Critical Politics Newsletter: New Zealand Politics Daily – 13 November 2017 – Today’s content
Editor’s Note: Here below is a list of the main issues currently under discussion in New Zealand and links to media coverage.
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The Beehive and Parliament Buildings.[/caption]
Below are the links to the items online. The full text of these items are contained in the PDF file (click to download).
Trade and international relations
Audrey Young (Herald):
PM Jacinda Ardern’s diplomacy skills set to be tested in second summit in Manila
Sam Sachdeva (Newsroom):
The fight for multilateral trade
Audrey Young (Herald):
Trump’s war of words over Asia Pacific
What Donald Trump’s Asia-Pacific ‘dream’ means for NZ
Audrey Young (Herald):
Winston Peters talks Chinese fugitives with China’s foreign minister
Sam Sachdeva (Newsroom):
Peters backs corruption drive, avoids criticism during China meeting
Vernon Small (Stuff):
Jacinda Ardern passes Apec test
Craig McCulloch (RNZ):
Exporters welcome revamped TPP, critics have doubts
TPP critics unmoved by new negotiation wins
Labour-led Government strongly defends controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership deal
Richard Harman (Politik):
Labour Party on side with new TPP – so far
Ric Stevens (Press)
Editorial: CPTPP a shadow of its former TPP self
Herald Editorial:
So near yet so far on TPP
Jane Kelsey (Daily Blog):
Labour largely endorses National’s TPPA, but it’s not all over. What now?
Lynn Prentice (Standard):
TPP: A slight improvement but deservedly still a zombie
Jacinda Ardern to talk tough at East Asia Summit
Patrick O’Meara (RNZ):
Rebranded TPP still on track to be concluded
Vernon Small (Stuff):
Renamed TPP ‘a damned sight better’, could be in place in a few months
Audrey Young (Herald):
Ardern’s Apec a mix of highly political and deeply personal
Audrey Young (Herald):
TPP not dead but needs more work – PM
Vernon Small (Stuff):
Trans-Pacific Partnership: 11 trade ministers reach deal to keep deal alive
Patrick Gower (Newshub):
Jacinda Ardern helps keep TPP alive
Sam Sachdeva (Newsroom):
New TPP text brings change, outstanding issues
Sam Sachdeva (Newsroom):
New name, hope for TPP after Canada returns to talks
Jacinda Ardern says TPP
Leith Huffadine (Stuff):
Why is the Trans Pacific Partnerhip Agreement back on the table?
TPP deal revived once more, 20 provisions suspended
Jonathan Milne (SST):
Is it alive? Is it dead? The TPP has become the zombie trade deal
Greg Presland (Standard):
The TPP11 negotiations: ISDS provisions are gone – almost
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog):
Jacinda dodges a TPPA bullet – elites search for next economic trigger to sabotage new Government
Steven Cowan (Against the current):
Jane Kelsey: The TPP deal remains toxic
Audrey Young (Herald):
Jacinda Ardern snapped with Donald Trump at Apec as leaders don blue shirts
TPP nations ‘have made good progress’ on deal, no-show ‘a misunderstanding’
TPP deal has not sunk yet: Core elements of deal agreed, more work to be done
‘Life will go on without TPP’ David Parker says
Audrey Young (Herald):
‘Silly shirts’ and Kiwi wine at Apec dinner
Jacinda Ardern, Justin Trudeau and Donald Trump together at Apec
Jacinda Ardern shakes Donald Trump’s hand
Patrick Gower (Newshub):
Winston Peters meets Vladimir Putin
Branko Marcetic (Spinoff):
The TPP v climate change: are they compatible?
