the political agenda (a hack that goes back to 2015, when Obama caused outrage with his raw take on race on Marc Maron’s WTF).

Spotify continues to push “video podcasts”, but apart from the technical problems they present, they hold no appeal for those who love audio at least in part because it frees them from screens.

The podcasts below, my picks for the year, do much more than that: they inform, illuminate, touch the heart and unleash the imagination.

1. In The Dark

In The Dark logo

In The Dark’s new series forensically unpacks a day in 2005 when United States marines went on a rampage in Haditha, Iraq, killing 24 civilians.

Over four years, host Madeleine Baran and team conducted hundreds of interviews and secured thousands of previously unreleased government documents. As Iraqi family members speak in Arabic about their horrendous loss, superlative production makes their testimony deeply moving. In one heartbreaking scene, the interpreter herself breaks down.

I’ve only heard this happen once before, when American oral historian Studs Terkel interviewed survivors of Hiroshima to open his acclaimed documentary Born To Live.

Apex investigative journalism that underlines the human cost of war.

2. Come by Chance

Come By Chance logo

The gentle but gritty Canadian podcast Come by Chance probes the intertwined meaning of family and identity.

Set in remote Newfoundland, it investigates the origins of two men who look strikingly dissimilar to their siblings. You can guess the outcome, but that doesn’t diminish the pleasure and pain of discovering what happened.

We warm to locals whose unaffected demeanour and distinctive phrasing make for revelatory storytelling that is never exploitative.

3. Australia Fair

Australia Fair logo

This timely series Australia Fair provides a fresh take on Australia’s “weird and troubled immigration history”.

Host Janak Rogers, whose mother came from high society Delhi and whose father was “a big hulking white guy” from Birmingham, is well placed to untangle this tapestry.

Heartfelt accounts from successive waves of arrivals, interwoven with illuminating archival clips and expert commentary, reveal fraught undercurrents. The Chinese attacked on the goldfields. Pacific Islanders kidnapped to cut cane. European migrants lampooned after World War II, the xenophobia shifting to Vietnamese boat people, Muslims from the Middle East, Africans. All alongside unrelenting racism towards Indigenous Australians.

A major flaw is its depiction of settler Australia as a monolithic white society, ignoring the vilification of the Irish from the arrival of the first political convicts in 1791. But overall, Australia Fair offers a bracing challenge to our oft-claimed status as a “successful” multicultural country.

4. Empire

Empire logo

Empire, hosted by polymath historian William Dalrymple and journalistic offsider Anita Anand, examines how empires rise and fall and how they shaped the world.

Dalrymple’s puppydog enthusiasm belies his vast knowledge of power hierarchies from India to the Ottomans, while Anand deftly retrieves him from rabbit holes.

Episodes verge into the history of pirates, North Korea, the Cuban Revolution, the dispossession of Native Americans and a cracker analysis of the Vietnam War.

5. The Belgrano Diary

The Belgrano Diary logo

Lauded Scottish writer Andrew O’Hagan examines the political and military machinations behind the 1982 Falklands War in The Belgrano Diary.

O’Hagan’s shrewd but unshowy narration and writerly eye for character are a major asset. A former naval officer, Narendra Sethia, whose diary is the British government’s undoing, is “skinny, covered in tattoos, with […] the appearance of someone who’s been on a lifelong gap year”.

Episode two, Gotcha, is the ghastly telling of the sinking of Argentinian cruiser the Belgrano with the loss of 323 lives. Archival tape and eye-witness testimony are interwoven with burbling underwater sonic detectors and muffled explosions of torpedoes. A survivor describes how those burnt the worst were given morphine first, “M” dabbed on their foreheads in their own blood.

Consummate sound design allows us to absorb its huge emotional and moral heft and weep for the dead of Islas Malvinas, as Argentinians call the Falklands.

6. The Gauguin Dilemma

The Gauguin Dilemma logo

The sparky series The Gauguin Dilemma, commissioned by the National Gallery of Australia, shows “branded podcasts” need not be schmaltzy PR.

Coinciding with the recent Paul Gauguin exhibition, it delves deep into controversial aspects of the artist.

Was he simply a destructive, colonising paedophile, to be cancelled forthwith? A robust range of perspectives complexifies this vexed topic.

7. Elon’s Spies

Elon's Spies logo

Elon’s Spies drills into Musk-the-man, featuring chilling stories of those who have crossed him.

They include Vernon Unsworth, architect of the Thai schoolboys’ cave rescue in 2018. Musk branded him “paedo-guy” because Unsworth slighted Musk’s mini-submarine proposal.

Musk’s then-girlfriend Amber Heard was surveilled on the Gold Coast; a whistleblower was bankrupted; Scottish Muslim leader Humza Yousaf was mercilessly hounded.

Musk’s capacity for vengefulness makes Trump seem almost benign.

8. Short Cuts

Short Cuts logo

Short Cuts logo

In its 12 years, Short Cuts has showcased eclectic, poetic audio features from producers all over the world.

Winningly hosted by comedian Josie Long, the 30-minute episodes have diverse short pieces, loosely linked by a theme: the tipping point, a piano, or beasts (in which Laurie Anderson performs a concert for dogs).

It is, mystifyingly, to be axed – unless a petition changes the BBC’s plans. Listen while you can.

9. Stop and Search

Stop and Search logo

Stop and Search tracks how 20-year-old apprentice tradie Brad Balzan was shot dead in his backyard in Western Sydney after a police encounter went wrong.

Host Paul Farrell meticulously exposes the bigger context: how proactive police searches discriminate according to class and race. Depressingly, Indigenous people and lower socio-economic areas are more likely to be targeted, searches are often unlawfully conducted and 90% of searches found nothing.

10. This is Alice Springs

This is Alice Springs logo

This is Alice Springs, hosted by Yorta Yorta man Daniel James, takes us behind the miserable headlines about youth violence and curfews in Alice Springs.

It makes such a difference to hear Indigenous people telling their own stories, and not to a white journalist. Keenly observed writing and immersive sound bring the camps, streets and landscape alive, providing nuanced insight into a complex, troubling situation.

The Conversation

Siobhan McHugh does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

ref. Elon Musk, Gauguin and are we Australia fair? The 10 best podcasts of 2024 –

Valls hopes to tackle New Caledonia in Rocard-style ‘spirit of dialogue’

By Patrick Decloitre, RNZ Pacific correspondent French Pacific desk

New Overseas Minister Manuel Valls, who was appointed yesterday as part of the new French government of Prime Minister François Bayrou, intends to tackle New Caledonia’s numerous issues in the spirit of dialogue of former Socialist Prime Minister Michel Rocard.

Rocard is credited as the main French negotiator in talks between pro-France and pro-independence leaders that led in 1988 to the “Matignon-Oudinot” agreements that put an end to half a decade of quasi-civil war.

At the time 26 years old, Valls was a young adviser in Rocard’s team.

Valls said Rocard’s dialogue-based approach remained his “political DNA”.

36 years later, now 62, he told French national broadcasters France Inter and Outre-mer la Première that the two priorities were economic recovery (after destructive riots and damage in May 2024, estimated at some 2.2 billion Euros), as well as resuming political dialogue between local antagonistic parties concerning New Caledonia’s political future.

On the economic side, short-lived former Prime Minister Michel Barnier had committed up to one billion Euros in loans for New Caledonia’s recovery.

But France’s Parliament has not yet endorsed its 2025 budget, “which poses a number of problems regarding commitments made by (Barnier).

On the political talks that were expected to start a lead to a comprehensive and inclusive agreement between France, the pro-independence and pro-France camps, Valls said his approach was “dialogue” with the view of “going forward.”

“We don’t have much time (…) We have to find a common path”, he said, adding future political solutions should be “innovative” for the French Pacific archipelago.

Initial schedules for those talks to take place foresaw an agreement to arrive some time at the end of March 2025.

But no talks have started yet.

The Union Calédonienne (UC), one of the main components of the pro-independence Kanak and Socialist National Liberation Front (FLNKS), said nothing could happen until it holds its annual congress, sometime during the “second half of January 2025”.

This article is republished under a community partnership agreement with RNZ.

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Hui, protests, kotahitanga, and a new Kuini – a historic year for Māoridom

By Ella Stewart, (Ngāpuhi, Te Māhurehure, Ngāti Manu), RNZ longform journalist, Te Ao Māori

On a sticky day in January, dozens of nannies and aunties from Tainui shook and waved fronds of greenery as they called manuhiri onto Tuurangawaewae Marae.

More than 10,000 people had responded to a rare call for unity from the Māori King to discuss what the new government’s policies meant for Māori. It set the scene for what became a massive year for te ao Māori.

A few months beforehand, just in time for Christmas 2023, the newly formed government had announced its coalition agreements.

The agreements included either rolling back previous initiatives considered progressive for Māori or creating new policies that many in Māoridom and beyond perceived to be an attack on Māori rights and te Tiriti o Waitangi.

So as the rest of the country wound down for the year, te ao Māori went to work, planning for the year ahead.

This year saw everything from controversial debates about the place of New Zealand’s founding document to mourning the loss of the Māori king, and a viral haka.

A call for unity — how 2024 started
The Hui-aa-motu in January was the first sign of the year to come.

Iwi from across the motu arrived at Tūrangawaewae, including Ngāpuhi, an iwi which doesn’t typically follow the Kiingitanga, suggesting a growing sense of shared purpose in Māoridom.

At the centre of the discussions was the ACT Party’s Treaty Principles Bill, which aims to redefine the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi and enshrine them in law.

Māori also expressed their concerns over the axing of Te Aka Whai Ora, (the Māori Health Authority), the re-introduction of referenda on Māori wards, removing references to Tiriti o Waitangi in legislation, and policies related to the use and funding of te reo Māori.

The day was overwhelmingly positive. Visitors were treated with manaakitanga, all receiving packed lunches and ice blocks to ward off the heat.

Raising some eyebrows, Prime Minister Christopher Luxon chose not to attend, sending newly-appointed Māori-Crown Relations Minister Tama Potaka and Māori Affairs select committee chair Dan Bidois instead.

Kiingi Tuheitia Pootatau te Wherowhero VII addresses the crowd at Hui-ā-Motu last January. Image: Ella Stewart/RNZ

Other than the sheer number of people who showed up, the hui was memorable for these words, spoken by Kiingi Tuheitia as he addressed the crowds, and quoted repeatedly as the year progressed:

“The best protest we can make right now is being Māori. Be who we are. Live our values. Speak our reo. Care for our mokopuna, our awa, our maunga.

“Just be Māori. Be Māori all day, every day. We are here. We are strong.”

The momentum continued, with the mauri of Hui-ā-Motu passed to Rātana pā next, and then to Waitangi in February.

The largest Waitangi in years
Waitangi Day has long been a place of activism and discussion, and this year was no exception.

February saw the most well-attended Waitangi in years. Traffic in and out of Paihia was at a standstill for hours as people flocked to the historic town, to discuss, protest, and commemorate the country’s founding document.

Māori activist and former MP for Te Tai Tokerau, Hone Harawira. Image: Angus Dreaver/RNZ

Veteran Māori activist Hone Harawira addressed David Seymour, the architect of the controversial Treaty Principles Bill and ACT Party Leader, directly.

“You want to gut the treaty? In front of all of these people? Hell no! You and your shitty-arse bill are going down the toilet.”

A new activist group, ‘Toitū te Tiriti’, also seized the moment to make themselves known.

Organisers Eru Kapa-Kingi and Hohepa Thompson led two dozen protesters onto the atea (courtyard) of Te Whare Rūnanga during the pōwhiri for government officials, peacefully singing over David Seymour’s speech.

“Whakarongo, e noho . . .” they began — “Listen, sit down”.

Hīkoi organiser and spokesperson for activist group Toitū te Tiriti, Eru Kapa-Kingi at Waitangi commemorations in February 2024. Image: Angus Dreaver/RNZ

It was just the start of a movement which led to a nationwide hīkoi from the top of the North Island to Wellington.

Record number of urgent Waitangi Tribunal claims
In the past year, the government’s policies have faced significant formal scrutiny too, with a record number of urgent claims heard before the Waitangi Tribunal in such a short period of time.

The claims have been wide-ranging and contentious, including:

  • the disestablishment of the Māori Health Authority,
  • ACT’s Treaty Principles Bill,
  • limiting te reo Māori use,
  • reinstating referendums for Māori wards, and
  • the repeal of smokefree legislation.

Seymour has also criticised the function of the tribunal itself. In May, he argued it had become “increasing activist”, going “well beyond its brief”.

“The tribunal appears to regard itself as a parallel government that can intervene in the actual government’s policy-making process,” Seymour said.

The government has made no secret of its plan to review the tribunal’s future role, a coalition promise.

The review is expected to refocus the tribunal’s scope, purpose and nature back to its “original intent”. While the government has not yet released any specific details about the review, it’s anticipated that Māori Development Minister Tama Potaka will oversee it.

Te Kiingi o te Kōtahitanga — mourning the loss of Kiingi Tuheitia
In August, when the seas were choppy, te ao Māori lost a rangatira.

Te iwi Māori were shocked and saddened by the death of Kiingi Tuheitia Pootatau te Wherowhero VII, who just days before had celebrated his 18th year on the throne.

Once again, thousands arrived outside the bright-red, ornately-carved gates of Tuurangawaewae, waiting to say one last goodbye.

The tangi, which lasted five days, saw tears, laughter and plenty of stories about Tuheitia, who has been called “Te Kiingi o Te Kōtahitanga”, the King of Unity.

Kiingi Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero VII’s body is transferred to a hearse. Image: Layla Bailey-McDowell/RNZ

On the final day, led by Kaihaka, his body was driven the two blocks in a black hearse to the banks of Waikato River. He was placed on a waka specially crafted for him, and made the journey to his final resting place at the top of Taupiri Maunga, alongside his tūpuna.

Just hours before, Tuheitia’s youngest child and only daughter, Nga wai hono i te po was announced as the new monarch of the Kiingitanga. The news was met with applause and tears from the crowd.

At just 27 years old, the new Kuini signals a societal shift, where a new generation of rangatahi who know their whakapapa, their reo, and are strong in their identity as Māori, are now stepping up.

The new generation of Māori activists
An example of this “kohanga generation” is Aotearoa’s youngest MP, Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Clarke.

Elected in 2023, the 22-year-old gained international attention after a video of her leading a haka in Parliament and tearing up a copy of the Treaty Principles Bill made headlines around the world.

Te Pāti Māori MP Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Clarke won the Hauraki-Waikato seat over Labour MP Nanaia Mahuta in 2023. Image: Samuel Rillstone/RNZ

Maipi-Clarke and several other opposition MPs performed the Ka Mate haka in response to the Treaty Principles Bill, a move that cost her a 24-hour suspension from the debating chamber.

At the same time, another up-and-coming leader within Māoridom, Eru Kapa-Kingi, led a hīkoi from the top of the North Island to Wellington, in what is believed to be the largest protest to ever arrive at Parliament.

The hīkoi mō te Tiriti was the culmination of a year of action, and organisers predicted it would be big. But almost no one anticipated the true scale of the crowd.

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has announced that he will not be travelling to the Treaty grounds in Northland for Waitangi Day commemorations in February next year, opting to attend events elsewhere.

Māori met the decision with mixed emotions — some calling it a missed opportunity, and others pleased.

We’re set for a big year to come, with submissions on the Treaty Principles Bill closing on January 7, the ensuing select committee process will be sure to dominate the conversation at Waitangi 2025 and beyond.

This article is republished under a community partnership agreement with RNZ.

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Fiji’s PM dismisses Tabuya as Minister for Women and Children

RNZ Pacific

Fiji MP Lynda Tabuya has been dismissed as the country’s Minister for Women, Children and Social Protection.

Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka said in a statement that in light of the recent events concerning the conduct of Lynda Tabuya, and in consideration of:

  • the Oath she has taken as a Minister; and
  • standards expected of any Minister

He had decided to exercise the power conferred upon to him by Section 92(3)(b) of the Constitution, to dismiss her as a minister, with immediate effect.

She will remain as a Member of Parliament.

Rabuka said this was not a decision he had taken lightly, but one that was “necessary in the best interest of the people that we serve”.

Fiji’s new Minister for Women, Children and Social Protection Sashi Kiran. Image: Fiji govt/RNZ Pacific

Sashi Kiran will replace Lynda Tabuya as the Minister for Women, Children and Social Protection, effective from the date of her swearing in by the President, Rabuka said.

This article is republished under a community partnership agreement with RNZ.

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‘Block’ resignation over riots recovery plan topples New Caledonia’s government

By Patrick Decloitre, RNZ Pacific correspondent, French Pacific desk

New Caledonia’s territorial government has been toppled on Christmas Eve, due to a mass resignation within its ranks.

Environment and Sustainable Development Minister Jérémie Katidjo-Monnier said he was resigning from the cabinet, with immediate effect.

Katidjo-Monnier was the sole representative from Calédonie Ensemble (a moderately pro-France party), one of the parties represented at the Congress.

He also said in a letter that all other people from his party’s list who could have replaced him, had also resigned as a block.

The letter was sent to government President Louis Mapou and copied to the French Pacific territory’s Congress President Veylma Falaeo.

The government of New Caledonia is made up of the parties represented at the Congress, under a proportional principle of “collegiality” — implying that all of its members and the parties they represent are supposed to work together.

In his letter, Katidjo-Monnier elaborated on growing tensions between Mapou’s government and the Congress MPs.

The tensions came to a head over the past few months, following the deadly pro-independence riots that started on May 13.

One particular point of contention was Mapou’s efforts to secure a loan of up to €1 billion (NZ$1.9 billion) from France, under a “PS2R” (reconstruction, refoundation and salvage) plan to rebuild New Caledonia after the riots damage estimated at some €2.2 billion (NZ$4 billion) and the subsequent thousands of job losses.

New Caledonia President Louis Mapou (centre) holding a press conference with some of his ministers in late November 2024. Image: New Caledonia govt/RNZ Pacific

Congress vs government: two opposing recovery plans
At the same time, the Congress has been advocating for a different approach: a five-year reconstruction plan to secure funds from France.

A bipartisan delegation was last month sent to Paris to advocate for the plan — not in the form of reimbursable loans, but non-refundable grants.

The bipartisan delegation’s “grant” approach was said to be supported not only by Congress, but also by provincial assemblies and New Caledonia’s elected MPs in both houses of the French Parliament

The delegation was concerned that the loan would bring New Caledonia’s debt to unprecedented and unsustainable levels; and that at the same time, funds for the “PS2R” would be tied to a number of pre-conditioned reforms deemed necessary by France.

Katidjo-Monnier said neither the “obligation” for Congress and the government to act in “solidarity”, nor the “spirit of the Nouméa Accord”, had been respected.

Approached by local media on Tuesday, Mapou declined to comment.

‘Lack of solidarity’
The block resignation from Calédonie Ensemble entails that the whole government of New Caledonia is deemed to have resigned and should now act in a caretaker mode until a new government is installed.

The election of a new government must take place within 15 days.

One of the initial stages of the process is for the Congress to convene a special sitting to choose how many members should make up this new government (between five and 11) and then to proceed with their election.

The cabinet then elects a president.

Several governments have fallen under similar mass resignation circumstances and this “mass block resignation” ploy.

It has now been used 11 times since 1999, each time causing the downfall of the government.

Louis Mapou’s government was the 17th since New Caledonia’s autonomous government system was introduced in 1999.

He came to office in July 2021, months after the list of government members was chosen on 17 February 2021.

This was the first time a local territorial government’s leader belonged to the pro-independence camp.

This article is republished under a community partnership agreement with RNZ.

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Like your pet more than people? So did some of the Greco-Romans

Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Konstantine Panegyres, McKenzie Postdoctoral Fellow, researching Greco-Roman antiquity, The University of Melbourne

Jacques Mossot/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA

The Roman writer Claudius Aelian (2nd–3rd century CE) tells us a curious story about a boy and a pet snake:

A boy bought a small snake and reared it with great care. When it grew he spoke to it as if it could hear, played with it and let it stay in his bed while he was sleeping. When it became very big the city had it sent to an uninhabited spot. Later, when the child, now a young man, came back from an entertainment, he and his companions were set upon by brigands. There was a commotion, and the snake appeared. It dispersed some of the attackers and killed others, saving the young man.

The boy was lucky. His pet snake remembered his earlier kindness, and came to save him in his moment of need, if we can believe the story.

This is one of many tales from the Greco-Roman world about people and their pets.

