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New Zealand Politics Daily is a collation of the most prominent issues being discussed in New Zealand. It is edited by Dr Bryce Edwards of The Democracy Project.

Items of interest and importance today

Chris Trotter (Daily Blog): After Ratana
Thomas Manch (Stuff): Could Three Waters be on the chopping block? Here’s what Prime Minister Chris Hipkins could do
Ted Greensmith-West (Stuff): Co-governance is less controversial than Christopher Luxon makes out
John MacDonald (Newstalk ZB): Luxon’s done Rātana. Is Rātana done with him?
Brent Edwards (NBR): The polarising debate on co-governance (paywalled)
RNZ: Māori seats don’t ‘make a lot of sense’ – Christopher Luxon
Will Trafford (Whakaata Māori): Māori seats ‘don’t make a lot of sense’ – Luxon
Oscar Jackson (Today FM): The co-governance debate that left us more confused… with Chris Finlayson & David Seymour
Alistair Boyce (The Platform): Lets Just Call It Like It Is
Merepeka Raukawa-Tait (Herald): Which politicians impressed at Rātana (paywalled)

Anna Whyte (Stuff): Chris Hipkins as PM could sway 12% of voters, new poll suggests
Tim Watkin (Pundit): Introducing Chippy, The New Bloke
Steven Cowan: A working class hero is something to be
Glenn McConnell (Stuff): What we learnt on key issues from Chris Hipkins’ first show as prime minister
Jenna Lynch (Newshub): Chris Hipkins holds first Cabinet meeting, but has nothing tangible to offer public on first day as Prime Minister
Stewart Sowman-Lund (Spinoff): A policy checklist for the new PM
William Hewett (Newshub): Jacinda Ardern’s resignation gives Labour better chance at 2023 election – Patrick Gower
Roy Morgan: New Zealand: Labour support at only 27.5% in December 2022
Herald Editorial: Parties jostle for middle ground (paywalled)
Rachel Smalley (Today FM): National has options … For Labour, it’s Hipkins. That’s it.
Lloyd Burr (Today FM): Get it right, and Hipkins will be on a roll
Anna Whyte (Stuff): Chris Hipkins formally sworn in as new prime minister
RNZ: Watch: Chris Hipkins holds first post-Cabinet media briefing as PM
RNZ: Chris Hipkins sworn in as prime minister
1News: Chris Hipkins becomes New Zealand’s 41st Prime Minister
Caitlin Rawling (Newshub): Jacinda Ardern’s text message to Prime Minister Chris Hipkins moments before he was sworn in
David Farrar: Our longest serving PMs
Herald: ‘Little princess’: Labour MP Tamati Coffey welcomes newborn daughter, born five weeks early

Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff): Businesses and unions begin ‘tug of war’ over Hipkins’ agenda
Krystal Gibbens and Lauren Crimp (RNZ): Small businesses offer Chris Hipkins advice: ‘Take some of the pain off’
RNZ: ‘There to ask questions’ – Hipkins to sit down with business leaders
Russell Palmer (RNZ): Prime Minister Chris Hipkins defends cost-of-living record, promises more action
Bridie Witton (Stuff): Prime Minister Chris Hipkins promises cost-of-living pressures are the ‘number one’ priority
Michael Neilson (Herald): Chris Hipkins becomes Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern farewelled as economy, cost of living front and centre
Tess McClure (Guardian): Chris Hipkins says cost of living is ‘absolute priority’ as he becomes New Zealand prime minister
Brent Edwards (NBR): New PM’s commitment to make the economy No 1 priority (paywalled)
1News: Cost of living, inflation ‘front of mind’ for Govt – Sepuloni

