Critical Politics Newsletter: New Zealand Politics Daily – 8 November 2017 – Today’s content
Editor’s Note: Here below is a list of the main issues currently under discussion in New Zealand and links to media coverage.
The full text of these items are contained in the PDF file (click to download).
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The Beehive and Parliament Buildings.[/caption]
Opening of Parliament
Parliament’s opening ‘a first day farce’
Claire Trevett (Herald):
National makes Government look like fools as it blackmails Labour for Speaker vote
Chris Hipkins blames ‘shambolic’ Parliamentary opening on National
Labour’s ‘unprecedented disorganisation’ shows spin and shambles – Bryce Edwards
Liam Hehir (Medium):
This pie analogy is the most Kiwi way of explaining electing the speaker ever
Liam Hehir (Medium):
Labour denies falling for second trick
Claire Trevett (Herald):
Nats fire warning shot on day one
‘Yesterday was a day of incompetence by the Government’ – Simon Bridges’ dramatic move in Parliament just ‘vigorous testing’
Tracy Watkins (Stuff):
Red-faced Government needs to bury first-day farce, fast
Herald Editorial:
Opposition will keep the Government on its toes
Sarah Robson (RNZ):
Govt denies being hoodwinked over Speaker election vote
Sarah Robson (RNZ):
House trading: Nats bluff Labour on day one
Anna Bracewell-Worrall (Newshub):
National’s first show of power: Grinding Parliament to a halt
Gwynn Compton (Libertas Digital):
Hipkins’ creates omnishambles on first day as Leader of the House
David Farrar (Kiwiblog):
Labour fails to have numbers for Speaker so caves in on select committees
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog):
New Government meltdown on first day
Nicholas Jones (Herald):
Labour and National face-off in Parliament opening over Speaker vote
Jo Moir (Stuff):
Government forced to do a deal with National after failing to have the numbers in the House
Watch: Confusion in Parliament during less than smooth swearing in of new Speaker Trevor Mallard
MPs sworn in as New Zealand’s 52nd Parliament opens for business
MPs sworn in to 52nd Parliament
Emma Hurley (Newshub):
Record level of women in New Zealand Parliament
Isobel Ewing (Newshub):
Trevor Mallard sworn in as Speaker
Gordon Campbell (Scoop):
On the battle over select committees
Liam Hehir (Medium):
Does National have a majority?
No Right Turn:
The triennial reminder
Winston Peters legal action
Barry Soper (Newstalk ZB):
Pension papers is why Wily Winston Peters went with Labour
Richard Harman (Politik):
Peters fingers English as architect of conspiracy to ruin his reputation
Patrick Gower (Newshub):
Winston Peters deepens ‘utu’ with legal action over pension leak
Tim Murphy (Newsroom):
Winston goes fishing
Nicholas Jones (Herald):
Winston Peters’ legal action a ‘personal matter’, Ardern says
Lynn Prentice (Standard):
Suck it up political sleazers.
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil):
Winston starts dropping lawsuits on media and Nats
Toby Manhire (Spinoff): T
he brand new Deputy PM just served papers on the media and that is not good at all
David Farrar (Kiwiblog):
Winston goes fishing
Winston’s legal action a ‘fishing expedition’
Barry Soper (Newstalk ZB):
Winston Peters suing over superannuation scandal
Peters launches legal action over superannuation leak
Tracy Watkins (Stuff):
Winston Peters looks to sue over pension leak
Patrick Gower (Newshub):
Winston Peters takes legal action against National Party over leak ‘plot’
Paddles dies
The last moments of Paddles, the First Cat
Jacinda Ardern’s cat Paddles has died after being hit by a car
Jacinda Ardern’s cat Paddles has died after being hit by car
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s cat Paddles dies after being hit by car
Jacinda Ardern’s cat Paddles has died
Paddles, Jacinda Ardern’s cat, has been killed, apparently run over
Fran O’Sullivan (Herald):
Eyes of world on our Coalition of Change
Brian Easton (Pundit):
How Have We Changed?