Just like today, people back then loved and enjoyed the company of animals in their homes. So, what sorts of pets did they keep and what do we know about them?

Some famous stories about pets

Many stories about pets survive from Greco-Roman times. These stories usually attest to the close bonds humans and animals can form with one another.

Here are a few of them.

One day, the Roman general Paulus Aemilius (229–160 BCE) arrived home after work and found his little daughter Tertia crying.

Why was she crying? The biographer Plutarch(1st–2nd century CE) tells us what happened:

Paulus asked the reason. And she said, “Our Perseus is dead”.

Perseus was the name of their pet dog. We don’t know what Perseus died from, but Paulus’ daughter was obviously deeply fond of the animal.

In some ancient stories, people’s pets were sometimes their only source of support in difficult times.

The Theban general Epaminondas (410–362 BCE) was charged with various petty crimes by his political enemies at Thebes. After proving himself innocent of the charges in court, he finally got to go home:

when he returned from the court his little Melitaean dog greeted him with a wag of the tail. This led him to say to those who were present: “This dog thanks me for my favours, but the Thebans, after the benefits I conferred on them, tried me on a capital charge”.

The philosopher Lacydes of Cyrene (died 205 BCE) had a close bond with his pet goose:

when he went for a walk, it went too. When he sat down, it would remain still and would not leave him for a moment. And when it died Lacydes gave it a most costly funeral as though he were burying a son or a brother.

But one of the most famous ancient pet stories is about Darius III (died 330 BCE), the King of Persia. He was defeated by Alexander the Great and then betrayed by one of the Persians, called Bessus:

when Darius, the last king of Persia, was struck by Bessus in the battle against Alexander and lay dead, all abandoned the corpse, only the dog which had been reared under his care remained faithfully at his side, unwilling to abandon, as though he was still alive, the man who could no longer tend him.

Darius’ dog stayed loyal to him to the end, unlike the people around him.

Different types of pets

Dogs were the most popular house pet in Greco-Roman times. The favourite breed of dog was called the Melitaean.

This breed of dog was originally from Carthaginian Africa. It was very small with long hair, a bushy tail and sharp nose, and apparently barked with a squeaky voice.

Other favourite pets were monkeys, snakes and birds of many different kinds. Even the Roman emperor Tiberius (42 BCE to 37 CE) had a pet snake.

Pet cats of the kind we are familiar with were, for a long time, mainly found in Egypt. The Egyptians’ word for “cat” actually sounded like the noise cats make, “meow”.

Ancient Greeks and Romans seem not to have kept these sorts of household cats as pets.

But there is evidence that in Athens in the 5th century BCE, it was trendy for wealthy people to own exotic big cats such as cheetahs, possibly for hunting purposes.

Some wealthy people even had lions as house pets. For example, Berenice (273–226 BCE), wife of Ptolemy III of Egypt, had a tame lion as her companion. “It would softly wash her face with its tongue and smooth away her wrinkles”, says Aelian. It would also eat at her table at dinnertime.

The loyalty of animals

Ancient writers such as Aelian praised animals for their loyalty.

Aelian says animals become loyal when you do simple things for them like giving them food and love, whereas human beings can be disloyal no matter how much you do for them:

well-treated animals are good at remembering kindness […] a human being however […] can become the bitter enemy of a friend and for some trifling and casual reason blurt out confidences to betray the very man who trusted him.

Aelian gives as an example of this the story of a boy who was given a baby eagle to care for:

he reared the bird not as a plaything to sport with, but as a favourite or as a younger brother […] as time passed it lit the flame of a strong mutual friendship. It happened that the youth fell sick, and the eagle stayed at his side and nursed its keeper. While he slept, the bird remained quiet. When he woke, it was there. If he took no food, it refused to eat. And when the youth at last died, the eagle also followed him to the tomb, and as the body burned it threw itself on to the pyre.

So, if there’s one message that Greco-Roman writers give about pets, it’s that the bonds between humans and animals can sometimes be stronger than the bonds between humans and other humans.

The Conversation

Konstantine Panegyres does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

ref. Like your pet more than people? So did some of the Greco-Romans –

From the Big Bogan to Larry the Lobster, why do towns build Big Things?

Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Amy Clarke, Senior Lecturer in History, specialising in built heritage and material culture, University of the Sunshine Coast

Big Things first appeared in Australia in the 1960s, beginning with the Big Scotsman (1962) in Medindie, South Australia, the Big Banana (1964) in Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, and the Big Murray Cod (1968) in Tocumwal, NSW.

These structures were inspired by earlier North American examples, such as Lucy the Elephant (1882) in New Jersey, and several big doughnuts in California.

While they differed in subject matter, all aimed to attract the attention of passing motorists: in the 1950s–1960s, private car ownership had soared and highway construction spread.

Towns and regions across Australia, New Zealand and North America used oversized landmarks to get travellers to stop, take a photo and hopefully spend money at local businesses.

As awareness of these giant landmarks grew, so did the desire of other communities to have their own.

Within a few decades, Australia’s Big Things had become a beloved fixture of road trips and summer holidays.

A big cultural impact

My research shows the number of Big Things being constructed in Australia hit an initial peak in the 1980s before experiencing a temporary decline.

By the 2000s, however, towns as far afield as Tully in Queensland (Big Golden Gumboot), Cressy in Tasmania (Big Trout), and Exmouth in Western Australia (Big Prawn) were reviving the tradition.

Soon, Big Things became firmly entrenched in Australian popular culture: featuring on limited edition Redheads matchboxes (2010), and on sets of Australia Post stamps (2007 and 2023).

But some of the older structures experienced declining popularity: the Big Wool Bales in Hamilton, Victoria (closed 2020), Victoria’s Giant Gippsland Earth Worm in Bass (closed 2020) and the Big Cask Wine in Mourquong, NSW (closed 2012), survive only in holiday photos and people’s memories.

Icons like Larry the Lobster (Kingston, SA), the Big Prawn (Ballina, NSW), and the Big Pineapple (Nambour, Queensland) have battled changes in ownership, threat of demolition, and closure.

Read more:
Australia’s ‘big’ problem – what to do with our ageing super-sized statues?

Despite these challenges, and debates over heritage conservation, construction of these giant landmarks has not slowed.

The Big Bogan was erected in 2015 in Nyngan, NSW, by community members who were eager to encourage visitors to the area.

A local progress association in the small town of Thallon in Queensland unveiled William the Big Wombat in 2018, also with the aim to bring attention to the area.

Similar hopes were held for the Big Watermelon erected in 2018 (Chinchilla, Queensland), and the Big Tractor (Carnamah, WA) which opened this year.

Through my research, I spoke with many people involved with projects such as these, and they said they’d selected objects that were iconic to their area.

This could be a product they specialise in, a local native animal, or, in the case of the Big Bogan, a joke based on the name of nearby Bogan River.

Most builders openly acknowledge their primary motivation is to promote the region, attract tourist dollars and investment, and revive towns that have seen better days.

But do Big Things actually achieve these goals? Unfortunately, there is no easy answer.

An economic return?

Local economies are complex, as are the reasons people choose to visit. Many Big Things are constructed on the sides of highways that connect Australia’s numerous regional towns.

People who stop for photos may not set out with the goal of visiting that Big Thing – it may simply be convenient to take a break there while on the way somewhere else.

And if people do stop, it doesn’t guarantee they will spend more than the cost of filling up their car with petrol, if that.

Over the years, tourism researchers have developed several different models for calculating the impact of rural and regional tourism on local economies.

However, none of these approaches has proven to be universally effective. Most scholars agree tourists aren’t likely to travel long distances for any one reason.

They will consider a range of factors including food and accommodation, and the closeness of numerous attractions. In other words: building a Big Thing won’t guarantee a sustained increase in tourism to the area on its own.

Communities should factor this in when considering erection of a Big Thing, especially given the cost of construction.

The Big Mango in Bowen reportedly cost $A90,000 when it was built in 2002, while the organisers of the Big Tractor in Carnamah raised more than $600,000 to cover its price tag.

The spread of social media and easy access to media outlets via the internet offers communities another reason to build Big Things, however.

Australians are not the only ones fascinated by Big Things, and when a new one is unveiled — or an existing one goes “missing”, as the Big Mango did in 2014 — it is often covered by the press and then shared online.

These giant landmarks are also highly “Instagrammable”: a 2015 survey revealed that six of Australia’s 20 most Instagrammed tourist attractions were Big Things.

This sort of coverage doesn’t necessarily guarantee the long-term revival of a town’s economy.

But it can help to remind people of the town’s existence, and it gives locals a memorable image on which to build.

The Conversation

Amy Clarke does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

ref. From the Big Bogan to Larry the Lobster, why do towns build Big Things? –

We don’t all need regular skin cancer screening – but you can know your risk and check yourself

Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By H. Peter Soyer, Professor of Dermatology, The University of Queensland


Australia has one of the highest skin cancer rates globally, with nearly 19,000 Australians diagnosed with invasive melanoma – the most lethal type of skin cancer – each year.

While advanced melanoma can be fatal, it is highly treatable when detected early.

But Australian clinical practice guidelines and health authorities do not recommend screening for melanoma in the general population.

Given our reputation as the skin cancer capital of the world, why isn’t there a national screening program? Australia currently screens for breast, cervical and bowel cancer and will begin lung cancer screening in 2025.

It turns out the question of whether to screen everyone for melanoma and other skin cancers is complex. Here’s why.

The current approach

On top of the 19,000 invasive melanoma diagnoses each year, around 28,000 people are diagnosed with in-situ melanoma.

In-situ melanoma refers to a very early stage melanoma where the cancerous cells are confined to the outer layer of the skin (the epidermis).

Instead of a blanket screening program, Australia promotes skin protection, skin awareness and regular skin checks (at least annually) for those at high risk.

About one in three Australian adults have had a clinical skin check within the past year.

clinician checks the back of a young man with red hair and freckles in health office
Those with fairer skin or a family history may be at greater risk of skin cancer.

Why not just do skin checks for everyone?

The goal of screening is to find disease early, before symptoms appear, which helps save lives and reduce morbidity.

But there are a couple of reasons a national screening program is not yet in place.

We need to ask:

1. Does it save lives?

Many researchers would argue this is the goal of universal screening. But while universal skin cancer screening would likely lead to more melanoma diagnoses, this might not necessarily save lives. It could result in indolent (slow-growing) cancers being diagnosed that might have never caused harm. This is known as “overdiagnosis”.

Screening will pick up some cancers people could have safely lived with, if they didn’t know about them. The difficulty is in recognising which cancers are slow-growing and can be safely left alone.

Receiving a diagnosis causes stress and is more likely to lead to additional medical procedures (such as surgeries), which carry their own risks.

2. Is it value for money?

Implementing a nationwide screening program involves significant investment and resources. Its value to the health system would need to be calculated, to ensure this is the best use of resources.

Read more:
Yes, you still need to use sunscreen, despite what you’ve heard on TikTok

Narrower targets for better results

Instead of screening everyone, targeting high-risk groups has shown better results. This focuses efforts where they’re needed most. Risk factors for skin cancer include fair skin, red hair, a history of sunburns, many moles and/or a family history.

Research has shown the public would be mostly accepting of a risk-tailored approach to screening for melanoma.

There are moves underway to establish a national targeted skin cancer screening program in Australia, with the government recently pledging $10.3 million to help tackle “the most common cancer in our sunburnt country, skin cancer” by focusing on those at greater risk.

Currently, Australian clinical practice guidelines recommend doctors properly evaluate all patients for their future risk of melanoma.

Looking with new technological eyes

Technological advances are improving the accuracy of skin cancer diagnosis and risk assessment.

For example, researchers are investigating 3D total body skin imaging to monitor changes to spots and moles over time.

Artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms can analyse images of skin lesions, and support doctors’ decision making.

Genetic testing can now identify risk markers for more personalised screening.

And telehealth has made remote consultations possible, increasing access to specialists, particularly in rural areas.

Check yourself – 4 things to look for

Skin cancer can affect all skin types, so it’s a good idea to become familiar with your own skin. The Skin Cancer College Australasia has introduced a guide called SCAN your skin, which tells people to look for skin spots or areas that are:

1. sore (scaly, itchy, bleeding, tender) and don’t heal within six weeks

2. changing in size, shape, colour or texture

3. abnormal for you and look different or feel different, or stand out when compared to your other spots and moles

4. new and have appeared on your skin recently. Any new moles or spots should be checked, especially if you are over 40.

If something seems different, make an appointment with your doctor.

You can self-assess your melanoma risk online via the Melanoma Institute Australia or QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute.

The Conversation

H. Peter Soyer is a shareholder of MoleMap NZ Limited and e-derm consult GmbH and undertakes regular teledermatological reporting for both companies. He is a Medical Consultant for Canfield Scientific Inc. He receives funding from the National Health and Medical Research Council and The Medical Research Future Fund.

Anne Cust receives funding from the National Health and Medical Research Council.

Monika Janda receives project and fellowship funding from the National Health and Medical Research Council and The Medical Research Future Fund. She serves on the scientific advisory committee for Melanoma and Skin Cancer Advocacy Group.

Caitlin Horsham does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

ref. We don’t all need regular skin cancer screening – but you can know your risk and check yourself –

Children can be more vulnerable in the heat. Here’s how to protect them this summer

Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Wen-Qiang He, Research Fellow in Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney

maxim ibragimov/Shutterstock

Extreme heat is increasingly common in Australia and around the world and besides making us uncomfortable, it can harm our health. For example, exposure to extreme heat can exacerbate existing medical conditions, or cause problems such as heat stroke.

Due to a combination of physiology and behaviour, children are potentially more vulnerable to severe heat-related illness such as heat stroke or heat exhaustion.

But these are not the only heat-related health issues children might experience on a very hot day. In a new study, we looked at emergency department (ED) visits and unplanned hospital admissions among children in New South Wales on heatwave days.

We found a significant increase in children attending hospital compared to milder days – with a range of health issues.

Why are children more vulnerable in the heat?

Sweating is the main way we lose heat from our bodies and cool down.

Children have a greater skin surface area to body mass ratio, which can be an advantage for sweating – they can lose more heat through evaporation for a given body mass. But this also means children can lose fluids and electrolytes faster through sweating, theoretically making them more susceptible to dehydration.

Meanwhile, younger children, particularly babies, can’t sweat as much as older children and adults. This means they can’t cool down as effectively.

Children in general also tend to engage in more outdoor physical activity, which might see them more exposed to very hot temperatures.

Further, children may be less in-tune to the signals their body is giving them that they’re overheating, such as excessive sweating or red skin. So they might not stop and cool down when they need to. Young children especially may not recognise the early signs of heat stress or be able to express discomfort.

A boy drinking from a drink bottle, appears hot and bothered.
Children may not easily be able to communicate that they’re hot and bothered.

Our study

We wanted to examine children’s exposure to extreme heat stress and the associated risks to their health.

We measured extreme heat as “heatwave days”, at least two consecutive days with a daily maximum temperature above the 95th percentile for the relevant area on a universal thermal climate index. This ranged from 27°C to 45°C depending on the area.

We assessed health outcomes by looking at ED visits and unplanned hospital admissions among children aged 0–18 years from NSW between 2000 and 2020. This totalled around 8.2 million ED visits and 1.4 million hospital admissions.

We found hospital admissions for heat-related illness were 104% more likely on heatwave days compared to non-heatwave days, and ED visits were 78% more likely.
Heat-related illness includes a spectrum of disorders from minor conditions such as dehydration to life-threatening conditions such as heat stroke.

But heat-related illness wasn’t the only condition that increased on heatwave days. There was also an increase in childhood infections, particularly infectious enteritis possibly related to food poisoning (up 6% for ED visits and 17% for hospital admissions), ear infections (up 30% for ED visits and 3% for hospital admissions), and skin and soft tissue infections (up 6% for ED visits and 4% for hospital admissions).

A boy standing in front of a sprinkler.
Kids can be more vulnerable in the heat because of their behaviour and physiology.

We know many infectious diseases are highly seasonal. Some, like the flu, peak in winter. But heat and humidity increase the risk of certain infections caused by bacterial, viral and fungal pathogens.

For example, warmer weather and higher humidity can increase the survival of bacteria, such as Salmonella, on foods, which increases the risk of food poisoning.

Hot weather can also increase the risk of ear infections. Children may be at greater risk during hot weather because they often swim or play at the beach or pool. Water can stay in the ear after swimming and a moist environment in the ear canal can cause growth of pathogens leading to ear infections.

Which children are most vulnerable?

During heatwaves, we found infants aged under one were at increased risk of ED visits and hospital admission for any reason compared to older children. This is not surprising, because babies can’t regulate their body temperature effectively and are reliant on their caregivers to keep them cool.

Our study also found children from the most disadvantaged areas were more vulnerable to heat-related illness on heatwave days. Although we don’t know exactly why, we hypothesised families from poorer areas might have limited access to air-conditioning and could be more likely to live in hotter neighbourhoods.

Keeping kids cool: tips for parents

The highest levels of heat exposure on hot days for young children is usually when they’re taken outside in prams and strollers. To protect their children from direct sunlight, parents often instinctively cover their stroller with a cloth such as a muslin.

However, a recent study from our group showed this actually increases temperatures inside a stroller to as much as 3–4˚C higher than outside.

But if the cloth is wet with water, and a small fan is used to circulate the air close to the child, stroller temperatures can be 4–5˚C lower than outside. Wetting the cloth every 15–20 minutes (for example, with a spray bottle) maintains the cooling effect.

When young children are not in a stroller, and for older children, there are a few things to consider to keep them cool and safe.

Remember temperatures reported on weather forecasts are measured in the shade, and temperatures in the sun can be up to 15˚C higher. So sticking to the shade as much as possible is important.

Exercise generates heat inside the body, so activities should be shortened, or rescheduled to cooler times of the day.

Sunscreen and hats are important when outdoors, but neither are especially effective for keeping cool. Spraying water on the child’s skin – not just the face but arms, legs and even the torso if possible – can help. Wetting their hats is another idea.

Proper hydration on hot days is also essential. Regular water breaks, including offering water before, during and after activity, is important. Offering foods with high water content such as watermelon and orange can help with hydration too.

The Conversation

James Smallcombe receives funding from NHMRC

Natasha Nassar receives funding from NHMRC

Ollie Jay receives funding from National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and Wellcome Trust (UK).

Wen-Qiang He does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

ref. Children can be more vulnerable in the heat. Here’s how to protect them this summer –

Dogs and cats get diabetes too. Here’s what to look out for and how to manage it

Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Jacquie Rand, Emeritus Professor of Companion Animal Health, The University of Queensland

Elena Vorman/Shutterstock

Learning a pet has diabetes can be a shock. Sadly, about 20% of diabetic cats and dogs are euthanised within a year of diagnosis due to the impacts on the pets’ health and their owners’ lifestyle and finances.

However, the disease can be managed. And for cats, but not dogs, effective early treatment even gives them a good chance of remission.

Diabetes in cats and dogs is fairly common – though not as common as in humans.
It affects about 1.5% of dogs and 0.5–1% of cats.

So what exactly is diabetes? What are the warning signs? And how do you manage the disease?

An overweight panting dog sitting on grass
Being overweight increases the risk of diabetes in cats, as in people, and to a lesser extent in dogs.
Mary Swift/Shutterstock

What is diabetes?

Glucose is the body’s primary energy source. Insulin, a hormone produced in the pancreas, regulates levels of this blood-borne sugar, its uptake into cells and its storage in the liver and muscles.

In animals with diabetes, the body does not secrete enough insulin. The result is high glucose levels (hyperglycemia) and associated clinical signs.

Some breeds and unspayed female dogs are more at risk, as are middle-aged, older and obese animals.

Diabetes mellitis (its full scientific name) is generally classified into four main types:

1. Type 1 diabetes

This form results from autoimmune destruction of insulin-producing pancreatic cells, because the immune system attacks them by mistake.

Type 1 is common in dogs but rare in cats. Its onset in dogs, usually in middle age, is often insidious.

A black dog getting an injection while lying on a chair
Type 1 diabetes is most common in dogs.

2. Type 2 diabetes

This form is characterised by insulin resistance and dysfunction in cells that produce insulin. It accounts for most cases in cats but is rare in dogs.

The major risk factors are obesity and increasing age. Other factors include genetics, physical inactivity and being kept indoors and the use of glucocorticoid steroids.

In the earlier stages, when the cat is still producing some insulin of its own, type 2 diabetes can be managed using drugs that reduce blood glucose. The drugs are formally known as “sodium-glucose transporter 2” or (SGLT2) inhibitors.