Alan Bollard (Asia Media Centre):
Anti-globalisation, digital trade among challenges for APEC
Sam Sachdeva (Newsroom):
Final-stage stutter an ill omen for TPP
Patrick O’Meara (RNZ):
No one ever said trade deals were easy
Fran O’Sullivan (Herald):
No TPP glory for Trump
Vernon Small (Stuff):
Trans-Pacific Partnership talks collapse after Canada pulls out of trade deal
Audrey Young (Herald):
No deal: How the TPP talks collapsed
Audrey Young (Herald):
Trans-Pacific Partnership hitch: TPP talks ‘postponed’ after Canada no-show
Audrey Young (Herald):
The TPP done deal that turned out not to be
Sam Sachdeva (Newsroom):
TPP talks collapse at final hurdle
TPP agreement ends in ‘misunderstanding’
Bill English: Govt should keep trying for TPP
Beef and Lamb confident TPP will get tick
David Farrar (Kiwiblog):
TPP11 looks to be a go
Vernon Small (Stuff):
PM Jacinda Ardern appears to be in fine form despite Apec’s frenetic pace
Patrick Gower (Newshub):
Ardern changes NZ tone on foreign stage
Anna Bracewell-Worrall (Newshub):
Jacinda Ardern: It’s my responsibility to lead on climate change
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s surprise gift from Vietnam
Patrick Gower (Newshub):
Facebook boss’ feminist gift for Ardern
Lisa Owen (BBC):
Jacinda Ardern: New Zealand’s female PM takes on Apec
Ardern breaks the Apec mould – young, liberal, gay-friendly
Gerard Hutching (Stuff):
New Zealand wins WTO appeal for profitable beef access in Indonesia
Indonesia to drop NZ import restrictions
Curwen Ares Rolinson (Daily Blog):
Why New Zealand Is REALLY Under Pressure Over Russian Trade From Atlanticists With An Agenda
Claire Trevett (Herald):
Mallard’s worst slip his wardrobe malfunction
Stacey Kirk (Stuff):
Lighter moments mask dark beginnings at Parliament’s mad tea party
Southland Times Editorial:
Mallard making decisions above his pray grade
Matthew Whitehead (Standard):
The House’s Man
Parliament prayer changes – no more Queen or Jesus
Politicians look at dropping God from Parliament’s opening prayer
Jo Moir (Stuff):
The new government has failed to get the basics right
Peter McKenzie (Newsroom):
One big step for a female-friendly Parliament
Heather du Plessis-Allan (Herald):
Red faces all around for Labour
Below the Beltway: Who’s up and who’s down in politics this week?
Philip Matthews (Stuff):
Week in review: putting women and children first
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog):
How National destroy the new Government through Select Committees over the next 3 years
David Farrar (Kiwiblog):
Greenpeace says only lobbyists they like should be allowed swipe cards
Top Wellington restaurant Logan Brown coming to Beehive in catering contract
Child welfare
Simon Collins (Herald):
Reducing child poverty: How will Jacinda Ardern do it?
Simon Collins (Herald):
Labour will lift benefits to highest level in real terms for at least 37 years
Herald Editorial:
Poor children need more than money
Welfare should be viewed through ‘child impact lens’ – Minister
Brian Easton (Pundit):
How to Have More Coherent and Directed Child Policy and Support Services
Govt should apologise to state care abuse victims – minister
John Roughan (Herald):
Why Jacinda Ardern won’t be fooling herself
Derek Cheng (Herald):
Gangs, disability and beating cancer shape new MP’s views
Jo Moir (Stuff):
Nanaia Mahuta: First Māori woman to be Māori development minister but ‘won’t be the last’
Muriel Newman (NZCPR):
A Government of Controversy
Duncan Garner (Stuff):
New Government places pragmatism over principles – fair play
Kerre McIvor (Herald):
More time for parents, babies is good for everybody
Peters case ‘can be described as heavy handed’
Alister Browne (Stuff):
Jacinda Ardern’s Mona Lisa makeover
Gwynn Compton (Libertas Digital):
The mysteriously silent Jacinda Ardern Twitter account
Washington Post story on govt
Michael Daly (Stuff):
Washington Post contributor says in NZ ‘real power lies with the far right’
David Slack (Stuff):
That’s not a tiki torch, it’s a tiki
Greg Presland (Standard):
Can Ben Mack please make his mind up
Manus Island refugee crisis
Robertson: ‘we can help’ in Manus
Vernon Small (Stuff):
Jacinda Ardern steps up pressure on Malcolm Turnbull over refugee offer
Sam Sachdeva (Newsroom):
Anzac relations strained over Manus crisis
PM wants another meeting with Turnbull over Manus
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern lashes Australia over treatment of Manus Island refugees
Jo Moir (Stuff):
Gerry Brownlee warns PM to have a ‘degree of respect’ for Australia’s predicament
Abbas Nazari (Spinoff):
As a Tampa refugee, I have seen first-hand the impact when NZ takes moral leadership
Anna Cody and Maria Nawaz (The Conversation):
UN slams Australia’s human rights record
Delay in monitoring won’t see more dead dolphins – Minister
Delay in plan to fit cameras on fishing boats
Nitrates stored in rocks ‘nail in coffin’ for artificial fertilizers
Livestock to blame for 19% of global warming – study
Laura Walters (Stuff):
Ministers meet with Pope to discuss climate change in the Pacific
Rob Stock (Stuff):
Oil on the fire: How the oil and mining debate turned into a slagging match
Mike Treen (Daily Blog):
Answering right-wing dogmas against increasing the minimum wage
Brent Edwards (RNZ):
‘Hobbit law’ change vindication for late union leader
Belinda McCammon (RNZ):
Insight: NZ’s tourism workforce – imported or homegrown?
