Newsletter: New Zealand Politics Daily – March 27 2018 – Today’s content
Editor’s Note: Here below is a list of the main issues currently under discussion in New Zealand and links to media coverage.
[caption id="attachment_297" align="aligncenter" width="640"] The Beehive and Parliament Buildings.[/caption]
Below are the links to the items online. The full text of these items are contained in the PDF file (click to download).
Dave Macpherson: What can happen to self-entitled health sector bureaucrats, or what goes round comes round….
Natalie Akoorie (Herald): Dave Macpherson wants answers on DHB chair’s failure to disclose advice to sack Nigel Murray
Lucy Bennett (Herald): Youth smoking at all-time low but rates still double for Maori: Ash
Rachel Thomas (Stuff): No room for complacency if we’re to reach kick smoking by 2025, Helen Clark says
Phil Pennington (RNZ): MP demands immediate rot monitoring at Middlemore
1News: Jacinda Ardern says she ‘shouldn’t and won’t’ get involved in nurses pay dispute as negotiations continue
Stuff: Jacinda Ardern won’t say if nurses underpaid amid pay dispute
Frances Cook (Herald): Nurses reject pay offer, delegates to meet to discuss strike action
RNZ: Nurses and midwives vote no to 2% pay rise deal
Rachel Thomas (Stuff): Nurses reject latest pay offer, will vote on whether to strike
Stuff: My advice? Stay away from nursing
Mike Hosking (Newstalk ZB): Nurses destined to remain on poor pay if mass unionism continues to dominate profession
Kate Hawkesby (Newstalk ZB): I’m with the nurses as they consider a strike – they deserve far more than a pathetic 2% pay rise
Lance O’Sullivan (Herald): Why I’m moving my business to Auckland
Claire Trevett (Herald): Dr Lance O’Sullivan to ship health business out of Kaitaia
Logan Church (RNZ): Christchurch chlorination regime begins
RNZ: Fijian women in NZ’s access to contraception worse those in Fiji
Herald: More help for substance abuse needed in the North Island, according to new study
Annemarie Quill (Bay of Plenty Times): Bay of Plenty has the most cannabis dependence in New Zealand
Jessie Chiang (RNZ): Residents say Mt Albert already ‘bursting at the seams’
NZ Herald editorial: Affordable houses will need to be well designed
Susan Edmunds (Stuff): KiwiBuild unlikely to change local prices
Herald: Mt Albert housing plan could triple school rolls in next few years
RNZ: Mt Albert KiwiBuild homes: Private sector needs help – Twyford
Zoe Madden-Smith (Te Waha Nui): Vending machines give homeless some independence back
Reserve Bank
Gordon Campbell (Scoop): On the hype about the Reserve Bank’s new Governor
Thomas Coughlan (Newsroom): A new Governor with an extra target
RNZ: Govt gives RBNZ biggest shakeup in 30 years
Richard Harman (Politik): More trouble for the Reserve Bank
Brian Gaynor (Herald): Bank boards a vital cog in NZ economy
RNZ: Carol Hirschfeld resigns over meeting minister
Herald: Carol Hirschfield has resigned
Laura Walter (RNZ) RNZ senior manager Carol Hirschfeld resigns over meeting with minister
David Farrar (KIwiblog): The Curran Hirschfeld meeting was not a chance encounter
No Right turn: A coverup unravels
Colin Peacock (RNZ): End of an era is nigh for Sky
Mark Jennings (Newsroom): Love and loyalty cost Fellet at Sky TV
Rukuwai Tipene-Allen (Māori TV): A fresh look at Māori media
NZ and Russian diplomats
RNZ: Watch: PM on Russian diplomats – ‘We would expel them’
Herald: PM Jacinda Ardern: Why NZ is not expelling Russia diplomats
1News: No Russian spies in New Zealand, says Jacinda Ardern
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): NZ missing in action
Jane Bowron (Stuff): Keeping up with Jones, and his new mates
Craig McCulloch (RNZ): Nats out for blood over Marcroft-Mitchell dust-up
1News: National MP accuses NZ First of threatening to withhold funding – but Winston Peters says it was a ‘misunderstanding’
Craig McCulloch (RNZ): NZ First MP instructed to apologise to National Party
Sam Sachdeva (Newsroom): ‘Rotten politics’ accusations over provincial fund
Claire Trevett (Herald): National MP Mark Mitchell: ‘Rotten politics’ from NZ First MP over regions fund
Stacey Kirk (Stuff): National accuses NZ First MP of holding regional projects to ransom
Yvette McCullough (Newstalk ZB): NZ First accused of threatening other MPs
Emma Hurley and Jenna Lynch (Newshub): National MP Mark Mitchell alleges NZ First told him to keep quiet over Provincial Growth Fund
Barry Soper (Newstalk ZB): The trouble with being blip on the radar
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern on the hunt for new press secretary
Herald: PM Jacinda Ardern on hunt for new chief spin doctor
Stuff: ‘It’s just not cricket’: PM Jacinda Ardern weighs in on ball tampering scandal
Julie Ann Genter on “old white men”
Julie Anne Genter (Stuff): Older, white men have a lot to contribute; they’re not the only ones
Chris Trotter (Stuff): Gender diversity easier to campaign for than class diversity
1News: Don Brash and Jess Moloney talk ‘old, white men’ on boards – ‘I want women to be given an equal shot at life’
Megan Sutherland (Newshub): Minister for Women Julie Anne Genter stands by ‘old white men’ comments