For more advanced cases, insulin injections are essential. Long-acting insulin in cats typically controls blood glucose levels better than the intermediate-acting insulins typically used in dogs.

Weight loss is also important for overweight or obese animals. The maximum safe rate of weight loss is 1-2% of body weight a week in cats, so achieving an ideal weight can take 6–12 months. Adding steamed zucchini to each meal can help with weight loss.

An overweight tabby cat eats from a food bowl
Getting the diet right is important for managing diabetes in cats and dogs.
Moshe EINHORN/Shutterstock

3. Other specific types

Some diabetes types are caused by other medical conditions such as chronic pancreatitis, which is common in diabetic dogs, or acromegaly in cats, where too much growth hormone results in marked insulin resistance.

4. Dioestrus and Gestational diabetes

Diabetes can occur in older female dogs after they have been in heat. In dioestrus, secretion of increased growth hormone from mammary glands counteracts insulin. Although very rare in pets, female dogs can get transient diabetes in pregnancy.

What are the signs to look for?

Signs of diabetes usually emerge slowly over weeks to months. If diagnosis is delayed, the pet’s health can decline rapidly over 24–48 hours, leading to death if not immediately treated.

Signs to look out for include increased thirst and urination, increased appetite and weight loss. However, some dogs and up to 50% of cats with diabetes have a reduced appetite.

Diabetic cats’ posture may change to a flat-footed stance and they may lose jumping ability. Diabetic dogs are prone to cataracts.

Diagnosis involves documenting persistently high blood glucose levels along with glucose in the urine. Certain or tests tests can confirm the diagnosis by measuring average blood glucose over the past several weeks.

In cats, early diagnosis before clinical signs appear can be difficult because the stress of visiting the vet often raises blood glucose levels. Multiple measurements and/or urine analysis, preferably at home, may be needed to confirm the diagnosis.

What are the treatment options?

Tailored monitoring and treatment can improve quality of life and reduce euthanasia rates. In cats, early intervention can potentially delay onset of clinical diabetes and reduce the burden of long-term insulin treatment.

Insulin therapy remains the cornerstone of treatment. Options range from short-acting for immediate control to intermediate and long-acting insulin for daily management.

In dogs, types of insulin known as “porcine lente” or “protamine zinc” are commonly used. Consistent feeding schedules and exercise help stabilise blood glucose.

SGLT2 inhibitors have almost no risk of clinical signs from low blood glucose (hypoglycemia) and can be given with food. This may help overcome common treatment barriers such as having to give twice daily injections for cats with diabetes.

However, these treatments are most effective with early diagnosis, as they require the cat to still produce enough insulin to suppress formation of ketones (acids your body makes when it breaks down fat for energy). Especially in the first few weeks of treatment, ketone monitoring is crucial to avoid life-threatening complications.

For cats showing more advanced signs of diabetes, their own insulin secretion is unlikely to be enough for management with oral SGLT2 inhibitors, and insulin injections are needed. Longer-acting insulin is more effective for inducing remission.

Dietary changes are essential. Low-carbohydrate diets improve remission rates for cats when combined with long-acting insulin. However, such diets might not be suitable when using SGLT2 inhibitors.

In newly diagnosed cats without other medical conditions, tight control of blood glucose levels can lead to remission in up to 80% of cases. Sustained weight management is then key to maintaining it without other treatment.

Dogs rarely achieve remission because the destruction of insulin-producing cells in type 1 diabetes is irreversible.

Diabetic cats and dogs can have a good life

Diabetes in dogs and cats is manageable with the right vet care, owner commitment, and adjustments to diet and body weight.

Advances in home glucose monitoring, including continuous monitors, mean vets and pet owners can better track and manage blood glucose.

For most diabetic dogs it’s a lifelong condition. For cats, the prospect of remission, as well as giving owners hope, underscores the need for awareness of early symptoms and early vet care.

Through diligent weight management, diet, glucose monitoring and insulin dose adjustments, pets with diabetes can live healthy, fulfilling lives.

The Conversation

Jacquie Rand receives no current funding from organisations related to diabetes in dogs or cats. She has an honorary position at the University of Queensland and is employed by the not-for-profit Australian Pet Welfare Foundation (APWF), which undertakes research aimed at improving the health and welfare of dogs and cats and benefiting pets and the people who care for them. APWF is largely funded by philanthropic gifts.

ref. Dogs and cats get diabetes too. Here’s what to look out for and how to manage it –

Sport produces mountains of high-tech waste. We are finding new ways to recycle it

Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Ali Hadigheh, Senior Lecturer, Structural Engineering, University of Sydney


In the early days of the modern Olympics and Paralympics, athletes competed using heavy, non-aerodynamic equipment. The record for throwing a javelin, for instance, has almost doubled since 1908, when the sport was introduced. Athletes have got better – but so has their equipment.

In fact, sporting equipment (and the materials it is made from) has improved in almost every sport. Fibre-reinforced plastics, in particular, have been revolutionary. These composite materials commonly combine plastics with strong carbon or glass fibre. You can now find them in most sports played at high level.

These strong, bendable and lightweight materials have made it possible for athletes to push the limits of their sports, win medals and bring pride to their nations. But they come with a hidden cost.

Composite materials are notoriously hard to recycle. And the amount of waste from sports is growing fast. Our research offers a way to reduce this waste – and extract valuable carbon fibres.

badminton racket
Fibre-reinforced polymer composites are everywhere in sports, from lightweight rackets to climbing walls.
Alastair McDonald

Composites everywhere

Fibre-reinforced polymers have become ubiquitous because of their unique properties. They offer a combination of low weight, flexibility, strength and durability. The properties can be modified by adjusting fibres, mixing materials and changing how sporting equipment is designed.

If you pick up a modern tennis racket in one hand and an old wooden racket in the other, you will notice the difference. New composite rackets are light and strong, letting players achieve faster swing speeds.

Badminton rackets, too, have left solid wood behind. Today, even shuttlecocks have feathers reinforced with carbon rods.

Running footwear relies on carbon composites to boost springiness, aid propulsion, boost heel stability and reduce foot fatigue.

Cycling has greatly benefited from carbon composites. Modern racing bikes are often made entirely of carbon fibre, including lugs, tubes and connections. These bikes are lightweight, highly durable and with significantly lower air resistance compared to their metal counterparts.

Wherever you look, you see fibre-reinforced plastic composites. The bows in archery, the poles in pole vaulting, the wheelchairs in the Paralympics, the carbon net poles in volleyball, the saddles, horseshoes and helmets in equestrian disciplines, the gun bipods in shooting, the golf club shafts in golf, the boats in sailing, the skateboards in skating, the surfboards in surfing and even the climbing walls in rock climbing – all are now made of composites.

When the games are over

These materials have transformed many sports. But composites are made of several materials combined. That means they are often hard to recycle.

In the United Kingdom, for instance, about 90% of all composite waste goes to landfill. Only 2% is reused for carbon fibre. Producing new composites consumes a lot of energy.

Globally, about 7,000 tonnes of composite sporting equipment reaches its end of life and could be recycled every year. Demand for recycling is increasing. This stream of waste now accounts for almost 9% of the total composite market.

As these composites have become ever more popular, researchers have looked for better ways to recycle them – ideally, in ways which are also profitable. While many methods are not profitable, our earlier cost-benefit research found several methods which show promise.

In our recent research, we put one method to the test: thermochemical recycling.

Consider the challenge of recycling composites. They are often coated with polymers or resins to make their surfaces more durable. But this makes harder to pull these materials apart. Carbon fibres are the most valuable part in these composites.

To find ways of extracting these fibres, we took broken bikes made of carbon fibre composite and experimented with recycling using chemicals and heat.

Through trial and error, we developed highly efficient chemical methods of pre-treating broken bikes and discovered the optimal temperature to melt them: 425°C. At this temperature, we could extract these fibres relatively intact. The recycled fibres retained 94% of their original stiffness and 90% of their original strength.

This means they can be put to different uses, where slightly lower strength and stiffness are acceptable.

Recovered carbon fibres can also be used in 3D printing of other bike components, offering a high weight-to-strength ratio and increased durability, or even in reinforced concrete.

Where to from here?

It is hard to see athletes ever shifting back to the heavy, non-aerodynamic equipment of the past. But if valuable materials can be recovered cost-effectively from sporting equipment at the end of its life, it creates an incentive to do something useful with this growing waste stream.

While our new method uses less energy than existing heat recycling processes and produces relatively environmentally friendly waste by-products, we believe we can improve this process further so it uses still less energy.

Ultimately, we hope this method will be useful to help small and medium recycling businesses process more composite products from sports.

The Conversation

This research was supported by the Australian Government through the Australian Research Council’s Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) fellowship scheme

This research was supported by the Australian Government through the Australian Research Council’s Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) fellowship scheme

ref. Sport produces mountains of high-tech waste. We are finding new ways to recycle it –

Regular lessons have paused – but your kids should still practise their swimming this summer

Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Amy Peden, NHMRC Research Fellow, School of Population Health & co-founder UNSW Beach Safety Research Group, UNSW Sydney


Many swimming schools have temporarily closed for the summer holidays. But this doesn’t mean you should take a break from helping your kids learn how to swim.

What can you do during this period to keep your children’s swimming skills up to scratch?

Summer dangers

Remember, summer is a peak time for drowning. Australia records its highest number of drowning deaths in the warmer months and tragically, 134 lives were lost last summer.

Risk is highest at this time, as people head to the water to seek relief from the heat. The school and public holidays also mean people go to areas they are not familiar with.

Children in particular are disproportionately impacted, with their risk of drowning doubling during school holidays, compared to term time.

How to stay safe

Adults need to actively supervise young children around water. This means being within arms’ reach in the water with children under five and older if your children are non or weak swimmers.

Supervision can relax as children grow and improve their swimming. But the safest place for parents is in the water having fun with the kids.

It’s also important to remember “active supervision” means focusing all your attention on your children (so no mobile phones or multi-tasking).

Along with pool fencing and adults learning cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), learning how to swim is a key strategy to reduce the risk of drowning.

This means children have the skills and knowledge to keep them safe in different water environments and scenarios.

Any swimming you do helps

Research shows any activity (even informal play) in any type of water can make a positive difference to swimming skills.

My 2016 Australian study with Royal Life Saving Society colleagues showed any time spent in the water – but ideally at least once a fortnight – is linked to higher swimming skills in children (5–12 years) already enrolled in swimming lessons.

Children with a home pool have also been found to be better swimmers than those without a pool.

Although we don’t exactly know why, this is likely due to the increased opportunity to informally practise their swimming skills. It may also be that parents are more conscientious about lessons.

Talk about water safety as well

To understand what children should be able to do by a particular age, check the National Swimming and Water Safety Framework.

This can give you ideas of things to practise and a reminder of a holistic approach to learning to swim, which includes personal survival and rescue skills. For example, by six, it is expected every Australian child should be able to enter and exit shallow water unassisted, float and recover to a standing or secure position and move continuously through the water for five metres.

Talking about water safety with your kids could include setting and reinforcing rules around the water, such as “no going near the water without an adult” or “no climbing on the pool fence”.

If you’re at the beach, always prioritise one that’s patrolled, and explain why we swim between the flags. If lifeguards can’t see you, no one can help you should you get into trouble.

A lifeguard watches swimmers at a public pool.
By six, every Australian child should be able to float and swim for five metres.

Think about all types of water

With lifeguards and a controlled environment, local pools are statistically the safest places to swim.

But it is important for children to experience different swimming environments, including cold water and currents. For two decades, rivers have been the leading location for drowning in Australia.

This is why enjoying the water safely with your children this summer is a great opportunity to practise their swimming skills. Plenty of “Christmas swims” (as Bluey calls them) and water play will mean you’ll see a difference when kids head back to swimming lessons for Term 1 next year.

The Conversation

Over the last five years, Amy Peden has received funding from the National Health and Medical Research Council, Meta, Surf Life Saving Australia. the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and the NSW Government Office of Sport. She is affiliated with Royal Life Saving Society – Australia as an honorary senior research fellow.

ref. Regular lessons have paused – but your kids should still practise their swimming this summer –

From Cleopatra to Wellington, leaders have always taxed beer. But Australia’s system has made beer extra pricey

Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Anthea Gerrard, Assistant Professor of Law, Bond University


Beer has existed for thousands of years. It was the drink of choice in ancient Egypt, in northern Europe in the Middle Ages and, of course, remains popular around the world today.

And, since it was so widely consumed, it was the perfect target for taxation by governments throughout the centuries. There are even records of governments taxing beer 5,500 years ago in Mesopotamia.

Some levels of taxation have been tolerated over the centuries because of beer’s known adverse impacts on health and behaviour.

But the truth is leaders taxing beer (and, therefore, beer-drinkers) have always been able to generate large and secure revenue streams.

Raising beer taxes wins wars

Cleopatra, who clashed with Rome after her lover Julius Caesar died and she took up with his friend Marc Antony, used beer taxes – likely to fund the war effort.
Painting by Jean-Léon Gérôme/Wikipedia.

The Egyptian queen Cleopatra is widely believed to have used beer taxes to fund her wars with Rome (she claimed the taxes were to combat “drunkenness”).

Dutch leaders in 16th century Holland used beer taxes to fund a well-trained and permanent army, enabling them to defeat the enormous Spanish Empire during a conflict known as the Dutch Revolt (which lasted from 1566 to 1648).

While the Spanish relied on silver and gold from their colonies, this was no match for the beer taxes raised in Holland.

Leaders in the UK also relied on beer taxes to fund the wars that helped establish the British Empire and secure British power.

In the preamble to the first British law imposing taxes on beer in 1643, reference is made to the

speedy raising and levying of money […] for the maintenance of the forces raised for the defence of the king and parliament.

In all these cases, beer taxes specifically helped leaders and politicians fund and win wars.

Lowering beer taxes wins elections

If politicians raise beer taxes to finance war projects, the direct opposite can occur when the same politicians go to the polls.

In 1830, Britain’s Prime Minister Lord Wellington faced an election and was naturally concerned about winning.

A statue depicts Lord Wellington atop his horse, Copenhagen.
Lord Wellington cut taxes on beer, and got re-elected.

In response to a growing campaign entitled “Beer is best for health, best for Britian” and the desire to win the election, parliament took the popular measure of abolishing taxes on beer to “reform the beer industry and free up the trade in beer”.

This was despite the measure costing the economy a whopping £3 million.

But the plan worked and Wellington won the election – only to lose power a few months later following the controversial emancipation of the Catholics (a process of lifting various restrictions on Catholics).

Beer taxes and the cost of living

In the lead up to Australia’s next federal election, some members of the Coalition have proposed reducing excise taxes on beer.

Lowering taxes, leading to reduced prices, would assist with the current cost of living crisis, they argue. Beer drinkers and brewers would no doubt approve, but how do beer taxes in Australia currently work?

The right to impose taxes on goods, such as beer, is the exclusive domain of the federal government. In other words, states can’t tax beer (or any goods).

Schedule 1 of Commonwealth Excise Tariff Act 1921 contains both a definition of beer and the various rates of tax on beer, depending on alcohol content and the way it is sold. The higher the alcohol content, the higher the tax rate.

Wine is not included. It is taxed separately and at a lower rate than beer.

People enjoy a jug of beer at a pub.
The way beer is taxed in Australia is different to the way wine is taxed. – Yuri A/Shutterstock

Beer tax rates are also adjusted in June and December each year based on the CPI from the April and October quarters, respectively.

Wine taxes, on the other hand, are set by legislation and only updated from time to time.

The impact of this difference can be seen when comparing the increases in the price of beer in the last decade compared with the price of wine. Both have been subject to the same economic conditions, yet the price of beer has doubled, while the price of wine has increased by less than 20%.

These biannual increases in beer tax rates have resulted in huge increases in the price of beer.

In 2023 alone, the price of beer excises increased by 11%.

As the cost of living crisis takes its toll, the public (and brewers) are understandably aggrieved.

A change to beer tax in Australia?

Like their British forebears, some members of the Coalition are proposing a beer tax cut.

They are considering using a substitute rate (not CPI) to determine the taxes on beer, which is allowed under the law.

(Other senior Coalition members, however, have distanced themselves from the idea of changing the way beer is taxed).

Will any of this mean cheaper beer at the pub? That depends on whether pre-election ideas turn into actual policy – and whether brewers and pub owners pass on savings to customers.

The Conversation

Anthea Gerrard does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

ref. From Cleopatra to Wellington, leaders have always taxed beer. But Australia’s system has made beer extra pricey –

Australia has a remarkable history of outdoor cinema. Here’s why Netflix will never beat it

Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Ruari Elkington, Senior Lecturer in Creative Industries & Chief Investigator at QUT Digital Media Research Centre (DMRC), Queensland University of Technology

Dendy Powerhouse Outdoor Cinema

In December 1916, as war raged in Europe, an entrepreneurial pearl diver took a chance on some bleeding-edge technology and installed an outdoor cinema in one of the country’s most isolated towns – Broome, Western Australia.

Ted Hunter didn’t know much about cinemas. Not many people did at the turn of the 20th century. But that didn’t stop him beginning what has become a long history of outdoor cinema exhibition in Australia.

Sun Pictures in Broome opened with Jack Hulcup’s 1913 silent film Kissing Cup, in which a “squire’s jockey” escapes kidnappers and gallops across the Isle of Wight in time to win the race. Huzzah.

More than a century later, Sun Pictures still stands – the world’s oldest operating open-air cinema.

Sun Pictures was often subject to tidal flooding prior to a levee built in 1974. Locals have shared stories of watching films with fish swimming around their feet.
Wikimedia, CC BY-SA

While the Guinness World Record is a nice-to-have, Sun Pictures’ survival has been ensured not by the latest Hollywood blockbuster, but by what the cinema offers locals and visitors each night: a moviegoing experience that is at once unique and familiar.

Segregation at the movies

Before opening Sun Pictures, Hunter made his money as a master pearler. Pearl shells, which were turned into mother-of-pearl buttons, transformed the economic life of Broome in the late 1800s. Despite being so isolated, the pearling industry brought great riches to the town, while also entrenching workers along racial lines.

Racial segregation was firmly present in Broome’s “picture garden” for the first half of the 20th century. White Australians and their kids were seated in the middle, with Chinese and Japanese patrons behind them. Malays, Filipinos and First Nations people entered separately and were seated at the sides, or remained standing.

Aboriginal rights activist Charles Perkins would later directly challenge the segregation of Australian cinemas in his 1965 “Freedom Ride” throughout rural New South Wales.

Outdoors, from the comfort of your car

My colleague Tess Van Hemert and I have spent the past three years researching the cultures and practices of cinemagoing and how cinema sites shape this experience.

Outdoor cinemas – whether they be the picture gardens of Broome or the Yatala Drive-In – function as special sites of culture, connection and community.

During COVID lockdowns, social distancing measures particularly invigorated drive-in cinema attendance. But even after lockdowns ended, David Kilderry, the long-time operator of Melbourne’s Lunar Drive-in, remains clear on the appeal:

You could open up the car or even sit outside it and if cool, hop back inside and snuggle up in private. […] You can talk about the film as it runs. Kids can ask questions and parents can explain. Patrons can use phones during the film without interrupting others, and babies and infants won’t annoy other customers […] The drive-in has always been more than just a movie experience. It’s where the two icons of the 20th century come together: the motion picture and the automobile.

While the Lunar was shuttered in 2023, Kilderry said this decision was less about the 400,000 annual patrons and more about the land tax implications of keeping a site of that size viable.

But it’s not all doom and gloom for drive-ins. Kilderry notes many operators now own their land, rather than trying to constantly negotiate leases.

There are currently about 12 drive-ins running regularly across Australia, with a few more opening for the occasional screening. New drive-in developments are also planned for Perth, pending local consultations.

Connecting with others and the environement

Beyond drive-ins, Sun Pictures is in good company with a range of locations around the world that actively celebrate outdoor cinema.

During the European summer, open-air cinemas are popular in countries such as Germany and Italy. In Bologna, three large piazzas – Piazza Maggiore, Arena Puccini and Piazzetta Pasolini – are set up as cinemas for the annual Cinema Ritrovato festival.

Closer to home, the University of Western Australia’s Somerville Auditorium, framed by a “tree cathedral” of mature Norfolk pines, has long been a place of unique outdoor cinema experiences.

