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RNZ Pacific

A youth-led Pasifika mass vaccination event in Auckland has immunised several thousand people over the past four days.

Pacific health provider South Seas’ youth group Bubble Gum ran a drive-through event called Rally Your Village at Auckland’s Vodafone Events Centre.

The event has resulted in 4542 people being vaccinated — mostly youth and young adults.

South Seas chief executive Silao Vaisola-Sefo said it was successful because it was community-driven.

He said they wanted to take people on a journey through the process of getting vaccinated and to create a festival atmosphere.

Minister of Pacific Peoples Aupito William Sio said the numbers were impressive.

“A huge congratulations, absolutely proud of the leadership of the Bubble Gum group in leading that,” he said.

“Their efforts alongside other young people who are leading the charge are probably responsible for the huge uptake in the covid-19 vaccine for that age group.”

More than 5000 food parcels, petrol vouchers, 2000 kids packs, and NZ$100,000 worth of incentives were distributed to those attending.

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