Newsletter: New Zealand Politics Daily – May 18 2018 – Today’s content
Editor’s Note: Here below is a list of the main issues currently under discussion in New Zealand and links to media coverage.
[caption id="attachment_297" align="aligncenter" width="640"] The Beehive and Parliament Buildings.[/caption]
Below are the links to the items online. The full text of these items are contained in the PDF file (click to download).
Guyon Espiner (RNZ): Budget 2018: A ‘triumph of neoliberalism’
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): Labour unveils a National-lite Budget
Bernard Hickey (Newsroom): Comment: The biggest missed opportunity in a generation
Bernard Hickey (Newsroom): Budget 2018: Tighter than it looks
Newshub: Budget 2018 doesn’t go far enough; Govt should drop rules – Bernard Hickey
Rod Oram (Newsroom): Budget 2018 a patch-up job
Matthew Hooton (Herald): Odd priorities in times of plenty
Dene Mackenzie (ODT): Most gain, but minister too cautious
Colin James (ODT): First Budget ‘hardly transformative’
Bryce Edwards (ODT): Budget doesn’t go quite far enough
John Armstrong (1News): Budget went some way to meeting Labour’s unrealistic election promises
Richard Harman (Politik): Applause for the Budget
Gordon Campbell: On Budget 2018
Audrey Young (Herald): Not the sort of budget to get you dancing or raging against
Audrey Young (Hearld): Jacinda Ardern was right about the Budget – not boring but not exciting
Barry Soper (Newstalk ZB): Labour’s first Budget keeps on giving
Barry Soper (Newstalk ZB): The Budget that didn’t tell us anything we didn’t already know
Press Editorial: No alarms and few surprises in Robertson’s first Budget
ODT Editorial: Budget sets tone for future
Claire Trevett (Herald): Budget 2018: Mixed verdicts on Labour’s ‘no-pizzazz’ Budget
Jane Patterson (RNZ): Budget 2018: Is Robertson saving his firepower?
Liam Dann (Herald): Subtle vision requires bold sales job
Brian Fallow (Herald): Budget scrum an even contest
Jane Clifton (Stuff): The surprise has gone, but at least we got a new script
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Budget 2018: Robertson brings in light-blue Budget with red, green, and black lamingtons
Jenna Lynch (Newshub): The Greens got shafted
Isaac Davison (Herald): Budget 2018: Greens defend share of wins after NZ First gets triple the cash
Spinoff: Budget 2018: the great Spinoff hot-take fry-up
1News: Analysis – Budget 2018: 1 NEWS’ Jessica Mutch and Simon Dallow break it down – ‘A little bit flat’
Sam Sachdeva (Newsroom): Foodie flair, but bland Budget on Robertson’s big day
Tova O’Brien: Labour delivers a ‘Good Start Budget’
Newshub: Budget 2018: ‘There’s so much more to do’ – Newshub’s politics team
Herald: Three views on Budget 2018 – Dame Tariana Turia, Sue Bradford, Ben Thomas
Duncan Garner (Newshub): Mr fix-it drowning in cash, so why the broken promises?
Mark Sainsbury (Newshub): This Budget was designed to soothe the worriers
Max Rashbrooke (Stuff): Budget shows a government that has found only half its mojo
Donal Curtin: Surprises are over-rated
Eric Crampton (Stuff): Budget: The good, the bad and the risky
Joseph Cederwall (Scoop): Budget 2018 – Foundations for the distant future?