Perth Festival film programmer Tom Vincent understands the distinct pleasures of outdoor cinemagoing:

The m ost memorable cinemagoing anywhere will always engage the audience’s sense of place, usually through architecture and experience design. […] It includes a natural sensory mix that includes river breezes, ambient sounds and wildlife, alongside a sense of grandeur and good programming. Good outdoor cinema says ‘look, we are here, engage all your senses’.

But while seasonal outdoor cinemas such as the Moonlight Cinemas continue to operate around Australia – alongside local council park screenings – openings of new permanent outdoor cinemas are rare.

Phoebe Condon, manager of the new permanent Dendy Powerhouse Outdoor Cinema in Brisbane, explained how the site positions itself as a high-value leisure experience:

It’s more than just a night at the movies – it’s a destination […] What truly sets us apart from other outdoor cinemas is our focus on creating an elevated, year-round experience.

This framing of outdoor cinema as an “elevated experience” is vital. While the cost of cinemagoing has come up as a key consideration in our research (especially in the current economic context) the industry is quick to remind consumers it remains affordable compared with other out-of-home arts and leisure experiences such as live sports, music, comedy and theatre.

Despite legitimate cost-of-living concerns, census data continues to show cinemagoing as the nation’s most popular cultural activity.

Why Neflix can’t replace cinemas

Our research on Australian cinemagoing supports broader arguments for a more holistic understanding of cinema’s value in society. Cinemagoing shouldn’t be compared to your Netflix subscription, but to other leisure activities people get up and leave the house for.

As the International Union of Cinemas notes, “films reflect national culture or subcultures and the wider world to the audience; they frame moral and political discussions; and they entertain and educate”.

We also know cinemagoing has never stood still. Ever since Hunter took a chance on outdoor cinema in 1916, these spaces have evolved constantly to respond to new challenges and shifting appetites.

But one aspect remains the same: whether sat under the stars, or parked in a lot, Australians continue to see the value in leaving their homes to connect and share in new stories on the big screen.

The Conversation

Ruari Elkington has received funding from The Queensland Government Dept of Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation (DETSI), Screen Queensland, The Embassy of France in Australia and Cinema Association Australasia

ref. Australia has a remarkable history of outdoor cinema. Here’s why Netflix will never beat it –

Five journalists killed by Israeli air strike near hospital – media watchdogs condemn killings

Pacific Media Watch

Five Palestinian journalists have been killed in a new Israeli strike near a hospital in central Gaza after four reporters were killed last week, reports Al Jazeera citing authorities and media in the besieged enclave.

The journalists from the Al-Quds Today channel were covering events near al-Awda Hospital, located in the Nuseirat refugee camp, when their broadcasting van was hit by an Israeli air strike.

Footage from the scene circulating on social media shows a vehicle engulfed in flames.

The video of the white-coloured van shows the word “press” in large red lettering across the back of the vehicle.

The dead journalists have been named as Fadi Hassouna, Ibrahim al-Sheikh Ali, Mohammed al-Ladah, Faisal Abu al-Qumsan and Ayman al-Jadi.

Al Jazeera’s Anas al-Sharif reports that Ayman al-Jadi had been waiting for his wife in front of the hospital while she was in labour to give birth to their first child.

Civil defence teams retrieved the bodies of the victims and extinguished a fire at the scene, the Quds News Network said.

Israel claims ‘targeted’ attack
Israel’s military confirmed the strike.

It claimed it had carried out a “targeted” attack against a vehicle carrying members of Islamic Jihad and that it would continue to take action against “terrorist organisations” in Gaza.

“Prior to the attack, many steps were taken to reduce the chance of harming civilians, including the use of precision weapons, aerial observations, and additional intelligence information,” the military said in a post on X.

The New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) earlier this month condemned Israel’s killing of four Palestinian journalists in the space of a week, calling on the international community to hold the country accountable for its attacks against the media.

The Paris-based media freedom watchdog Reporters Without Borders (RSF) also condemned the killing of the journalists last week as a “continuation of the war crimes committed by Israel”.

“On December 14 and 15, the Israeli army murdered three media professionals in northern Gaza and the central Gaza Strip,” RSF said in a statement.

“Some of the few remaining reporters in the northern region, subjected to a ground invasion by Israeli forces, were recently forced to evacuate their homes.”

RSF named three of the killed journalists as Al-Jazeera cameraman Ahmad al-Louh, a 39-year-old media worker who was was filming a report on the Palestinian Civil Defence in the Nuseirat camp when he was killed on December 15 by an air strike; Mohammed Balousha, a reporter for the Emirati channel Al-Mashhad who was mortally wounded by a targeted drone strike while reporting in the Sheikh Radwan district in northern Gaza, and correspondent Mohammed Jaber al-Qarinawi, 30, who was killed along with his wife and their three children by an isolated air strike — “a sign that his home had probably been targeted”.

‘Stark reminder’ on media attacks, says RSF
RSF’s director of campaigns Rebecca Vincent said: “These latest killings are a stark reminder of the ongoing assault by Israeli forces against media professionals in northern Gaza, where the handful of journalists remaining are now at risk of disappearing altogether.

“In parallel to ongoing attacks on media in central Gaza where displaced persons are now seeking refuge, this is a clear continuation of the Israeli authorities’ attempts to control the narrative on its war through any means possible.

“We repeat in the strongest possible terms that targeting journalists is a war crime, and these atrocious attacks must stop. It is time for concrete action by other states — in particular Israel’s allies — to urge the Israeli government to immediately comply with international law.”

Ninety-six percent of Gaza’s journalists have been forcibly evacuated from their homes, and 92 percent have lost essential reporting equipment, according to data from RSF’s local NGO partner, Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism (ARIJ).

At least 141 journalists have been killed in Israel’s war in Gaza since October 7, 2023, according to the CPJ.

However, other monitoring agencies put the death toll higher — the Gaza-based Government Media Office has documented 201 killings of journalists by Israel.

Israel has continued a genocidal war on Gaza that has killed more than 45,000 people, most of them women and children, since a cross-border attack by the Palestinian group Hamas on 7 October 2023.

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Powerful 7.3 magnitude quake strikes Vanuatu – serious damage in Vila

RNZ Pacific

A large 7.3 magnitude earthquake has struck off the coast of Vanuatu’s capital Port Vila , shortly after 3pm NZT today.

The US Geological Survey says the quake was recorded at a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles).

Locals have been sharing footage of serious damage to infrastructure in Port Vila.

According to one post on Vanuatu Dialogue Live Facebook group, the building which is occupied by diplomatic embassies has suffered significant damage.

There are also reports of people trapped under buildings that have collapsed from the shake.

Tsunami waves
The US Tsunami Warning Centre in Hawai’i said tsunami waves had been observed and were forecast for some coasts.

It expected tsunami waves reaching one meter to be possible for some coasts of Vanuatu.

The tsunami was expected to reach the Anatom Island and Esperitu Santo in Vanuatu.

Fiji, Kermadic Islands, Kiribati, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu and Wallis and Futuna faced a forecast for tsunami waves less than 30 cm high.

It said the coastal regions of Hawai’i, American Samoa, Guam and the CNMI should refer to Pacific Tsunami Warning Center messages.

Video by Dan McGarry.

One News reports that the NZ High Commission building “sustained significant damage”.

New Zealand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said it had been in contact with the country’s High Commissioner Nicci Simmonds in Port Vila.

“Our High Commission building, which is co-located with the United States, the French and the United Kingdom, has sustained significant damage.

Footage posted to X shows damage to the High Commission building in Port Villa.

“We are in the process of contacting our staff to check they are safe.”

Forty five New Zealanders were registered on SafeTravel as being in Vanuatu. The ministry said it expected there would be more who were not registered.

This article is republished under a community partnership agreement with RNZ with additional information from Vanuatu journalist Dan McGarry’s news feed.

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Cardinal David slams Israel, says Jesus would have been born in Gaza

By Victor Barreiro Jr in Manila

Cardinal Pablo Virgilio David, bishop of Kalookan, has condemned the state of Israel on Christmas Eve for its relentless attacks on Gaza that have killed tens of thousands of Palestinians.

“I can’t think of any other people in the world who live in darkness and are always in the shadow of death than them,” Caridinal David said in Filipino during the last Simbang Gabi Mass on Tuesday, December 24.

Cardinal David, 65, connected this to the Christmas message by leading churchgoers to reimagine Jesus’ birth.

A biblical scholar educated at the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium, David has often emphasised “the role of imagination” in interpreting the Bible.

Cardinal David, known for his defence of human rights, especially during Rodrigo Duterte’s war on drugs, said Catholics should not “romanticise” the manger at Bethlehem.

“I think that if the Holy Family were to look for an inn today, they would not stay in Bethlehem but in the Gaza Strip and find a collapsed house in which to give birth to the Son of God,” the cardinal said.

Cardinal David said he understood that many Filipinos showed great sympathy toward Israel because the Philippines was a Christian-majority country.

Endorsed Pope’s ‘cruelty’ criticism
In addition, many Filipinos work in Israel under Jewish employers. “So it is but natural that many Filipinos would feel greater affinity with the Israelis,” he said.

Cardinal David said, however, that Israel’s airstrikes on Gaza should not be condoned. He echoed Pope Francis who recently said that Israel’s bombing of Palestinians, including children, “is cruelty.” and who also criticised Israel in his Christmas message.

The Israel in the Bible was a far cry from the state of Israel, Cardinal David added.

The biblical Israel is not the same Israel now at war with Hamas, as the following Rappler video explainer shows. The Israel in the Bible, called Judea, was destroyed by the Roman Empire in the second century, and the current state of Israel was established in 1948.

Israel’s war on Gaza as viewed by Cardinal David. Video: Rappler

“It is no longer an Israel that is disadvantaged and defenseless and oppressed by the powerful, but an Israel that is aggressive, at an advantage in war, and supported by world powers,” Cardinal David said.

Israel, he explained, should learn from the biblical experience of David, who mistakenly thought he only needed to build God a temple to attain elusive peace.

It is the other way around, he said, and God is the one who will build a temple for David.

“That will not happen as long as we treat each other as enemies,” said Cardinal David.

‘A God of love’
“No matter our religion, culture, or race, we all come from the same God — a God of love, a God who humbles, a God who does not call for revenge or exacts punishment but a God who forgives,” the cardinal added.

This was one of Cardinal David’s first comments on a global issue since the Pope elevated him to the College of Cardinals on December 7.

As a cardinal, David is one of 253 clergymen chosen as advisers to the leader of the 1.4-billion-strong Catholic Church. He is also one of 140 cardinals below the age of 80, who are eligible to join the next papal election.

The war in Gaza was triggered by Hamas’ October 7, 2023 attack on southern Israel, in which 1139 people were killed and 251 taken hostage to Gaza.

Israel’s campaign against Hamas in Gaza has since killed more than 45,200 Palestinians, according to health officials in the Hamas-run enclave. Most of the population of 2.3 million has been displaced and much of Gaza is in ruins.

Republished from Rappler with permission.

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Publisher tells of storytelling and its role in shaping Fiji’s identity

By Cheerieann Wilson in Suva

Veteran journalist and editor Stanley Simpson has spoken about the enduring power of storytelling and its role in shaping Fiji’s identity.

Reflecting on his journey at the launch of FijiNikua, a magazine launched by Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka on Christmas Eve, Simpson shared personal anecdotes of growing up in Savusavu, a place he described as a hub of vibrant storytelling.

“I grew up listening to stories that were humorous, serious, tragic, and enlightening,” he said.

“These stories instilled values, kept the community together, and reminded us of our principles and identity.”

The launch of FijiNikua is the culmination of years of dedication to the craft of journalism and magazine production.

“This is the fifth magazine I’ve had the privilege of editing. I love the way magazines provide the space to tell stories, no matter how long they may be.”

His career in publishing began in 2006 when he left a secure position at UNDP to pursue a dream.

Storytelling dream ‘persisted’
Teaming up with journalist Imraz Iqbal, they launched Fiji Living magazine, driven by a passion for telling stories that mattered. However, their vision faced challenges during the political unrest later that year, resulting in attacks on their office and colleagues.

“Despite the pain and chaos, the dream of storytelling persisted.”

Publisher and media innovator Stan Simpson . . . resilience led him to produce award-winning journalism that uncovered corruption . . . and addressed pressing social issues.” Image: The Fiji Times

That resilience led him to helm Mai Life Magazine, producing award-winning journalism that uncovered corruption, celebrated community triumphs and addressed pressing social issues.

In his speech, he expressed gratitude to Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka and the coalition government for their role in repealing the MIDA Act, paving the way for greater media freedom.

“For 16 years, our media landscape was constrained. We cannot let this moment pass without leaving a strong legacy of free spirit and free speech for future generations.”

As general secretary of the Fiji Media Association, Simpson announced initiatives to establish a journalism institute and Press Club and revealed that Savusavu will host the Pacific Media Summit in 2026, inviting regional media to converge and celebrate the power of storytelling.

Fiji Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka . . . praised for removing the MIDA Act and enabling a “free media” again. Image: The Fiji Times

FijiNikua is more than just a magazine; it’s a platform for meaningful stories.

“In an era dominated by social media and short-form content, this magazine offers a space for complete, in-depth narratives that inspire and connect us.”

The launch event closed with a call to action, inviting all Fijians to embrace and support FijiNikua as a platform for stories that define and reflect the heart of the nation.

Republished from The Fiji Times with permission.

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Gaza Christians pray for end of Israeli war’s ‘death and destruction’

Asia Pacific Report

Silent Night is a well-known Christmas carol that tells of a peaceful and silent night in Bethlehem, referring to the first Christmas more than 2000 years ago.

It is now 2024, and it was again a silent night in Bethlehem last night, reports Al Jazeera’s Nisa Ibrahim. Not because of peace. But a lack of it.

Israel’s war on Gaza and violence in the occupied West Bank has frightened away visitors who would traditionally visit Bethlehem at this time of year.

Her full report is here.

Meanwhile, in Gaza City, hundreds of Christians gathered at a church on Christmas Eve, praying for an end to the war that has devastated much of the Palestinian territory.

Gone were the sparkling lights, the festive decorations and the towering Christmas tree that had graced Gaza City for decades.

The Square of the Unknown Soldier, once alive with the spirit of the season, now lies in ruins, reduced to rubble by relentless Israeli air strikes.

Amid the rubble, the faithful sought solace even as fighting continued to rage across the Strip.

“This Christmas carries the stench of death and destruction,” said George al-Sayegh, who for weeks has sought refuge in the 12th century Greek Orthodox Church of St Porphyrius.

“There is no joy, no festive spirit. We don’t even know who will survive until the next holiday.”

‘Christ still in the rubble’
On Friday, the Palestinian theologian and pastor Reverend Munther Isaac delivered a Christmas sermon at the Evangelical Lutheran Christmas Church in Bethlehem, in occupied West Bank — the birthplace of Jesus — called “Christ Is Still in the Rubble.” He said in this excerpt from Democracy Now!:

‘“Never again” should mean never again to all peoples. “Never again” has become “yet again” — yet again to supremacy, yet again to racism and yet again to genocide.

‘And sadly, “never again” has become yet again for the weaponisation of the Bible and the silence and complicity of the Western church, yet again for the church siding with power, the church siding with the empire.

‘And so, today, after all this, of total destruction, annihilation — and Gaza is erased, unfortunately — millions have become refugees and homeless, tens of thousands killed.

‘And why is anyone still debating whether this is a genocide or not? I can’t believe it. Yet, even when church leaders simply call for investigating whether this is a genocide, he is called out, and it becomes breaking news.

‘Friends, the evidence is clear. Truth stands plain for all to see. The question is not whether this is a genocide. This is not the debate. The real question is: Why isn’t the world and the church calling it a genocide?

‘It says a lot when you deny and ignore and refrain from using the language of genocide. This says a lot. It actually reveals hypocrisy, for you lectured us for years on international laws and human rights. It reveals your hypocrisy.

‘It says a lot on how you look at us Palestinians. It says a lot about your moral and ethical standards. It says everything about who you are when you turn away from the truth, when you refuse to name oppression for what it is. Or could it be that they’re not calling it a genocide?

‘Could it be that if reality was acknowledged for what it is, that it is a genocide, then that it would be an acknowledgment of your guilt? For this war was a war that so many defended as “just” and “self-defense.” And now you can’t even bring yourself to apologise . . .

‘We said last year Christ is in the rubble. And this year we say Christ is still in the rubble. The rubble is his manger. Jesus finds his place with the marginalised, the tormented, the oppressed and the displaced.

‘We look at the holy family and see them in every displaced and homeless family living in despair. In the Christmas story, even God walks with them and calls them his own.’

Christ is still in the Rubble – Reverend Munther Isaac’s Christms message.   Video: Reverend Isaac

Story of Jesus one of oppression
“Pastor Isaac joined journalist host Chris Hedges on a special episode of The Chris Hedges Report to revisit the story of Christmas and how it relates to Palestine then and now.

He wasted no time in reminding people that despite the usual jolly associations with Christmas, the story of Jesus Christ was one of oppression, one that involved the struggle of refugees, the rule of a tyrant, the witnessing of a massacre and the levying of taxation.

“To us here in Palestine,” Reverend Isaac said the terms linked to the struggle “actually make the story, as we read it in the Gospel, very much a Palestinian story, because we can identify with the characters.”

Journalist Hedges and Reverend Isaac invoked the story of the Good Samaritan to point out the deliberate blindness the world has bestowed upon the Palestinians, particularly in Gaza in the midst of the ongoing genocide.

The conclusion of the [Good Samaritan] story is that there is no us and them, Reverend Isaac told Hedges.

“Everybody is a neighbour. You don’t draw a circle and determine who’s in and who’s out.”

It was clear, Reverend Isaac pointed out, “the Palestinians are outside of the circle. We’ve been saying it — human rights don’t apply on us, not even compassion.”

The nativity scene on Christmas Eve in New Zealand’s St Patrick’s Cathedral in Auckland last night . . . no mention of Bethlehem’s oppression by Israel and muted celebrations, or the Gaza genocide in the sermon. Image: Asia Pacific Report

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From dead galaxies to mysterious red dots, here’s what the James Webb telescope has found in just 3 years

Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Themiya Nanayakkara, Scientist at the James Webb Australian Data Centre, Swinburne University of Technology

Dust in the heart of galaxy NGC628. NASA / ESA / CSA / Judy Schmidt, CC BY

On this day three years ago, we witnessed the nail-biting launch of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), the largest and most powerful telescope humans have ever sent into space.

It took 30 years to build, but in three short years of operation, JWST has already revolutionised our view of the cosmos.

It’s explored our own Solar System, studied the atmospheres of distant planets in search of signs of life and probed the farthest depths to find the very first stars and galaxies formed in the universe.

Here’s what JWST has taught us about the early universe since its launch – and the new mysteries it has uncovered.

Eerie blue monsters

JWST has pushed the boundary of how far we can look into the universe to find the first stars and galaxies. With Earth’s atmosphere out of the way, its location in space makes for perfect conditions to peer into the depths of the cosmos with infrared light.

The current record for the most distant galaxy confirmed by JWST dates back to a time when the universe was only about 300 million years old. Surprisingly, within this short time window, this galaxy managed to form about 400 million times the mass of our Sun.

This indicates star formation in the early universe was extremely efficient. And this galaxy is not the only one.

When galaxies grow, their stars explode, creating dust. The bigger the galaxy, the more dust it has. This dust makes galaxies appear red because it absorbs the blue light. But here’s the catch: JWST has shown these first galaxies to be shockingly bright, massive and very blue, with no sign of any dust. That’s a real puzzle.

There are many theories to explain the weird nature of these first galaxies. Do they have huge stars that just collapse due to gravity without undergoing massive supernova explosions?

Or do they have such large explosions that all dust is pushed away far from the galaxy, exposing a blue, dust-free core? Perhaps the dust is destroyed due to the intense radiation from these early exotic stars – we just don’t know yet.

Artist’s impression of what a blue galaxy in the early universe would look like. ESO/M. Kornmesser.

Unusual chemistry in early galaxies

The early stars were the key building blocks of what eventually became life. The universe began with only hydrogen, helium and a small amount of lithium. All other elements, from the calcium in our bones to the oxygen in the air we breathe, were forged in the cores of these stars.

JWST has discovered that early galaxies also have unusual chemical features.

They contain a significant amount of nitrogen, far more than what we observe in our Sun, while most other metals are present in lower quantities. This suggests there were processes at play in the early universe we don’t yet fully understand.