Tim Watkin (Pundit):
A very MMP election… & a manicured mandate
‘So much emotion in the room’ – Clarke Gayford on the moment Jacinda Ardern learned she would be PM
Sam Sachdeva (Newsroom):
David Parker plots a new approach to trade
Jacinda Ardern plans to negotiate ‘best interest’ for NZ in TPP negotiations
Matthew Brockett (Blooberg):
New Zealand’s PM Sees Benefits for Her Country in the TPP Trade Deal
Economy and Reserve Bank
Bernard Hickey (Newsroom):
Robertson faces his toughest choice
Nicholas Jones (Herald):
Overhaul of Reserve Bank outlined: Employment to be added as objective
Jane Patterson (RNZ):
‘We want New Zealanders to be in work and to be paid well’
Liam Dann (Herald):
Market relieved as Govt sets out Reserve Bank plan
Shane Cowlishaw (Newsroom):
Robertson announces details of Reserve Bank review
NZ govt’s operating deficit in line with expectations
Joshua Hitchcock (Spinoff):
Māori unemployment is a national crisis
Jessie Chiang (RNZ):
Exploited staff numbers ‘tip of the iceberg’ – lawyer
Susan Hornsby-Geluk (Stuff):
Shocking number of New Zealand workers who pay to work
Gordon Anderson (Newsroom):
Four key principles of NZ labour law
Laura Baker (Stuff):
How NZ paid parental leave compares to the rest of the world
Susan Edmunds (Stuff):
Parental leave boost is welcome, but it could be better
Rachel Clayton (Stuff):
New Zealand’s big healthcare gender pay gap
Mathew Brockett and Paul Allen (Bloomberg):
The World’s Youngest Female Leader Targets Equal Pay for Women
The Wireless: ‘
Inequality will grind you down’
Steve Deane (Newsroom):
The problem with equality for NZ footballers
Bev Cassidy-Mackenzie (Stuff):
A swelling sea change in attitude towards diversity
Manus Island refugees
Court rejects restoration of services to Manus detention centre
Gareth Hutchens (Guardian):
Turnbull says Manus detainees aren’t scared, just manipulated by ‘activists in Australia’
Kirsty Johnston (Herald):
Child tooth decay soars as kids have to share toothbrushes
Amy Wiggins (Herald):
Commissioner critical of care given to man found living in squalor
Dominion Post Editorial:
How to fix the problems with charter schools
Camilla Highfield (Stuff):
National Standards – let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater
Peter Lyons (ODT):
Reality bites: housing’s heady days are over
Jennifer Eder (Stuff):
Ministry makes ‘no single men’ offer to push through emergency housing plan
Liam Hehir (Medium):
Does Labour’s workaround work?
Farming and environment
Russel Norman (Spinoff):
Let’s untie Fonterra’s hands, and see what they can do for NZ rivers
Richard Swainson (Stuff):
The science of water pollution should be taken seriously
Eric Frykberg (RNZ):
Are there too many native birds?
Alexa Cook (RNZ):
Calls for a national standard for organics
Rebecca Stevenson (Spinoff):
Offshore trusts are pretty legal – until they’re not
ODT Editorial:
If I had a little money…
Leith Huffadine (Stuff):
The Paradise Papers explained: What you need to know
Mike Hosking (Herald):
Do you support tax-dodging Apple?
Jarrod Gilbert (Herald):
Boot camp idea robbed Bill English of a legacy
Andrew Little confirms Teina Pora’s compensation to be increased
Jo Moir (Stuff):
Government announces extra compensation payout for Teina Pora, adjusted for inflation
Inequality, poverty and welfare
John Minto (Press):
Agrees with Winston Peters: capitalism delivers for the wealthy
Michael Fletcher (Herald):
Welfare system needs radical shake up
Stacey Kirik (Stuff):
New Government puts Social Investment approach for vulnerable Kiwis under review
Daniel Walker (Newstalk ZB):
Data for those using social services safe, Government confirms
No Right Turn:
Good riddance
Kelvin Teixeira (Dominion Post):
Rising living costs seeing more families turning to food banks
Charlie Dreaver (RNZ):
13,000 military-style semi-automatic weapons in NZ
It is not obvious how Government will ‘crack the problem’ of Pike River re-entry, says Bill English
Brian Rudman (Herald):
Guy Fawkes pointless exercise in burning money
Māmari Stephens (E-Tangata):
Just what are we really commemorating with Rā Maumahara?
Dominion Post Editorial:
Mayor saves the day – for now]]>