Newshub: Man lodges complaint to Human Rights Commission over Julie Anne Genter’s ‘old white men’ comments
Susan Strongman (The Wireless): Minister for Women’s comments about older white men ‘racist, ageist and sexist’
Newshub: ‘Older men have got a lot to contribute’ – Simon Bridges
Greens co-leadership contest
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Battle for the future of the Green Party comes to a close
Talisa Kupenga (Māori TV): Final debate marks end of Green Party Co-leadership campaigns
Alex Birchall: A Staunch Warning to the Green Party
National and Northcote by-election
Liam Hehir (Stuiff): Coleman exit positive move for new-era National Party
Gwynn Compton (Libertas Digital): How Labour can win Northcote
Stacey Kirk (Stuff): Michael Woodhouse new Opposition health spokesman
Lucy Bennett (Herald): Woodhouse named National’s health spokesman following Coleman’s departure
RNZ: Legal battle over prisoner voting ban heard at Supreme Court
Tom Hunt (Stuff): Wellington #metoo blogger says she’s been ‘blacklisted’ by a Government agency
Kim Dotcom
Ryan Dunlop (Herald): Crown refusal to give Dotcom information on him had ‘no proper basis’ Human Rights Review Tribunal rules
RNZ: Crown to pay $90,000 for Kim Dotcom privacy breach
Newshub: Kim Dotcom wins Human Rights Tribunal case, declares extradition bid ‘over’
Stuff: Government must pay $90K to Kim Dotcom after tribunal rules it breached his privacy
No Right Turn: $90,000
Poverty and inequality
Dominion Post Editorial: Treading sorry path to poverty
Julie Chapman (Stuff): Walking in the shoes of Kiwi kids in need is not that easy
Adam Jacobson (Stuff): WINZ’s ‘toxic work culture’ impacting Auckland beneficiaries, advocacy group says
Primary industries
Thomas Mead (Newshub): World’s top climate scientists deliver warning for Kiwi farmers
Newshub: Sustainability of New Zealand’s dairy industry under question
Dominic Harris (Stuff): Changing agricultural practices key to cutting greenhouse emissions – James Shaw
Conan Young (RNZ): Mycoplasma bovis: ‘Could take up to three years to wipe it out completely’
RNZ: MPI calls for cull of 22,000 M. bovis infected cattle
Jamie Morton (Herald): Backing for plan to slaughter 20,000 cattle to stop disease
Alexa Cook (RNZ): No farmers caught in stock truck checkpoint
Stuff: Forestry and mining the only industries where women consistently paid more
Pattrick Smellie (Herald): NZ govt planning ‘long transition’ away from fossil fuel, Minister tells oil conference
Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): Jacinda Ardern said to describe gas as a ‘crutch’ preventing move to renewables
Amanda Larsson (Stuff): Time to take the pedal off the gas, says Greenpeace campaigner
Cameron Madgwick (Stuff): We’ll forgo the economic benefits of producing our own energy if we ban exploration, says industry boss
Katarina Williams, Ged Cann and Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): Protesters blockade petrol and gas exploration conference in Wellington
RNZ: Protesters blocking access to oil and gas conference
Katie Scotcher (RNZ): ‘We need to leave all new fossil fuels in the ground’ – protester
Herald: Activists plan blockade of annual oil industry conference in Wellington
Nita Blake-Persen (RNZ): ‘Supergrans’ to take on oil industry
Tom O’Connor (Waikato Times): ‘Only fittest and fortunate survive’
Simon Collins (Herald): School restraint rules ‘undermine adult authority’ – Family First
Stuff: Vanguard first charter school to apply to become special character school
Brad Flahive (Stuff): Parent furious pupils have to find teacher to use school toilets
Royal Commission into state care abuse
Lucy Bennett (Herald): Churches seek inclusion in Royal Commission on state care abuse
Laura Walters (Stuff): Sharing abuse stories without hope of accountability ‘feels hollow’ – Anglican Church
America’s Cup
Simon Wilson (Herald): America’s Cup base plan is a triumph for Auckland
Todd Niall (RNZ): 11th-hour America’s Cup deal: $100 million bill may rise
Herald: ‘Plenty of wind shifts’ leading up to confirmed America’s Cup plan
Newshub: Auckland confirmed to host America’s Cup
RNZ: Taxpayers to contribute $114m to new America’s Cup deal
Holly Ryan (Herald): SkyCity set to offer employees $20 minimum wage by 2020
Sarah Harris (Herald): Few Kiwi dads taking paid parental leave for fatherhood
Air NZ
RNZ:Air NZ to close its Hamilton engineering base in May
RNZ: Kāpiti locals fear loss of flights will jeopardise airport
1News: Exclusive: More than 10,000 overstayers in NZ and Immigration not actively looking for most of them
Stuff: Petition to strip Sir Bob Jones of knighthood presented to Parliament
RNZ: Capital gains gets tick from Aus tax expert
Michael Barnett (Herald): Local Government is failing Auckland and failing New Zealand
RNZ: Protest over council plan to sell part of a golf course
RNZ: Supreme Court hearing granted to iwi over Crown land sale
Sharon Forbes (The Conversation): Trust and profitability: how some NZ brands are shortchanging domestic customers]]>
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