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Headline: Media Link: Director Paul G. Buchanan Standing Places Interview. – 36th Parallel Assessments

36th Parallel’s principal, Dr Paul G. Buchanan.

Director Paul G. Buchanan is interviewed on the London-based Standing Places podcast on the politics of pandemics and related issues.

Most of the world is now in some form of pandemic lockdown. Everything around us is changing – politics, economics, international relations.

How do we navigate the politics of a COVID-19 world? What are the implications for liberal democracy? And what might a ‘new normal’ look like for the world order?

Paul Buchanan is Director of 36th Parallel Assessments, a geopolitical risk and strategic assessment consultancy.

He’s a former intelligence and defence consultant for the US government, and an expert in authoritarianism, unconventional warfare, international security and comparative politics.

Paul grew up in Argentina, and has worked extensively across Latin America and the Asia Pacific, as well as for a number of security agencies in Washington DC, including the Pentagon and the State Department.


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Music on this episode is by Eveningland and Blue Dot Sessions.


Analysis syndicated by 36th Parallel Assessments



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