David Farrar: Budget 2018
No Right Turn: A downpayment
Budget – Government and opposition view
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): Budget 2018: Like all good things, transformation takes time – Jacinda Ardern
Stuff: Budget 2018: Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern defends the 2018 Budget
Stuff: Opposition leader Simon Bridges attacks Government’s 2018 Budget
Sophie Bateman (Newshub): Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern rates her first Budget
Emma Hurley (Newshub): Winston Peters’ bizarre rating, name for Budget 2018
1News: ‘I think he’s done a pretty damn good job’ – former Labour Minister Michael Cullen on Budget 2018
RNZ: Opposition heaps criticism on ‘epic fail’ Budget
Isaac Davison (Herald): Budget 2018: Govt has ‘pulled anchor’ on economy – National
Budget – Summaries
Herald: Budget 2018’s greatest hits: Everything you need to know
Grant Duncan, Christoph Schumacher, Martin Berka and Nicolette Sheridan (The Conversation): NZ budget 2018: gains for health, housing and education in fiscally conservative budget
Craig McCulloch (RNZ): Budget 2018: Money for health, housing, schools
Eleanor Ainge Roy (Guardian): New Zealand ‘people’s’ budget sees Ardern put billions more into health and education
Stuff: Budget 2018 by the numbers: Who’s getting what
Stacey Kirk (Stuff): Budget: Winners and losers of the Government’s first budget
Chris Knox (Herald): Budget 2018: Winners and losers by the numbers
Newshub: Budget 2018: The big winners and losers
Claire Trevett (Herald): Grant Robertson’s Budget 2018: At a glance – what you need to know
Budget – Revenue and expenditure
Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): A booming tax take is clearing the way for Grant Robertson to hit the targets
Jonathan Underhill (BusinessDesk): Budget 2018: Grant Robertson finds $24 billion extra spending
Thomas Pippos (Herald): Budget 2018: The gift that keeps on giving – our economy
Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): Budget 2018: Treasury beds in rising tax take, giving Robertson room to add billions in the future
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff): Budget 2018: Tax crackdown to raise $183 million over four years
Patttick Smellie (BusinessDesk):Budget 2018: Rising wages to push people into higher tax bracket, yielding Govt $5.7b
Terry Baucher (Interest): Crunching the tax news – going into the 2020 election is when we might see changes in tax thresholds
RNZ: Budget 2018: The fiscal nitty-gritty
Dan Satherley (Newshub): Government’s promises can’t be kept without raising taxes – Chris Trotter
Budget – Health
Thomas Coughlan (Newsroom): Budget 2018: Plugging the health gaps
Stacey Kirk (Stuff): Budget 2018: Free and cheap doctors visits for vulnerable and children, but is the health funding enough?
Jo Moir (Stuff): Health the big winner in Labour-NZ First Budget
Chris Bramwell (RNZ): Budget 2018: Health spending more conservative than forecast
Stuff: Budget 2018: What you need to know about the health boost
Lucy Bennett (Herald): Budget 2018: DHBs get a big boost
Emily Ford (Stuff): Budget 2018 brings hope for beleaguered Middlemore Hospital, DHB chairman says
Emma Russell (Herald): Budget 2018: Doctors under the pump after cheaper access announcement
Emma Hatton (RNZ): Cheaper GP visits will need publicity – medical centre
Lucy Bennett (Herald): Budget 2018: Pharmac to buy all medicines for DHBs
Te Aniwa Hurihanganui (RNZ): Budget 2018: ‘Kick in the guts’ for Whānau Ora
Emma Russell (Herald): Funding boost into fixing hospitals: ‘only scratches the surface’
Damian George (Stuff): Health sector welcomes renewed Government investment following Budget announcement
Herald: Govt rejects claim by National that its boost to health funding was larger
Ben Uffindell (The Civilian): Budget 2018: Labour to pass increased cost of health onto Mark Richardson
Budget – Education
Simon Collins (Herald): Budget 2018: Relief for schools and preschools, but what’s happened to the promises?
Simon Collins (Herald): Schools welcome operational funding boost but disappointed in lack of money for new teachers
Karoline Tuckey and George Heagney (Stuff): Budget 2018: Teachers could walk, principal warns following lukewarm education slice
Adele Redmond (Stuff): Teachers and unions disappointed by Budget education calls
Jo Moir (Stuff): Budget 2018: Schools to get only a small rise in operational funding