Peter Dunne: Key and Ardern broke the mould
Herald Editorial: Jacinda Ardern inspired us in unprecedented times (paywalled)
Herald: Inside the abuse aimed at Jacinda Ardern – where it’s coming from, what it says and the harm it does (paywalled)
Ian Powell: Sociopaths, psychopaths, the far-right and Jacinda Ardern
RNZ: Jacinda Ardern exits Parliament as Prime Minister for final time
1News: Jacinda Ardern receives guard of honour as she leaves Parliament
Tess McClure (Guardian): Selfies, sendoffs and star power as Jacinda Ardern has her last day in the sun
Charlotte Graham-McLay (Guardian): ‘Her tears were real’: survivors of Christchurch attack weigh up Jacinda Ardern’s legacy
Nick Kelly: Jacinda Adern – How will her five years in power be remembered?
Amberleigh Jack (Stuff): ‘First bloke out’: Clarke Gayford ‘so incredibly proud’ of ‘Neve’s Mum’
Emily Brookes and Amberleigh Jack (Stuff): All the best moments from our ‘first bloke’, Clarke Gayford
Herald: Clarke Gayford’s touching tribute to Jacinda Ardern as he exits role as ‘First Bloke of NZ’

Robert MacCulloch (Herald): Same old economic plot delivers the same outcome (paywalled)
Robert MacCulloch: NZ’s New Prime Minister, Chris Hipkins, rebrands the Labour Party, as the party of the economy
Rob Stock (Stuff): Mood of the Workforce: ‘People are hurting’ with only one in four workers’ incomes keeping pace with inflation
Liam Dann (Herald): Inflation data offers little for new PM to cheer about (paywalled)
Jenée Tibshraeny (Herald): Case builds for smaller interest rate hikes (paywalled)
Gyles Beckford (RNZ): Annual inflation rate holds at 7.2% percent as consumer prices rise
David Hargreaves (Interest): Interest rates could be getting close to peaks after inflation undershoots expectations
David Hargreaves (Interest): Inflation rate stays at 7.2%, undershooting Reserve Bank forecasts
Riley Kennedy (BusinessDesk): Economists: inflation peaking, slow down in OCR hikes expected (paywalled)
Ireland Hendry-Tennent (Newshub): Too early to declare victory in fight against inflation – investment analyst
Esther Taunton (Stuff): The ‘I’ word: What is inflation anyway?
1News: Christopher Luxon lays out National’s plan to fight inflation
David Hargreaves (Interest): We are unlikely to be able to draw breath until the October election is over. Expect drama.
Amelia Wade (Newshub): Budgeting service calls for more focus on ‘working families’ as Chris Hipkins takes charge
Finn Blackwell (RNZ): Papakura locals on rising costs: ‘There’s not as much money left over’
Mohammad Alafeshat (RNZ): At the checkout: Countdown expects price of seasonal produce to drop
Reweti Kohere (Spinoff): Can the rising tide of a ‘taniwha’ economy lift the boats of all Māori?
Matthew Birchall (Herald): The Seduction of Grandeur (paywalled)

Thomas Coughlan (Herald): Comfort for Labour? Mortgage pain bad, but not as bad as you think (paywalled)
Ben Leahy (Herald): Mortgage pain: Nelson family consider selling after $2500 monthly interest rate rise ‘brings tears to my eyes’
Miriam Bell (Stuff): Here’s where rents increased most last year
Leanne Warr (Herald): ‘Absolutely outrageous’: McAnulty slams proposed rent increases
Rachel Moore (Stuff): New hotels, fewer emergency housing motels ahead for Hamilton
Kerre Woodham (Newstalk ZB): Children should not be in emergency motels

Jem Traylen (BusinessDesk): Tax cuts a low priority for Auckland business leaders (paywalled)
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff): Commerce Commission ‘misguided’ over supermarket competition problem
David Hargreaves (Interest): Reserve Bank is going to be stashing more foreign cash
RNZ: Reserve Bank planning to boost foreign cash, but amount unknown
Martin Van Beynen (Stuff): Owner of early childcare company Porse fakes BNZ email to justify late wages
Nona Pelletier (RNZ): Cybersecurity threats increasing and evolving at rapid pace – legal expert
Brianna MciLraith (Stuff): Pretty privilege: How beauty standards affect women in the workplace
Brianna Mcilraith (Stuff): Is your new colleague getting paid more than you? Here’s what you can do

