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MIL OSI – Source: Labour Party – False figures cloud Auckland transport facts

The Prime Minister should apologise and issue a correction after both he and Transport Minister Simon Bridges have been caught out misrepresenting facts on Auckland’s transport spending, Labour’s Housing spokesperson Phil Twyford says.

“Both John Key and Simon Bridges have been incorrectly accusing Auckland Council of cutting its transport spending.

“The Council has corrected them but the Prime Minister has repeated the error.

“The reason for the reduction in the budgeted spend over the two periods is that the Council has removed the amount for government spending on the City Rail Link after National delayed funding until 2020 and that the Government had ruled out their proposals for alternate funding which would have kicked in next year.

“In fact, accounting for those changes Auckland Council’s transport spend is broadly the same.

“In the Government’s war of words with Auckland Council, they keep retelling a lie in their efforts to discredit Auckland’s transport plan.

“The Government is desperate for scapegoats as their policy for Auckland collapses. So desperate are they to blame the Council for the housing crisis and infrastructure deficit, they’re now just making stuff up,” Phil Twyford says.




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