JWST has shown our models of how stars drive the chemical evolution of galaxies are still incomplete, meaning we still don’t fully understand the conditions that led to our existence.

A small image of a telescope with charts of chemical elements on the right side.
Different chemical elements observed in one of the first galaxies in the universe uncovered by JWST.
Adapted from Castellano et al., 2024 The Astrophysical Journal; JWST-GLASS and UNCOVER Teams

Small things that ended the cosmic dark arges

Using massive clusters of galaxies as gigantic magnifying glasses, JWST’s sensitive cameras can also peer deep into the cosmos to find the faintest galaxies.

We pushed further to find the point at which galaxies become so faint, they stop forming stars altogether. This helps us understand the conditions under which galaxy formation comes to an end.

JWST is yet to find this limit. However, it has uncovered many faint galaxies, far more than anticipated, emitting over four times the energetic photons (light particles) we expected.

The discovery suggests these small galaxies may have played a crucial role in ending the cosmic “dark ages” not long after the Big Bang.

The faintest galaxies uncovered by JWST in the early cosmos.
Rectangles highlight the apertures of JWST’s near infrared spectrograph array, through which light was captured and analysed to unravel the mysteries of the galaxies’ chemical compositions.
Atek et al., 2024, Nature

Read more:
What ended the ‘dark ages’ in the early universe? New Webb data just brought us closer to solving the mystery

The mysterious case of the little red dots

The very first images of JWST resulted in another dramatic, unexpected discovery. The early universe is inhabited by an abundance of “little red dots”: extremely compact red colour sources of unknown origin.

Initially, they were thought to be massive super-dense galaxies that shouldn’t be possible, but detailed observations in the past year have revealed a combination of deeply puzzling and contradictory properties.

Bright hydrogen gas is emitting light at enormous speeds, thousands of kilometres per second, characteristic of gas swirling around a supermassive black hole.

This phenomenon, called an active galactic nucleus, usually indicates a feeding frenzy where a supermassive black hole is gobbling up all the gas around it, growing rapidly.

But these are not your garden variety active galactic nuclei. For starters: they don’t emit any detectable X-rays, as is normally expected. Even more intriguingly, they seem to have the features of star populations.

Could these galaxies be both stars and active galactic nuclei at the same time? Or some evolutionary stage in between? Whatever they are, the little red dots are probably going to teach us something about the birth of both supermassive black holes and stars in galaxies.

An image of galaxies with several red ones highlighted in a series of boxes.
In the background, the JWST image of the Pandora Cluster (Abell 2744) is displayed, with a little red dot highlighted in a blue inset. The foreground inset on the left showcases a montage of several little red dots discovered by JWST.
Adapted from Furtak et al., and Matthee et al., The Astrophysical Journal, 2023-2024; JWST-GLASS and UNCOVER Teams

The impossibly early galaxies

As well as extremely lively early galaxies, JWST has also found extremely dead corpses: galaxies in the early universe that are relics of intense star formation at cosmic dawn.

These corpses had been found by Hubble and ground-based telescopes, but only JWST had the power to dissect their light to reveal how long they’ve been dead.

It has uncovered some extremely massive galaxies (as massive as our Milky Way today and more) that formed in the first 700 million years of cosmic history. Our current galaxy formation models can’t explain these objects – they are too big and formed too early.

Cosmologists are still debating whether the models can be bent to fit (for example, maybe early star formation was extremely efficient) or whether we have to reconsider the nature of dark matter and how it gives rise to early collapsing objects.

JWST will turn up many more of these objects in the next year and study the existing ones in greater detail. Either way, we will know soon.

What’s next for JWST?

Just within its first steps, the telescope has revealed many shortcomings of our current models of the universe. While we are refining our models to account for the updates JWST has brought us, we are most excited about the unknown unknowns.

The mysterious red dots were hiding from our view. What else is lingering in the depths of cosmos? JWST will soon tell us.

Read more:
10 times this year the Webb telescope blew us away with new images of our stunning universe

The Conversation

Themiya Nanayakkara receives funding from Australian Research Council Laureate Fellowship.

Ivo Labbe receives funding from Australian Research Council in the form of a Future Fellowship.

Karl Glazebrook receives funding from the Australian Research Council for a Laureate Fellowship for JWST research and from the Australian Space Agency for JWST training activities.

ref. From dead galaxies to mysterious red dots, here’s what the James Webb telescope has found in just 3 years –

An AI system has reached human level on a test for ‘general intelligence’. Here’s what that means

Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Michael Timothy Bennett, PhD Student, School of Computing, Australian National University

OLaLa Merkel / Shutterstock

A new artificial intelligence (AI) model has just achieved human-level results on a test designed to measure “general intelligence”.

On December 20, OpenAI’s o3 system scored 85% on the ARC-AGI benchmark, well above the previous AI best score of 55% and on par with the average human score. It also scored well on a very difficult mathematics test.

Creating artificial general intelligence, or AGI, is the stated goal of all the major AI research labs. At first glance, OpenAI appears to have at least made a significant step towards this goal.

While scepticism remains, many AI researchers and developers feel something just changed. For many, the prospect of AGI now seems more real, urgent and closer than anticipated. Are they right?

Generalisation and intelligence

To understand what the o3 result means, you need to understand what the ARC-AGI test is all about. In technical terms, it’s a test of an AI system’s “sample efficiency” in adapting to something new – how many examples of a novel situation the system needs to see to figure out how it works.

An AI system like ChatGPT (GPT-4) is not very sample efficient. It was “trained” on millions of examples of human text, constructing probabilistic “rules” about which combinations of words are most likely.

The result is pretty good at common tasks. It is bad at uncommon tasks, because it has less data (fewer samples) about those tasks.

Until AI systems can learn from small numbers of examples and adapt with more sample efficiency, they will only be used for very repetitive jobs and ones where the occasional failure is tolerable.

The ability to accurately solve previously unknown or novel problems from limited samples of data is known as the capacity to generalise. It is widely considered a necessary, even fundamental, element of intelligence.

Grids and patterns

The ARC-AGI benchmark tests for sample efficient adaptation using little grid square problems like the one below. The AI needs to figure out the pattern that turns the grid on the left into the grid on the right.

An example task from the ARC-AGI benchmark test.
ARC Prize

Each question gives three examples to learn from. The AI system then needs to figure out the rules that “generalise” from the three examples to the fourth.

These are a lot like the IQ tests sometimes you might remember from school.

Weak rules and adaptation

We don’t know exactly how OpenAI has done it, but the results suggest the o3 model is highly adaptable. From just a few examples, it finds rules that can be generalised.

To figure out a pattern, we shouldn’t make any unnecessary assumptions, or be more specific than we really have to be. In theory, if you can identify the “weakest” rules that do what you want, then you have maximised your ability to adapt to new situations.

What do we mean by the weakest rules? The technical definition is complicated, but weaker rules are usually ones that can be described in simpler statements.

In the example above, a plain English expression of the rule might be something like: “Any shape with a protruding line will move to the end of that line and ‘cover up’ any other shapes it overlaps with.”

Searching chains of thought?

While we don’t know how OpenAI achieved this result just yet, it seems unlikely they deliberately optimised the o3 system to find weak rules. However, to succeed at the ARC-AGI tasks it must be finding them.

We do know that OpenAI started with a general-purpose version of the o3 model (which differs from most other models, because it can spend more time “thinking” about difficult questions) and then trained it specifically for the ARC-AGI test.

French AI researcher Francois Chollet, who designed the benchmark, believes o3 searches through different “chains of thought” describing steps to solve the task. It would then choose the “best” according to some loosely defined rule, or “heuristic”.

This would be “not dissimilar” to how Google’s AlphaGo system searched through different possible sequences of moves to beat the world Go champion.

You can think of these chains of thought like programs that fit the examples. Of course, if it is like the Go-playing AI, then it needs a heuristic, or loose rule, to decide which program is best.

There could be thousands of different seemingly equally valid programs generated. That heuristic could be “choose the weakest” or “choose the simplest”.

However, if it is like AlphaGo then they simply had an AI create a heuristic. This was the process for AlphaGo. Google trained a model to rate different sequences of moves as better or worse than others.

What we still don’t know

The question then is, is this really closer to AGI? If that is how o3 works, then the underlying model might not be much better than previous models.

The concepts the model learns from language might not be any more suitable for generalisation than before. Instead, we may just be seeing a more generalisable “chain of thought” found through the extra steps of training a heuristic specialised to this test. The proof, as always, will be in the pudding.

Almost everything about o3 remains unknown. OpenAI has limited disclosure to a few media presentations and early testing to a handful of researchers, laboratories and AI safety institutions.

Truly understanding the potential of o3 will require extensive work, including evaluations, an understanding of the distribution of its capacities, how often it fails and how often it succeeds.

When o3 is finally released, we’ll have a much better idea of whether it is approximately as adaptable as an average human.

If so, it could have a huge, revolutionary, economic impact, ushering in a new era of self-improving accelerated intelligence. We will require new benchmarks for AGI itself and serious consideration of how it ought to be governed.

If not, then this will still be an impressive result. However, everyday life will remain much the same.

Michael Timothy Bennett receives funding from the Australian government.

Elija Perrier receives funding from the Australian government.

ref. An AI system has reached human level on a test for ‘general intelligence’. Here’s what that means –

How to get the kids through a long car trip without screens or losing your mind

Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Mary-Rose McLaren, Professor of Teaching and Learning and Head of Program, Early Childhood Education, Victoria University

Collin Quinn Lomax/ Shutterstock

Some years ago, my daughter was set a maths problem: how much does it cost to drive a family of four from Melbourne to Sydney, calculating petrol per kilometre and including a night’s accommodation? Her answer was simple: the cost is four airfares – that way the kids won’t kill each other.

Unfortunately, flying is not an option for many people over the holiday period.

So, how do you get the family through that long car trip without all hell breaking loose?

Try and avoid screens

The obvious choice for a long trip is to give the kids a device. But while screens might buy peace in the short term, returning to the real world afterwards can be overwhelming for children.

Lots of passive screen time – such as watching a movie or looking at YouTube – disconnects children from the people around them.

Studies on children up to the age of seven show an association between too much screen time and behaviour problems. Straight after a long time with screens, children can be fractious and argumentative. Parents also know taking the screens away from children can lead to tantrums.

No one wants to start a holiday with a meltdown. So, while there are certainly times and places when screens are useful (and even a blessing) – the long car trip is probably not one of them.

A young child sits in a carseat, pouting.
No one wants excessive pouting on holidays.
Irina Wilhauk/Shutterstock

Cars are not natural places to be

Cars are not natural environments for any of us, and especially not for children who discover the world through their senses.

In cars kids can’t move around much, they are cut off from the smells and textures of the world beyond the car. Things outside the window are moving really fast, making processing hard.

This is why some planning and a lot of understanding are important. The key to survival is making space, even in the car, for your child to do what they do best.

Let kids be creative

Children are naturally creative as they look at the world with fresh eyes.

There are lots of ways to harness this creativity in a car. Even with very young children, you can make music together. Make body percussion together (claps, raspberries, tapping and clicking) to create a soundtrack for part of the travel. You can change the rhythm, tempo or sound.

Or you could introduce them to a song you love – and give them a part to sing. Even very young children love serve and return singing – you sing a bit, they sing a bit.

When you need a break, ask the kids to prepare a concert for you using a song they love.

Ask lots of questions

Use the new environments around you as a prompt. Ask your kids questions like, if you were a bird, what would be able to see now? If you were that cow, what would you be thinking?

If you have drawing materials in the car, the children can draw their ideas and make a map of where they are.

If you have two or more children, you could encourage them to make up a play from the perspective of the animals or environment you are driving through. What is happening in that cafe? What is that dog planning for the afternoon?

Cows graze in a field under a a blue sky with white clouds.
Ask your kids to imagine the trip from the point of view of an animal they see.

Oldies but goodies

There are also old-fashioned games like “Spot It”, which is like bingo for the trip.

You can make your own version before you leave on the trip. Create a grid with images of things your child might see – an orange car, a cow, a kangaroo, a tractor, a grape vine.

When they see them, they tick them off. Children can move in and out of this game, especially if you have thought ahead about what they might see on different parts of the journey.

For older kids, make up silly phrases based on number plate letters. For example, QTJ might be “Quick Turtles Jump”. Then you can add several number plates together to make a rhyme or a rap.

Or, get them to add, subtract or multiply several number plate numbers until they get to 100.

A young, smiling boy points out of a car window
Get your child to search for landmarks along the way.
Robie Online/ Shutterstock

Embrace the mess

A small amount of thought before and during the journey can help. But long car trips are hard on kids – which makes them hard on parents.

So embrace the mess and the inevitable moments of grumpiness. Trapped in a car together, this is an opportunity to know your child differently and for them to know you differently. Cars can be great places to discuss tricky topics with children (and teenagers) in non-confronting ways. Try asking some deeper questions, such as: what are the best things in life? What do you wish we did more of as a family? Or, do you think being fair is important?

There are chances here to make happy memories – even if the times in between feel a bit like torture.

The Conversation

Mary-Rose McLaren does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

ref. How to get the kids through a long car trip without screens or losing your mind –

Keep calm and carry on your routines: how to manage kids’ ‘Christmas crankies’ over the holidays

Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Catherine E. Wood, Associate Professor and Clinical Psychologist, Swinburne University of Technology

Asier Romero/ Shutterstock

Christmas is coming, and with it many challenges for parents of young children.

You likely have one festive event after another, late nights, party food, way too much stimulation, tired kids and tired parents. All of which can culminate in what seems like an endless meltdown.

Yes, it’s the “Christmas crankies” – a far cry from the “festive friendlies” we are all conditioned to expect.

So, what can parents do to manage, or indeed prevent, the cranky times?

Routines are your friend

Routines are very important for children. They help them to know what to expect and what is expected of them while also helping them to feel safe.

Keeping to all your routines is almost impossible over the festive season (and it’s OK to be flexible to accommodate friends, family and celebrations).

But try and hold on to as many as you can. Try and stick to your bedtimes, or make sure you have the same breakfast and lunch if you are going out for a different dinner.

Even at a party, balance the festive food with healthier options. For example, have some carrot sticks next to the chip bowl and make sure the kids have some water (and not constant lemonade).

A young girl sits next to a man, next to a Christmas tree.
Try to stick to as many of your normal routines as you can over the festive season.
Cottonbro Studio/ Shutterstock, CC BY

Read more:
8 tips to navigate Christmas if you have a fussy eater or child with allergies

Prepare kids for what will happen

Given there are so many changes to the routine, it can also be helpful to prepare children for what is coming up.

You could have a schedule somewhere for the whole family to see. This can let children see what is happening, which can help to minimise any anxiety associated with uncertainty. The schedule can include activities such as social events, the date relatives are arriving, and what is happening on Christmas Day (aside from opening presents).

Some children might also feel anxious when meeting new people or relatives, or going to unfamiliar places during the festive season. Having a clear explanation and time limit for these events can also be helpful. For example, saying something such as,

tonight we are going to your aunty’s house, you haven’t seen this aunty for a year but her name is Mary. We will be there for an hour [demonstrate on the clock] and have some dessert. Then we’re coming home, and you’ll get to read your book and then off to bed.

It can also be helpful to space out some of the activities so there is some rest time in between.

Ok, but we still have a meltdown here

Despite your best efforts, it might be genuinely hard to avoid a meltdown. When a child is overwhelmed, stressed, and/or fatigued, the brain’s panic button (the amygdala) can be set off. This is what US clinical professor of psychiatry Dan Siegel refers to as “flipping the lid”.

As Siegel explains, the frontal lobe (responsible for self-control), loses control over the limbic system (which contains the amygdala, and is involved in the emotional control of behaviour).

The brain’s ability to control emotions is relatively immature in younger children, and can take at least until the early 20s to fully mature.

This means in times of fatigue, stress, new and/or over stimulating environments, “self-control” can be challenged or even lost.

A young girl in a Christmas headband and jumper cries.
Children find it much more difficult to control their emotions than adults.
Cryptographer/ Shutterstock

What to do in a meltdown

Parents can act as the proxy frontal lobe, helping their child to restore balance between their thoughts, feelings, and the demands of a sometimes chaotic Christmas setting.

In these circumstances, the child needs their parent(s) to stay connected, and to use a calm voice to bring them to a more balanced (or regulated) state. Parents could say something such as,

I can see you are feeling upset right now. It’s OK – there is a lot going on at Christmas time. I am here. Do you need a cuddle?

Remember, a child’s behaviour is not random – it is a vehicle to communicate a need. Maybe they need sleep, a drink, comfort, and/or some downtime.

So be on the lookout for those cranky cues so that the festivities can be enjoyed by all.

The Conversation

Catherine E. Wood does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

ref. Keep calm and carry on your routines: how to manage kids’ ‘Christmas crankies’ over the holidays –

I’ve calculated Santa’s speed on Christmas Eve – and this is what it would do to Rudolph’s nose

Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Laura Nicole Driessen, Postdoctoral Researcher in Radio Astronomy, University of Sydney

Tayla Walsh/Pexels

With billions of children around the world anxiously waiting for their presents, Father Christmas (or Santa) and his reindeer must be travelling at breakneck speeds to deliver them all in one night.

But did you know that light from an object travelling at high speeds changes colour? This is thanks to what’s called the Doppler effect – the way speed affects the length of waves, such as sound or light.

When light changes colour due to speed, we call it redshift or blueshift, depending on the direction. If we could catch the colour of Rudolph’s famous red nose with one of our telescopes, we could use the Doppler effect to measure the speed of Father Christmas.

Here’s how that might work – and why this effect is also a crucial tool in astronomy.

How far do Father Christmas and his reindeer need to travel?

Strap into your sleigh for some light Christmas maths. I’ve updated a method proposed in 1998 to work out how fast Rudolph and Father Christmas need to travel to deliver all the required presents (you can find my working here).

There are approximately 2 billion children under the age of 14 years in the world. Approximately 93% of countries observe Christmas in some way, so we’ll assume 93% of all children do.

We know Father Christmas only delivers presents to those who truly believe. If we assume the same percentage of believers by age group as found in the United States, that leaves us with approximately 690 million children.

With about 2.3 children per household worldwide, he has to visit roughly 300 million households.

Spreading those households evenly across 69 million square kilometres of habitable land area on Earth (taking oceans, deserts, Antarctica and mountains into account), Father Christmas has to travel 144 million kilometres on Christmas Eve. That’s nearly the same as the distance from Earth to the Sun.

A real-life reindeer with a colourful harness pictured in a snowy landscape.
Santa’s reindeer have a lot of ground to cover on Christmas Eve.
Juhie Sugand/Shutterstock

Luckily, Father Christmas has time zones on his side, with 35 hours between dropping off the first and the last present.

Let’s say Father Christmas uses half his time to zip in and out of each household, which gives him 17.5 hours total or 0.2 milliseconds per household. He uses the other 17.5 hours for travelling between households.

My hypothesis is that he needs to travel at a whopping 8.2 million kilometres per hour, or 0.8% of the speed of light, to drop off all the presents.

How can we measure Father Christmas’ speed with Rudolph’s nose?

Let’s say we want to actually measure the speed of Father Christmas’ journey to see if it matches the hypothesis.

A standard speed camera wouldn’t do the trick. But we have telescopes on Earth that can measure the colour of something by using spectroscopy.

Father Christmas’ lead reindeer, Rudolph, has a famously ruby-red nose. If we could observe Father Christmas with telescopes, we could use the colour of Rudolph’s nose to measure his speed using the Doppler effect, which describes how speed affects wavelength. That’s because Rudolph’s nose wouldn’t look quite so red if he were travelling at high speeds.

What is the Doppler effect? A good example is the sound of an ambulance. When it goes past you on the street, its sound is higher pitched as it approaches, and lower pitched when it drives away. This is because as the ambulance travels towards you, the sound waves are compressed to a shorter wavelength, and a shorter wavelength means a higher pitch.

The Doppler effect is the change in frequency of a wave as its source moves relative to the observer.
sketchplanations, CC BY-NC

The same thing happens with light. If a source of light is travelling away from you, the wavelength is stretched out and becomes more red or “redshifted”. If the source of light is travelling towards you, the wavelength is compressed and the light becomes more blue or “blueshifted”.

Rudolph the redshifted reindeer

Red-coloured light has a wavelength of 694.3 nanometres when it’s “at rest”, which means it isn’t moving. That would be the measurement of a stationary Rudolph.