Ben Strang (RNZ): Auckland mayor Wayne Brown grants two interviews, of 108 media requests
Jonathan Milne (Newsroom): Rates and mates – bailing out our cash-strapped capital
Georgina Campbell (Herald): Budget blowout for Eastbourne coastal path: Ratepayer bill triples
Steven Walton (Press): Ratepayer-owned Citycare no longer paying dividend after $71m acquisition
Steven Walton (Press): Ratepayer-owned economic agency attracts $123 million of investment to Christchurch
Emily Ireland (Local Democracy Reporting): Audit delays leave mayor ‘unimpressed’
Alisha Evans (Local Democracy Reporting): Decade-long fight for a safer road in Te Puke
RNZ: Rotorua accessibility advocate fights for footpath to new subdivision
Rates and mates – bailing out our cash-strapped capital

Rob Stock (Stuff): Back-to-school costs, and the school where there are none
Michael Fallow (Stuff): National wants tertiary funding better synced to economic imperatives
RNZ: New independent Māori education entity needed – report
RNZ: Dwindling population on campus led to Vic Books’ demise
Lauren Crimp (RNZ): Universities ready for AI tool ChatGPT, academic integrity expert says
Alwyn Poole (Kiwiblog): What hasn’t been announced – Term 3 2022 School Attendance … let alone Term 4

Cécile Meier (BusinessDesk): Little accuses GPs of making inaccurate claims on funding
Hannah Bodger-Kearns (Whakaata Māori): Tamariki Māori suffering most from health inequities
Jimmy Ellingham (RNZ): Father worried new Palmerston North Hospital mental health ward not set to open until 2025
Rodney Hide: My Single Issue this Election
RNZ: Wastewater results consistent with low case numbers, expert says
Niva Chittock (RNZ): Christchurch Hospital staff parking: Ministry explores other options but no timeframe on overdue extension
Libby Kirkby-McLeod (RNZ): Ibuprofen supply issues caused by sharp increase in demand – Pharmac

Hannah Bodger-Kearns (Whakaata Māori): Tairāwhiti land use review supported after devastating storm
Andrea Fox (Herald): Foresters call for independent inquiry into general ‘mass failures’ in East Coast storms (paywalled)

Rachael Kelly (Stuff): Energy minister Woods told Rio Tinto its behaviour at aluminium smelter was ‘not good for New Zealand or Southland’
Tom Powell (Stuff): High noon in Aotearoa

Joseph Los’e , RNZ and Peter de Graaf (Northern Advocate): ‘She didn’t bow to anyone’: Ngāpuhi matriarch Titewhai Harawira dies aged 90
Ripu Bhatia, Christine Rovoi, Maxine Jacobs and Katie Doyle (Stuff): ‘She was a fighter’: Māori leaders react to death of Titewhai Harawira
David Farrar: RIP Titewhai Harawira

Stuff: Family of slain Kiwi aid worker in Ukraine ‘very proud’ of what he did
Nathan Morton and Kurt Bayer (Herald): War in Ukraine: ‘His death shall not be in vain’; Devastated parents address son’s death in war-zone
RNZ: Missing New Zealand aid worker Andrew Bagshaw’s body found in Ukraine, parents say
William Hewett (Newshub): Body of missing Kiwi Andrew Bagshaw found in eastern Ukraine

Kate Newton (Stuff): The Whole Truth: Has the proportion of public servants grown?
Robin Martin (RNZ): Pākaraka signs marking Whanganui village destroyed hours after being installed
1News: Wai 262 prepares to bring awareness to Treaty claim
Herald: Prominent political party figure charged with historic abuse of teen boy in 1990s, granted bail
RNZ: Rātana movement says new leadership likely to be in place this year
Erin Gourley (Stuff): Historic buildings and wharves in Shelly Bay to be bowled due to major safety risk
Morgan Godfery (Stuff): Royal psychodrama means only one thing for NZ – a republic
Raphael Franks (Herald): TVNZ Breakfast hosts shooting Trump doll sparks outrage, network apologises



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