One final tweet as Paddles, First Cat of New Zealand, becomes ‘stardust’
Herald Editorial:
The First Cat of NZ will be missed
Stacey Kirk (Stuff):
Greens announce contest to elect new co-leader in new year
David Farrar (Kiwiblog):
Who will be Greens female co-leader?
Green MP Chloe Swarbrick nabs hefty education portfolio
Colin Peacock (RNZ):
Reconsidering the rights and wrongs of copying
Govt to look into TVNZ chief exec’s pay bump
Pay rise for TVNZ CEO called ‘unconscionable’
Matthew Theunissen (Herald):
TVNZ boss gets big pay bump despite profit fall
TVNZ boss gets big bonus as broadcaster reveals its figures
Phil Pennington (RNZ):
Putting NZ TV online: When is a target not a target?
Transport and road safety
Tracy Neal (RNZ):
Sweden model could reduce NZ road deaths – researcher
Three hundred police pursuits a month – review
Felicity Reid (North Shore Times):
Increases in both public transport trips and car ownership in Auckland
Phillipa Yalden (Stuff):
Government addresses concerns of transport industry
Shane Cowlishaw (Newsroom):
Clean air, but we can’t breathe
David Fisher (Herald):
Break The Silence: New Health Minister pledges change on youth suicide
David Fisher (Herald):
New Health Minister David Clark on youth suicide: We have a problem and we need to talk about it
Natalie Akoorie (Herald):
First concerns about Nigel Murray’s expenses raised 19 months before investigation
Natalie Akoorie (Herald):
Nigel Murray spent taxpayer money championing an American virtual health model
Natalie Akoorie (Herald):
State Services Commission launches high-level probe into former Waikato DHB chief’s expenses
State Services Commission to investigate ex-Waikato DHB boss Nigel Murray
Kids barely venturing from home – study
John Boynton (RNZ):
Data sovereignty: New global guidelines for indigenous health
Cate Broughton (Stuff):
Rotten teeth extractions reveal growth in child poverty, dentists say
Mike Hosking (Herald):
Macca’s doesn’t deserve the treatment it’s getting
Priyanca Radhakrishnan mugged
Newly elected MP mugged in broad daylight
Harrison Christian and Amanda Saxton (Stuff):
Labour MP Priyanca Radhakrishnan mugged in broad daylight in Auckland
Simon Collins (Herald):
Mid-life adults join teens in rush for free tertiary education
Martine Udahemuka (Spinoff):
How the new education minister can treat school leaders fairly
Don Rowe (Spinoff):
‘Another day where it feels embarrassing to be associated with TOP’: the email which enraged Morgan
Andrew Gunn (Stuff):
Moggy mugger Gareth Morgan ponders TOP’s election failure
Candidate resigns as ‘flippant and brutal’ email from TOP leader sent to more candidates
David Farrar (Kiwiblog):
Gareth bites candidate
Nadine Higgins (Stuff):
Gareth Morgan has a Twitter cat-astrophe
Jane Bowron (Stuff):
Putting the wind up Gareth Morgan after ill-timed Paddles the cat comments
Steve Braunias (Herald):
The secret diary of the PM and that guy from TOP
Data collection and privacy
No Right Turn:
More good riddance
Jan Logie (Green Blog):
Hooray – a victory for privacy!
National warns Government not to scrap it’s data collection policy
Jo Moir (Stuff):
Marama Fox and Te Ururoa Flavell remain co-leaders of the Māori Party, for now
Shamubeel Eaqub (Stuff):
Last chance for redemption
Johnny Moore (Stuff):
Watch out, tax-dodging Queen, the revolution is coming
Paul McBeth (Herald):
SFO ends four-year Zespri investigation with no charges
Rowan Simpson (Spinoff):
The problem with the way government backs business in 2017]]>