Herald: Budget 2018: Schools, early childhood centres get small increase
John Gerritsen (RNZ): Budget 2018: Multi-million boost for special education
Shane Cowlishaw (Newsroom): Budget 2018: Education a winner
Lynn Grieveson (Newsroom): Budget 2018: Boost for learning support
Herald: Budget 2018: Māori education and training in focus
Budget – Children
Tess Nichol (Herald): Budget 2018: Focus on child poverty with extra funding for new reduction units, Oranga Tamariki
Tess Nichol (Herald): Budget 2018: Moves to end child poverty welcomed, but advocates say beneficiaries let down
Tess Nichol (Herald): Budget 2018: Funding for vulnerable children receives mixed response
Idealog: Budget 2018: As the goalposts shift towards wellbeing, here’s what the Government plans on doing to address child poverty
Tess Nicol (Herald): Budget 2018: Relief for KidsCan as more funding comes through
Budget – Housing
Tess Nichol (Herald): Budget 2018: Good start but more needed to address housing crisis and child poverty, say Sallies and Union
Jackson Thomas and Chris Harrowell (Auckland Now): Budget 2018: More homes but still not enough, Salvation Army says
Mānia Clarke (Māori TV): State housing funding not enough
David Slack (RNZ): Budget 2018: Betting the house on real economic change
Pattrick Smellie (BusinessDesk): Budget 2018: Treasury halves forecast progress on KiwiBuild
Jenée Tibshraeny (Interest): Government to borrow to build 5,000 new public houses over four years; Keeps cost projections for KiwiBuild the same
Thomas Coughlan (Newsroom): Twyford borrows big to build
Thomas Coughlan (Newsroom): Budget 2018: Twyford’s partial win
Ben Leahy (Herald): Budget 2018: New housing funding praised, but industry figures urge Govt to act fast
Anne Gibson (Herald): Budget 2018: KiwiBuild outlook disappoints but Twyford hits back
Jackson Thomas (Stuff): Budget 2018: KiwiBuild will help steady Auckland housing market, experts say
Henry Cooke (Stuff):Budget 2018: Government promises 6400 new state and social houses
Isaac Davison (Herald): Budget 2018: 1600 more state houses to be built each year
Anne Gibson (Herald): Budget 2018: 6400 new state homes, Judith Collins says ‘disappointing
Budget – Law and order
Isaac Davison (Herald): Budget 2018: Corrections gets boost to cope with fast-growing prison population
Shane Cowlishaw (Newsroom): Budget 2018: Waikeria prison on hold
Anna Leask and Sam Hurley (Herald): Budget 2018: Age for youth justice system increases to 17 to ease remand population
Anna Leask (Herald): Budget 2018: $300m boost for police ‘commended’ by association
Budget – Environment
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Budget 2018: Largest boost to DoC since 2002 leaves Green Party smiling
Jamie Morton (Herald): Environment: ‘greenest Budget ever’ says James Shaw
Isaac Davison (Herald): Budget 2018: More money for predator control, biodiversity and green projects
Budget – Immigration
Lincoln Tan (Herald): Budget 2018: $34m to tighten screening of migrants coming to NZ
Lincoln Tan (Herald): Budget 2018: Labour Inspectorate gets $8.8m boost for more inspectors
Madison Reidy (Stuff): Immigration granted a $138m wish in Budget to end ‘outright slavery’
Budget – Defence
Sam Sachdeva (Newsroom): Budget 2018: Defence wins, and loses
Kurt Bayer (Herald): NZDF gets $360m funding boost, with extra $40m going to modernization
Budget – Broadcasting
Russell Brown (Public Address): Budget 2018: The broadcasting shambles
Mark Jennings (Newsroom): RNZ’s big move muted by budget
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff): No payday yet for RNZ from Labour Budget
Sam Sachdeva (Newsroom): Budget 2018: RNZ boost in limbo
Damien Venuto (Herald): Budget 2018: Media allocation falls short of $38M promise, Curran says more to come
Budget – Canterbury rebuild
Kurt Bayer (Herald): Megan Woods announces Canterbury’s rebuild to get $300m “shot in the arm”
Herald: Budget 2018: Christchurch gets money for insurance tribunal, public inquiry and anchor projects
Stuff: More money for Canterbury earthquake recovery
Budget – Regions
Melissa Nightingale (Herald): Wellington mayor Justin Lester welcomes Budget 2018
Collette Devlin (Stuff): City Mayor says Budget 2018 will complement Wellington’s work for homeless
John Milford (Stuff): Better luck next time for Wellington
Danielle Clent (Stuff): Has Budget 2018 delivered for Aucklanders?