Let’s say Father Christmas would prefer to deliver presents fast, so he can relax with some milk and biscuits at the end of the night. He gets his reindeer to run much faster than I hypothesised, at 10% of the speed of light or 107 million kilometres per hour.

At this speed, Rudolph’s nose would be blueshifted to bright orange (624 nanometres) as he was flying towards your home.

And it would be redshifted to a very dark red (763 nanometres) as he was moving away. The darkest red human eyes can see is around 780 nanometres. At these speeds, Rudolph’s nose would be almost black.

Three images of the face of Rudolph the Red-nosed reindeer, in different colours depending on his speed.
Blueshifted Rudolph, Rudolph at rest, and redshifted Rudolph. The blue and redshifted colours were calculated for Rudolph travelling at 10% of the speed of light. Brown is a tricky colour since it’s a de-saturated orange. So the blue and redshifted colours for Rudolph’s fur and antlers are approximations. When Rudolph’s nose is redshifted at that speed, his nose is such a dark red that it’s practically black.
Dr Laura Driessen

The Doppler effect has a role in astronomy

Astronomers use the Doppler effect to measure how things move in space. We can use it to see if a star is orbiting another star – what’s known as a binary system.

We can also use it to find exoplanets (planets orbiting stars other than our Sun) using a method called “radial velocity”. We can even use it to measure the distances to far away galaxies.

There are some things science just can’t explain, and one of those is the magic of Father Christmas. But if astronomers ever catch Rudolph with their telescopes, they’ll be sure to let everyone know.

The Conversation

Laura Nicole Driessen is an ambassador for the Orbit Centre of Imagination at the Rise and Shine Kindergarten, in Sydney’s Inner West.

ref. I’ve calculated Santa’s speed on Christmas Eve – and this is what it would do to Rudolph’s nose –

How parents can safely navigate their kid’s first sleepover

Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Daryl Higgins, Professor & Director, Institute of Child Protection Studies, Australian Catholic University

Feeling unsure about your child going to a sleepover is completely normal. You might be worried about how well you know the host family, how they manage supervision or screen time, and even safety.

Sleepovers can carry risk through inadequate supervision or exposure to unsafe behaviours such as bullying, coercion, sexually inappropriate behaviour, or abuse from other children or adults.

These risks are heightened when there’s a lack of clear rules and oversight.

But in safe environments, sleepovers can also provide opportunities for children to build independence and strengthen friendships.

We research child safety. Here are a few strategies help to reduce risk and make the sleepover more successful.

Get to know the host family

Don’t be afraid to suggest a daytime playdate first.

This will give you a chance to chat to the family, get a sense of their household routines and parenting, and observe how comfortable your child seems with them.

An “everything but the sleep” sleepover can be a great starting point. This allows your child to enjoy the excitement of dinner, games and bonding time without the added stress of staying overnight.

Setting a prearranged pickup time can help anxious children (or parents) feel more comfortable.

Two girls play soccer in the park.
Don’t be afraid to suggest you start with a daytime playdate first.
K2L Family Stock/Shutterstock

Talk to the host family

When discussing the sleepover with the host family, it’s helpful to share that you have an open and honest communication style with your child.

This not only reassures the other parents that you’re engaged in your child’s safety but also subtly signals that you’ll follow up after the sleepover to ask how it went. For example you could mention:

  • how you talk to your child about respecting boundaries, including personal space during activities like going to the toilet or showering
  • your rules or expectations around use of devices and the internet
  • your ideas around appropriate bedtime attire for children (and for the adults who might be called on during the night)
  • that you plan to remind your child of these boundaries before the sleepover
  • that you’ll check in with your child afterwards to hear about their experience.

It’s OK to ask the host family about their approach to supervision and safety. You might ask:

  • who will be at home and who is supervising the kids? What adults will be present?
  • will there be other siblings or adolescents present?
  • what are the planned activities?
  • where will the children be sleeping?
  • how will they be supervised?
  • what is their approach to internet use and devices?

These questions don’t need to feel intrusive. Framing them as part of ensuring everyone has a great experience helps keep the conversation positive and collaborative.

Talk to your child about safety

Before the sleepover, reinforce with your child the importance of personal boundaries and respect for others.

After the sleepover, follow through with open-ended conversations. Ask your child how they felt, what they enjoyed, and if there was anything they didn’t like.

These casual but intentional conversations strengthen your child’s confidence in speaking up and help you stay attuned to their experiences.

Children should understand:

  • their body belongs to them and they have the right to say “no”
  • privacy rules around private parts, bathrooms, appropriate sleeping attire, and other private spaces
  • how to handle conflict with their friends, such as disagreements over sharing toys or activities
  • how to stay safe online (including while gaming), such as not sharing personal details, not talking with strangers, and what content is appropriate.

Let them know they should feel comfortable speaking up if something doesn’t feel right or if they are unsure. Come up with ways together to say no excuse themselves if a situation makes them uncomfortable.

Two boys engage in online gaming.
Find out what the host family’s policy is on screen time and online gaming.
Silvia Moraleja/Shutterstock

Create an exit strategy

Having a backup plan is essential, especially for younger children or first-time sleepovers.

Let your child know it’s OK to leave early if they’re feeling homesick or uncomfortable.

Remind them they can contact you at any time for any reason, no matter how small it seems. Discuss this with the host parents in advance to ensure they understand your approach.

Ensure your child has a way to contact you. If they don’t have their own device, coordinate with the host parents ways for your child to use their phone or landline.

Another option is to set up pre-arranged check-ins, where the host parents help your child call or text you at an agreed time.

You can also choose a code word with your child – if they say it during your chat, it means you’ll come and collect them.

Reassuring them they have an “out” can give children the confidence to fully enjoy the experience.

Assess your child’s readiness

Not every child is ready for a sleepover at the same age. Consider their emotional maturity and comfort level. Ask them directly how they are feeling – excited and eager or hesitant and nervous?

Can they manage basic self care tasks? Have they successfully spent time away from home before, such as with a relative or close friend?

If your child is hesitant, starting with shorter visits or sleepovers at your own home might be better until they feel more comfortable.

Sleepovers can be a fun part of childhood, and can foster independence, friendship, and resilience.

It’s worth taking the time to prepare. It’s OK to start small, ask questions and trust your instincts.

The Conversation

Daryl Higgins receives funding from the Australian Research Council, the National Health and Medical Research Council and a range of government departments, agencies, and service providers, including Bravehearts. He was a Chief Investigator on the Australian Child Maltreatment Study.

Gabrielle works with the Australian Child Maltreatment Study (ACMS) team as part of her PhD Candidature. She has also previously worked for Bravehearts in various roles, including for the Turning Corners program, which provides support to young people who have displayed harmful sexual behaviours.

ref. How parents can safely navigate their kid’s first sleepover –

50 years ago, Cyclone Tracy flattened Darwin – and Australia’s attitude to disasters changed forever

Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Milad Haghani, Senior Lecturer of Urban Risk & Resilience, UNSW Sydney

Exactly 50 years ago, on Christmas Eve 1974, Cyclone Tracy struck Darwin and left a trail of devastation. It remains one of the most destructive natural events in Australia’s history.

Wind speeds reached more than 200 kilometres per hour. The cyclone claimed 71 lives and injured nearly 650, and left 70% of the city’s buildings flattened.

If you are about 60 or older, chances are you remember that day, even if the cyclone did not directly affect you.

The 50th anniversary of this disaster offers a crucial opportunity to reflect on how Cyclone Tracy not only reshaped Darwin but marked a turning point in Australia’s approach to disaster resilience.

The nightmare before Christmas

Cyclone Tracy was initially a relatively small, slow-moving system. But after meandering around the Arafura Sea for three days, it rounded Bathurst Island and headed towards Darwin, getting more ferocious as it approached the coast.

Some Darwin residents later reported not knowing a cyclone was approaching. They included Keith and Christine Pattinson, whose daughter Courtney Zagel later recounted their story:

They told me […] the rain started coming sideways through the louvered windows. The power went out, and everything turned black.

Keith stood against the doors to try and keep them shut, then suddenly there was a huge explosion. The roof of the house flew off and the walls fell in. Christine was thrown back into a glass cabinet. Keith was trapped beneath one of the fallen walls.

The couple spent the night in the neighbour’s house. Christine was later evacuated for urgent medical treatment.

Resident Andrea Mikfelder would later write of the cyclone’s aftermath:

our house […] was still standing. It was a brick home, but the roof was gone. The neighbour’s house looked like a dollhouse, split in half, while the next house was completely flattened.

The Bureau of Meteorology would later estimate peak wind gusts of between 217 and 240 kilometres an hour. A report published in 2010, employing more advanced techniques, suggested even higher speeds.

Tracy left about 10,000 houses destroyed and 40,000 people homeless from a city population of 47,000. The damage bill at the time totalled A$800 million.

More than 30,000 residents were evacuated, about 60% of whom never returned. The airlift operation remains the largest in Australia’s history.

What has changed since?

In the 50 years since the tragedy, authorities have become much better able to forecast tropical cyclones. They can now warn of a cyclone’s projected path, and the likelihood of it reaching land, several days in advance.

Cyclone Tracy reshaped Australia approach to disaster response and preparedness. The Natural Disasters Organisation – today known as Emergency Management Australia – had been established a few months before the cyclone, to coordinate national-level disaster relief efforts.

But its role and authority were still evolving. Tracy served as a “reality check” for the young organisation.

Cyclone Tracy revealed weaknesses in disaster response at all levels of government. The scale of the damage quickly outstripped local and state resources. The federal government was forced to step in to oversee mass evacuations of over 30,000 people and lead recovery efforts.

However, the Commonwealth lacked clear powers to intervene in national emergencies at the time, complicating its response effort. Its powers have since increased.

Cyclone Tracy also gave impetus to disaster management legislation, such as Queensland’s State Counter-Disaster Organisation Act, established in 1975. Such reforms set the stage for the more structured and integrated approach to disaster response now in place across Australia.

Building back better

Darwin’s devastation prompted more stringent building codes across Australia.

Even though Darwin is naturally prone to cyclonic winds, few structures had been built to withstand them.

Afterwards, regulations requiring all reconstruction to adhere to updated cyclone-resistant building standards were introduced. It meant, for example, screws rather than nails must be used to hold down corrugated iron roofing, and buildings must be clad to withstand airborne debris.

Similar regulations were implemented for new construction in other cyclone-prone areas of Australia.

Today, Darwin is a far more resilient city. In 2018 it was hit by Cyclone Marcus, the most powerful storm since Tracy with wind gusts of 130 kilometres per hour. No lives were lost, and relatively few structures were damaged.

Getting to grips with the mental toll

Cyclone Tracy left deep mental scars on survivors.

A study of residents who were evacuated to Sydney after Tracy revealed 58% displayed signs of psychological disturbance in the days following the cyclone. Women and older individuals were particularly affected.

Decades on, survivors described ongoing anxiety and depression, often triggered by the sounds of wind and rain.

Today, the psychological impact of natural disasters – on survivors, volunteers and first responders – is much better understood.

Initiatives such as the National Disaster Mental Health and Wellbeing Framework reflect this progress. It recognises that mental health needs after extreme events are complex, and support is needed at the individual and community level.

Volunteers are key

Cyclone Tracy also showed how community efforts and volunteers are essential in disaster recovery.

In the cyclone’s aftermath, local emergency services were overwhelmed. Volunteers quickly became the backbone of the relief effort, setting a precedent for future disaster responses.

Today, volunteers – alongside established relief organisations – still provide food, shelter, medical care and other crucial aid after disasters. As extreme weather becomes more frequent and severe under climate change, the need for community mobilisation will only grow.

The recent Senate inquiry into Australia’s Disaster Resilience recognises the ongoing need to strengthen volunteer participation and management in disaster scenarios.

A more resilient Australia

Under climate change, tropical cyclones conditions may occur less frequently. This means Australia is expected to experience fewer tropical cyclones in future.

But a greater proportion of those that do hit are expected to be high-intensity, with stronger winds and rain.

The tragedy of Cyclone Tracy means Australia’s disaster preparedness is more advanced than it might have been. However, building a disaster-resilient nation requires continuous efforts to strengthen infrastructure, refine evacuation plans, and address vulnerabilities in communities.

Achieving this is a responsibility which should be shared between governments and communities alike.

The Conversation

The authors do not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and have disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

ref. 50 years ago, Cyclone Tracy flattened Darwin – and Australia’s attitude to disasters changed forever –

Work or play? The rise of online ‘kidfluencers’ is raising complex legal and ethical questions

Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Irmine Keta Rotimi, Doctoral Candidate, Marketing and International Business department, Auckland University of Technology

Videos of children opening boxes of toys and playing with them have become a feature of online marketing – making stars out of children as young as two.

Twelve-year-old influencer Ryan Kaji, for example, earns US$30 million a year on YouTube leading one of the most popular children’s channels. His empire was built on toy unboxing.

An influencer (child or adult) with more than one million followers can earn upwards of $20,000 for one sponsored post, while a person with under 100,000 followers on a social media platform may still earn as much as $4,000 for each sponsored post.

But the rise of kidfluencers around the globe raises questions about the blurred lines between play and labour, independence and control, privacy, profit and online success.

Our research examines these questions. By analysing existing research to clearly identify the challenges faced by child toy unboxers, we can guide future researchers and governments to best support children who are living parts of their lives online.

YouTube as a career goal

A 2023 global survey of children aged between eight and 12 found they were three times more likely to aspire to be a YouTuber (29%) than an astronaut (11%).

Advertisers have taken note. Social media platforms Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, X (formerly Twitter) and YouTube collectively earned nearly $11 billion in advertising revenue in 2022 from United States-based users younger than 18.

Toy unboxing has emerged as particularly popular, generating massive revenue and global audiences. These types of videos involved children who unbox, play and review toys.

Unboxing videos became popular in the 2010s, with content creators unpacking products such as tech gadgets and fashion items. Toy unboxing is now one of the highest-earning genres on YouTube.

Unboxing videos have become popular on video platforms such as YouTube.

Work, play or somewhere in between

At first glance, unboxing videos seem to follow a simple entertainer-audience relationship. The kidfluencers emotionally engage with young viewers, who are then inspired to create their own toy wish lists.

But behind the fun is a world of complexity often not obvious for young viewers (and sometimes older viewers too).

These children are hired by companies – and managed by their parents – to promote toys and other products in an job-like arrangement. This has raised concerns about child exploitation, privacy risks and unethical work practices.

But current child labour laws in New Zealand and elsewhere do not see child influencers as a type of “child worker”. And it is difficult to do so.

While kidfluencers seem to be genuinely playing with the sponsored toy, their content is managed by contracts with advertisers, and expectations set by their parents. Therefore it can’t fully be labelled as “play”.

At the same time, calling these practices purely “labour” ignores the real excitement children feel when creating sponsored content.

In 2020, the French government labelled kidfluencers a “grey zone” – where the child is not officially working, but nevertheless spends a significant amount of time making videos, or derives a significant level of income from them.

Protecting children

Another complexity is that some social media platforms require users to be over 13, yet some kidfluencers are toddlers, with parents creating and managing their accounts, including producing and posting their children’s online content.

While parents play a big role in managing their child’s online presence, the child drives the toy sales, creating tension between parental control and a child’s independence.

And behind this all is the issue of money. A child’s involvement – and success – is driven by the wants and needs of advertisers. This raises questions about how much of a say the child really has in terms of creating content.

Privacy and online safety are two key issues facing the kidfluencer industry. The more content a child toy unboxer posts online, the more popular and profitable they can become. But at the same time, popularity brings very real risks.

Young female unboxers – and female kidfluencers in general – have been targeted by online predators. To stay safe, some kidfluencers use fake names and don’t share their location. But these strategies are not perfect.

Current (and proposed) policies rarely balance protecting child stars with supporting their success in sponsored content.

In recent years, however, France and individual states in the US have created laws to protect the kidfluencers’ earnings.

All governments should follow suit and create policies that recognise the challenges of the kidfluencer industry, and which support and protect the children involved.

The Conversation

The authors do not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and have disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

ref. Work or play? The rise of online ‘kidfluencers’ is raising complex legal and ethical questions –

My dance school is closed for the summer, how can I keep up my fitness?

Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Joanna Nicholas, Lecturer in Dance and Performance Science, Edith Cowan University

Tatyana Vyc/Shutterstock

Once the end-of-year dance concert and term wrap up for the year it is important to take a break. Both physical and mental rest are important and taking a few weeks off can help your body repair and have a mental break from dance.

If your mind and body are in need of an extended break (such as more than a few weeks), then it’s more than OK to take longer off, especially if you are training at a competitive or pre-professional level.

There is benefit in enjoying other aspects of your life outside of dance such as spending time with family, friends and enjoying hobbies.

A safe, fulfilling dancing life

Creating meaning and value in life outside of dance and expanding sense of self can make it easier to lean into other aspects when experiencing change or difficult times during dance training such as being injured.

Taking an extended break from dance training will, however, mean losing some fitness and physical capacity. When you return to dance your body will take time to return to full capacity again.

Approaches such as being “whipped back into shape” can promote sudden spikes in training load (hours and intensity of training) which can increase the risk of injury. It is advised to gradually and progressively increase training load over time to allow the body to adapt and return to full capacity safely.

A four-to-six week period of gradually progressing training load and introducing jumping has been suggested in dance settings.

For dancers wanting to maintain fitness over the summer holidays, a great place to start is focusing on building a physical foundation.

A teenage girl running.
Exercise like running can help build a physical foundation.
Jacek Chabraszewski/Shutterstock

Building a physical foundation means focusing on targeted areas of fitness such as full body strength, cardiovascular fitness or stamina (such as skipping, cycling walking, running, swimming), flexibility, and some dance-specific conditioning (for example, calf rises for ballet).

A good physical foundation will mean an improved capacity and fitness level so your body is ready to take on more challenging dance movements and routines once you return to the studio.

Building full body strength at home or at the park

A great place to start is by choosing movements that require your muscles to work to support your own body weight.

Fundamental movements such as crawling (moving on the floor on hands and feet) and locomotion (travelling movements such as lunging, hopping, sliding) are great for developing body control, arm and leg stability and coordinated movement patterns.

Below is a sequence that can be used as a warm up and even as a workout itself. The ten minute sequence is based on gross motor and fundamental movement patterns. It includes exercises that work through a range of joint movements and in multiple planes (forwards, sideways, rotating).

Several exercises.
This fundamental movement sequence can be used as a warm-up or a workout.
Joanna Nicholas, CC BY

Once feeling comfortable with the above fundamental movements, it is time to introduce body weight resistance exercises.

Body weight resistance exercises can be beneficial for developing a strong foundation for dance movements such as jumping, landing, floorwork, partnering and aerial work.

Exercises from the above sequence can be used to form a safe and effective neuromuscular warm up.

Aim to include one exercise from each of the below movement categories (squat, horizontal push etc) to build your own workout.

Aim to complete two to three sets (or rounds) of each exercise with about one minute rest between sets. An alternative is to complete one set of each exercise with minimal rest between, then complete a second or third time.

If training with friends, you could set a timer and do each exercise for up to 50 seconds (instead of counting reps) and take ten seconds to transition to the next exercise.

Depending on your level of strength you may need to do fewer repetitions and build up sets and repetitions overtime. After you have completed the body weight exercises complete a cool down including stretches for the upper and lower body muscles. Be sure to use a sturdy bar (such as an outdoor fitness station) for horizontal row and overhead hold.

Exercises may need to be modified depending on fitness level and physical limitations such as injury.

Body weight exercises.
You can build your own full body strength workout using these movements.
Joanna Nicholas, CC BY

How often should I train?

A common misconception in dance is that “more is better”. This belief can lead to dancers training long hours on most or all days of the week which can lead to overtraining, plateauing and increased risk of injury.

Our bodies require sufficient time between training sessions to adapt and get stronger and fitter. The time between sessions is when our muscles and tissues repair and training gains are made.

By incorporating adequate recovery (including sleep and downtime) and including rest days throughout the week, our bodies can gain the most benefits from training.

A young woman reads a book.
Rest days are important, too.
Manop Boonpeng/Shutterstock

Muscles can take up to 48–72 hours to recover from most types of strength-based exercises (the more intense the longer they’ll need to recover).

Aerobic activity at low intensity, such as a brisk walk, can be done most days (24-hour recovery) while high stress anaerobic exercise such as high intensity intervals or sprints can take three days or more to recover from.

Aim to spread training sessions out over the week and allow time to recover between sessions.

