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MIL OSI – Source: New Zealand Government – $7.8m for new sustainable farming projects 29 new projects have been approved for $7.8 million in new funding over four years through the Sustainable Farming Fund (SFF), Primary Industries Minister Nathan Guy has announced today. “These are grass-roots projects that support farmers, growers and foresters to tackle shared problems and develop new opportunities. They will deliver real economic, environmental and social benefits. “For example, one project will develop industry tools for farmers to improve their farm practices to improve water quality and infrastructure, while reducing nutrient loss. “Other projects aim to increase the productivity of onion and potato growers, improve farmer uptake of summer forages, and help tackle the risk of rot in apples.” Co-funders will also invest $16.3 million in the 29 projects over four years. “Over the past 15 years the SFF has invested over $120 million in 948 projects benefiting New Zealand’s primary industries including, dairy, meat, arable, forestry, horticulture and aquaculture.” An evaluation of the SFF completed in early 2014 concluded that it is achieving its goals of funding projects that contribute to the economic, environmental and social well-being of New Zealand’s primary industries. The next round of funding for the SFF will open in mid 2015. For further information about the 29 new SFF projects, visit: About the Sustainable Farming Fund

  • The SFF supports the financial, environmental and social performance of New Zealand’s productive land-based, marine and aquaculture sectors.  It does this by funding projects that are:
    • Based around solving problems; or taking up opportunities, related to sustainable resource use; and
    • Defined and driven by a farmer, grower or forester-led “community of interest” (groups of stakeholders drawn together by common problems or opportunities).
  • 61 applications requesting a total of $16.58 million were considered by the independent assessment panel for the 2015/16 funding round
  • Eight million dollars (GST excl) is available as baseline funding in each financial year. The funding is contestable and applications are subjected to an assessment process with final recommendations made by an independent panel.
  • The funding investment by government in each project is matched by significant cash co-funding and in-kind support by industry, community groups and individuals.  The SFF can fund up to 80 percent of the projects, however on average projects leverage approximately 50 percent of cash and in-kind from other parties.
  • The fund has been independently evaluated four times since its inception, with each evaluation highlighting the economic, social and environmental benefits of the investment. The most recent evaluation was completed in 2014.



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