Harrison Christianson (Stuff): Budget 2018: ‘Smoke and mirrors’ on Auckland inequality
Auckland Now: Budget 2018: ‘No surprises’ for transport in Auckland
Budget – Sport
Stuff: Budget 2018: Government announce $100 million ‘support package’ for America’s Cup
Bernard Orsman (Herald): $100m for America’s Cup in Budget
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff): NZ First gets tax change for race horse investors through the gates
Budget – Research and development
Jamie Morton (Herald): Budget: Few surprises in Govt’s science and tech spend
BusinessDesk: Budget 2018: Productivity Commission to investigate impact of disruptive tech
Paul McBeth (Herald): Budget 2018: Govt sets aside $1b for tax rebates for research and development
Greg Thompson (Spinoff): Budget 18 is stuck in the present. We need investment in innovation for the future
Budget – Other
Tess Nichol (Herald): Budget 2018: Government is failing beneficiaries, advocates say
Herald: Budget 2018: Disappointment that Budget didn’t deliver cheaper fruit and vegetables
BusinessDesk: Budget 2018: New watchdogs for election spending promises, RMA, and EQC disputes
Aimee Shaw (Herald): Budget 2018: Little on offer for small business
Jamie Gray (Herald): Budget 2018: Spending on M.Bovis could be too low – Fed Farmers
Guy Trafford (Interest): Budget 2018 was a boring-as-usual effort offering little new direction for the rural community
Eleanor Ainge Roy (Guardian): New Zealand finance minister in pre-budget food fight after opting to eat cheese roll
Russell Brown: Budget 2018: The final tick
Mike Treen: Wage and time theft endemic – and could get worse
RNZ: Auckland Council underpaid 17,500 staff
Madison Reidy (Stuff):‘Pay staff properly’ – minister’s message to retailers accused of not paying staff
1News: People on ‘very low wages’ not always aware of their employment rights, ‘taken advantage of’ by employers – union
Andrew Bevin (BusinessDesk): Briscoe to reimburse staff for unpaid end-of-day cash-up
Madison Reidy (Stuff):Cotton On launches company inquiry into unpaid work
Aimee Shaw (Herald): Cotton On Group to review its paid work practices, as tide of complaints swells to 1,500
RNZ: Desperate staff working for free but ‘it’s not really consent’
Nikki Mandow (Newsroom): More battles loom after Smiths City ruling
RNZ: Site pulls down controversial ads below minimum wage
RNZ: Barring migrant workers from joining union ‘a mistake’
Greg Lloyd (Spinoff): Where is the outrage over contracts banning workers from joining a union?
Stuff: North Island unemployment rate worse than the South Island
Kyle MacDonald (Herald): Women and young people most stressed in work place
International relations and trade
Max Harris and Oliver Hailes (Spinoff): Parliament must ensure we don’t sign away values for trade
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): Guess who’s back? Back Again? The Saudi Sheep Bribe is back – tell a friend
No Right Turn: The gift that keeps on giving
RNZ: Cooks opposition questions Chinese presence ahead of election
Personal finance
Rob Stock (Stuff): KiwiSaver is an accidentally racist savings scheme
RNZ: Clients told to question financial advisors on bonuses
Shane Cowlishaw (Newsroom): Government: ‘Hold your horses’ on transparency
RNZ: Parliament flies rainbow flag
Megan Gattey (Stuff): New Zealand becomes the first country to fly intersex flag at Parliament
Karl du Fresne: The bottom-feeders and mischief-makers who infest the fringes of politics
Primary industries
Gia Garrick (RNZ): Farm debt bill passes first reading
Jill Galloway (Stuff): Government body to decide on treatment or eradication of Mycoplasma bovis in the next two weeks
Graham Adams (Noted): When will Phil Goff get to the heart of Auckland’s immigration woes?
Gill Bonnett (RNZ): Immigration NZ tries to catch foreign sex workers in the act
Phil Pennington (RNZ): Row over water contamination in US has NZ implications
Rachel Thomas (Stuff): Foreign doctors struggling to get jobs in New Zealand
Rebecca Reider (Nelson Mail): No reason to delay medical cannabis
Findlay Buchanan (Idealog): Calling on cannabis: Hikurangi Group on how it plans to use marijuana to grow Ruatōria from the ground up
RNZ: Parents warned over new season of Netflix series
Local government
Simon Wilson (Herald): Grandstanding councillors aren’t helping anybody
RNZ: Activist to keep house as rates revolt ends
Nicole Lawton (Auckland Now): Auckland city sleeper pods in violation of by-laws is shut down
RNZ: Napier council staff start leave bank for sick colleague
Sam Sachdeva (Newsroom): Super Fund board attacks pay restrictions
Emma Hatton (RNZ): Online shoppers warned over ‘buy now, pay later’ options
Stuff: Ngāi Tahu board now more than 50pc women
Karl du Fresne: If we start banning people of bad moral character, where do we stop?
Chloe Winter (Stuff): The Warehouse Group ditches single-use plastic bags at checkouts by end of 2018
Richard Benge (Stuff): Arts in prisons a ‘vital’ social investment
Derek Burrows (Timaru Herald): Why is fuel so expensive in Timaru?]]>
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