Below is an example weekly schedule based on incorporating adequate recovery between sessions, and incorporating polarised training where some days are harder and others are easier.

Seek guidance from your healthcare provider and/or an exercise professional prior to undertaking a new exercise program.

The Conversation

Joanna Nicholas does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

ref. My dance school is closed for the summer, how can I keep up my fitness? –

The Christmas album that heralded the end of a folk musical era: The Kingston Trio’s The Last Month of the Year

Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Kit MacFarlane, Lecturer, Creative Writing and Literature, University of South Australia

Capitol Records

For those looking to introduce some musical conflict into the holidays, Bob Dylan’s Christmas in the Heart remains a great choice in its 15th anniversary – like it or not.

Before Dylan really got started, an iconic group opened the door to mainstream folk success for Dylan and his contemporaries. And at the height of their popularity, they also released an unexpected Christmas album.

But instead of becoming a perennial classic, it seemed to foreshadow the approaching end for the group’s dominance at the peak of popular music.

That album was The Kingston Trio’s ill-fated The Last Month of the Year from 1960.

The ‘hottest act in show business’

The Kingston Trio are often remembered as a clean-cut, sanitised and goofy footnote in musical history. Their matching striped shirts may be a difficult fashion choice to rehabilitate today, but the trio’s impact on popular music was explosive.

Popular performances in 1957 San Francisco led quickly to their self-titled first album the following year. Reshaping folk music for a mainstream audience energised professional and amateur performers.

Critic Greil Marcus describes their breakthrough hit, 1958’s Tom Dooley, as having “the same effect on hearts and minds in 1958 that Nirvana’s Smells Like Teen Spirit and Nevermind did in 1991”.

By the time they released their Christmas album, they were the “hottest act in show business”.

In the previous two years, they’d had five number one albums on the Billboard charts. Four of their albums were in the top ten at the same time. They reportedly generated 15% of Capitol Records’ annual sales.

Following that phenomenal success, one early response to their Christmas album noted:

By now it’s fairly well established that the Kingston Trio could record Row, Row Your Boat in 12 languages, put it on wax, and the album would sell a half-million copies. As a consequence, there’s little doubt that The Last Month of the Year will be one of the big sellers this Christmas.

Instead, The Last Month of the Year became their first studio album not to reach number one.

Although still successful, their later albums never reached number one or Gold Album status again. Founding member Dave Guard left in 1961. A new lineup with replacement John Stewart had peaks of success, enduring in a changing folk scene – but never quite recapturing those initial years.

‘Perhaps the most unusual set of the year’

The Kingston Trio were lambasted, then and now, for their commercial focus. Nevertheless, The Last Month of the Year stands in contrast to many enduring commercial norms.

Contemporary responses to The Last Month of the Year noted “a number of almost unknown Christmas songs instead of the usual diet of standard carols” and “perhaps the most unusual set of the year”.

There are none of the 1940s and 1950s staples that have persisted through the decades. Nat King Cole opened his 1960 album The Magic of Christmas with a spirited Deck the Halls. Both Ella Fitzgerald (on Ella Wishes You a Swinging Christmas) and Peggy Lee (on Christmas Carousel) opened their Christmas albums of the same year with Jingle Bells.

In contrast, The Kingston Trio’s opening track is a subdued version of the 16th century Coventry Carol, a lullaby for the children Herod ordered to be killed. The restrained use of a celeste, or bell-piano, summons Christmas vibes but largely augments the sombre harmonies.

Opening with the biblical Massacre of the Innocents was certainly one way to set The Last Month of the Year apart from its jolly competitors.

Range, energy and appropriation

Other songs include delicate folk (All Through the Night), traditional rounds (A Round About Christmas), historical carols (Sing We Noel) and uncharacteristic original lyrics (The White Snows of Winter).

Spirituals Go Where I Send Thee and The Last Month of the Year (What Month Was Jesus Born In) allow the trio to focus on the kind of energy (and appropriation) that had defined much of their previous output.

Goodnight My Baby charms as a Christmas Eve lullaby that’s too excited to lull anyone to sleep.

Adding oddness, Mary Mild reshapes the strange apocryphal The Bitter Withy where a child Jesus creates “a bridge of the beams of the sun” to encourage children to play with him. The Kingston Trio only hint at the song’s common outcome that leaves his playmates dead and Mary meting out some corporal punishment.

Perhaps more restrained than their usual performances, the album nevertheless guides listeners through some of the styles and sources that the Trio’s brand of popular folk could draw on.

A Christmas album that still has something to offer

The Last Month of the year wasn’t the cause, but it occupies a turning point where The Kingston Trio’s cultural dominance began to slip.

A posed photo of the band.
The Kingston Trio in 1957.
The Kingston Trio/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA

Soon after, Bob Dylan’s song Blowin’ in the Wind (published in 1962) and album The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan (1963) marked a new era of folk that revived its political energy (for a while).

As folk music further solidified its place in the civil rights movement, the Kingston Trio’s collegiate party vibes and perceived apoliticism seemed out of step.

When Dylan released his Christmas album in 2009, one critic asked “Is he sincere? Does he mean it?”

That’s also a question that defined and dogged The Kingston Trio from the outset of the folk revival they ushered in. Are these goofy guys serious?

The Last Month of the Year is an intriguing and ambitious album by a group that, for a short but influential time, reshaped popular music.

It’s a forgotten Christmas album that might still have something new to offer a Christmas-weary listener.

The Conversation

Kit MacFarlane does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

ref. The Christmas album that heralded the end of a folk musical era: The Kingston Trio’s The Last Month of the Year –

Moana Maniapoto on the sound of the 80s to world-class journalism

By Emma Andrews, Henare te Ua Māori journalism intern at RNZ News

From being the headline to creating them, Moana Maniapoto has walked a rather rocky road of swinging between both sides of the media.

Known for her award-winning current affairs show Te Ao with Moana on Whakaata Māori, and the 1990s cover of Black Pearl, the lawyer-by-trade doesn’t keep her advocacy a secret.

Her first introduction to news was at the tail end of the 1980s when she was relaxed in the guest seat at Aotearoa Radio — Auckland’s first Māori radio station — but her kōrero hit a nerve.

“I said something the host considered radical,” she said.

“He quickly distanced the station from my remarks and that got the phones ringing.”

It became a race for listeners to punch numbers into the telephone, the first person to get through was New Zealand filmmaker, producer and writer Merata Mita, who ripped into the host.

“How dare you talk down to her like that,” Maniapoto recalled. The very next day she answered the call to host that show from then on.

No training, no worries
Aotearoa Radio was her first real job working four hours per day, spinning yarns five days a week — no training, no worries.

“Oh, they tried to get us to speak a bit flasher, but no one could be bothered. It was such a lot of fun, a great bunch of people working there. It was also nerve-wracking interviewing people like Erima Henare (NZ politician Peeni Henare’s father), but the one I still chuckle about the most was Winston Peters.”

She remembers challenging Peters over a comment he made about Māori in the media: “You’re going to have to apologise to your listeners, Moana. I never said that,” Peters pointed out.

They bickered in true journalist versus politician fashion — neither refused to budge, until Maniapoto revealed she had a word-for-word copy of his speech.

All Peters could do was watch Maniapoto attempt to hold in her laughter. A prompt ad break was only appropriate.

But the Winston-win wasn’t enough to stay in the gig.

“After two years, I was over it. It was tiring. Someone rang up live on air and threatened to kill me. It was a good excuse to resign.”

Although it wasn’t the end of the candlewick for Maniapoto, it took 30 years to string up an interview with Peters again.

Short-lived telly stints
In-between times she had short-lived telly stints including a year playing Dr Te Aniwa Ryan on Shortland Street, but it wasn’t for her. The singer-songwriter has also created documentaries with her partner Toby Mills, their daughter Manawanui Maniapoto-Mills a gunning young actress.

Moana Maniapoto has featured on the cover of magazines. Image: RNZ

Maniapoto has featured on the cover of magazines, one in particular she remembers was Mana magazine in 1993.

“Sally Tagg photographed me in the shallow end of a Parnell Baths pool, wrapped in metres of blue curtain net, trying to act like it was completely normal,” she said.

Just 10 years ago she joined Mana Trust which runs the online Sunday mag E-Tangata, mentored by Gary Wilson (co-founder and co-editor) and print journalist Tapu Misa who taught her how to transfer her voice through computer keys.

“Whakaata Māori approached me in 2019, I was flattered, but music was my life and I felt wholly unequipped for journalism. Then again, I always love a challenge.”

Since jumping on board, Te Ao with Moana has completed six seasons and will “keep calm and carry on” for a seventh season come 17 February, 2025 — her son Kimiora Hikurangi Jackson the producer and “boss”.

It will be the last current affairs show to air on Whakaata Māori before moving the TV channel to web next year.

Advocating social justice
Her road of journalism and music is winding. Her music is the vehicle to advocating social justice which often landed her in the news rather than telling it.

“To me songwriting, documentaries, and current affairs are all about finding ways to convey a story or explore an issue or share insights. I think a strength I have are the relationships I’ve built through music — countless networks both here and overseas. Perfect for when we are wanting to deep dive into issues.”

Her inspiration for music grew from her dad, Nepia Tauri Maniapoto and his brothers. Maniapoto said it was “their thing” to entertain guests from the moment they walked into the dining room at Waitetoko Marae until kai was finished.

“It was Prince Tui Teka and the Platters. Great vocal harmonies. My father always had a uke, gat, and sax in the house,” she said.

Born in Invercargill and raised in Rotorua by her māmā Bernadette and pāpā Nepia, she was surrounded by her five siblings who some had a keen interest in kapa haka, although, the kapa-life was “too tough” for Maniapoto. Instead, nieces Puna Whakaata, Mourei, and Tiaria inheriting the “kapa” gene. Maniapoto said they’re exceptional and highly-competitive performers.

ONO songwriters Te Manahau Scotty Morrison, Moana Maniapoto and Paddy Free. Image: Black Pearl/RNZ

Blending her Ngāti Pikiao, Ngāti Tūwharetoa, and Tūhourangi whakapapa into song was no struggle.

The 1990s was filled with soul, R’n’B, and reggae, she said, singing in te reo was met with indifference if not hostility.

‘Labelled a radical’
“If you mixed in lyrics that were political in nature, you were labelled a ‘radical.’ I wasn’t the only one, but probably the ‘radical’ with the highest profile at the time.”

After her “rare” single Kua Makona in 1987, Moana & the Moahunters formed in the early 1990s, followed by Moana and the Tribe which is still going strong. Her sister Trina has a lovely singing voice and has been in Moana & The Tribe since it was formed, she said.

And just like her sixth television season, Maniapoto has just churned out her sixth album, Ono.

“I’m incredibly proud of it. So grateful to Paddy Free and Scotty Morrison for their skills. Looks pretty too on vinyl and CD, as well as digital. A cool Xmas present. Just saying.”

The microphone doesn’t seem to be losing power anytime soon. All albums adequately named one-to-six in te reo Māori, one can only punt on the next album name.

“It’s kinda weird now morphing back into the interviewee to promote my album release. I’m used to asking all the questions.”

This article is republished under a community partnership agreement with RNZ.

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Rabuka reveals details of 1987 coup navy ‘secret weapons mission’

By Litia Cava, FBC News multimedia journalist

Fiji Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka has revealed how arms and ammunition used to conduct the 1987 military coup were secretly brought into Fiji on board a naval survey ship.

Speaking at the commissioning of a new research vessel for the Lands and Mineral Resources Ministry on Friday, Rabuka described the strategic measures taken to ensure the weapons reached Fiji undetected.

He recounted that during preparations for his coup against Dr Timoçi Bavadra’s Labour government of 1987, Fiji lacked sufficient arms and ammunition.

“I realised that we didn’t have enough weapons and ammunition in Fiji to do what I wanted to do. So I sent a very quick message to the captain who was there to pick up the ship and surprised him by asking that, get that ship commissioned in Singapore before you sail back to Fiji.”

Rabuka explained the decision, saying the commissioning had allowed the ship to fly a naval flag, ensuring it would avoid inspection at international ports.

He said the ship’s captain was instructed to load arms and ammunition en route which were successfully brought back to Fiji.

The Prime Minister said the measures were necessary at the time to achieve what needed to be done.

Rare glimpse of tactics
His remarks offered a rare glimpse into the behind-the-scenes tactics of 1987, highlighting the extent of planning and resourcefulness involved.

Rabuka’s comments were made during the launch of a state-of-the-art research vessel which will serve as a floating laboratory for marine geological studies and coastal surveys.

The vessel is equipped with advanced tools to map the ocean floor, study tectonic activity and support communities affected by climate change.

The Prime Minister said the new vessel marked a significant step in understanding Fiji’s marine ecosystem.

He also spoke about the importance of integrating scientific research with traditional knowledge to address critical issues such as climate change and sustainable resource management.

The PM said there was a need for informed planning to prevent disasters, referencing the recent earthquake in Vanuatu.

Rabuka said early geological surveys could have guided city planners and engineers in designing structures that mitigate damage from such events.

The new vessel is expected to provide critical insights into the ocean’s mysteries while contributing to Fiji’s resilience against climate-related challenges.

Fiji’s President celebrates birthday with military
Meanwhile, earlier today members of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces (RFMF) gathered at State House to celebrate the 71st birthday of Fiji’s President and Commander-in-Chief, Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu.

The celebration was led by the Commander of the Fiji Navy, Humphrey Tawake, with senior officers. It was marked by a march by officers and the RFMF band. adding a ceremonial and heartfelt touch to the happy occasion.

On behalf of the commander of the RFMF who is away on official leave, Commander Tawake extended birthday wishes to the Head of State.

President Lalabalavu praised the dedication of the RFMF in upholding law and order.

“The strength of our nation lies in our collective efforts, and since assuming office, I have witnessed the vital role you play in ensuring peace and stability,” he said.

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NZ’s Z Energy renames stations with ‘correct’ kupu

By Emma Andrews, Henare te Ua Māori Journalism Intern at RNZ News

The New Zealand fuel company Z Energy is swapping out street names for “correct” kupu on service stops around the country, with the help of local hapū.

When Z took over 226 fuel sites from Shell in 2010, the easy solution was to name the respective stations after the streets they were on, or near.

But when it named the Kahikatea Drive station in Kirikiriroa Z — K Drive, the company’s Māori advisor questioned the abbreviation.

“Kahikatea is the correct name. That led to a bigger conversation about where are we with our knowledge as we start to learn a bit more about te reo Māori and acknowledging interconnected-ness of all things, like, where else are there opportunities to do it,” Z Energy customer general manager Andy Baird said.

After 12 months of whakawhanaungatanga (relationship building), the company was guided by Te Hā o te Whenua o Kirikiriroa on changing the name of Z Dinsdale to Z Tuhikaramea.

That led to two other stations being renamed — New Plymouth’s Z Courtenay Street became Z Huatoki, while Hamilton’s Five Cross Roads station became Z Te Papanui.

“This is not about ticking a box per se, this is about a bigger sort of commitment that we have to te reo Māori and obviously to the communities that we operate in, so it’s a much bigger broader long-term programme,” Baird said.

Z Energy . . . an internal drive to incorporate more use of te reo Māori. Image: RNZ

Internal te reo drive
There had also been an internal drive to incorporate more use of te reo, kicking off each day with karakia, Baird said.

It added more of a connection between the company and Māori traditions.

“We’ve been adding bilingual language inside the sites but we have equally taken the time to make sure that we’re getting the right dialects as the regions as we go through it.

“Part of the project this year was to sort of understand the process that we go through in terms of engagement with mana whenua and how they want things to happen and occur, and how we can come together to make that really a great outcome for local communities we operate in.”

The company could have changed the station names off the bat, but Baird said consulting with local hapū and iwi was the right thing to do.

“The opportunity to meet them, to start to engage with mana whenua and to build a relationship with them and to do something that they’re just as proud of as we are, was just as important as the actual name.”

Each site’s name was gifted by the hapū, with careful consideration of the history of the whenua.

Facebook community included
Ngāti Te Whiti hapū in Ngāmotu was thrilled to play a big part in renaming the Courtenay Street petrol station and included its Facebook community in making the decision.

It had a kete of three names that went to a vote — the name Huatoki was favoured.

Julie Healey of Ngāti Te Whiti said it was only fitting to have the name Huatoki, as the awa flowed just around the corner from the petrol station.

“Huatoki is probably all the life essence of New Plymouth at the beginning. We have the pā Puke Ariki at the front and then we have the other pā around, I think there’s about five or six different pā in that area.”

The hapū was in its rebuilding phase and was working towards a Huatoki restoration plan with the New Plymouth District Council, so when Z approached it at the start of the year, the timing could not have been better, she said.

“When we were approached, I just thought straight away ‘this is going to work brilliantly with our Huātoki’, and I was hoping whānau would vote that way, and they did. It just made sense, it was consistent.”

A plaque on the left-hand side of entrance has a brief mihi and the meaning of the word. Image: RNZ/Emma Andrews

She praised Z for taking the right steps to engage with locals.

“One of our whānau, Damon Ritai, met the people outside Puke Ariki Museum, talked to them about the museum, the designs, the cultural expression on the museum, the meaning of the different things of whakapapa on the ceremonial doors, all the names that were in the foyer, and explained everything about those.”

Cultural induction hīkoi
The cultural induction hīkoi ended at Te Whare Honanga (Taranaki Cathedral) where they had refreshments.

Then, the hapū worked on the dialect, something Healey triple-checked before giving the nod of approval.

“This is about reclaiming our language and culture, not as a political act, but as a celebration.

“It’s always a good opportunity for hapū to try and get those names, you know, renaming before the colonial names, taking things back to language and culture.”

Z Energy aimed to rename more petrol stations but first, more whakawhanaungatanga, Baird said.

This article is republished under a community partnership agreement with RNZ.

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Yes, reindeer actually can have red noses – and other fascinating facts about this Christmas icon

Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Julie Old, Associate Professor, Biology, Zoology, Animal Science, Western Sydney University

Dmitry Chulov, Shutterstock

At this time of year, images of reindeer are everywhere. I’ve had a soft spot for reindeer ever since I was a little girl. Doesn’t everyone?

While I work on Australian mammals, especially marsupials such as wombats, I still find reindeer fascinating.

I’ve spent a great deal of time reading up about reindeer. Some of the research may interest you too.

So here’s everything you need to know about this iconic animal, including why they need antlers, why they really can have red noses and how their eyes change colour!

Male reindeer lose their horns in winter.
Tam and Trace Photography, Shutterstock

What do reindeer eat?

Reindeer (Rangifer tarandua) are herbivores, which means they eat plants. But because they live in the Arctic, where snow and ice covers the ground for most of the year, they can’t be too fussy.

Their diet mostly consists of lichen, a plant-like organism that grows on rocks and trees. They also eat grass, moss and fungus when they can get it. I’m sure they’d love a carrot or two, but they’re more likely to find only tough “vascular” shrubs and bushes in the Arctic.

Like rabbits and koalas, reindeer also eat droppings – specifically barnacle goose poo. Who knows, maybe eating goose droppings give reindeer special flying powers at Christmas time?

How do they keep warm?

We’ve all heard the Christmas song Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Yet you may not realise reindeer really can have red noses!

Blood flow in the nose can increase or decrease to control heat exchange. So when reindeer need to cool down, their nose looks red because blood is pumped closer to the skin. It’s a bit like when fair-skinned people get hot and flushed.

Reindeer can also regulate the temperature of the skin on their legs by a similar mechanism, to conserve energy.

They build up very large fat reserves over the warmer months. Around 25% of these reserves are then used for energy in winter.

Reindeer can also break down their own protein for energy over winter.

Specialised hair acts to minimise heat loss. Reindeer fur is thickest in winter with more dense woollen underfur.

Hollow “guard hairs” stand out from the rest to provide both colour and insulation from the cold.

As reindeer fur is broader than other deer fur, with a larger hollow cavity, it probably also supports buoyancy. Perhaps it helps keep reindeer afloat when they cross lakes and rivers during migration. Maybe it could even make them lighter, just as birds have hollow bones, and enable flight.

But these cold climate specialists may suffer as the world warms. Last year researchers described how female reindeer responded to an extreme heatwave in Finland. The reindeer became less active as their body temperature increased and heart rate decreased, reducing the ability to build up their fat reserves.

Glittering eyes and fancy feet

Reindeer noses are not the only body part that changes colour. Part of the back of their eye shines a gold-turquoise colour in summer, and deep blue in winter.

