Report by Dr David Robie – Café Pacific. – Stakeout at the Ecuadorean Embassy and Julian Assange’s arrest – at 11min 06sec.
He gives a “thumbs up” sign. Video: Ruptly
By Caitlin Johnstone of Medium
WIKILEAKS founder Julian Assange has been arrested and taken into custody by the London’s Metropolitan police, just as WikiLeaks warned days ago was about to happen.
Assange’s lawyer Jen Robinson reports that his arrest is related to an extradition request from the United States, which the British government has until now refused to admit exists.
“Just confirmed: #Assange has been arrested not just for breach of bail conditions but also in relation to a US extradition request,” tweeted Robinson.
“From #Assange: The US warrant was issued in December 2017 and is for conspiracy with Chelsea Manning in early 2010,” Robinson added.
A WikiLeaks tweet. |
So there you have it. Extradited for journalism.
In a blur, everything that Assange and WikiLeaks have been warning about for years has been proven correct, contrary to mountains of claims to the contrary by establishment loyalists everywhere.
The same government which tortured Chelsea Manning is in the process of extraditing her publisher so that they can silence him forever.
Everyone who has ever denied that this was happening needs to hang their heads in shame for scoffing at a very real threat to press freedoms everywhere when they could have been opposing this obscene agenda. It’s time for some serious soul searching.
The time to act is now. It’s too late to prevent Assange from losing his asylum at the Ecuadorian embassy, so the goal now is to fight extradition.
Activist groups are swiftly organising as I type this, so it will be easy for people around the world to find rallies to attend and online movements to help boost.
I encourage everyone in the US, the UK and Australia [New Zealand] to contact their elected representatives and politely but urgently inform them that the agenda to extradite Assange to the US must be fought at all costs.
Educate yourself as best as you can on Assange’s case, and inform everyone you know about what’s going on.
Caitlin Johnston is an independent journalist and radical poet.
The precedent that could cripple journalism holding the US government to account. |