The colour change corresponds to changes in the spacing of collagen fibres and pressure within the eye itself. It all has to do with making the most of the light at different times of the year.

In summer, reindeer have sponge-like footpads that help grip the soft ground. In winter, however, their footpads are smaller and the hoof rim is exposed, enabling reindeer to cut through snow and ice to find food.

Reindeer toes on the front feet play a braking role – making for easy landings on roofs perhaps – while toes on the back feet are used for pushing.

Antlers and herd dynamics

Reindeer are unique among all deer in that both males and females have antlers. But only females have antlers all year around.

The size of male reindeer (bull) antlers is second only to that of the moose. But relative to body size, reindeer antlers are the largest among living deer.

Bulls use their antlers and body size to win over females. Older males have larger antlers with more spiky projections.

Bull antler buds appear in March or April, become fully developed during summer then shed from August to September. Bulls also grow a mane and their neck thickens by this time.

The older males shed their antlers earlier than younger (or weaker) bulls, with antlers dropping off sometime between November and May.

Unlike bulls, cows need to keep their antlers throughout winter to compete for food and prevent unwanted attention from young bulls.

Young cows develop antlers early to earn a higher rank among the herd, which can be maintained for life.

The clicking sound from reindeer knees is a curious feature. It’s thought to come from the tendon within the knee when it slips over the bone.

The sound is likely to be louder in bigger reindeer with longer tendons, as observed in eland (Taurotragus oryx). So knee clicking can provide an acoustic signal to rivals, allowing combatants to determine if they want to engage in battle or not.

Survival of the species

Reindeer are essential to the health of the Arctic grasslands and forests, and have great cultural significance to the many Indigenous peoples of the regions in which they live.

Yet reindeer are vulnerable to extinction. The global population has declined from about 4.8 million to 2.9 million over a couple of decades.

People are largely to blame. Farming, mining, forestry, hunting and now climate change threaten the survival of the species.

Fortunately, Santa is not the only person to keep reindeer. Many are kept in captivity, ensuring this amazing species’ survival for a while yet.

Julie Old does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

ref. Yes, reindeer actually can have red noses – and other fascinating facts about this Christmas icon –

Looking for a summer or longer-term job? Here’s how to find one and avoid being exploited

Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Grozdana Manalo, Career Services Manager (Education), University of Sydney


Getting casual work over summer, or a part-time job that you might continue once your tertiary course starts, can be a great way to get workplace experience and earn some extra money.

But it’s important to be cautious and to ensure you don’t get caught up with an unscrupulous employer who might take advantage of a young, inexperienced job-seeker.

The most common red flags to be aware of are unpaid or underpaid wages, unsafe working conditions or unfair treatment. But, before we get into that, where do you start?

How to find a casual or summer job

Recruitment agencies

Register with recruitment agencies that specialise in temporary or seasonal work – they can match you with employers looking for short-term staff, ideal for summer jobs.

It’s free to join, and all you need to do is submit your resume and contact details. A quick tip: a recruitment agent makes their income from matching prospective job seekers to roles, so make sure your resume is tailored to the industry you’re interested in.

Local papers and community boards

Despite the rise of social media, many summer jobs can be found in local newspapers or newsletters, or your community bulletin boards, especially for smaller companies and in regional areas.

Check your local libraries, supermarkets and shopping centres. Some businesses will also place a notice in their front window.

Social media

Follow your favourite organisations and brands on social media, as many will use their sites to advertise vacancies. Studies have shown more than 90% of employers have used, or are planning to use, social media to find candidates.

Job vacancies can by found on a company’s website or on the sites of specialist and general recruitment agencies.

Online job portals

Employment websites such as SEEK, Indeed, GradConnection and Prosple allow you to filter roles by location, industry and job type. If you want to work for a particular company, go directly to its website and check the careers page.

Personal networks

Use your personal and professional networks. Let your friends, family and acquaintances know you are looking. People will often help or recommend you. Most job vacancies are filled via the hidden job market, without being advertised.

Now you’ve found a job…

Getting a job is the first step. Ensuring your wages, hours and other conditions are legal under the Fair Work Act is the next.

Carefully read job descriptions

If an advertisement is vague and offers a promise of earning a lot of money for very little effort, as in the case of some work-from-home or remote jobs, it’s probably too good to be true.

Legitimate job ads provide detailed information about the role, responsibilities, required qualifications and experience, working hours and application process. Most importantly, an advertisement should include an email or phone number you can contact to get further information.

Do your research

Before you apply for a job, take the time to research the organisation. Look for reviews on websites such as Glassdoor – where former employees share their experiences.

Take a look at the company’s website, if it has one, to get an idea of the culture and values. If you find negative information, be wary. Sometimes a simple Google search will produce articles on a businesses questionable behaviour.

Ask for an employment contract

A written contract is necessary to protect your rights. A contract must outline your pay, working hours, working conditions, work health and safety issues. Before starting a job, the contract should be signed by both parties.

Read the Fair Work Ombudsman’s Guide to starting a new job.

Once you start working, keep written records of your hours and tasks. Keep a notebook or spreadsheet and track your hours and tasks daily. Also, keep records of all your payslips in case there’s an issue with your pay.

Safety and wellbeing

Safety is very important, especially if you are doing physical labour. Look for signs that your workplace follows local regulations and provides a safe work environment.

As well as physical safety, it is also important to protect your mental health. Watch for signs of bullying, intimidation or other inappropriate behaviour by bosses or colleagues.

Trust your gut

If something doesn’t feel right throughout the process, it probably isn’t. If a potential employer can’t answer simple questions, or is reluctant to give you written documentation, those are red flags.

It’s better to walk away than risk being put in an uncomfortable situation. If in doubt, talk to someone you trust, such as family, friends or mentors.

If you don’t have anyone you can talk to, you can always contact the office of the Fair Work Ombudsman.

Grozdana Manalo is affiliated with the National Association of Graduate Career Advisory Services (NAGCAS) as a professional member. NAGCAS is a not-for-profit professional association which aims to upskill and educate career service professionals.

ref. Looking for a summer or longer-term job? Here’s how to find one and avoid being exploited –

Switching off from work can be difficult but taking a proper break is good for your health

Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Ty Ferguson, Research associate in exercise, nutrition and activity, University of South Australia


It’s never been easier to stay connected to work. Even when we’re on leave, our phones and laptops keep us tethered. Many of us promise ourselves we won’t check emails during our break. But we do.

Being away from the workplace, and even in a new location, is often not enough to detach psychologically. We might still be thinking about a demanding project we raced to finish or even feel guilty about leaving others to cover for us.

‘Digital presenteeism’

It mightn’t be spelt out by our employers but having phones and laptops can create an underlying expectation we are constantly available, even outside the usual work hours.

This feeling of connection or “digital presenteeism”, can impact our health by making us stressed, anxious and burnt out.

Switching off our work tools when we are out of the office or on leave can remove these problems as well as helping improve and enjoy our non-work activities and relationships.

Right to disconnect

While recently passed right to disconnect laws in Australia legally support workers to switch off, there’s another option already available to workers. Taking annual leave.

Unfortunately, many workers don’t take advantage of this valuable resource, with an estimated 160 million annual leave days banked up by Australian workers. One in five have more than the typical yearly allocation of four weeks unused.

The benefits of taking a break

Taking a break doesn’t just feel good, it’s been shown to benefit your health.

A 2017 meta-analysis of 86 studies revealed taking holidays can lead to reduced stress and less exhaustion during the holiday period.

There is significant research showing taking a break improves wellbeing.
Gladskikh Tatiana/Shutterstock

So what do we do with all the extra time we have? Sleep more? Do more exercise? Studies show that’s exactly what happens when we are on holiday. We studied movement patterns of 375 adults during annual leave. We found people were more physically active, less sedentary and had more sleep each day – all of which are good for our health.

Holidays can also be associated with changes in how our body functions. A study of 112 holiday makers who attended a wellness resort for six days in the United States had increased heart rate variability which indicates greater resilience to stress.

Also, the odds of meeting metabolic syndrome criteria decreased with each break taken each year in a cohort of workers who took on average five holidays each year.

If you’re male and still not convinced, there is evidence that taking holidays is linked with living longer. Men who take more frequent holidays and more leave days a year have lower mortality rates than those who don’t?

The best type of break?

Simply taking leave is beneficial. Longer breaks do not have increased benefits and where you go is also unimportant.

A study of locations found those who took a short four day break in a hotel did not benefit more than those who took a break at home. Both groups showed positive changes to stress, recovery, strain and wellbeing.

In our study, the largest favourable changes were experienced by people who took one to two weeks’ leave or those who spent time outdoors camping or hiking. However positive changes were observed for all types of holidays.

People who spent time outdoors during their holidays experienced the biggest health benefits.
Dimitry Molchanov/Shutterstock

Ultimately, the best vacation is the one that fits your preferences and budget – there’s no such thing as a perfect holiday.

How to make the most of your next break

If you haven’t already, book some time off and get away from the workplace. Here are five ways to make the most of the time:

1. Finish up your to-do list and clear out your inbox: returning to work after a summer holiday with fewer unfinished tasks allows the positive effects of the holiday to linger longer.

2. Step away from the normal routine: try to limit work-like activities (such as shopping, cleaning, computer-based tasks) and find environments that feel removed from your typical routine and obligations.

3. Engage in “soft fascination” activities: exploring nature is an example of an activity that gently holds your attention while leaving headspace for reflection. These types of activites have been shown to provide restorative mental benefits.

4. Reduce the friction and chaos: avoid putting yourself in settings of conflict (such as visiting a difficult family member), confusion (busy, unfamiliar environments) or tension (excessive travel and/or tight timelines).

5. Take more frequent breaks: aim for multiple short breaks throughout the year, rather than a single longer vacation. This spreads out the benefit with more lead-in time and longer comedown.

The research is clear: vacations are essential for our health and wellbeing. So, if you haven’t already, book some time off and get away from the workplace.

Carol Maher receives funding from the Medical Research Future Fund, the National Health and Medical Research Council, the National Heart Foundation, the SA Department for Education, Preventive Health SA, the Channel 7 Children’s Research Foundation, the South Australian Office for Sport, Recreation and Racing, Healthway, Hunter New England Local Health District, and the Central Adelaide Local Health Network.

Rachel Curtis receives funding from the Medical Research Future Fund, National Health and Medical Research Council, SA Department for Education, SA Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing, Preventive Health SA, Healthway, Hunter New England Local Health District, and SA Department for Innovation and Skills, the Channel 7 Children’s Research Foundation.

Ty Ferguson does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

ref. Switching off from work can be difficult but taking a proper break is good for your health –

From smaller homes to screen time, backyard cricket is facing challenges in modern Australia

Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Kasey Symons, Lecturer of Communication, Sports Media, Deakin University

We are well and truly in cricket season.

The Australian men’s cricket team is taking centre stage against India in the Border Gavaskar Trophy series while the Big Bash League is underway, as is the Sheffield Shield.

It is a packed summer schedule, with the Australian women’s cricket team competing in an Ashes series against England that will culminate in a historic Test at the MCG on January 30: the first women’s Test played at the venue since 1948–49.

That match will also be the 90th anniversary of the first ever women’s Ashes series, when England toured Australia in the summer of 1934–35.

It’s an exciting schedule for fans and one Cricket Australia will be looking to capitalise on.

But is all this cricket driving participation?

The changing face of cricket participation

Like most sports, cricket faces a challenge to retain junior players in an oversaturated sports market. It is also competing with other entertainment offerings, increased screen time, financial pressures, and parent and guardian unavailability.

Read more:
No cash, no play? Have cost-of-living pressures impacted sports participation in Australia?

Ahead of the 2024–25 summer, Cricket Australia released its annual report, which included 2023–24 participation numbers.

On the whole, things are looking somewhat positive, with growth in junior cricket (ages 5-12) increasing 5%.

For women and girls, the numbers are even more encouraging, with Cricket Australia reporting 18% growth for the 2023–24 season, attributed to a 44% rise in school competitions, 6% growth in social competitions and a record-breaking year of youth girls’ participation (ages 5–12).

But Cricket Australia highlighted challenges in that next phase – the teenage years, with the governing body reporting an overall 5% drop in teenage participation.

The death of backyard cricket?

There has been reflection recently about the decline of junior participation in some demographics and a changing cricketing landscape.

A query that often arises in these conversations is whether the sport’s traditional breeding ground, backyard cricket, is under threat.

What is interesting is the nostalgia many cricket fans hold for the days of the iconic pastime and how it is central to a person’s, and maybe even our national, identity.

Backyard cricket has long been a staple for many Australian families (and those in cricketing countries). It has attracted a certain rose-coloured nostalgia that fills the memories of generations – the sounds of a ball bouncing off a wheelie bin, the shouts of “car!” in quiet suburban streets and maybe sometimes, of smashed glass and the cries of angry parents to not play near the windows.

Cricket fans can connect to stories of backyard cricket, reflecting on simpler times, mates made in the streets and maybe even how they perfected their action in narrow driveways, to avoid trees or to not lose the ball over the neighbour’s fence.

Cricket lovers can not only recall their childhood and growing cricket fandom, but also imagine how their cricketing heroes were likely doing the exact same thing.

In 2009, Steve Cannane wrote the book First Tests – Great Australian Cricketers and The Backyards That Made Them. The book is a testament to the romance of backyard cricket and how we can relate as fans to the icons of the game, who also experienced modest beginnings in similar streets. They were just like us.

But recreation looks different to today’s teens, with the rise of technology and other entertainment options, as well as changing social patterns where organic interactions are less likely or not encouraged.

This can make it hard to find fielders for those long cover drives down the driveway.

I recently discussed this on ABC Radio’s The Conversation Hour. We discussed how children might be less likely to approach other children to play today, which might be a result of COVID restrictions or general concerns about children’s safety.

Australia’s changing housing market is also affecting backyard cricket.

Apartment living and smaller homes in urban areas with limited outdoor space make the activity not only very difficult but not visible to invite others in.

Modern city planning appears focused on making cities more compact and experts note the loss of outdoor space could increase the risks of physical and mental health problems among city residents.

It appears for many, the days of walking down a street, seeing kids playing a game and joining in until your parents called out “dinner” (or “tea” in the rural neighbourhood I grew up in) are long gone.

Finding the fandom balance

Kerry Packer’s 1977 World Series Cricket is what inspired CEO of Softball Australia Sarah Loh to pick up a cricket bat when her family migrated to Australia when she was six years old.

She told ABC Radio Melbourne:

There were those great characters, and that is when my love of sport and cricket came.

While traditional cricket fans often bemoan new formats, flashy tournaments and increased commercialisation of cricket, for many, these innovations also offer entry points, drive interest and allow their fandom to grow.

Cricket Australia’s chief of cricket James Allsopp has spoken of the need for more social forms of cricket to keep kids interested in the game and prevent the drop-off in teen years.

A balance must be achieved in our rapidly changing society – the challenge for cricket’s administrators will now be to connect with kids, women, and diverse communities in ways that respond to their needs and bring them to the sport on their terms.

They must also do this in a way that protects the history that has already brought so many people together every summer in front of televisions, in stadiums and in backyards across the country.

The Conversation

Kasey Symons consults to and conducts research for a number of organisations across Australia. Her research has received funding from organisations including the Victorian Government, and national and state sport governing bodies including the Australian Football League and its clubs and the National Rugby League. Dr Symons is also one of the co-founders of Siren: A Women in Sport Collective.

ref. From smaller homes to screen time, backyard cricket is facing challenges in modern Australia –

Hitting the beach? Here are some dangers to watch out for – plus 10 essentials for your first aid kit

Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Andrew Woods, Lecturer, Nursing, Faculty of Health, Southern Cross University


Summer is here and for many that means going to the beach. You grab your swimmers, beach towel and sunscreen then maybe check the weather forecast. Did you think to grab a first aid kit?

The vast majority of trips to the beach will be uneventful. However, if trouble strikes, being prepared can make a huge difference to you, a loved one or a stranger.

So, what exactly should you be prepared for?

Knowing the dangers

The first step in being prepared for the beach is to learn about where you are going and associated levels of risk.

In Broome, you are more likely to be bitten by a dog at the beach than stung by an Irukandji jellyfish.

In Byron Bay, you are more likely to come across a brown snake than a shark.

In the summer of 2023–24, Surf Life Saving Australia reported more than 14 million Australian adults visited beaches. Surf lifesavers, lifeguards and lifesaving services performed 49,331 first aid treatments across 117 local government areas around Australia. Surveys of beach goers found perceptions of common beach hazards include rips, tropical stingers, sun exposure, crocodiles, sharks, rocky platforms and waves.

Sun and heat exposure are likely the most common beach hazard. The Cancer Council has reported that almost 1.5 million Australians surveyed during summer had experienced sunburn during the previous week. Without adequate fluid intake, heat stroke can also occur.

Lacerations and abrasions are a further common hazard. While surfboards, rocks, shells and litter might seem more dangerous, the humble beach umbrella has been implicated in thousands of injuries.

Sprains and fractures are also associated with beach activities. A 2022 study linked data from hospital, ambulance and Surf Life Saving cases on the Sunshine Coast over six years and found 79 of 574 (13.8%) cervical spine injuries occurred at the beach. Surfing, smaller wave heights and shallow water diving were the main risks.

Rips and rough waves present a higher risk at areas of unpatrolled beach, including away from surf lifesaving flags. Out of 150 coastal drowning deaths around Australia in 2023–24, nearly half were during summer. Of those deaths:

  • 56% occurred at the beach
  • 31% were rip-related
  • 86% were male, and
  • 100% occurred away from patrolled areas.

People who had lived in Australia for less than two years were more worried about the dangers, but also more likely to be caught in a rip.

Pathway to Australian beach cove with blue water
Safety Beach on Victoria’s Mornington Peninsula. Still bring your first aid essentials though.
Julia Kuleshova/Shutterstock

Read more:
Drugs and the sun – your daily medications could put you at greater risk of sunburn

Knowing your DR ABCs

So, beach accidents can vary by type, severity and impact. How you respond will depend on your level of first aid knowledge, ability and what’s in your first aid kit.

A first aid training company survey of just over 1,000 Australians indicated 80% of people agree cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is the most important skill to learn, but nearly half reported feeling intimidated by the prospect.

CPR training covers an established checklist for emergency situations. Using the acronym “DR ABC” means checking for:

  • Danger
  • Response
  • Airway
  • Breathing
  • Circulation

A complete first aid course will provide a range of skills to build confidence and be accredited by the national regulator, the Australian Skills Quality Authority.

Read more:
Snakes are waking up. What should you do if you’re bitten? And what if you’re a long way from help?

What to bring – 10 first aid essentials

Whether you buy a first aid kit or put together you own, it should include ten essential items in a watertight, sealable container:

  1. Band-Aids for small cuts and abrasions
  2. sterile gauze pads
  3. bandages (one small one for children, one medium crepe to hold on a dressing or support strains or sprains, and one large compression bandage for a limb)
  4. large fabric for sling
  5. a tourniquet bandage or belt to restrict blood flow
  6. non-latex disposable gloves
  7. scissors and tweezers
  8. medical tape
  9. thermal or foil blanket
  10. CPR shield or breathing mask.

Before you leave for the beach, check the expiry dates of any sunscreen, solutions or potions you choose to add.

If you’re further from help

If you are travelling to a remote or unpatrolled beach, your kit should also contain:

  • sterile saline solution to flush wounds or rinse eyes
  • hydrogel or sunburn gel
  • an instant cool pack
  • paracetamol and antihistamine medication
  • insect repellent.

Make sure you carry any “as-required” medications, such as a Ventolin puffer for asthma or an EpiPen for severe allergy.

Vinegar is no longer recommended for most jellyfish stings, including Blue Bottles. Hot water is advised instead.

In remote areas, also look out for Emergency Response Beacons. Located in high-risk spots, these allow bystanders to instantly activate the surf emergency response system.

If you have your mobile phone or a smart watch with GPS function, make sure it is charged and switched on and that you know how to use it to make emergency calls.

First aid kits suitable for the beach range in price from $35 to over $120. Buy these from certified first aid organisations such as Surf Lifesaving Australia, Australian Red Cross, St John Ambulance or Royal Life Saving. Kits that come with a waterproof sealable bag are recommended.

Be prepared this summer for your trip to the beach and pack your first aid kit. Take care and have fun in the sun.

The Conversation

The authors do not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and have disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

ref. Hitting the beach? Here are some dangers to watch out for – plus 10 essentials for your first aid kit –


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